Чтение культурологических текстов и лексический минимум
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Чтение культурологических текстов и лексический минимум
Новые слова и выражения
- especially rich in old traditions and customs – особенно богаты старинными традициями и обычаями
- becomes special – становится особенной
- own – собственный
- clings to the past – оставаться верным прошлому (цепляться за прошлое)
- proud – гордится
- brass bands – духовые оркестры
- hang up their stockings around the fireplace – подвешивать чулки возле камина
- burn stuffed figures on bonfires – поджигают чучела на кострах
- consists of – состоит из..
- carry white handkerchiefs and perform their lively folkdance – держат в руках белые платки и выступают с зажигательными народными танцами
British traditions and customs
Every nation becomes special by means of its own traditions and customs. There is no other nation that clings to the past with the tenacity of the British. They are really proud of their traditions, they cherish them. When we think of Britain we often think of people drinking white tea, eating fish and chips, sitting by the fireplace or wearing bowler hats, but there is much more in Britain than just those things. Some British traditions are royal, such as the Changing of the Guard which takes place every day at Buckingham Palace. The Trooping of the Colour happens on the Queen’s official birthday. It’s a big colouful parade with hundreds of soldiers and brass bands.
British holidays (Christmas, Easter, Guy Fawkes Night, Remembrance Day) are especially rich in old traditions and customs. A traditional Christmas dinner consists of roast turkey and potatoes, cranberry sauce, sweet mince pies and Christmas pudding. On Christmas Eve children hang up their stockings around the fireplace for Father Christmas to fill with presents. At Easter chocolate eggs are given as presents symbolizing new life. Guy Fawkes Night is also known as Bonfire Night because English people burn stuffed figures on bonfires. On Remembrance Day red poppies are traditionally worn in memory of servicemen who lost their lives in wars. National Morris Dancing can be seen throughout the month of May in most of English villages. Groups of men and women wear coloured costumes, carry white handkerchiefs and perform their lively folkdance.
Politeness and punctuality are typical features of all British people. They often say “Sorry”, “Please” and “Thank you” with a smiling face and they always try to arrive on time.
Новые слова
- travel – путешествовать
- be served up traditional English dishes – подать традиционные английские блюда substantial – основательный, питательный
- includes – включает
- prefer – предпочитают
- deep fried cod or haddock - треску или пикшу во фритюре
- pork sausages – свиные сосиски
- pastries – выпечка
- dressed with English mustard - приправленными английской горчицей
Traditional English food
If you travel to Britain, you can still be served up traditional English dishes in a restaurant or at a hotel.
A typical English breakfast is usually quite big and substantial. It includes pork sausages, bacon and eggs, tomatoes, baked beans, mushrooms and a toast. Some people enjoy porridge, fruit and yogurt in the morning, followed by a toast and jam, or orange marmalade. A traditional breakfast drink is tea, which British people prefer having with cold milk. Another popular morning drink is orange juice.
For many Englishmen lunch is a fast meal. In big cities there are a lot of sandwich bars where office clerks can choose all sorts of sandwiches with meat, fish, chicken, ham, prawns, eggs, cheese, vegetables and lettuce. English pubs also serve good food for lunch, hot and cold. Quite a lot of workers go to famous “fish and chips shops” and buy their favourite deep fried cod or haddock with French fries.
A lot of Englishmen drink their 5 o’clock tea. It’s a traditional light meal after work. People enjoy their favourite teas with cookies, cakes, freshly baked sweet buns, scones and other pastries.
On Sundays British families like to sit together at the table enjoying roast beef, lamb or chicken, served with Yorkshire pudding and dressed with English mustard, apple sauce, cranberry sauce or mint sauce. English food is simple but very delicious.
Новые слова
- Fashion and my attitude to it – мода и мое отношение к ней
- a huge influence - огромное влияние
- try to follow the latest fashion trends – пытаться следовать последним веяниям моды
- a desire to look stylish, attractive, popular – желание выглядеть стильно, привлекательно и популярно
- confident – уверенно
- inner qualities – внутренние качества
- to make a favourable impression – произвести хорошее впечатление
- separate – разделять
- pass by colourful shop-windows – проходить мимо красочных витрин
- look unique – выглядеть уникальным
- The most important thing for me in the outlook is neatness - Самым важным для меня в наряде является аккуратность.
