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Challenges of My Professional Development.

Motivation in studying foreign languages is a matter of current interest nowadays. Recently, interest in studying English language has risen significantly in our country. Knowledge of foreign language is a necessity and a specialist should be proficient not only in professional but also in common subjects. Foreign language is one of the most important aspects both economic and cultural development. Professional championship World Skills demands knowing of language on quite a high level.

Motivation is main tool which grants a student increase of interest in learning process, and also it allows revealing their creative profession.

There are two kinds of motivation – internal and external.

External motivation is not connected directly to the subject, examples could be as follows:

- motive of achievement

- self-affirmation and self-identification

- pro-social motive (necessity of passing examination)

An example of external motivation is studying in technical college. Student has to study English from 1st to 4th course as it is conditioned by studying plan. In adult life external motivation could be conditioned by work in international company.

Internal motivation appears under person’s own aspirations and needs.

Main methods of increasing motivation are:

1. Practical use – it is required to rise interest of students. This could be done by use of texts and exercises connected to their profession and interests.

2. Organization of competitions and other events favors rising interest of students

3. Use of modern information technology, multimedia and other visual methods.

4. Use of games (role-plays, round tables etc.)

5. Establishment of psychological climate favoring creative development of person

According to my own teaching experience the most effective way of establishing motivation is sharing some of students' interests. For example: spending 5 last minutes of a lesson to discuss a book, video game or a movie, or organization of past-time club is good for uniting students via common interests. This is an efficient method of winning student's trust and respect, which grants a lot of ways to affect students and gain any desirable result.

Today one of the teacher's objectives is to create conditions for students to allow them to learn as much knowlege as little time as possible putting them into practice in the same time. So it is motivation conditions student's learning interest to a subject and so it's one of modern teacher's primary objectives to establish and maintain it.

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