Читательская грамотность
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What is the aim of this poster? to provide the candidates with useful information about exams to underline some useful features to improve the knowlegde of English to explain the target readers how they can obtain a higher position at work to inform the readers about the best ways to continue their study after college
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 13–19 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True ), какие не соответствуют (2 – False ) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated ). Nike Take a look around . How many people are wearing Nike right now ? There is at least one , trust me . Nike is the number one manufacturer of footwear and clothes , and it has become a world famous brand on the same level as Coca Cola , McDonald’s , and Apple . Nike was originally known as Blue Ribbon Shoes . It was founded in 1964 by the runner Philip Knight and his coach Bill Bowerman . They established the company to import cheap Japanese running shoes for sale in the U.S. At the very beginning they had no room or shop , so Philip Knight sold the shoes out of the back of his car . Meanwhile Bill Bowerman worked on improvements to the footwear . He tore the shoes apart to see how he could make them lighter and better . In 1967 a third person joined Blue Ribbon Shoes . It was Jeff Johnson . A runner himself , Johnson became the first full-time employee of Blue Ribbon Shoes . His contribution to the company is so great that it's hard to estimate . Johnson created the first product brochures , print adverts and marketing materials , and even took the photographs for the company’s catalogues . He established a mail-order system and opened the first company shop .
At about the same time the company became ready to take a big move forward . They no longer wanted to be distributors , but wished to start designing and manufacturing their own brand of athletic shoes . Here again Johnson made an enormous contribution to the company . One night , he dreamed of Nike , the Greek goddess of victory , and suggested the name to his bosses . Yet , another thing was missing — a memorable logo . One was created by a graphic design student Carolyn Davidson . She had become acquainted with Philip Knight who asked her for her design ideas and Carolyn agreed to do some freelance work for his company . Soon she presented a number of designs to Philip Knight and the other company managers , and they finally selected the mark which today is the Swoosh . That has been the Nike logo ever since then . Amazingly , Carolyn asked just $35 for her work . In 1988 Nike started an advertising campaign with its world famous slogan “ Just Do It ”. The slogan was born during a Nike meeting with the advertising agency . The slogan has become so closely associated with Nike that as soon as most people hear or see those three words , they remember Nike , even if the company name is not mentioned . Today , the words « Just Do It » and the Nike “ swoosh ” brandmark are all that are needed to identify something as a Nike product . Isn't it amazing how a small symbol we call a logo can make a company into a huge success .
13. Nike and Blue Ribbon Shoes are the names for one and the same business . 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 14. The business was founded by Japanese businessmen . 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 15. The business started with renting a large shop . 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
16. Famous athletes were employed to advertise the company’s shoes . 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 17. The company Nike was called after a character from an ancient myth . 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 18. Nike’s logo was created by a famous advertising company . 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
19. The Nike company paid a large amount of money for creating the slogan « Just Do It ». 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated The answers for the questions follows one by one . If it is false information must be mentioned in the text but some details are wrong. For example It was founded in 1964 by the runner Philip Knight and his coach Bill Bowerman . It was founded in 2005 by the runner Danie l Knight and his doctor Bill Bowerman . If it is Not stated information must NOT be mentioned in the text.
Определите, в каком из текстов A–F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1–7 . Один из вопросов останется без ответа. 1. Where can we find the biggest " lungs " of the Earth ? 2. What is the largest country in the world ? 3. What are the impressive achievements of Russian space programme ? 4. Which Russian souvenir is the most popular among the tourists ? 5. Where in Europe can we find the biggest collection of books ? 6. What are the impressive facts about Siberian Lake Baikal ? 7. Which role does the Russian language play in the world ?
A. Russia , also officially known as the Russian Federation , is the largest country in the world . Its territory is 17,075,400 square kilometers . According to scientists , the country’s territory would almost cover the surface of the planet Pluto . It is the only country which is washed by 3 oceans and 12 seas . Russia is considered to be a European country , but two-thirds of the country are in Asia . However , most of the population lives in the European part of Russia . B. Siberian Lake Baikal is the largest pool of fresh water on the planet . All the 12 major rivers of the world ( the Volga , the Don , the Yenisei , the Ob , the Ganges , the Amazon , etc .) would need to flow almost a year to fill a pool equal to the volume of Lake Baikal . Another impressive fact is that even if all the rest of the planet’s fresh water supply were to disappear , there would be enough fresh water left in Lake Baikal to supply the people of the earth for up to 50 years . C. Russia is the country with the largest forest reserves in the world . 45% of its territory is covered in green forests . The forests are located in the European north of the country , in Siberia and in the Far East . Forests play an important role in the life and welfare of people . Russian forests are the biggest ‘ lungs ’ of the Earth . They produce oxygen and clean the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and other pollutants .
D. There are more than five thousand languages in the world . Russian is one of the five major world languages . 280 million people around the world speak Russian and it is one of the most widely spoken native languages in Europe . The United Nations uses Russian as one of the official languages of the organization . It is also used in international commerce , politics , academic and cultural life . E. For its collection of books , the Russian State Library is considered to be the biggest in Europe and one of the largest in the world . The Russian State Library was founded in 1862, in Moscow . The library has over 275 km of shelves with more than 43 million items , including books , journals and magazines , art publications , music scores and sound records , maps and other things . There are items in 247 languages of the world . F. Russia is known all over the world for its space programmes . In 1957 the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite in the world . Four years later , in 1961, human space flight was accomplished . Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first man to journey into space . He orbited the Earth and landed the same day . There are other impressive space achievements of the country like the first long space flight , the first woman cosmonaut in space , and the first spacewalk .
Read the sentences and write T (true), F (false), NS (not stated): a ) To improve to language skills you should listen only pop music. ______ b) You should watch movies in English and watch news. ______ c) You should buy an expensive lap-top. _______ d) You should find a pen friend and to commnicate with him. _____ e) You have to subscribe on English newspapers. _______ f) You should study adroad . __________ g) You should write a dairy every day. ________ h) You should be a blogger, have a personal site and write your articles _______
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