тестовый материал для специальности Социальная работа по теме "Social security in modern Russia"

Водолазская Ирина Евгеньевна

Тестовый материал для специальности Социальная работа по теме "Social security in modern Russia"


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краевое государственное автономное

профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Дальневосточный государственный гуманитарно-технический колледж»



Тестовый материал для специальности


по теме “Social security in modern Russia. Conditionals.”

Преподаватель                                                        Водолазская И.Е.

Владивосток, 2019


(Social security in modern Russia. Conditionals.)

Variant I

I. Give the Russian translation:

  1. citizen’s rights –
  2. private property –
  3. the package of measures –
  4. living conditions –
  5. according to –

II. Give the English translation:

  1. социальная защита –
  2. уязвимый –
  3. развитие –

III. Choose the right word and translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Social protection is a social activity, which … the package of measures for the realization of social justice.

        a) include                b) includes                c) including

2. Russia … a social state.

        a) be                        b) has                        c) is

3. Elderly people … on pensions, which is the main source of income.

        a) lives                        b) live                        c) living

IV. Match the columns and give the translation of the term:

1) Social security        a) any measure taken as a safeguard against sickness, death, injury, etc. in return for regular payments  

2) Social insurance        b) laws and principles according to which a state is governed

3) Constitution        c) government provisions for helping people who are unemployed, ill, disabled, etc.

V. Choose the right word to complete the sentence:

(elderly people, earnings, worthy life, to support, old age, income, financial difficulties)

  1. Most of pensioners cannot travel or have a treatment in resort and even to invite friends because of … .
  2. Many people have to work being pensioners … necessary living standard.
  3. Usually … work in budget sphere, where wages are low.  

VI. Choose the right variant of the translation:

1.        Если ты не купишь кофе, я буду пить чай.

  1. If you don’t buy coffee, we will drink tea.
  2. If you didn’t buy coffee, we would drink tea.
  3. If you hadn’t bought coffee yesterday, we would have drunk tea.

2.        Мой брат не пропустил бы так много занятий на прошлой неделе, если бы не повредил ногу .

  1. My brother will not miss so many lessons if he doesn’t hurt his leg.
  2. My brother would not have missed so many lessons last week if he hadn’t hurt his leg.
  3. My brother would not miss so many lessons if he didn’t hurt his leg.

3.        Если бы я был известным певцом, я бы получал цветы каждый день.

  1. If  I were a famous singer I would get the flowers every day.
  2. If  I had been a famous singer I would have got the flowers every day.
  3. If  I am a famous singer I will get the flowers every day.

VII. Open the brackets:

1. If you (to give) me your address, I will write you a letter.

  1. gave          
  2. had given
  3. give

2.        If it were not so cold I (not to put on) my coat.

  1. would not put on
  2. will not put on
  3. would not have put on

3.        If you had come to my place yesterday, I (to be) very happy.

  1. will be
  2. would have been
  3. would be


(Social security in modern Russia. Conditionals.)

Variant II

I. Give the Russian translation:

  1. transforming countries –
  2. elderly people –
  3. the realization of social programs –
  4. worthy life –
  5. market economy –

II. Give the English translation:

  1. сообщество –
  2. условие –
  3. значительный, существенный –

III. Choose the right word and translate the sentences into Russian:

1.  According to the Constitution everybody … the right for labor.

        a) has                        b) have                c) having

2. Elderly people savings … not very significant because of low pensions.

        a) are                        b) is                        c) be

3. The program “Social protection for elderly people” … the improvement of living conditions, services by organs of social protection and social insurance.

        a) including                b) include                c) includes

IV. Match the columns and give the translation of the term:

1) Social worker        a) a name applied to a country with the state financed social services  

2) The Welfare State        b) a social class which is not protected

3) Vulnerable strata        c) a trained person who works to improve the social welfare of individuals

V. Choose the right word to complete the sentence:

(elderly people, earnings, worthy life, to support, old age, income, financial difficulties)

  1. In big cities a significant part of  … is spent on the payment for flat and communal service.
  2. Throughout a worker’s career, the Social Security Administration keeps track of his or her income.
  3. Despite the …, people demonstrate fantastic inventiveness, a lot of energy in self-providing.  

VI. Choose the right variant of the translation:

1. Если бы вчера пошёл дождь, нашу игру бы отменили.

        a) If it rain our game will be cancelled.

        b) If it rained our game would be cancelled.

        c) If it had rained yesterday our game would have been cancelled.

2. Если бы они знали это раньше, они бы приняли меры.

        a) If they knew it before, they would take measures.

        b) If they know it before, they will take measures.

        c) If they had known it before, they would have taken measures.

3. Ты никогда не закончишь эту работу, если будешь вот так понапрасну тратить время.

        a) You would never finish your work if you wasted your time like this.

        b) You will never finish your work if you waste your time like this.

        c) You would never have finished your work if you had wasted your time like this.

VII. Open the brackets:

1. Your brother (to become) much stronger if he took cold baths regularly.

  1. will have become
  2. will become
  3. would become

2. If I (to know) the result now, I would phone her immediately.

  1. know
  2. knew
  3. had known

3. If it (to snow), the children will play snowballs.

  1. snows
  2. had snowed
  3. snowed

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