план-конспект занятия на тему
урока по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
для специальности СПО 43.02.02 «Парикмахерское искусство»
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Предварительный просмотр:
«Старооскольский техникум технологий и дизайна»
урока по учебной дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
для специальности СПО 43.02.02 «Парикмахерское искусство»
Разработала: Лоптева Наталья Ивановна,
преподаватель иностранного языка
ОГАПОУ «Старооскольский техникум
технологий и дизайна»
на заседании ЦМК
протокол № 9 от «07» апреля 2016г.
Председатель ЦМК ______ /Т.А. Яско/
г. Старый Оскол 2016 г.
Методическая разработка занятия
«History of Hairdressing. My Own Style»
№ занятия | № группы | Дата проведения |
2/90 | ПХИ-27 | |
Общая тема или название раздела: Основной курс. История стилей.
Тема занятия: История парикмахерского искусства. (History of Hairdressing. My Own Style).
Вид занятия: (тип урока) практическое занятие.
Цели занятия:
обучающая развивать умения читать и понимать на слух с целью извлечения конкретной
развивать навыки монологической речи;
развивающая развивать самостоятельность, творческие способности, воображение, способности
осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия;
воспитательная воспитывать потребность к творчеству.
Наглядные пособия к занятию
Этапы занятия | Наглядные пособия |
Опрос | карточки |
Сообщение новых знаний | Текст «History of Hairdressing» – Английский язык для специальности «Парикмахерское искусство»: учеб. пособие для сред. проф. образования = English for Hairstylists / Е.М. Лупанова. – 2-е изд., стер. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2010. – 128 с., карточки |
Закрепление | Английский язык для специальности «Парикмахерское искусство»: учеб. пособие для сред. проф. образования = English for Hairstylists / Е.М. Лупанова. – 2-е изд., стер. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2010. – 128 с. |
Дидактические материалы для других видов опроса: карточки для фонетической зарядки.
Межпредметные связи
обеспечиваемые: парикмахерское искусство, культурология
обеспечивающие: знакомство с историей стилей.
Проведение занятия
1. Организационный момент
1. Приветствие группы, проверка посещаемости обучающихся, дата, день недели,
сообщение темы и целей занятия:
T.: Good afternoon students. I’m glad to see you again. Let’s begin our lesson.
a) What day of the week is it today? – It is … .
b) What date is it today? – It is … .
c) Who is absent today? – … is (are) absent today.
The topic of our today’s lesson is « History of Hairdressing. My Own Style».
You will practice reading and listening for detail; develop your speaking skills;
revise some grammar material.
2. Фонетическая зарядка:
T.: At first I want you to do some phonetic drills. Listen to me and repeat after me:
Hair clipper, hair rinse, grey hair, to tint hair, red hair, to shed one's hair, straight hair, unmanageable(unruly) hair, wavy hair, thinning hair, thick hair, slipping hair, brown hair, splitting ends, strand of hair, hair pin, beard, bald, naff , fashionable, hair roller, razor, whiskers, dandruff, butch haircut, moustache, to shave, bang, out-of-date, scissors, hairnet, wig, hairslide, dryer, hairdresser's parlour, lock of hair, braid, parting, coiffure, bun, comb, brush.
2. Повторение пройденного материала
Метод проведения: фронтальный опрос
T.: At our previous lessons we have known some things which we can use to arrange our hair and
I want you to revise them. Match the following words with their definitions:
a) hairpin b) comb c) brush d) chignon e) band f) haircloth g) wig h) dryer
i) hair roller
1. An artificial covering of human or synthetic hair worn on the head for personal adornment,
as part of a costume, or to conceal baldness. (wig)
2. A device consisting of bristles fastened into a handle used for combing one's hair.(brush)
3. A cylinder of wire mesh, foam rubber, or other material around which a strand of hair is
wound to produce a soft curl or wave. (hair roller)
4. A thin cylindrical strip of metal or other material bent in the shape of a long U, used to
secure a hairdo or headdress. (hairpin)
5. An appliance that removes moisture by heating or fast air moving. (dryer)
6. A wiry fabric woven especially from horsehair or camel's hair, used for upholstering and
for stiffening garments. (haircloth)
7. A thin toothed strip, usually consisting of a piece of plastic, metal, bone, used to smooth,
arrange, or fasten the hair. (comb)
8. A roll or knot of hair worn at the back of the head or especially at the nape of the neck.
9. A thin strip of some flexible material used to hold a hair tress together. (band)
3. Сообщение новых знаний
Метод сообщения: чтение, аудирование, беседа, монолог.
1. Развитие умения читать и понимать на слух с целью извлечения информации:
a) T.: Hairdressing is the art of arranging the hair. Let’s read about the history of hairdressing and
check your reading comprehension. Open your books at page 33 and read the text “History
of Hairdressing” to yourselves.
б) выполнение упражнений:
T.: Now let’s do some exercises. Ex.1 p.34. Find in the text English equivalents for the words
and phrases below:
приводить волосы в порядок – to arrange the hair
украшение – an adornment
парик – a wig
гладко причесанные волосы – the sleek shin heads of flappers
с непокрытой головой – uncovered (flowing) hair
изменения моды – by changing fashion
лысеющий – balding
с древних времен – since antiquity
заставлять – to make
свидетельствовать о возрасте и семейном положении – to proclaim age and marital
оказать большое влияние – to influence greatly
охотно следовать примеру – eagerly followed the example
наилучшим образом соответствовать потребностям и вкусам – best suit their needs
and tastes
Ex.1 p.34 Read the sentences and choose the true ones. Correct wrong statements.