- suit the occasion – соответствовать ситуации
Fashion and my attitude to it
Fashion has always had a huge influence on people around the world. The main reason why we try to follow the latest fashion trends is a desire to look stylish, attractive, popular and more confident. Generally people judge a new person by his appearance and his clothes and only then, by his inner qualities. There is a proverb: “Good clothes open all doors.” That’s why we do our best to make a favourable impression on others. We spend a lot of money to keep up with fashion and buy designer clothes.
Fashion often means style, glamour and success. It is also a big business. It’s hard to resist the temptation to buy some brand-name clothing in our modern world. Every day we pass by colourful shop-windows, we see plenty of ads everywhere: on buses, billboards, TV and in magazines. Many teenagers pay too much attention to their friends’ and classmates’ appearance. Sadly, if some parents are not able to afford buying trendy clothes with fashion labels, their kids often become outsiders. So clothes usually separate people into social groups.
In my opinion every person can have his own style and look unique. He should choose clothes according to his taste, age, job, constitution and character. I am glad to say that I don’t pay so much attention to fashion and I am not its victim. I don’t care too much about what other people wear.
The most important thing for me in the outlook is neatness, natural look and beauty. And it should certainly suit the occasion. Besides, if a person doesn’t have a good taste he is not able to put things together and look attractive and stylish even in fashionable clothes.
Новые слова
- made a strong impression – произвел сильное впечатление
- powerful actors in Hollywood – один из сильнейших актеров Голливуда
- Golden Globe awards and Academy awards for his starring roles in action films - номинирован к наградам «Золотой Глобус» и «Академия» за главные роли в боевиках
- science fiction films – научная фантастика
- earned four Grammy awards – получил 4 премии «Грэмми»
- To my mind Will is the most fascinating actor - по моему мнению, Уилл – самый удивительный актер
- new masterpieces – новые шедевры
- tries something new - всегда пробует что-то новое
My favourite actor
One of the great actors who made a strong impression on me is Will Smith. I think he is a brilliant actor with a lot of talents. All his characters are bright individuals and Will plays them perfectly well. Today he is called one of the most powerful actors in Hollywood. He has been nominated for Golden Globe awards and Academy awards for his starring roles in action films, science fiction films, comedies and dramas. By the way Will is also a rap singer and his musical career is quite successful too. He has earned four Grammy awards in music.
Smith was born in 1968 in West Philadelphia. And after that Will Smith has starred in such massive blockbuster films as “Men in Black”, “I am Legend”, “Independence Day”, “I, Robot”, “Hancock”, “Seven Pounds” and “After Earth”. He has played plenty of interesting roles, and two of them he has done together with his son Jaden.
To my mind Will is the most fascinating actor and producer. I can watch his movies lots of times and every time I really enjoy his acting. He can be funny and serious, cold and sensitive. And I cannot wait for his new masterpieces because he always tries something new.
Новые слова
- fond of a lot of music styles - увлекаюсь многими музыкальными стилями
- It depends on my mood – зависит от настроения
- turned on - вклячить
- to fell in love with that song immediately – моментально влюбиться в песню
- the tune – мелодия
- catchy – запоминающаяся
- released – выпустила
- worldwide – по всему миру
- tremendous songs – потрясающие песни
- quite meaningful – довольно содержательные
- successful - успешный
My favourite singer
I love music and I can say that I’m fond of a lot of music styles. It depends on my mood: sometimes I need some energetic and light disco music but I can also enjoy classical, lyrical or jazz pieces of music as well. And there is one singer I can listen to at any time. Her name is Rihanna.
My love for her started several years ago. It was in 2007 when I turned on the radio and the DJ said: “Here is a new single from Rihanna.” I fell in love with that song immediately. The young girl was singing “The umbrella”. The tune was very catchy, the voice was so soft and deep. I couldn’t help dancing and singing along with her. That song became a hit at once and it was one of the best-selling singles of all time.
