МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ УКАЗАНИЯ к практическим занятиям по дисциплине ОДБ. 03 «Иностранный язык» для студентов II курса профессии 26.01.09 Моторист судовой
учебно-методическое пособие на тему
сборник практических заданий для 2 курса профессии Моторист судовой
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Предварительный просмотр:
Автономное учреждение
профессионального образования
Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры
«Сургутский политехнический колледж»
к практическим занятиям по дисциплине
ОДБ. 03 «Иностранный язык» для студентов II курса
профессии 26.01.09 Моторист судовой
Сургут, 2017
Методические указания по дисциплине ОДБ.03 Иностранный язык для студентов II курса профессии 26.01.09 Моторист судовой
Составитель: С.С. Грязнова, преподаватель
Методические указания по дисциплине ОДБ.03 Иностранный язык для студентов II курса профессии 26.01.09 Моторист судовой очной формы обучения и преподавателей профессиональных учебных заведений, соответствует действующей программе и содержит методические рекомендации и систему заданий для аудиторных практических работ.
Рекомендовано к печати методическим объединением «Иностранный язык»
Протокол № __ от «__» __________2017г.
Рекомендовано к печати Методическим советом Сургутского политехнического колледжа
Протокол № __ от «__» __________2017г.
Введение ……………………………………………………………………………4
1. Lesson 1. The Ship’s Crew……………………………………………………….5
2. Lesson 2. Visiting a Ship…………………..…………………………………….11
3. Lesson 3. Shipboard Training……………………………………………............17
4. Lesson 4. The Sea Fishing Port of Sevastopol…………………………………...21
5. Lesson 5. IMO’s Convention…………………………………………….............26
6. Lesson 6. Safe Operation of the Ship………………………………………….....32
7. Lesson 7. Sanitary Rules…………………………………………………............37
8. Lesson 8. Fire Prevention Measures……………………………………………..43
9. Lesson 9. Fire-Fighting ………………………………………………………….47
10. Lesson 10. Register of Shipping ……………………………………………….50
11. Lesson 11. The main parts of a ship …………………………………………...54
12. Lesson 12. Necessary Repair and Damage Survey…………………………….56
Библиографический список………………………………………………………60
Приложение А. Глаголы с послелогами………..………………………………..61
Методические указания предназначены для студентов II курса профессии 26.01.09 Моторист судовой
Целью данных методических указаний является развитие навыков перевода, навыков устной и письменной английской речи для подготовки к чтению и пониманию английской литературы по специальности, для обучения активному владению языковым материалом по предложенным темам. Лексико-грамматический материал является основой для дальнейшего совершенствования навыков беседы на профессиональные темы.
Методические указания состоят из двенадцати основных уроков, которые охватывают следующие профессиональные темы:
- The Ship’s Crew;
- The Ship’s Overview;
- Shipboard Training;
- The Ship’s Safety;
- The Ship’s Equipment;
- The Ship’s Repair;
- IMO.
Лексический материал, предлагаемый в каждом уроке, способствует формированию, развитию и совершенствованию навыков устной и письменной речи по основным для морских специальностей темам.
Каждый урок включает в себя текст для чтения с подготовкой пересказа по предложенному плану, вопросы к тексту для дальнейшего обсуждения, список слов и выражений для запоминания, которые рекомендуются использовать в своей речи, лексико-грамматические упражнения, цель которых отработать специальную лексику, а также закрепить грамматические навыки.
Система упражнений к урокам включает в себя упражнения, направленные на:
- развитие навыков различных видов чтения;
- усвоение специальной лексики;
- формирование навыков профессиональной устной речи (диалогической и монологической);
- развитие навыков письма.
Вопросы по теме урока служат основой для всестороннего и систематизированного обсуждения изучаемой темы. Контроль осуществляется при выполнении упражнений.
Chief Officer (Mate) First (Second) Officer to be responsible for smth. head to replace to keep (kept, kept) to keep watch to maintain navigating bridge to relieve to relieve each other of watch to take bearings radio-communications hull hold to consist (of) tackle electrician to repair well-qualified to perform duty (duties) to plot the course to define the ship’s position equipment engine room | сложный старший помощник капитана первый (второй) помощник капитанский мостик ремонтировать оборудование машинное отделение |
There is a lot of complex equipment on board modern ships so it is necessary to have skilled crews to operate the ships. The organization of the crew of a cargo ship is changing, but usually one can find at least two departments on such ships: the deck department and the engine department.
The deck department includes navigators, radio officers, a bosun, sailors and a doctor. We call navigators according to their rank on board ship: the Master (Captain), the Chief Officer (First Mate), the Second Officer (Second Mate), the Third Officer (Third Mate), the Fourth Officer (Fourth Mate). The Master is responsible for the ship, her cargo and the crew. He must be an experienced navigator.
The Chief Officer is the Master’s main assistant and the head of the Deck Department. He must be always ready to replace the Master and perform his duties. All the navigators must keep watch on the navigating bridge. They may not leave it when on watch. The navigators relieve each other of watch every four hours. Every navigator must know how to define the ship’s position, plot her course on the chart and take bearings.
Radio officers keep watch in the radio room and are responsible for radio-communications. There are often one or two radio officers on board the ship, but on ships with continuous radio watches there may be even three radio officers. A bosun and sailors must keep the ship’s hull, holds and tackle in good condition.
The engine department consists of the Chief Engineer, the Second, Third and Fourth Engineers, some motormen and two or three electricians. They keep watch in the engine room and must maintain and repair its equipment.
Only well-qualified sailors can perform their duties properly that’s why the crews’ training is very important.
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. Who is the head of the Deck Department?
2. How many departments are there on board ship? What are they? 3. Who is the head of the Engine Department? 4. Who keeps watch on the navigating bridge?
5. Who keeps watch in the radio room? 6. Who keeps watch in the engine room?
7. Why is it necessary to have skilled crews on board ships? 8. What are the duties of the Chief Officer and the Second Engineer? 9. Who is responsible for the ship’s cargo; radio-communications; the engine?
Exercise I. a) Find English equivalents in the text: современное судно; сложное оборудование; палубная служба; машинное отделение; быть ответственным за; состоять из; быть готовым заменить капитана; нести вахту; сменять друг друга на вахте; высококвалифицированный; подготовка (обучение) экипажа; определять местоположение судна; ремонтировать оборудование; брать пеленг; выполнять обязанности.
b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: to operate a ship; responsible; head of the Deck Department; to keep smth. in order; to perform one’s duties properly; continuous radio watches; in good condition; the Master’s main assistant.
Exercise II. Find the sentences describing the duties of the ship’s crew in the text. Make up sentences using the model.
Model: The ship’s doctor is responsible for the health of the crew members.
1. the Master 2. the Chief Officer 3. the Second Mate 4. the Third 5. the Chief Engineer 6. the Radio Officer 7. the Bosun 8. the electricians 9. the motormen | a. the head of the Deck department b. the ship, her cargo and the crew c. the radio-communications d. keeping the ship’s holds, deck and hull in good condition e. keeping watch on the bridge f. keeping motors and generators g. the maintenance and repairs of the engine equipment h. keeping watch in the engine room i. navigational instruments and charts |
Exercise III. Translate into English:
- Они могут управлять судном. 2. Кто несет ответственность за работу машинного отделения? 3. Мы должны определить местоположение этого судна. 4. Они не могут отремонтировать главный двигатель. 5. Наш экипаж состоит из 23 человек. Все члены экипажа – хорошо подготовленные моряки. 6. Я нигде не могу найти боцмана. 7. Когда вы передали последнюю радиограмму? 8. Кто сменил вас на вахте? 9. Можно войти в радиорубку? – Да, пожалуйста. 10. Наш капитан – опытный, квалифицированный судоводитель.
