Учебно – методический план урока № 1.
план-конспект урока
Урок разработан для студентов 1 курса : Специальность: 31.02.02 Акушерское дело; 34.02.02 Сестринское дело (на базе основного общего образования)
Тема урока: Введение. Роль английского языка в современном мире. Цели и задачи изучения английского языка в учреждениях среднего профессионального образования.
Содержит входной контроль знаний по грамматике.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Учебно – методический план урока № 1
Преподаватель: Герваси Наталья Георгиевна
Дисциплина: Английский язык.
Специальность: 31.02.02 Акушерское дело; 34.02.02 Сестринское дело.
Тема урока: Введение. Роль английского языка в современном мире. Цели и задачи изучения английского языка в учреждениях среднего профессионального образования. Входной контроль знаний по грамматике.
Время проведения: 90мин
Цель урока:
Учебная: развитие умения говорить(монологическая речь), проверка базовых знаний по грамматике.
Студент должен
знать: роль английского языка как языка международного и межкультурного общения; страны, где говорят на английском языке.
уметь: осознанно оценить роль английского зыка в современном мире, указать преимущества владения иностранным языком; использовать теоретические знания по грамматике при выполнении практического задания.
Обеспечение урока:
Раздаточный материал : тесты для проверки знаний, географическая карта.
Методическое обеспечение:
Программа учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык (английский)»;
Календарно-тематический план.
Список используемой литературы:
1.Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для средних специальных заведений: Учебник для сред.проф.образования. – Ростов-на- Дону: «Феникс», 2014.-319с.
2.Восковская А.С., Карпова Т.А. Английский язык: Учебник для студентов образовательных учреждений среднего профессионального образования.- Ростов-на-Дону: «Феникс», 2014.-376с.
3.Тимофеев В.Г.,Вильнер А.Б., Колесникова И.Л. и др.Учебник английского языка для 10 класса (базовый уровень)/под ред.В.Г. Тимофеев. – М.: Издательский центр « Академия»,2012.-144с.
№ п/п | Этапы занятия | Время (мин.) | Содержание |
1. | Организационный момент. | 2 | Приветствует студентов, оценивает готовность аудитории к началу занятия, задает вопросы. |
2. | Знакомство с группой. | 8 | Знакомится с группой, рассказывает об особенностях изучения языка в колледже, требованиях, сообщает тему и план урока. |
3. | Проверка знаний. | 30 | Выполнение теста по грамматике по вариантам (Приложение 1). |
4. | Введение нового материала. | 20 | Введение и отработка лексики (Приложение 2, упр 2) |
5. | Выполнение тренировочных упражнений | 25 | Дает задание, объясняет порядок выполнения (Приложение 2, упр.3-8). |
6. | Рефлексия. Подведение итогов. | 3 | Преподаватель анализирует работу студентов, выставляет оценки , подводит итоги занятия. |
7. | Домашнее задание. | 2 | Объясняет порядок выполнения домашнего задания и самостоятельной работы, записывает задание на доске: повторение правил чтения, заучивание слов по теме. |
Приложение 1.
ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТОВ 1 КУРСА. (1 вариант)
- Suddenly he saw … man standing at … bus stop.
a) an – c) a a
b) the the d) a the
- There … ….. in the next room.
a) are nobody c) am somebody
b) is somebody d) aren’t anybody
- Don’t put … sugar in my coffee.
- many c) muny
- much d) few
- Today the weather is … than it was yesterday
a) the best c) goodder
b) better d) the goodest
- How much money do you spend ….. food every month?
- at c) for
- on d) in
- Not far from our house two … … are being built.
a) news schools c) new schools
b) new schooles d) news schooles
- There … seven …. in the yard.
a) was; children c) were childs
b) was childs d) were children
- Look! The cat …. with the ball!
a) plays c) play
c) is playing d) is play
- I think Fred ….. the rule yet.
- haven’t understood c) didn’t understand
- hasn’t understood d) didn’t understood
- What time … now? – 5p.m –Oh! I ….. for the bus for an hour!
a) is it; have been waiting c) is it; have waited
c) it is; wait d)it is; am waiting
- Mrs. Williams …. our teacher of English. She ….. Mrs. Smith who …. for America.
- don’t is; substitutes; left c) isn’t; is substituting; left
- aren’t; substitute; leave d) doesn’t is; substitutes; is leaving
- She said she had got the letter …
a) yesterday c) the day before
b) last day d) the following day
- We…. to the country tomorrow unless it …..
a) shall go; rains c) will go; will rain
b) shall go; rain d) go; will rain
- Harry didn’t know that that …. to him the following day.
a) happens c) will happen
b) would happen d) happened
15. If I ….. that the traffic lights were red …
a) had realized; would stop c) realized; would have stop
b) had realized; would have stopped d) realized; would stopped
ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТОВ 1 КУРСА. (2 вариант)
- We … … students and we … at … College now.
a) am; at; am; - c) is; the; is; an
b) are; -; are; - d) are; a; are; the
- I was surprised to see so … people there.
- many c) muny
- much d) few
- It’s too dark in the room. I can see …
a) nothing c) anything
b) everything d) something
- … red dress is … than ….
a) these; expensiver; that c) this; most expensive; that
b) this; more expensive; that d) that; the expensivest; that
- Have you heard …. news?
a) the last c) the least
b) the latest d) later
- There … two … in the hall.
a) was; womans c) were women
b) were womans d) was women
- Why … Mary …? – She … her key.
