Английский язык. Лексико-грамматические упражнения по теме: «Здоровый образ жизни».
учебно-методический материал

Светлана Леонидовна Тищенко

Комплекс упражнений для отработки темы "Здоровый образ жизни" для студентов уровней Beginer-Pre intermidiate.


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Предварительный просмотр:

1 Learn about countable and uncountable nouns with some, any and a lot of and complete the rules with some and any.                                                                                                                                            

1 We use _____ in affirmative sentences.                                                                                                                                        2 We use ______ in questions and negative sentences.

3 We use ______ in affirmative with coubtable and uncountable nouns.

2  Work in pair. Look at the list and decide which of the activities are good or bad.

a) eating fruit and vegetables                      f) running every day                                                                                                                   b) sunbathing                                                g) not having breakfast    

c) smoking cigarettes                                    h) watching television                                                                                          d) going to the gym                                    

i) running a marathon                                                                                                     e) laughing a lot                                             j) learning new things


3 Read the Key Words:”Food and drink”

Bread, cabbage, carrots, cereal, cheese, fish, meat, orange juice, oranges,  pasta,  potatoes,  sugar,  tomatoes,  tea,  coffee, wine, beer, apple juice, spaghetti, yoghurt, pizza, chocolate, apples, bananas, strawberries, peas, carrots, hamburgers, chips, biscuits

 Listen to me. List five things I ate yesterday.  Do you think my diet is healthy?

4 Copy the table. How many words can you add in five minutes?





5 Work in pairs. Ask your partner what he/she had for breakfast, lunch and dinner yesterday.

‘Food for thought’ (M7/U13)

How many items of food and drink can you name?

A hundred years ago, food for the average British family was very different. There was not any pasta, fruit juice or yoghurt. Pour people ate very badly – a lot of families only had bread and tea.

6 Read the caption. Think about your country. What food did people not have a hundred years ago?

7 Read a British couple writing a shopping list. Complete the dialogue with these words: potatoes, money, milk, meat, fruit, crisps

Laura: OK. What do we need? Is there any Coke?                                                                                                                        Tim: Yes, there is some Coke and we've got a lot of lemonade, too. But there isn't any coffee. And there isn't any (1)_______ or fruit juice.                                                                                                                                                          Laura: OK. And have we got any (2) ______or fish?                                                                                                                             Tim: We've got some sausages and some tuna.                                                                                                                         Laura: Have we got any (3)_________ ?                                                                                                                                                           Tim: Yes, we have. And we've got a lot of chocolate and biscuits, too.                                                                         Laura: Good. Is there any (4)________?                                                                                                                                               Tim: We've got some apples but we haven't got any oranges.                                                                                                  Laura: Are there any vegetables?                                                                                                                                                     Tim: There aren't any (5)_________. But there are some carrots. By the way, Laura, have you got any (6)_________? I didn't go to the bank yesterday.                                                                                                                                                         Laura: Yes, don't worry, I've got some money!

8 What unhealthy food and drink do Tim and Laura usually have?

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