«Means of Transport. Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives»
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How can you get where you want to go? You can go fast or you can go slow. You can go high or you can go low. There are so many ways to go go-go. You can go high in an airplane Or low underground in a subway train. You can go fast in a racing car Or walk very slowly and get just as far.
The aim of our lesson: to learn what mean of transport people like to travel best of all. Tasks: to revise the words and word combinations concerned to our today’s topic; to discuss advantages and disadvantages of different means of transport; to learn some interesting facts about transport; to form degrees of comparison of adjectives.
Active Vocabulary 1. airplane- самолет 2. balloon- воздушный шар 3. bicycle- велосипед 4. boat- лодка 5. bus- автобус 6. cab- такси 7. car- автомобиль 8. coach- карета 9. double-decker- двухэтажный автобус 10. helicopter- вертолет
Active Vocabulary 11. lorry- грузовик 12. motorbike- мотоцикл 13. scooter- скутер 14. ship- корабль 15. train- поезд 16. tram- трамвай 17. trolleybus- троллейбус 18. tube- метро 19. underground- подземка 20. vehicle- транспортное средство
Complete the table Land transport Water transport Air transport
Guess the meaning of following definitions. The ______ is a large public vehicle that people pay to travel.
Guess the meaning of following definitions The ____ is an electric vehicle for carrying passengers, which moves along the streets on metal tracks.
Guess the meaning of following definitions The ________ is a flying vehicle that has one or more engines.
Guess the meaning of following definitions The _______ is large boat for carrying people or goods across the sea.
Find the words.
Correct m у sentences. To travel by plane is the more slow way of travelling. To travel by plane is the slowest way of travelling.
Correct m у sentences. Travelling by plane is the fastest than train. Travelling by plane is faster than train.
Correct m у sentences. Travelling by car is more faster than by bicycle. Travelling by car is faster than by bicycle.
Correct m у sentences. Travelling by train is expensiver than by plane. Travelling by train is more expensive than by plane.
Correct m у sentences . Travelling ship is the slowest than plane. Travelling ship is slower than plane.
Read the text and try to translate it.
Find adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees 1. Many people like to travel by air as it is the fastest and the most convenient way of travelling. 2. But it is the most expensive too. 3. It is slower than plane, but it has its advantages. 4. But everyone knows, the speed of ship is slower than planes.
Double Decker Bus
These carriages were pulled by horses . .
At first, they only carried about twelve people who sat inside, but later seats were put on the roof and first double-decker buses were created.
Early buses had different colour .
But nowadays all London buses are red.
The red double-decker buses in London is a national symbol of England and British Isles.
The London Underground
London ' s underground is the oldest in the world.
Nowadays the London underground is the most popular means of city transport because it is cheap , convenient ,quick and safe.
Its length is about 400 km.
The B lack Cab
Londoners use cars. You can see a lot of cars in London streets.
Their special shape and black color are famous all over the world.
London’s taxi is called cab.
The black cab is a symbol of London.
Today the 'Black Cabs' come in 12 different colours .
London’s taxi industry is often ranked number 1 in the world.
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