My favourite singer was born in 1988 in Barbados and her full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty. Today she has released 7 studio albums so far and has already sold more than 150 million records worldwide. Rihanna has earned numerous music awards. She always gets stadiums full of her fans. I also dream of visiting her concert some day and dance to her tremendous songs in reggae, hip-hop and R’n’B styles. The lyrics in her songs are quite meaningful and romantic.
Rihanna is a very beautiful and talented person. She is not just a singer with a powerful voice, she is also an actress and a successful fashion designer.
Новые слова
- very complex aspect of creativity - сложный творческий аспект
- extraordinary man – необычный человек
- In childhood he was very stubborn and antsy - В детстве он был очень упрямым и неусидчивым
- was eliminated – был отчислен/исключен
- disgraceful behavior – недостойное поведение
- because he supposed – потому что он предполагал
- a unique and unrepeatable style – уникальный и неповторимый стиль
- could not be confused with works of other masters – невозможно перепутать с работами других мастеров
- expresses the opinion according – выражает свое мнение относительно…
- inspired him – вдохновляла его
- groundlessly – без оснований, внезапно
My favorite artist
Painting is very complex aspect of creativity. My favorite painter is Salvador Dali. It was a great and extraordinary man - the most famous surrealist painter in the world. Salvador Dali was born in Spain, Figueres in 1904. In childhood he was very stubborn and antsy boy and was eliminated from the Academy of fine arts for disgraceful behavior in 1924, because he supposed that he knew the subject better than his teachers.
He has a unique and unrepeatable style and his pictures could not be confused with works of other masters. The most famous works of Dali are “The Persistence of Memory” (1931), “Galatea of the Spheres” (1952) and “The Elephants” (1948). All his works look like sophisticated puzzles where he expresses the opinion according to politics, women, and philosophy in symbols. He told that usually his wife inspired him to create these works, but sometimes ideas came into his mind groundlessly.
Новые слова
- was crowned – была коронована
- suddenly died – внезапно умер
- ruling over the country is a difficult mission – управление страной сложная миссия
- оn a global scale – на мировой арене
- represent – представлять
- tried to lead an ordinary life – пыталась вести обычную жизнь
- contemporaries – сверстники
- divide – разделять
- during the war- во время войны
- helped to repair military vehicles – помогала чинить военные машины
- Duke of Edinburgh – герцог Эдинбургский
- against her choice – против ее выбора
- Upbringing – воспитание
- During the years of her reign – во время ее правления
- person from whom an example should be taken – личность, с которой стоит брать пример
Elizabeth II
Elizabeth Alexandra Maria, and everyone known as Elizabeth II, was crowned as a young girl in 25 years. King George VI, who was the father of Elizabeth, suddenly died while in Kenya on an official visit in 1952.
Many residents of Britain are sure that ruling over the country is a difficult mission, with which Elizabeth II has been coping well for 65 years. On a global scale, she represents the UK at the highest level in front of other countries.
Being a young girl, Elizabeth II tried to lead an ordinary life as her contemporaries. She had many friends, did not divide people into poor and rich, did not show off her position, she was engaged in acting. During the war with the Germans, helped to repair military vehicles and driving them herself.
Elizabeth II met the person who became her only love, and at the age of 21 she became the wife of Philip Mountbatten, now Duke of Edinburgh. The girl's family was against her choice, since the young man was of another class and upbringing. But the parents wished the daughter happiness and agreed to this marriage. Never the queen regret her choice, during the years of the marriage, Elizabeth gave birth to four children.
During the years of her reign, Elizabeth II showed herself as a strong and confident person who does not fear trials and difficulties. In her country, the queen is a person from whom an example should be taken of both politicians and ordinary citizens.
Новые слова
- the patron – покровитель
- driving the snakes away from Ireland - изгнание змей из Ирландии
- shamrock – трилистник
- to illustrate the Holy Trinity to the Irish - показать ирландцам Святую Троицу
- knows exactly – точно знать
- celebratе – отмечать
- Traditional activities include dressing up – традиционные мероприятия включают в себя…
- holding parades – проведение парадов
- arranging fireworks – организация фейерверков
- attend mass for saying prayers - приходят на мессу для чтения молитв
- a hair ribbon - лента в волосах
- Leprechauns – гномы
- cannot be offended or hurt – нельзя обижать и оскорблять
St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated every year on March 17th in honor of Saint Patrick of Ireland. He was the patron of Ireland, and a saint who brought Christianity to the nation. Saint Patrick is also known for driving the snakes away from Ireland. The national symbol of Ireland is shamrock and according to legend Saint Patrick chose this plant to illustrate the Holy Trinity to the Irish. Nobody knows exactly why St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on March 17th.