Exercise IV. Look through this table, find the position you will start with and then find the highest position you can be promoted to. Use the following models in order to make up sentences:
My future position is … My father / uncle / friend is…
I can be promoted to… (Меня могут повысить до…)
I would like to become a… (Я бы хотел стать…)
Officers | командный состав | |
Deck officers | Master Chief officer 2nd officer 3rd officer третий | капитан старший помощник второй помощник третий помощник |
Engine officers | Chief engineer 2nd, 3rd, 4th engineer Electrical engineer | Старший механик 2,3,4 механик электромеханик |
Ratings | рядовой состав | |
Deck ratings | Bosun (boatswain) AB (able bodied) seaman Ordinary seaman | Боцман матрос 1 класса матрос 2 класса |
Engine ratings | Motorman (oiler) Wiper Turner | моторист 1 класса моторист 2 класса токарь |
Catering | Fitter Pumpman Welder Carpenter Cook Steward (messman) | слесарь донкерман сварщик плотник кок стюард |
Exercise V. Read the interview of Sergey Ivanov. Make up your own replies to these questions.
Interviewer: What’s your name?
Sergey: My name is Sergey Ivanov.
Interviewer: What is your rank?
Sergey: I am a motorman.
Interviewer: How old are you?
Sergey: I am twenty-nine.
Interviewer: What position are you looking for?
Sergey: I would like to get a position of an Oiler / Motorman.
Interviewer: What’s your date of birth?
Sergey: 14th of January, 1990.
Interviewer: What is your nationality?
Sergey: I am Ukrainian.
Interviewer: Are you married?
Sergey: Yes, I am / No, I / am not.
Interviewer: Do you have children?
Sergey: Yes, I do / No, I don’t.
Interviewer: Where are you from?
Sergey: I am from Sevastopol, Ukraine.
Interviewer: What’s your seaman’s book number?
Sergey: AB925473
Interviewer: What types of ships did you work on?
Sergey: I worked onboard a container ship, a Panamax bulk carrier and reefers.
Interviewer: Do you have foreign crew experience?
Sergey: Yes, I do. I worked with Greek Master, Filipino deck ratings. Engine crewmembers were from Romania.
Interviewer: What were/was your previous wages/salary? How much did you make a month?
Sergey: I made about twelve hundred U. S. dollars per month, plus I had 2 dollars per hour for extra overtime.
Interviewer: Describe your last vessel.
Sergey: I worked onboard a container ship. She carried up to 2000 TEU. Her DWT is 32,000 MT, Length is 265 metres, Flag is Liberia. Her shipowner is Zodiac Maritime Agencies, U. K.
Interviewer: Describe some of your daily responsibilities and daily activities.
Sergey: I kept watch in the engine room, took care of machinery and repaired it in the case of emergency.
to look for – искать to get a position – получить должность
date of birth – дата рождения seaman’s book – паспорт моряка
reefer – рефрижераторное судно bulk carrier – судно сухогруз
wages / salary – заработная плата extra overtime – сверхурочная работа
to make a month – зарабатывать в месяц MT – миллионов тонн
shipowner – владелец судна length – длина
to be married/ single / divorced – быть женатыми, неженатым, в разводе
TEU – единица измерения контейнеров, эквивалентная 20-футовому контейнеру
DWT – полная грузоподъёмность судна в тоннах
to take (took, taken) care of – следить за (заботиться, ухаживать)
in the case of emergency – в случае возникновения чрезвычайной ситуации
Exercise I. Put am, is, are, am not, isn’t, aren’t into the gaps (пропуски).
Model: The captain is on the bridge. He isn’t on the bridge.
1. The officer of the watch _____ on the navigating bridge. 2. He _____ a cadet. He _____ at the college. 3. The sailors _____ on the deck. 4. The motorman _____ on the bow. 5. The Second Mate _____ in his cabin. 6. The deck _____ very clean.
7. I _____ a first-year student. 8. My friend and I _____ seamen. We _____ good sailors. 9. This work _____ very interesting. 10. The cargo _____ in the port.
11. The cadets _____ in the classroom. 12. The ship _____ in the dock. 13. I _____ the Chief Engineer. 14. You _____ from Italy. 15. You _____ 25 years old. 16. He _____ from Japan. 17. _____ she married? 18. _____ he the Captain? 19. _____ they cadets? 20. _____ you engineers?
Exercise II. Put there is / there are into the gaps.
Model: There is a book on the table.
1. _____ many ships in the port. 2. _____ a plan on the desk. 3. _____ not any tankers in the port. 4. _____ many groups at our college. 5. _____ a captain on the bridge. 6. _____ many sailors on the deck. 7. _____ a radiogram in the radio room. 8. _____ many texts in this text-book. 9. _____ three windows in our classroom. 10. _____ a tanker at sea. 11. _____ a maritime college in the city. 12. _____ many tests in the book.
Exercise III. Put demonstrative pronouns this, that, these, those into the gaps.
Model: That (This) ship is new.
1. _____ sailor is on the deck, and _____ one is in the cabin. 2. _____ ships are at sea, and _____ ships are in the port. 3. _____ man is captain and _____ men are officers. 4. _____ men are good sailors. 5. _____ port is big. _____ port is big too. 6. _____decks are white and clean.
Exercise IV. Make up the questions.
1. This Greek ship is in the port. (What ship? What? Where?) 2. The Master is on the bridge. (Who? Where?) 3. The seamen are in the cabins at night. (Where? When?). 4. A white tall ship is in that port now. (What ship? Where? What port? When? What color?). 5. An old sailor is in the cabin. (What sailor? Who? Where? Why?) 6. The cargo plan is on the table. (Where?)
Exercise V. Translate into English:
а) Наше судно, его капитан, их палуба, ваши матросы, их документы, мои вещи, твоя книга, наш груз, их лодка.
b) 1. Палубы нашего судна чистые. 2 Документы нашего капитана на столе в его каюте. 3. Родители нашего второго помощника тоже моряки. 4. Это вещи нашего нового моториста. 5. Это каргоплан (cargo plan) второго помощника.
6. Их судно в море. 7. Наш капитан на мостике. 8. Мой экипаж очень квалифицированный.
Exercise VI. Tell about the ship’s crew and the duties of each crew member.
ferry a car and passenger ferry to be on regular service (to) approach to roll to roll on / roll off to load to unload (to discharge) can (could) gangway departure arrival to take smb. to some place to to make entries (into the log-book) to show (showed, shown) to tune emergency galley mess-room to spend (spent, spent) to overhaul draft particulars to paint air-conditioning system to interrupt to lubricate (bearing) device satellite communication device receiver teleprinter emergency transmitter (emergency boat) to meet (met, met) smb. to get (got, got) on board voyage to check pilot to wash and scrub the deck | паром трап (сходной) прибытие кают-компания осадка красить система кондиционирования воздуха устройство, прибор приборы спутниковой связи радиоприемник встречать кого-л. попасть на борт проверять лоцман |
Last month we visited the m/v Seagate a car and passenger ferry which is on regular service between St. Petersburg and Stockholm.