- does cry; lost c) is crying; lost
- is crying; has lost d)is crying; have lost
- When Moris …. into the class the teacher …. .
a) went; made a speech c) was going; had made a speech
b) went; was making a speech d) went; has made a speech
- Ann asked me …. and see her this evening.
a) don’t come c) doesn’t come
b) didn’t come d) not to come
- Who … to you yesterday?
a) did phoned; c) phoned
b) have phoned d) did phone
- She said she had got the letter …
a) yesterday c) the day before
b) last day d) the following day
- We …. the book the whole day yesterday, but we … nothing
a) were reading; didn’t understand c) were reading; understood
b) was looking; wasn’t understand d) read; understood
13. I … in the drawing-room in case … a telephone call for me.
a) shall be; there are c) will be; there will be
b) shall be; there is d) will be; there are
14. My bike is not there! It _ .., I'm sure.
a) was stolen c) has been stolen
b) stole d) has stolen
15. If you …. the door yesterday the thief …. the house
a) lock; cannot enter c) locked; couldn’t enter
b) had locked; couldn’t have entered d) could lock; wouldn’t enter
на входной тест по английскому языку для 1 курса
1 вариант | ||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
d | b | b | b | b | c | d | b | b | a | c | c | a | b | b |
2 вариант | ||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
b | a | a | b | b | c | b | b | d | c | c | c | b | c | b |
Приложение 2.
Роль английского языка в современном мире .
Do you like English? Do you know that English has become terribly popular nowadays. It’s used everywhere and they say that English is a global language. When you hear the word “English” your first association is…
Everyone knows that English is a language of international communication and it’s used in different spheres of our life.
1. Выбери варианты ответа на поставленный вопрос.
Why are you learning English?
- I want to read books, magazines and newspapers in English.
- It is a subject in my curriculum.
- t will help me find a good job.
- I want to travel abroad.
- I want to study abroad.
- I often need to speak with foreigners.
- I would like to watch films and TV programmes in English.
2. Ознакомьтесь с новыми словами.
widespread широко распространенный
government npaвительство
certain определенный
to require требовать
to communicate общаться
air-traffic controller aвиадиспетчер
travel abroad ездить за границу
the washing-machine стиральная машина
vacuum-cleaner пылесос
trade and cultural relations торговые и культурные отношения
patience терпение
to be connected with быть связанным с чем-то
3.Прочитайте текст.
The great German poet Goethe once said: He who know no foreign language does not know his own one. Learning foreign languages is specially important nowadays. Some people learn foreign languages because they need them in their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying languages is a hobby. Every year thousands of people from Russia go to different countries as tourists or to work. They can not go without knowing the language of the country they are going to. A modern engineer or even a worker can not work with an imported instrument or a machine if he is not able to read the instruction how to do it. Ordinary people need language to translation the instruction or the manual to the washing-machine or a vacuum-cleaner, medicine or even food-products. Some people are as a rule polyglots. Historians diplomats need some languages for their work. If you want to be a classified specialist you must learn English, the language of international communication. English is one of the world languages. It is the language of progressive science and technology, trade and cultural relations, commerce and business. It is the universal language of international aviation, shipping and sports. It is also the major language of diplomacy. Hundreds and hundreds of books, magazines and newspapers are printed in English, most of the world's mail and telephone calls are in English. Half of the world's scientific literature is written in English. English is spoken by more than 350 million people. Geographically, it is the most widespread language on earth, second after Chinese. It is the official language of the UK, the USA , of Australia and New Zealand, it is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the South Africa. Millions of people study and use English as a foreign language. In our country English is very popular. It is studied at schools, colleges and universities. Learning English is not an easy thing. It is a long process and takes a lot of time and patience. But to know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person. I want to know English because it's interesting for me to know foreign countries, their cultures and tradition. English will be of great use in my future profession connected with computers.
4. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What can you say about learning foreign languages?
- Do you like to learn English? Why or why not?
- Who can not go without knowing the language?
- How long have you been learning English?
5. How do the people use knowledge of English?
6. Do you know any other foreign languages?
- Несколько советов о том, как изучать английский язык.
There are some rules of memory
1.We acquire 10% of information when we read.
2. We acquire 20% of information when we listen.
3. We acquire 30% when we see.
4. We acquire 90% when we teach others.
5.It is necessary to repeat the material you've learnt every three days. If you do not repeat the material within three days most of the information vanishes as if you never learnt it.
6.It's best to memorize material before you go to bed. You'll memorize it more quickly.
7.It's very useful to listen to the material you are learning. There are a lot of words in English which are not pronounced according to the rules of reading.
6.Что для вас наиболее (наименее) важно в изучении языка. Почему?
Speaking English
Writing in English
Reading in English
Understanding English when it is spoken
7.True / False statements
• English is the language of politicians.
• English isn’t the language of rock and pop music.
• English is called the language of the sky and the sea.
• 90% of all international business letters are written in English.
• Every pilot and ship’s captain must not speak English to communicate with each other.
• English is a global language of travel, business, pop culture, sport and science.
8. Do you agree that
Is it useful to learn foreign languages ?
Please, share your opinions .The adjectives, which are usually used with the notion “English” are international, foreign, widespread.
So the first problem we are going to discuss is the following question:
Is English really an international language?
In the English-speaking countries they say that English is either their mother tongue or the official language.
How can you explain the meaning of these phrases?
Name the countries where English is a mother tongue.
The second problem we are going to discuss is the
reasons for learning English?
- Why do you study English?
- Do you like to speak English?
- Is it difficult to learn foreign languages?
- Why is English so popular nowadays?
- Would you like to visit any English-speaking country?
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