Презентация к уроку по теме "Choosing a career"
презентация к уроку

Беспалова Анастасия Геннадьевна

Данная презентация разработана с учетом особенностей профессии "Автомеханик"


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Choosing a career . The world of jobs

Слайд 2

Phonetic exercise Some people often say to m е : "Have уо u decided what уо u want to b е ?" I usually answer, "I don't know," But it isn't really so. I want to win а n Olympic race, I want to see the Earth from space, I want to travel to Katmandu I want to b е rich and famous, too. I want to b ео n Hollywood's screen, I want to invent а new machine, I want to b е very clever and wise, I want to win the Nobel prize, But most of all, I want to b е Healthy and strong, and nice.

Слайд 3

Let’s practice Answer the questions 1. What is your mother by profession? 2. What is your father by profession? 3. What company does your father work for? 4. Is it an easy matter to get a job now a days? 5. What profession will you choose?

Слайд 4

G uessing-game « What profession is it ? » 1. someone who can count well and keeps the money records of a business 2. someone who makes walls with bricks 3. someone who designs clothes 4. someone who writes computer programs 5. someone who gets cash or pays out money in a shop 6. someone who repairs cars 7. someone who works at the reception desk of a hotel 8. someone whose job is to design buildings 9. someone whose job is to manage a company 10. someone who studies or works in physics

Слайд 5

Check the home task

Слайд 6

Describe the pictures

Слайд 7

True or False 1.The exhaust pipe is under the hood. 2. The wheel is above the rearview mirror. 3. The fog light is between the gas pedal and the brake pedal. 4. The lever is between the number plate and the bumper. 5. The fuel tank is near the engine. 6. The tire is above air filter. 7. The battery is between the back seat and the muffler. 8. The ignition is near the shelf. 9. The glove compartment is under the rear window. 10. The dashboard is above the hubcap. 11. The handbrake is near the sunroof. 12. The fan is between the hood and the trunk. 13. The damp is near the gearbox.

Слайд 8

С onstructions as «to be near, to be under, to be above, to be between».

Слайд 9

Homework Write a short essay ( 15 sentences) about your future car.

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