However, there is a theory that on this day Saint Patrick died. Originally the holiday was celebrated only in Ireland but today a lot of countries in the world celebrate it. Traditional activities include dressing up in green clothes, holding parades, arranging fireworks, singing and dancing in the streets, going to pubs, organizing fairs and festivals. As it’s a religious holiday, many people in Ireland attend mass for saying prayers. Green is the official colour of St. Patrick’s Day.
It is also the national colour of the Irish and the symbol of spring. That’s why on this day people try to wear something green. It can be a T-shirt, a dress, a hat, a tie or simply a hair ribbon. They also paint green stripes on the city streets. Another symbol of St. Patrick’s Day is Leprechauns. They are little people who wear green clothes and carry the pot of gold. Leprechauns cannot be offended or hurt. Officially St. Patrick’s Day is recognized as a bank holiday in Ireland. People don’t work or study on this day.
Новые слова
- Unusual – необычный
- Nowadays – сейчас, в настоящее время
- neoclassical architecture – в стиле неоклассицизма
- in the beginning – изначально
- Duke – герцог
- supposed to be for monarch – предназначался для монархов
- she made some changes…– внесла некоторые изменения и стала владелицей
- much more bigger – гораздо больше
- not allowed to walk around the whole palace - по всему дворцу прогуляться нельзя
- need to check the schedule - нужно только проверить расписание посещения
- At school we used to study - в школе мы изучали кое-что о…
Buckingham Palace
So many unusual and beautiful places are in the world. I would like to see some of them, but most of all I would like to visit Great Britain. I think all people who study English at school or university dream about visiting this country.
Buckingham Palace is official residence of British monarchs. Nowadays queen Elizabeth II lives there. Near this building you can find a monument of queen Victory.
The style of this building is neoclassical architecture. William Wild was the author of that great building. The Buckingham Palace was built in 1703.
The story of this building is very long and interesting. In the beginning it was not supposed to be for monarchs, but only for dukes. Later on queen Victory liked that place a lot, she made some changes there and became the owner.
There are many pictures in internet. I can look at them every day, but I am sure that in reality it’s much more bigger and more beautiful.
The tourists can come inside, but they are not allowed to walk around the whole palace. You just need to check the schedule and prepare your photo camera.
At school we used to study some things about London and Buckingham Palace, I watched different programs, but I would prefer to see it in reality.
Every year thousands of tourists come to visit London and Buckingham Palace is a place number one to see. I hope one day I will travel to Great Britain and I will see the most popular places in London.
Глава 2
Английский алфавит с произношением
Правила чтения
Гласные буквы и звуки в английском:
Аа — [eı], [ə], [æ], [а:]
Ее — [i:], [е], [3:], [ə]
Ii — [аı], [ı], [3:]
Оо — [əu], [ɔ], [ɔ:], [ə]
Uu – [ju:], [Λ], [3:], [ə]
Yy — [aı], [ı], [3:]
Обратите внимание, знак «:» в транскрипции обозначает долгий звук.
От положения буквы в слове и окружающих её букв, наибольшее значение оказывают последующие буквы. Слоги в словах бывают двух типов:
Открытый слог - оканчивается на гласную или состоит из одной гласной;
Закрытый слог - оканчивается на согласную.
В открытом слоге гласные произносятся так, как они называются в алфавите.
В закрытом слоге произносятся кратко, одним звуком.