When we approached the ferry some cars were rolling off it. The ship was unloading. We knew that the ferry could carry not only 370 passengers, but also 50 cars at a time.
The officer on watch met us at the gangway and when we got on board we saw that all the sailors were working hard. Some of them were busy with unloading; others were preparing the ferry for the departure.
First of all the officer of the watch took us to the navigating bridge. We found the Third Officer there who was making entries into the log-book. He showed the ship’s navigational equipment to us.
Then we went to the radio room. When we entered the Second Radio Officer was tuning the emergency transmitter. We saw a lot of modern radio equipment in the radio room: some transmitters, receivers, teleprinters and satellite communication devices. As the Second Radio Officer was busy we decided not to interrupt his work and went to the engine room.
There were many sailors in the engine room. The motormen were lubricating the pumps, the Second Engineer was overhauling the main engine and the Third Engineer was regulating the air-conditioning system.
Then our guide showed us comfortable passengers and crewmen’s cabins, musical saloons, galley and mess-room.
We spent two hours on board the ferry and were very pleased with our visit. We thanked the Second Officer, wished him a happy voyage and left the ship.
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. Describe the m/v Seagate. 2. How many passengers and cars could the ferry carry at a time? 3. What were the sailors doing on board a ship? 4. Who was making entries into the log-book? 5. What did the Third Officer show the cadets? 6. Where was the Second Radio Officer? 7. List radio equipment that was in the radio room. 8. Who were lubricating the pump?
9. What were the duties of the Second Engineer and the Third Engineer? 10. How long were cadets on board a ship?
Exercise I. a) Find English equivalents in the text: основные измерения судна; настраивать аварийный радиопередатчик, делать записи в судовом журнале; готовиться к отправлению судна; осадка; скорость судна; смазывать насосы; аппаратура спутниковой связи; паром; прерывать чью-либо работу; грузить / разгружать судно; нести вахту; осматривать насос; перевозить груз; настраивать оборудования; обязанности второго механика / второго помощника капитана; мотористы, главный двигатель, вахтенный; кают-компания, каюта стармеха / старпома; зайти на камбуз; включить / отключить приёмник; смазанный механизм; осмотренный насос; потраченное время; прибытие.
b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: to be on regular service; to approach a ship; to roll on; to roll off; to invite smb. in; to prepare for the departure; an officer on watch; to make entries into the logbook; navigational equipment; to tune an emergency transmitter; satellite communication; to lubricate equipment; to overhaul the main engine; main particulars; draft, to spend time (money); broken device; to enter the mess-room; tuned receiver; turned off teleprinter; washed deck.
Exercise II. Read the text. The Master describes the m/v Transitor in detail. Pay attention to there is / there are. Replace Russian words with English terms.
On the m/v Transitor there are five палуб. The машинное отделение is below the first deck. There are three rooms on the first deck: the камбуз, the laundry and the storeroom. Above the прачечная there is a hospital. It is on the second deck next to the ratings’ кают-компания. To the right of the ratings’ mess-room is an office. There are no кают on this deck but there are cabins on the third deck. There is one cabin for the лоцмана and one for the Chief Officer. Between them is the officers’ mess-room. There is a cabin for the капитана on the fourth deck between the радио рубкой and the Chief Engineer’s cabin. The radio room is to the left of the Master’s cabin. The капитанский мостик is on the fifth deck.
Exercise III. Match the crew member with the work he was performing during visiting a ship.
Model: When the cadets came the ship’s cook was preparing dinner.
Crew | The work they were performing |
1. the Master | a. to prepare for the departure b. to overhaul the main engine c. to regulate the navigational equipment d. to paint the hull e. to check the life saving equipment f. to wash and scrub the deck g. to talk to a pilot h. to unload the cargo i. to plot the course j. to repair the air-conditioning system k. to lubricate the pumps |
Exercise IV. Read and translate the dialogue.
At the Agent’s office:
Agent: Glad to meet you, Mr. Petrov. Can I see your Seaman’s Book?
Mr. Petrov: Ah, here you are!
Agent: Mr. Petrov, we have to furnish a competent man in a second engineer’s position. What grade certificate of competency do you hold?
Mr. Petrov: I am a holder of a Class 1 engineer certificate issued one year ago by Odessa Harbour Master.
Agent: Have you ever thought of working in Italy? Besides I heard you did a first class job for a Greek shipowner.
Mr. Petrov: I just did my best to perform the duties competent.
Agent: What was the name of the ship on which you were last employed?
Mr. Petrov: The “Gloria”.
Agent: In what capacity were you employed on your last ship?
Mr. Petrov: I served on her board as 1st assistant engineer, which equivalent to the position of the 2nd engineer.
Agent: What was the ship’s power and power plant type?
Mr. Petrov: She was propelled by a Sultzer. The engine power output was over 12000-horse power.
Agent: What was her trading area?
Mr. Petrov: Oriental port, South East Asia, Japan and back to the Mediterranean area Via Singapore and Suez Canal.
Agent: What was the reason of your discharging?
Mr. Petrov: I’ve just terminated my employment as specified in the Agreement. You can see the dates and places of my joining and leaving the “Gloria” in those columns.
Agent: Good. Now I think you can familiarize yourself with this contract of employment to see if it is something you can and want to do before you agree to it.
Mr. Petrov: Well, it isn’t exactly the kind of work I would prefer, I mean the type of power plant and my position on board, but I don’t have too much choice at the moment and the contract terms, especially those in the wages section, sound real good.
in the capacity of – в должности
grade – класс, категория competency – квалификация
holder – владелец Harbour Master – капитан порта
to think (thought, thought) – думать to agree – соглашаться
power – мощность power output – выходная мощность
issued – выданный to formalize yourself – ознакомиться
discharging – списание to terminate – заканчивать
power plant – силовая установка, двигатель terms – условия
to do one’s best – делать всё зависящее
as specified in the Agreement – как указано в соглашении
to propel – приводить в движение, ускорять
Exercise I. Open the brackets and put the verb into right tense form.
Model: The 3rd Mate (to keep watch) now. – The 3rd Mate is keeping watch now.
1. Our ship (to make) regular voyages to London, but now it (not to call) at British ports. 2. I (to keep watch) when the captain came to the navigating bridge. 3. He (to look through) the weather report and then (to ask) me to take bearings of the nearest ship. 4. While I (to take) bearings the captain (to decrease) the ship’s speed and (to phone) to the radio-room. 5. “Who (to keep) watch at the moment?” the chief engineer asked. 6. “Radio-officer Orlov (to be)”. 7. The captain (to write) a short telegram and (to ask) Orlov (to transmit) it immediately. 8. “What the Chief Radio Officer (to do) now?” he asked. 9 “He (to repair) a radio direction finder,” answered Orlov. 10. “Tell him to come to the navigating bridge when he (to be) free”. 11. We (to lubricate) the bearing at 5 o’clock yesterday. 12. We always (to check) engine room machinery. 13. The motorman (to lubricate) machinery in the engine room at this moment. 14. He (to check) the ME now. 15. During his watch the 2nd Engineer (to overhaul) this pump. 16. Motormen (to repair) boiler (котел).
