Тема: «Город славы российского флота»
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ООД.03 Иностранный язык
Тема: «Город славы российского флота»
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Actuality. Interest in the Peninsula of Crimea is very large now. So after analyzing the excursion routes offered by travel agencies , we have compiled our route and described it in Russian and English. Currently the volunteer movement is actively deve loping. The material prepared by us can complement the existing manuals for the training of volunteers participating in various international and Russian events.
Purpose of work: Popularization of the cultural heritage of Crimea by creating a series of conversations, tourist routes, virtual tours for different age groups. To focus on the Patriotic aspects of the history of Crimea and Russia, t o disclose the importance of the exploits of Russian naval commanders and the army on the example of the history of the city of Sevastopol. Tasks: t o collect and analyze information or analogues of tourist routes on the topic; t o make an excursion route, verify its passage on the map; t o describe the points of a route in Russian and English; t o prepare a virtual tour in Russian and English.
The City of glory of the Russian fleet
Корнилов Владимир Алексеевич (1806—1854) Sevastopol was founded on June 14, 1783 .
Under the leadership of the flag – captain Dmitry Senyavin the first four stone buildings of Sevastopol were laid: the house of the commander of Sevastopol squadron Thomas Mekkenzie, a chapel, a forge in the Admiralty and a pier later named Count. Памятный знак на месте закладки города Севастополя Flag – captain Dmitry Senyavin
F.Ushakov appointed as the commander of the port and Sevastopol squadron in 1788, took over the construction of the city. Fiodor Ushakov ( February 13 [24] 1745— October 2 [14] 1817) — Russian naval commander, admiral. He didn’t lose any ship in the battles. None of his subordinates was captured. He won 43 naval battles and has suffered a single battle.
Grafskaya pier was built in 1783. as a wooden boat pier. In 1846 under the project of engineer Colonel Wheaton approved in October 1844 a new pier was built as the main entrance to Sevastopol from the sea.
General – engineer count E. Totleben E. Totleben expanded the front position on the line of the Northen fortifications and the post re- established a defensive line on the South side. On June 8, Totleben was wounded in the leg by a bullet through but despite his painful condition he continued to lead the defensive works.
Admiral Pavel Nakhimov Commanding a squadron of the Black s ea fleet in storming weather Nakhimov found and blocked the main forces of the Turkish fleet in Sinop and skillfully conducting the entire operation on 18(30 November) defeated them in the battle of Sinop in 1853.
Admiral Vladimir Kornilov V. Kornilov organized the defense of Sevastopol which clearly manifested his talent as a military leader. Kornilov is considered to be the founder of positional methods of warfare (continuous attacks of defenders, night searchers, mine warfare, close fire interaction of ships and fortress artillery).
Monument to the flooded ships This monument was built in 1905 to the 50 th anniversary of the first defense of Sevastopol during which Russian sailing ships were flooded to block the entrance of enemy ships and thus save Sevastopol.
Fraternal cemetery on the South side
Malakhov Kurgan During the campaign of 1854 the main Bastion of the ship’s side was built on the mound. It was part of the 4 th distance of the defensive line which was commanded by admiral V. Istomin until March 7, 1855. There were 9 batteries and 76 guns.
In 1854 when the siege of Sevastopol began V. Istomin was appointed head of the 4 th distance of the defensive line which included Malakhov mound. He was one of the most active and brave participants in the organization of this defense and he lived in the defensive tower of Malakhov Kurgan. Rear admiral Vladimir Istomin
The Museum panorama – ‘Defense of Sevastopol’ М The creator of Russian panoramic art professor of thr battle painting class of St. Peterburg Academy of arts was F. Roubaud. In his work he used the brightest episode of Sevastopol battle on the Malakhov mound on June 6, 1955.
Vladimirsky Cathedral S St. Vladimir’s Св. Cathedral – the tomb of admirals of the Russian imperial fleet
Museum of defense of Sevastopoi The state m useum of heroic defense and liberation of Sevastopol is the largest museum in the city and the only museum that studies the history from its foundation in 1783 to the present time.
Использованная литература и интернет ресурсы: З.Ф. Чебанюк .«Исторические места и памятники Севастополя» Источник: http://krimoved-library.ru/ Осажденный Севастополь М. М. Филиппов Беспокойная юность Константин Паустовский Оборона Севастополя и его славные защитники К. В. Лукашевич
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