Согласные буквы, имеющие два варианта чтения
Буква | Позиция | Звук | Примеры |
с | 1. Перед е, i, у | [s] – с | cent, civil, center |
2. Перед а, о, и, всеми согласными и на конце слова | [k] – к | car, cook, cup, back | |
g | 1. Перед е, i, у | [d3] – дж | rage, gin, gym |
2. Перед а, о, и, всеми согласными и на конце слова | [g] – г | gap, goal | |
s | 1. В начале слова, перед глухими согласными и в конце слова после глухих согласных | [s] – c | spam, set, stop |
2. Между гласными, в конце слов после гласных и звонких согласных | [z] – з | goose, bees, beans | |
x | 1. Перед согласными и в конце слов | [ks] – кс | next, sex |
2. Перед ударной гласной | [gz] – гз | e’xam |
Сочетания согласных
Буквы | Позиция | Звук | Примеры |
sh | Любая | [ʃ] | ship, scholarship, sheep |
ch | Любая | [tʃ] | chair, March, chewing |
tch | После кратких гласных | [tʃ] | match, swatch |
ck | После кратких гласных | [k] | back, snack, crack |
th | 1. В начале знаменательных слов и в конце слова | [θ] | thin, birth, thick |
2. В начале местоимений, служебных слов и между гласными | [ð] | that, bathe | |
wh | 1. В начале слова перед всеми гласными, кроме о | [w] | where, what |
2. Перед буквой о | [h] | who | |
qu | Перед гласными | [kw] | queue |
kn | В начале слова | [n] | knight |
ng | В конце слова | [ŋ] | thing |
nk | Любая | [ŋk] | bank |
ph | Любая | [f] | phone |
wr | В начале слова перед гласными | [r] | wrong |
Сочетания согласных с гласными
Буквы | Позиция | Звук | Примеры |
al | 1. Перед k в ударном слоге | [ɔ:] | talk |
2. Перед остальными согласными в ударном слоге | [ɔ:l] | ball, small | |
gu | Любая | [g] | guard, league |
wor | Перед согласными в ударном слоге | [wə:] | world |
wa | 1. Перед конечными согласными (кроме r) или сочетанием согласных | [wɒ] | wonder |
2. Перед r | [wɔ:] | bard, ward | |
igh | Любая | [ai] | light, bright |
Упражнения для чтения
1) mail, rain, train, paid, cake, change, main, save, grapes;
2) leaf, stream, breeze, feed, tea, teach», mean, sleep, seat;
3) lime, dine, file, bite, ice, pie, fine, twice, dried;
4) one, coal, froze, coat, cone, boat, chose, note, pose;
5) tune, suit, use, fume, blue, dues, rude, prunes, fumes.
1) pan, back, fan, half, clap, has, cat, man, plan, sack;
2) bed, send, men, tell, red, jet, French», leg, send;
3) sip, pin, kick, wrist, his, fill, dig, fish»;
4) lock, pot, flock, clock, stop, shop, Tom, dock, top;
5) cup, jump, fun, gum, up, run, lunch», plum, luck.
1) remain, erase, parade, graceful, raisin, cake;
2) repeat, delete, retreat, agreement, reason, tea;
3) alive, inside, provide, entirely, priceless, ice;
4) cone, soapy, alone, suppose, approach», floatable;
5) blue, Tuesday, assume, introduce, confuse, excuse.
1) pan, attract, practice, example, command, Saturday;
2) ten, relative, sentence, suggest, electric, expensive;
3) is, filling, printer, principle, missing, predict;
4) top, stopping, copy, atomic, tolerance, operate;
5) cut, Sunday, begun, thunder, punish», abundant.
1) cow, now, how, down, town, gown, brown, crowd, allow, towel.
2) blue, knew, chew, grew, stew, flew, new, crew, few, jewel, sewage;
3) paw, jaw, law, prawn, lawn, crawl, lawful;
4) cause, author, laundry, caution, saucer, applaud, caught, taught;
5) all, fall, ball, tall, stall, recall, walk, chalk, talk, stalk.
2.2 Грамматика
Глагол TO BE (в настоящем времени)
«To be» — это инфинитив, и он спрягается (изменяется по лицам и числам):
I am – я есть;
he (she, it) is – он она оно есть (существует);
we are – мы есть;
you are – ты, вы есть;
they are – они есть (существуют).
Употребление глагола «TO BE» с местоимениями
I am sure – Я уверен.
You are sure – Ты уверен.
He (She, It) is sure – Он уверен (Она уверена, Оно уверено).