Exercise II. Fill in the sentences: some, any or a, an instead of gaps:
Model: There are some tall ships in the port.
1. There are not ___ boats there. 2. There is ___ river in the centre of the city.
3. There are ___ new words in the text. 4. Are there ___ ships at sea? 5. There is __ time for work. 6. There are not ____ tankers in the port. 7. Is there ___ port crane in the port? 8. There is ____ news in this newspaper. 9. Are there ___ sailors on the bow? 10. There are not _____ cadets on the ship. 11. There is _____ information in this radiogram. 12. There are not _____ maritime colleges there.
Exercise III. Fill in the sentences: many, much, little, few instead of gaps:
Model: There is much oil in the tank. There is little oil in the tank.
1. There are __ ships in the port. 2. There is __ news in today’s newspaper. 3. There is __ money in my pocket. 4. There are __ days off this month. 5. There are ___ mistakes in your dictation. 6. How ___ sailors are there on the deck? 7. There is ___ petrol in the tank. 8. Are there ___ mistakes in my exercise? 9. There is ___ furniture in the room. 10. How ___ students are there in the college?
Exercise IV. Translate into English: много курсантов, мало ошибок, много работы, мало времени, много судов, мало новостей, много документов, много портов, много денег, мало воды, много трюмов, мало топлива, много моряков, мало матросов, много дел.
Exercise V. Change an adjective, which is given into the brackets using comparative or superlative degree of comparison (сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных).
Model: My room is larger (large) than my brother’s room.
1. Oil is ___ (light) than water. 2. He is ___ (good) student in our group. 3. This is ___ (large) ship in this port. 4. My cabin is ___ (comfortable) than his one. 5. I make _____ (good) coffee than Mike does. 6. The Baikal is ___ (deep) lake in the world. 7. This liner is ____ (big) than that vessel. 8. He is ____ (lazy) student in their class. 9. Our captain is ____ (experienced) than the Chief Mate. 10. My students are ___ (good) students in our Maritime College.
Exercise VI. Read the table. Compare the information about 2 ships. Complete the sentences.
Vessel details | m/v Kennedy | m/v Freedom |
Type of vessel | General Cargo Carrier | Container Carrier |
Flag | Swedish | Korean |
Date of build | July 1995 | August 1996 |
Length overall | 149. 45 m | 168. 60 m |
Width | 21. 68 m | 29. 00 m |
Depth | 8. 65 m | 12. 40 m |
Cargo on board | 6500 mt | 13. 400 mt |
The m/v Kennedy is ______than the m/v Freedom (old).
The m/v Freedom is ______ than the m/v Kennedy (long).
The m/v Freedom is ______ than the m/v Kennedy (wide).
The m/v Freedom is ______ than the m/v Kennedy (high).
The cargo on board the m/v Freedom is_____ the cargo on board the m/v Kennedy (heavy).
Exercise VII. Using Irregular Verb List find, write down and learn by heart three forms of following irregular verbs with the translation: be, bear, beat, become, begin, bend, bite, blow, break, bring, build, burn, buy, catch, choose, come, cut, deal, dig, do, draw, dream, drink, drive, eat, fall, feed, feel, fight, find, fly, forbid, forget, forgive, freeze
Exercise VIII. Translate into English.
1. Порт в этой стране не такой большой, как наш порт. 2. Наше судно больше вашего. 3. Это не мои документы, а ваши. 4. Чья это радиограмма? – Наша.
5. Второй помощник капитана заканчивает составлять план погрузочных работ. 6. Вчера мы разгружали груз и потратили много времени. 7. Завтра целый день радисты будут тщательно осматривать приборы спутниковой связи, радиоприемники и телетайп. 8. Судно сейчас входит в порт.
9. На палубе десять матросов. 10. Механики ремонтировали главный двигатель вчера с 3 до 5 часов вечера.
Exercise IX. Tell about the students who visited m/v Seagate. What did they do and see there?
shipboard training to have shipboard training either on training vessels or merchant ships wheel life-saving appliance a wheelhouse superstructure mast to launch and hoist life-boats helmsman to handle a sextant apprentice light-vessel lighthouse coastal object echo-sounder log finder to transmit and receive weather reports navigational warning in case of trouble auxiliary machinery to stow (cargo) | плавательная практика |
The cadets of maritime colleges usually have their practical studies either on board training vessels or merchant ships. Now summer is coming and the cadets are going to have their shipboard training. The cadets of the Navigation Department will keep watch at the wheel, paint the hull, deck superstructures, masts, wash and scrub decks. They will launch and hoist lifeboats and learn how to use life-saving appliances. They are going to work in the wheel-house as helmsmen.
Skilled officers will instruct our boys how to handle a sextant and other navigational instruments. The apprentices will learn how to take bearings of some light-vessels, lighthouses, different coastal objects and define the ship’s position on charts. They must also know how to use echo-sounders logs, finders and satellite navigation systems.
During their shipboard training the cadets of the Radio Engineering Department will work in the radio room transmitting and receiving radio-telegrams, weather reports and navigational warnings. They will learn how to tune and repair the ship’s radio equipment in case of trouble.
The cadets of the Engineer Department will work in the engine room. They will learn how to maintain the main engine, auxiliary machinery, how to lubricate and repair the engine room equipment.
The cadets of the Port Operation Department will work in ports and on board ships during their training. When in ports they will learn how to load, unload and stow cargo.
All the cadets must work hard to master their profession.
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. Where do the cadets of maritime colleges have their practical studies? 2. What will the cadets of the Navigation Department do during their practice? 3. Where are the cadets of the Navigation Department going to work? 4. What will the apprentices learn? 5. Where will the cadets of the Radio Engineering Department work during practical studies? 6. Who will work in the engine room? 7. What can be learnt while practicing in port? 8. What must be done in order to master the profession? 9. What is the difference between lighthouse and light-vessel?
Exercise I. a) Find English equivalents in the text: нести вахту; мыть и чистить палубу; спускать и поднимать шлюпки; использовать спасательные средства; красить надстройку; рулевой; определять местоположение судна; опытные офицеры; навигационные приборы; плавучий маяк; плавательная практика; передавать и принимать радиограммы; настраивать радиооборудование; вспомогательные механизмы; учиться укладывать груз; освоить профессию; усердно работать.
b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: to launch; to handle a sextant; to receive weather report; to handle navigational equipment; auxiliary machinery; stowed cargo; transmitted telegram; received order; painted lifeboat; to receive navigational warning; checked life-saving appliances light-vessel.
Exercise II. Work in pairs, read the statements and agree or disagree with them using following phrases: I quite agree with you / Sorry, I can’t agree with you; You are absolutely right / You are completely wrong; It’s true / It’s false.
Model I: – The Third Officer will keep watch in the engine room.
– Sorry, I can’t agree with you. The Third Officer will not keep watch in the engine room. He will keep watch on the navigating bridge.
Model II: – Radio Officers will keep watch 8 hours a day.
– I quite agree with you. The Radio Officers will keep watch 8 hours a day.