Ex.4 p.34 Fill in the gaps:
1. Hairdressing is the art of arranging the hair or otherwise modifying its natural status.
2. Hairdressing has been an important part of the dress of both men and women since
antiquity and like dress serves a number of functions.
3. Almost all societies have found it necessary to cut or confine the hair.
4. One extremely important function of hair styling, especially in traditional preindustrial
societies, is to indicate status.
5. In medieval Europe, maidens wore uncovered flowing hair, while matrons bound theirs
under veils.
6. From the late Middle Ages, hair styles in the West have been greatly influenced by
changing fashion.
7. In the 20th century, women of all classes eagerly followed the example of film stars.
Answer the questions according to the text:
1. What is hairdressing?
2. What have almost all societies found it necessary?
3. What is one extremely important function of hair styling, especially in traditional pre-
industrial societies?
4. Why did primitive men fasten bones, feathers and other objects in their hair?
5. Why did Caesar make the ancient Gauls cut off their long hair?
6. What could hair arrangement also proclaim?
7. Why did the ancient Egyptians, whose heads were usually shaven, grow long hair, and
long haired Hindu widows cut off their hair?
8. What have hair styles in the West been greatly influenced from the late Middle Ages by?
9. Can women (and men) in all classes choose the style and colour of their own hair, or of a
wig, that best suit their needs and tastes today?
Ex.2 p.34 Find in the text some examples of Present Simple tense (Active and Passive voice),
Past Simple tense (Active and Passive voice), Present Perfect tense (Active and
Passive voice). Give your comments upon the tense usage.
Ex.5 p.35 Make a plan of the text.
2. Развитие навыков монологической речи:
a) T.: Hairdressing developed rapidly and there are a lot of hairstyles today. What is associated
with a hairstyle? Let’s fill in this diagram.
б) T.: Now, using your diagram write down a short description of your own hairstyle.
4. Закрепление материала
Метод проведения: монологическое высказывание
T.: We are going to listen to your descriptions.
St1, St2 …
5. Дополнительное задание
T.: Make some dialogues of your own. Use the following phrases:
Мне назначено на 2 часа. Чем я могу помочь? Конечно.
Присядьте, пожалуйста
Я к вашим услугам. Этот стиль мне не подходит.
Вам не нравится стиль, не так ли? У вас перхоть.
Всё, что вам нужно – подровнять волосы.
Вы хотите, чтобы вам помыли голову?
Сделайте пробор на правую сторону.
Просто причешите, и никакого лака для волос
Я бы хотела изменить причёску
Предполагаемые диалоги:
Dialogue 1
Client: Hello. Is this the hairdresser's? I have an appointment for 2 o'clock
Hairstylist : Oh, that's right. This way, please. Take your seat. Would you wait for a little
Cl. Sure
Hairstylist : OK, I am all at your service now. What can I do for you?
Cl. I want to have my haircut.
Hairstylist : You don't like the style , do you?
Cl. No, I don't.
Hairstylist : All you need is just a trim. Your hair is short enough.
Cl.Still it seems to me long.
Hairstylist : Lots of young people today wear their hair long and it looks so nice.
Cl. This style doesn't suit me, I am afraid. I've got enough problems with my hair, especially
when the weather is bad. So I need a haircut.
Hairstylist : I could shorten the front and leave the hair long at the back.
Cl. Oh, no. Cut my hair short both on the front and at the back and on the sides, too. And do
not forget the top as well.
Hairstylist : Ok. Here we go.
Dialogue 2
Hairstylist : Good morning. Glad to see you. How can I help you? What will it be?
Client : Haircut, shampoo.
Hairstylist : How do you want your haircut? Short?
Client: No, not to short.
Hairstylist : So, I will just trim it at the back and sides.
Client: But do not touch it on the top.
Hairstylist : You have some dandruff. You should try massaging your scalp. It helps
Client I've found the medical shampoo which also helps, but for a time.
H. How do you comb your hair? Back or with a parting?
Client: I wear it parted on the right.
Hairstylist : That's right.
Client : Thank you. Good buy.
Dialogue 3
Hairstylist : Hello. What can I do for you? Do you want to have your haircut?
Client : Yes, I do. And I like to change my style.
Hairstylist : OK. Let me see. Do you want your hair washed first?
Client : Of course. I'd like a shampoo.
Hairstylist : Here we are…Should I shorten it on the sides?
Client : Yes, and at the back , too.
Hairstylist : I am trimming the top..
Client : Don't cut much on the top, will you? And make a part on the right , please.
Hairstylist : OK. Should I style with a hair-dryer?
Client :Oh, no Just comb it. And no hairspray, please. Thank you .
6. Самостоятельная работа обучающихся на разных этапах занятия:
6.1. во время опроса: ответы на вопросы
6.2. во время сообщения новых знаний: работа с текстом
6.3. во время закрепления новых знаний: подготовка монологического высказывания
7. Заключительный этап. Рефлексия.
T.: Что вы узнали полезного и интересного на занятии?
Какой вид работы вам понравился больше всего?
T.: Now, write down your home task. Your home task is retell the text “History of Hairdressing”.
8. Подведение итогов занятия
T.: Your marks are … .
The lesson is over. Thank you. Good- bye students.
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