We are sure. – Мы уверены.
You are sure. – Вы уверены.
They are sure. – Они уверены.
Вставь пропущенные местоимения:
- This is my mother. … is kind.
- Rob is in our class. …is a good pupil.
- Kate and Mary are sisters. … like dolls.
- My brother and I play tennis. … are fond of it.
- I have got a cat. … is black.
Заполни пропуски подходящей формой глагола to be:
I __________ kind. You ___________ silly.
Helen _________smart. Peter ________ brave.
We ________ friends. She _________ happy.
Tom and Jerry ________ nice. They _________unlucky.
Bart __________cute. John and I _________ funny.
Заполни пропуски подходящей формой глагола to be:
A: Hi, Alex. How (1) _________ you?
B: Hello David. I (2) _________ fine and how (3) _________ you doing?
A: I (4) _________doing fine.
B: How (5) _________ your sister? Where (6) _________she now?
A: She (7) _________ in London. She (8) _________learning English there.
B: Really? That (9) _________wonderful! How about your parents?
A; They (10) _________ fine too. They (11) _________ in Cyprus now.
B: (12) _________ you busy tonight?
A: Not really, why?
B: We (13) _________ having a party. Would you like to come?
A: I’d love to.
B: Then come to our place at 7:00 p.m.
Степени сравнения прилагательных - Degrees of Comparison
В английском языке, как и в русском, прилагательные (качественные) образуют две степени сравнения: сравнительную и превосходную. Положительной степенью прилагательных называется их основная форма, не выражающая степени сравнения.
Односложные прилагательные
Подавляющее большинство односложных прилагательных образуют степени сравнения с помощью простых (синтетических) форм:
Сравнительная степень образуется при помощи суффикса –er.
Превосходная степень образуется при помощи суффикса -est.
При этом соблюдаются следующие правила:
1. В односложных прилагательных, оканчивающихся на одну согласную с предшествующим кратким гласным звуком, конечная согласная буква удваивается (чтобы сохранить закрытость слога):
big большой - bigger - biggest
thin тонкий - thinner - thinnest
2. Если прилагательное оканчивается на y с предшествующей согласной, то y меняется на i :
busy занятый - busier - busiest
happy счастливый - happier - happiest
Примечание: Но если перед y стоит гласная, то y остается без изменения:
grey серый - greyer - greyest
3. Конечная гласная e (немое e) перед суффиксами -er, -est опускается:
white белый - whiter - whitest
Положительная степень | Сравнительная степень | Превосходная степень (артикль the везде) |
dark темный | darker темнее | (the) darkest самый темный |
nice милый | nicer милее | (the) nicest самый милый |
large большой | larger больше | (the) largest наибольший |
Однако даже здесь не все так однозначно. У некоторых прилагательных одинаково употребительны как синтетические, так и аналитические формы, например:
true правдивый, верный | truer; more true | truest; most true |
hot горячий | hotter; more hot | hottest; most hot – реже |
А некоторые в подавляющем большинстве случаев встречаются в аналитических формах:
right правильный, верный | righter (редко); more right | most right |
Перед прилагательными в превосходной степени ставится определенный артикль the, так как оно обычно является определением к стоящему за ним существительному (придает ему качества исключительности). Артикль сохраняется и в тех случаях, когда существительное не упомянуто, а лишь подразумевается:
This is the shortest way to the station. | Это самая короткая дорога к вокзалу. |
Двусложные и многосложные прилагательные
Многосложные и большинство двусложных прилагательных образуют сравнительную степень с помощью слова more - более, а превосходную степень - most - самый (наиболее). А меньшая и самая низкая степень качества выражаются словами less - менее и least– наименее. Эти слова ставятся перед прилагательным в форме положительной степени (основная форма).
Положительная степень | Сравнительная степень | Превосходная степень (артикль the везде) |
difficult трудный beautiful красивый | more difficult труднее more beautiful красивее | most difficult самый трудный most beautiful самый красивый |
Выражение меньшей и наименьшей степени: | ||
expensive дорогой (по цене) | less expensive менее дорогой | (the) least expensive наименее дорогой |
Слова исключения, имеющие свою форму
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