1. The cadets of maritime colleges have their training on board training vessels.
2. Only cadets of navigational department have shipboard training. 3. The cadets of navigational department don’t keep watch at the wheel. 4. Skilled officers instruct the cadets how to use navigational instruments. 5. The cadets of the radio-engineer department learn to plot the ship’s position. 6. The future radio engineers learn to use life saving appliances in case of trouble. 7. The cadets of the engineer department keep watch and relieve each other of watch every four hours. 8. The future engineers must know how to lubricate and repair the engine room equipment. 9. The port operation department cadets have their training on board ships. 10. All the cadets must work hard to master their profession.
Exercise III. Imagine that you are going to go ashore tomorrow. Look at your timetable and answer the questions.
Visit Ashore, October 24 0730 Breakfast on ship 0830 Crew meeting 0930 Leave the vessel 1000 Bus leaves for city centre 1030 Arrive in city centre / go to café 1115 Visit crew supply office / meet management staff / see new computer system 1230 Lunch in local restaurant 1330 Bus tour of city 1500 Visit shops 1900 Dinner at Toni’s Restaurant 2130 Cinema 2300 Return to ship / report to the Master |
1. What is going to happen at 0730? 2. What time is the meeting going to start? 3. What are you going to do first in the city? 4. What are you going to see at the office? 5. Where are you going to have lunch? 6. What are you going to do at 1330? 7. When are you going to see a film? What are you going to do after your return to the ship?
Exercise I. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.
1. My friend ___ (to work) on a Ro-Ro ship. 2. Chief Engineer ___ (to want) to overhaul the main engine next month. 3. The Rules of the Sea ___ (to say) that the safety at sea is very important. 4. They ___ (to need) to stop the engine as soon as possible. 5. They ___ (to learn) how to stow cargo last month. 6. When I went on board, he ___ (to use) a finder and satellite navigation system. 7. We ___ (to launch) the life-boat in a week. 8. When we entered the radio-room, he ___ (to receive) a navigational warning. 9. While we ___ (to prepare) the ship for the departure, he ___ (to check) the auxiliary machinery in a minute. 10. Our helmsman ____ (to navigate) the cargo ship in some minute.
Exercise III. Answer the following questions: “Where will you be two weeks from now? At sea? At home? On shore?”
1. Where will you be in two days? In two days I will be …
2. Where will you be in one week? In one week I will be …
3. Where will you be two months from now? In two months I will be …
4. Where will you be one year from now? One year from now I will be …
5. Where will you be in ten years? In ten years I will be …
Exercise IV. Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the brackets into Present Perfect form.
1. The engineer ___ the engine. (repair) 2. The cadet ___ the deck. (sweep)
3. The 2nd Officer ____ the charts. (check) 4. The Chief Officer ___ the cargo. (load) 5. The 3rd Assistant Engineer ____ the fire alarms. (test) 6. The Radio Officer ____ to send the telex. (forget) 7. ____ the vessel ____ ? (dock) 8. ___ you ___ your safety manual? (read) 9. ___ the ratings ___ the fire drill? (practice) 10. The Cook ___ not ___ the dinner yet. (prepare) 11. The vessel ___ not ___ in port yet. (arrive) 12. The ratings ___ not ___ their duties yet. (finish).
Exercise V. Translate into English.
1. Вчера в 5 часов вечера мы приближались к парому. 2. Вчера весь день матросы готовили судно к отправке. 3. Когда я постучал в дверь каюты, он учился определять местоположение судна. 4. Когда я вернулся на борт своего судна, механик ремонтировал оборудование в машинном отделении. 5. Когда вошел капитан, мы прокладывали курс нашего судна на карте. 6. В то время как матросы мыли палубу, третий помощник капитана делал записи в судовом журнале. 7. В случае необходимости мы ремонтируем радиосвязь. 8. Боцман отвечал за содержание трюмов, палубы и корпуса судна в хорошем состоянии. 9. Механики отвечали за обслуживание и ремонт оборудования в машинном отделении. 10. Пока я нес вахту, наш второй помощник капитана показывал курсантам оборудование радиорубки: передатчики, приемники, телетайпы и приборы спутниковой связи.
Exercise VI. Using Irregular Verb List find, write down and learn by heart three forms of the following irregular verbs with the translation:
get, give, go, grow, hang, have, hear, hide, hit, hold, hurt, keep, know, lay, lead, learn, leave, lend, let, lie, light, lose, make, mean, meet, pay, put, read, ride, ring, rise, run.
Exercise VII. Retell the text about Shipboard training.
strategically placed bay breadth [bredθ] round the clock local route [ru:t] berth depth liquid fuel lifting capacity storage facilities warehouse open storage areas arterial roads motor vehicles [´vi:ikl] major repair minor repair to replenish with machinery to exceed overall dimensions to embark smb. on board to disembark exterior anchorage to advise ETA (estimated time of arrival) preliminary control section to apply for to draw up papers frontier service Customs to coordinate fever coast (shore) Medical Officer anchorage to arrange entrance to be capable to general cargo floating dock dry dock dry cargo timber ship-repair(ing) yard preliminary accommodate smth. | удобно расположен бухта ширина круглосуточно причал глубина жидкое топливо подъёмная способность складские помещения склад открытые складские площади магистральные дороги автотранспорт капитальный ремонт незначительный ремонт пополнять что-либо оборудование превышать габаритные размеры принимать кого-либо на борт высаживать на берег внешний рейд консультировать расчётное время прибытия предварительный диспетчерская служба обращаться составлять документы пограничная служба таможня согласовывать офицер медицинской службы якорная стоянка устраивать вход быть способным генеральный (смешанный) груз плавучий док сухой док сухой груз лесоматериалы дизельное топливо судоремонтная верфь предварительный размещать что-то |
The Sea Fishing Port of Sevastopol is strategically placed on the south-eastern coast of the Crimean Peninsula in the Kamishovaya bay (lat 44° 37' N long 33° 32' E). General cargo, iron, timber, containers and other goods are handled round the clock every day. Except loading dry cargoes, the port realizes passenger transportation inside the city and on the local routes.
The port has more than ten berths (passenger and auxiliary berths also). The berth # 19 (220 m long), for example, is used to handle oil, diesel fuel and other liquid fuel. The maximum depth near the berth is 9. 2 m. The maximum draft should not exceed 9 m.
The berths are equipped with different cranes with sufficient lifting capacity. There are different storage facilities, refrigerated warehouse and open storage areas in the port. Some berths are provided with the arterial roads of the country. The port is provided with various motor vehicles. There is also a ship-repairing yard with some dry and floating docks where major repairs are possible including hull and machinery repairs. It is also possible to replenish a vessel with fuel, water and food.
Navigation in the port is all year round. But in autumn and winter the sea fishing port of Sevastopol is capable to accommodate vessels with overall dimensions not more than:
Length 175 m
Breadth 23 m
Tonnage 17 thousand registered tons.
Permission to enter the port is given by Port Authority after the communication with a ship is established. Pilots embark or disembark vessels at exterior anchorage two miles from the entrance (lat 44°37'N long 33°27'E). Masters of the vessels should advise Inflot Agency of ETA. Preliminary notice should contain name flag of the vessels, ETA, length, breadth, draft, maximum height.
The port provides all vessels with agents. The agent arranges everything necessary for the ship. He must advise port authorities and the receivers of the cargo about the estimated time of arrival. With the help of the control section the agent applies for drawing up papers in the Frontier Service and the Customs 24 hours prior to arrival. In two hours the agent coordinates the order of anchorage. In case of fever or other disease it is necessary to notify the agency. The Medical Officer usually requires the Master to produce the following documents: the Crew list, the list of passengers (if any), the bill of Health (санитарное свидетельство), the Disinfection and Deratization Certificates (свидетельства о дезинфекции и дератизации) and the Tonnage Certificate (мерительное свидетельство).
