план-конспект урока
Предварительный просмотр:
In theory, the constitution has three branches: Parliament, which makes laws, the government, which “executes” laws, i.e. puts them into effect, and the law courts, which interpret laws. Although the Queen is officially head of all three branches, she has little direct power.
Parliament has two parts: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The House of Commons is presided over by the Speaker. The main function of the House of Commons is to legislate. Members of the House of Commons are elected by the voters of 650 constituencies. They are known as MPs, or Members of Parliament. The Prime Minister, or leader of the Government, is also an MP, usually the leader of the political party with a majority in the House of Commons.
The Prime Minister is advised by a Cabinet of about twenty other ministers. The Cabinet includes the ministers in charge of major government departments or ministries. Departments and ministries are run by civil servants, who are permanent officials. Even if the Government changes after an election, the same civil servants are employed.
The House of Lords consists of the Lords Temporal and the Lords Spiritual. The Lords Spiritual are the Archbishops of York and Canterbury, together with twenty-four senior bishops of the Church of England. The Lords Temporal consist of hereditary peers who have inherited their titles (their number has been cut from 790 to 90 as the result of the recent reforms); life peers (about 670 in number) who are appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Government for various services to the nation. Historically, the chairperson of the House of Lords was the Lord Chancellor. Now the head of the House of Lords is the Lord Speaker.
The House of Lords as an Upper Chamber has the primary purpose of examining Legislation proposed by the Lower House through the form of debate and through proposing amendments to legislation. Governments in recent years have used the Upper House as a variant of the Select Committee process to finalise legislation before presentation for Royal Assent.
Historically, the House of Lords held several judicial functions. Most notably, until 2009 the House of Lords served as the court of last resort for most instances of UK law. Since 1 October 2009 this role is now held by the newly created Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. It consists of 12 Justices with the President of the Supreme Court as its head. The twelve justices do not all hear every case; typically a case will be heard by a panel of five justices. The Supreme Court deals with the cases of the greatest public and constitutional importance.
The System of Government
Sovereign The Queen is head of government, she makes laws with Parliament and she is head of the courts |
Vocabulary to the text
1) government [´g⋀vnmənt] – государственная власть, управление, форма правления, государственное устройство, правительство
executive government – исполнительная власть
judicial government – судебная власть
legislative government – законодательная власть
to carry out the government of a state – осуществлять руководство государством
democratic/ republican/ federal / parliamentary government – демократическая, республиканская, федеральная, парламентская форма правления
a system of government – система правления
to form the government – формировать правительство
2) branch – ветвь, отрасль
branch of law – отрасль права
3) parliament [´pa:ləmənt] – парламент, парламентский
parliamentarian – парламентарий
parliamentary – парламентский
member of Parliament – член парламента
to go through Parliament – проходить через Парламент, обсуждаться в Парламенте (о законопроекте)
a Parliament of two houses – двухпалатный парламент
4) to execute [´eksikju:t] – исполнять, совершать, осуществлять, казнить, оформлять (документ)
to execute contract – заключать контракт, исполнять договор
executive [ıg´zekjutıv] – исполнительный, административный, исполнительная власть
executive authority (power) – исполнительная власть
executive committee – исполнительный комитет
5) law court [´lכ:´kכ:t] – суд, суд общего прав
6) the House [´haus] – палата (парламента)
Lower House (Chamber) – нижняя палата
Upper House (Chamber) – верхняя палата
The House of Commons – палата общин
The House of Lords – палата лордов
7) Prime Minister [´praım ´mınıstə] – премьер-министр
8) election [ı´lekʃən] – выборы
general election – всеобщие выборы
to hold an election – проводить выборы
election campaign [kæm´peın] – избирательная кампания
to elect – избирать, назначать (на должность)
9) the Lords Temporal [´tempərəl] – светские лорды
10) the Lords Spiritual [´spırıtjuəl] – епископы – члены Парламента
11) archbishop [´a:tʃ´bıʃəp] – архиепископ
12) justice – справедливость, правосудие; судья (syn. Judge)
13) judicial [ʤu´dıʃəl] – судебный
judicial authority – судебная власть
judicial office – судебная должность
14) Lord Chancellor [´tʃa:nsələ] – лорд-канцлер
Exercises to the text
I. Match the following columns.
1) назначать на должность 2) власть 3) суд 4) министерство 5) отрасль 6) наследовать 7) случай, дело, прецедент 8) пэр 9) правительство 10) королева 11) Министр | a) power b) Queen c) government d) branch e) court f) ministry g) to inherit h) minister i) case j) to appoint k) peer |
II. Give Russian equivalents for the following.
to hear appeal cases, to make laws, to put into effect, the leader of the political party, the party with a majority in the House of Commons, the ministers in charge of major governmental departments, to be run by civil servants, permanent officials, senior bishops, services to the nation, judicial functions, to hold judicial office, court of last resort.
III. Give English equivalents for the following
(Государственное) устройство, законодательная власть, исполнительная власть, судебная власть, создавать законы, исполнять законы, толковать законы, не обладать реальной властью, избирательный округ, государственный гражданский служащий, председательствовать, по совету, избираться, назначаться, унаследовать титул, верхняя палата, нижняя палата, предлагать поправки к законопроекту, Верховный суд.
IV. Find the derivatives in the text and translate them.
Vote, lead, major, govern, spirit, appoint.
V. Read and translate the following definitions.
1) law – rule established by authority or custom, regulating the behaviour of members of a community, country.
2) court – place where trials or other law cases are held.
VI. Put the following into the interrogative form.
1. The constitution has three branches.
2. The government puts laws into effect.
3. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the political party with a majority in the House of Commons.
4. The Prime Minister is advised by a Cabinet.
5. The Cabinet includes the ministers in charge of major government departments and ministries.
6. Life peers are appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Government for various services to the nation.
VI. Complete this diagram.
The Sovereign
VII. Correct the following statements.
1. The Queen of England has direct power.
2. Parliament interprets laws.
3. Members of Parliament are not elected.
4. If the Government changes all the civil servants are unemployed.
5. Life peers inherit their titles.
6. The Lords Spiritual are appointed by the Prime Minister on the advice of the Government.
7. The Lord Chancellor is a chairperson of the House of Commons.
VIII. Answer the following questions.
1. What are 3 branches of power?
2. What type of state system (government) has the UK?
3. What are the functions of the Sovereign? Name the present-day monarch of the UK.
4. What kind of Parliament does the UK have?
5. How many members are there in the House of Commons?
6. What is the main function of the House of Commons?
7. Who usually becomes the Prime Minister? Name the present-day Prime Minister of the UK.
8. What are main political parties in the UK? What party is the leading one now? What is the opposing party?
9. What are civil servants?
10. What is the difference between life peers and hereditary peers, Lords Temporal and Lords Spiritual?
11. What is the main function of the House of Lords?
12. Which areas of government do these people deal with: the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Home Secretary, the Lord Chancellor?
13. What is now the highest judicial body in the UK? What body served as the court of last resort until 2009?
IX. Work in pairs and discuss the following.
1. What differences are there between Parliament and the Government?
2. What are the similarities and differences between the UK parliamentary system and that of your country?
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