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. Where is the sea fishing port of Sevastopol situated? 2. What kind of activities does the port have? Which of them do you know? 3. How many berths does the port have? Which of them do you know? 4. What is the maximum draft of the vessel near the berth? 5. What kind of equipment and storage facilities is the port provided with? 6. What supplies can be replenished in the port? 7. Indicate the overall dimensions of a vessel possible for anchoring in the port in autumn and winter. 8. What information should preliminary notice contain? 9. What duties should an agent carry out? 10. When and where does the agent apply for drawing up papers? 11. What documents does the captain present to the Medical Officer?
Exercise I. a) Find English equivalents in the text: обрабатывать грузы круглосуточно; местные линии; жидкое топливо; осадка превосходит 9 м; достаточная подъемная способность; склад; таможня; расчетное время прибытия; причал; недостаточная глубина; капитальный ремонт; судоремонтная верфь; внешний рейд; лоцман; власти порта; ширина судна; высота надстройки; якорная стоянка в порту.
b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: replenish with diesel oil; arranged by the agent; floating docks; overall dimensions; port authority; list of crewmembers; to be supplied with water; auxiliary berth; to establish the communication with a ship; to embark a pilot on board ship.
Exercise II. Translate using the vocabulary.
- Sevastopol was founded by Suvorov as strategically placed seaport. 2. All the berths are used to load cargoes. 3. There is a number of passenger and auxiliary berths to the sea fishing port. 4. These storage facilities and open storage areas are well-equipped. 5. The port functions round the clock. 6. Indicate the overall dimensions of your ship first. 7. The hull and machinery of the ship need repairing. 8. You should replenish your active vocabulary with new terms (терминами). 9. This preliminary notice does not contain ETA of the vessel. 10. An agent addresses the control section to apply for drawing up papers.
Exercise III. Translate into English.
1. Каждый год по всему миру строятся новые доки. 2. Груз был размещен в трюме. 3. Спасательное оборудование используется в случае необходимости. 4. Двигатель судна обслуживается мотористами. 5. Оборудование машинного отделения регулярно осматривается с целью ремонта. 6. Паром будет подготовлен к отправлению через 4 часа. 7. Много денег тратится на современное оборудование. 8. Каждый год в наш порт заходят иностранные суда. 9. Ледокол «Ермак» был построен адмиралом Макаровым в 1899 году. 10. Третьему помощнику вчера приказали сделать записи в судовом журнале. 11. Местоположение нашего судна было определено очень точно. 12. Мы будем ремонтировать вспомогательные механизмы в случае повреждения. 13. Корпус судна был окрашен вчера. 14. Радиограмма была передана радистом вчера. 15. О нашем капитане много говорят и пишут в газетах.
Exercise IV. Practice saying large numbers.
291; 187; 2 170; 33 290; 350; 1820; 1 150; 223; 455; 1 968; 7 600; 9 334; 571.
Exercise I. Complete the following sentences with the Past Continuous (продолжительное действие) or the Past Simple (разовое действие).
1. The vessel was entering the port when the storm ___ (begin). 2. The steward ___ (clean) the Captain’s quarters when he ___ (spill) the bucket of water. 3. The Captain ___ (talk) to some crew members on the bridge when the steering system ___ (fail). 4. The crew __ (load) bales of cotton when it __ (start) to rain. 5. The officers ___ (eat) lunch when the alarm ___ (sound). 6. The Chief Engineer ___ (shout) when the explosion ___ (happen). 7. The Radio Officer ___ (sleep) when the ship ___ (receive) the telex. 8. The ship ___ (cross) the North Atlantic when it ___ (lose) power. 9. The pirates ___ (board) the vessel when the Master ___ (hear) the noise. 10. The light ______ (fade) when we ____ (leave) Karachi.
Exercise II. Write sentences using the Past Continuous. What was happening yesterday between 1500 and 1600?
Model: Chief Officer / verify the charts. – The Chief Officer was verifying the charts yesterday between 1500 and 1600.
1. Cook / prepare the vegetables. 2. Third Officer / watch TV. 3. Master / write reports. 4. Ratings / stow the ropes. 5. Ship / leave port. 6. Helmsman / steer the vessel. 7. Surveyors / check the cargo. 8. Pilot / board the launch. 9. Engineers / repair a valve. 10. Motormen/ check / auxiliary machinery. 11. Cadets / look for / manual about life saving appliances.
Exercise III. Read the report of the m/v Karrier’s voyage. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct verb and write the Past Simple form.
load damage repair load sail arrive continue carry unload stop
Last September the m/v Karrier _____ from Japan to the Philippines. It _____ three times: at Shanghai, Chi-lung and Manila. The vessel _____ ballast from Nagasaki to Shanghai. At Shanghai the crew _____ 10,000 tonnes of rice (рис). On 18 September a tropical storm _____ part of the ship so a fitter _____ the life raft (спасательный плот) at Chi-lung. The ship _____ 286 containers of electrical goods and 400 cars. The vessel ______ to Manila and _____ at 1200 on 22 September. In Manila the ship _____ 6,000 tonnes of rice and 286 containers of electrical goods.
Exercise IV. Put the verbs into proper place. Read and translate the texts given.
Text A. are used are located is composed are located are placed
The Port of San Juan is a seaport facility located in the metropolitan area of San Juan, Puerto Rico. The port ___ of sixteen piers (пирсы), of which eight ___ for passenger ships and eight for cargo ships (грузовые суда). The Port of San Juan’s cargo facilities ___ southern portion of San Juan Bay. Of the approximately eight cargo terminals, five ___ the Puerto Nuevo district of San Juan and the other three ___ in the neighbouring (соседний) municipality of Guaynabo. The cargo facilities allow (позволяют) for more than 500,000 square feet (46,000 m²) of space for loading and unloading cargo.
Text B. is connected to is located have since been combined
is named is recognized
The Dante B. Fascell Port of Miami is a seaport located in Florida, United States. It ___ Downtown Miami by Port Boulevard, a bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway. The port ___ on Dodge Island, which is the combination of three historic islands (Dodge, Lummus and Sam’s Islands (острова)) that ___ into one. It __ in honour of 19th term Florida Congressman Dante Fascell. It is the 11th largest cargo container port in the United States. The Port of Miami___ and has been for many years, as the “Cruise Capital of the World” and “Cargo Gateway of the Americas”. As the “Cargo Gateway of the Americas”, the port primarily handles containerized cargo with small amounts of break bulk (штучный груз), vehicles and industrial equipment. It is the largest container port in the state of Florida and 9th in the United States. As a world-class port, the Port of Miami is among an elite group of ports in the world which cater (ориентирован) to both cruise and container ships.
Exercise V. Make a report (not less than 500 words) on one of the following seaports using the plan provided:
1. Port of Odessa. 2. Port of Dover. 3. Port of Hamburg. 4. Port of Montreal. 5. Port of Las Palmas. 6. Port of Karachi. 7. Port of Houston. 8. Port of Rotterdam. 9. Port of Los Angeles. 10. Port of Singapore. 11. Port of Shanghai. 12. Port of Manila. 13. Port of Klaipėda 14. Port of Limassol.
1. Geographical position and the country.
2. Types of vessels and handled cargo.
3. Storage facilities and equipment.
4. Working hours.
Exercise VI. Using Irregular Verb List find, write down and learn by heart three forms of following irregular verbs with the translation:
say, see, seek, sell, send, set, shake, shave, shine, shoot, show, shut, sing, sink, sit, sleep, smell, speak, spend, spread, spring, stand, steal, stick, strike, swear, sweep, swim, take, teach, tell, think, throw, understand, wake, wear, win, wind, write
Exercise VII. Tell about Sea Fishing Port of Sevastopol.
to serve liability non-compliance violation consequence vital mankind poisonous substance observance uninhabitable harmful staff vegetation penalty amendment | служить последствие соблюдение поправка, исправление |
Shipping is perhaps the most international of the world’s industries, serving more than 90 per cent of global trade by carrying huge quantities of cargo cost effectively, cleanly and safely.
It has always been recognized that the best way of improving safety at sea and to avoid any perils and accidents is by developing international regulations that are followed by all shipping nations.
In 1948 the Organization of United Nations adopted a convention establishing the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as the first ever international body devoted exclusively to maritime matters. The original name was the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (or IMCO), but the name was changed in 1982 to IMO. The IMO Convention entered into force in 1958.
From the very beginning, the improvement of maritime safety and the prevention of marine pollution have been IMO’s most important objectives. In the early 2000s, maritime security became another major focus for the Organization. The overall objectives are summed up in the IMO slogan: “safe, secure and efficient shipping on clean oceans”.
The Organization currently has 170 Member States and three Associate Members. Its governing body, the Assembly, meets once every two years. IMO is a technical organization and most of its work is carried out in a number of committees and sub-committees. The Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) is the most senior of these. IMO has promoted the adoption of some 50 conventions and protocols and adopted more than 1,000 codes and recommendations concerning maritime safety and security, the prevention of pollution and related matters.
Such documents as International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, International Convention on Preventing Pollution at Sea, International Regulations for Safety of Life at Sea and others are well known to all the mariners and shall be strictly obeyed in practical navigation. All these regulations impose liability on shipping companies, the vessels and their crews for non-compliance of the rules.
Much attention is paid now to preventing pollution at sea, as its consequences may threaten the vitally important problems of the mankind. The coast and coastal waters polluted with oil or poisonous substance may become uninhabitable or harmful not only for men, but for fish, birds, animals and other living creatures as well as vegetation.
Under Convention the countries, members of IMO, undertake to see to the effective execution of the rules. To control the strict observance of the Regulations special organizations have been established. The staff of these organizations is entitled to investigate the cause of pollution, to inspect the equipment aboard vessels and to impose a penalty for the violation of the Regulations.
scope – границы, рамки, пределы;
collision – столкновение.
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. What part does shipping take place in world industry? 2. What is the best way of improving the safety at sea? 3. When was IMO established? 4. When did the convention come into force? 5. What are the objectives of IMO convention? 6. List some of the documents of IMO. 7. Why is so much attention paid to prevention pollution at sea? 8. What is staff of IMO entitled to do?
Exercise I. a) Find English equivalents in the text: чтобы избежать возможного риска и несчастных случаев; столкнуться с проблемой; защищать морскую среду; обязательный закон; должны строго соблюдаться; налагать ответственность; нарушение правил; предотвратить загрязнение моря; жизненно важные проблемы человечества; прибрежные воды; заражены нефтью и отравляющими веществами; непригодный для жизни живых существ и растений; эффективное выполнение законов; уполномочен расследовать причины загрязнения; проверять бортовое оборудование; облагать штрафом; рыболовные компании.
b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: to improve operation of machinery; to avoid collision; to establish rules; to prevent pollution from oil; carried out regulation; poisonous substance; to impose severe penalty; observance of the rules; to sum up everything you know.
Exercise II. According to the text decide which statement is true or false?
1. Shipping is not the most international of the world’s industries.
2. The best way to avoid any perils and accidents at sea is to have navigation equipment in good condition.
3. The IMO Convention came into force in 1948.
4. The original name wasn’t the International Maritime Organization.
5. Improvement of maritime safety, prevention of marine pollution and maritime security are the most important objectives of the IMO.
6. IMO’s documents should be known to the Masters of all ships.
7. Special organizations have been established to control the strict observance of the Regulations.
8. The staff of the organization investigates the cause of pollution but never imposes a penalty for the violation of the Rules.
Exercise III. Translate into English:
1. Последствия загрязнения моря могут угрожать жизни людей, рыб, птиц, животных и других существ. 2. За нарушение правил на рыболовные компании, суда и их команду налагаются штрафы. 3. Для защиты окружающей среды учреждён комитет. 4. Специальные организации учреждены для контроля за строгим соблюдением правил. 5. Организация Объединенных Наций вынуждена решать большое количество проблем. 6. Сегодня более 100 стран являются членами этой организации. 7. Экипаж должен избегать разлива нефти (spillage). 8. Все члены экипажа соблюдают правила.
Exercise IV. Match the abbreviation with its meaning.
1. Maritime Safety Committee 2. The Marine Environment Protection Committee 3. Safety of Navigation 4. Radiocommunications and Search and Rescue 5. Standards of Training and Watchkeeping 6. Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers 7. Ship Design and Equipment 8. Fire Protection 9. Stability and Load Lines and Fishing Vessels Safety 10. Flag State Implementation 11. Bulk Liquids and Gases | a. DE b. BLG c. MSC d. FSI e. MEPC f. FP g. NAV h. COMSAR i. STW j. DSC k. SLF |
Exercise V. Match the Title of the Committee with the function it performs.
Legal Committee | is responsible for IMO’s activities and functions relating to the facilitation of international maritime traffic. These are aimed at reducing the formalities and simplifying the documentation required of ships when entering or leaving ports or other terminals. |
The Technical Co-operation Committee | is concerned with prevention and control of pollution from ships. In particular it is concerned with the adoption and amendment of conventions and other regulations and measures to ensure their enforcement. |
The Facilitation Committee | is responsible for considering any legal matters within the scope (границы, рамки, пределы) of the Organization. |
The Marine Environment Protection Committee | is concerned with aids to navigation, construction and equipment of vessels, manning from a safety standpoint, rules for the prevention of collisions, handling of dangerous cargoes, maritime safety procedures and requirements, hydrographic information, log-books and navigational records, marine casualty investigations, salvage and rescue and any other matters directly affecting maritime safety. |
Maritime Safety Committee | is responsible for coordinating the work of the Organization in the provision of technical assistance in the maritime field, in particular to developing countries. |
salvage [´sælvıdʒ] – спасение имущества (при кораблекрушении или пожаре);
to salvage – спасать (судно, имущество при кораблекрушении, пожаре и т. п.), избавлять;
rescue – спасение (жизни);
to rescue – спасать, избавлять.
Exercise I. Read about the most important IMO’s Conventions. Explain the form of the verbs in italics.
SOLAS – The first conference organized by IMO in 1960 was concerned with maritime safety. That conference adopted the International Convention on Safety of Life at Sea. The SOLAS Convention covered a wide range of measures designed to improve the safety of shipping. They included subdivision and stability; machinery and electrical installations; fire protection, detection and extinction; life-saving appliances; radiotelegraphy and radiotelephony; safety of navigation; carriage of grain; carriage of dangerous goods; and nuclear ships. IMO adopted a new version of SOLAS in 1974. Other safety-related conventions adopted by IMO include the International Convention on Load Lines; the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships; the Convention on International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG) which made traffic separation schemes adopted by IMO mandatory and considerably reduced the number of collisions in many areas; and the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue.
MARPOL – In 1973 the first ever comprehensive anti-pollution convention the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships was adopted. The MARPOL Convention deals not only with pollution by oil, but also pollution from chemicals, other harmful substances, garbage and sewage. It greatly reduces the amount of oil which may be discharged into the sea by ships, and bans (запрещать) such discharges completely in certain areas. The most important and far reaching of these is the International Ship and Port Facility (ISPS) Code.
INMARSAT – In 1976 IMO adopted the Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) and its Operating Agreement. The Convention came into force in July 1979 and later resulted in the establishment of the International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO).
ISM Code – Statistics say that about 80% of all shipping accidents are caused by people. The ISM Code provides tools to prevent accidents, injures, and pollution caused by poor management and human mistakes. Objectives of the ISM Code are to ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury of life, and avoidance of damage to the environment.
Exercise II. Read principal recommendations and codes adopted by IMO over the years. Translate paying attention to N1+N2.
1. International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code. 2. Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes. 3. International Code of Signals. 4. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk. 5. Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes. 6. Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels. 7. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk. 8. International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures. 9. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units. 10. Code on Noise Levels on Board Ships. 11. Code of Safety for Nuclear Merchant Ships. 12. Code of Safety for Special-Purpose Ships.
13. International Gas Carrier Code. 14. International Bulk Chemicals Code.
15. Code of Safety for Diving Systems. 16. International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk. 17. International Safety Management Code. 18. International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft. 19. Life-Saving Appliance Code.
Exercise III. Find the meaning of following verbs (Приложение A) and make up 5 your own sentences using them.
To be in charge, to be busy with, to be responsible for, to carry out, to refer to, to rely on, to influence, to impact on, to face with, to find out, to follow.
Exercise IV. Sum up all information you have learnt from the text and exercises and tell about IMO Convention.
ladder maintenance intact stability damage boundary watertight compartment closure casualty upright side scuttle margin line bilge pumping plant gear [giә] astern consent drain (to drain) to steer steering gear to enable strength of the ship safety goggles safety glove fire extinguisher | трап лестница, соединяющая палубы препятствие содержание в рабочем состоянии, техническое обслуживание и (текущий) ремонт, уход за оборудованием остойчивость повреждение край, граница герметичный водонепроницаемый отсек закупорка авария прямое/вертикальное положение иллюминатор предельная линия трюмная помпа механизм, оснастка задний (ход), за кормой согласие дренаж (откачивать) противостоять править рулем, вести судно рулевое устройство позволять, способствовать крен баллер руля грузовая марка прочность судна ни…ни… защитные очки защитная перчатка огнетушитель |
The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea is concerned with safety and health on ships. The Regulations include all aspects such as: safe conditions of workplaces, keeping ladders and companionways clear of obstructions, provision and maintenance of non-slip walking surfaces, adequate lighting heating and ventilation, appropriate instructions.
The master of the ship shall be supplied with data necessary to maintain sufficient intact stability under service conditions to enable the ship to withstand the critical damage.
There shall be permanently exhibited, for the officer in charge of the ship, plan showing clearly for each deck and hold the boundaries of the watertight compartments, the openings with the means of closure and position of any controls, and the arrangements for the correction of any list due to a casualty whether the ship is upright or listed.
In no case shall any subdivision load line mark be placed above the deepest load line in salt water as determined by the strength of the ship and/or the International Convention.
Ship shall be provided with an efficient bilge pumping plant and draining any watertight compartment, which is neither a permanent oil compartment nor a permanent water compartment.
The main steering gear shall be of adequate strength and sufficient to steer the ship at maximum service speed. The main steering gear and rudder stock shall be designed so that they are not damaged at maximum astern speed.
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. What is the International Convention for the safety of life at sea concerned with? 2. Where and when was the convention adopted? 3. What do the Regulations include? 4. What is necessary to enable the ship to withstand the critical damage? 5. What shall the master of the ship be supplied with? 6. Is it important to have a plan of the ship? 7. What shall the ship be provided with? 8. What strength and design shall the main steering gear have?
Exercise I. a) Find English equivalents in the text: безопасность на судах; безопасность рабочего места; не загораживать трапы; соответствующее освещение; сохранять остойчивость судна; противостоять повреждениям; герметичный отсек; авария; иллюминаторы; предельная линия; без согласия капитана; снабжены соответствующей трюмной помпой; способна дренировать водонепроницаемый отсек; руль; баллер руля; задний ход.
b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: to withstand any damage; engine room; maintenance; to drain the tank; listed ship; to check load line mark; watertight compartment; damaged hull; International Convention; oil compartment; officer in charge; walking surface; heating and ventilation; service conditions.
Exercise II. Translate into English:
1. Необходимо держать сходной трап свободным от любых препятствий. 2. Капитан судна должен быть снабжен необходимыми инструкциями. 3. Освещение, отопление и вентиляция помещений на судне должны соответствовать стандартам. 4. Иллюминаторы, нижние кромки которых находятся ниже придельной линии, не должны открываться без разрешения капитана. 5. Главное рулевое устройство сконструировано таким образом, чтобы управлять судном на максимальной скорости. 6. Мотористы дренировали этот танк (ту цистерну). 7. Судно получило пробоину (hole) в корпусе.
Exercise III. Read the words. Match the body part with the type of protective clothing.
1. head 2. eyes 3. feet 4. hands 5. ears 6. whole body | a. safety boots b. ear defenders c. hard hat d. safety goggles e. overalls f. safety gloves |
Exercise IV. Read this article from a safety manual. Find words that describe body parts and injuries.
1. Seafarers sometimes break their arms and legs when they slip or fall. These accidents happen when they don’t wear safety boots or when decks are wet and oily. Seafarers also fall when ladders are not secure. To prevent broken arms and legs, it is important to wear safety boots.
2. Seafarers sometimes strain their backs when they lift heavy objects. Back strain usually happens when seafarers lift objects alone or when they don’t use lifting equipment properly. To prevent back strain, it is important to lift objects properly.
3. Seafarers sometimes suffer from burns when there is a fire, explosion or chemical spill. Seafarers need to be careful when they smoke or when they work with chemicals. To prevent burns, it is important to obey “No Smoking” signs and to handle chemical cargos safely.
4. Seafarers sometimes suffer from cuts. They often cut their fingers when they are careless with sharp machinery. To prevent cuts, it is important to use safety guards and to wear gloves.
5. Seafarers sometimes injure their eyes when they work with machinery. Dust, sparks, and chemicals are very dangerous when they hit the eye. To prevent eye injuries, it is important to wear protective goggles.
to strain back – потянуть спину to suffer from – страдать от
burn – ожог to hit – ударять (по чему-л.), поражать
chemical spill – утечка химикатов spark – искра
cut – разрез, порез; глубокая рана dust – пыль
safety guard – предохранительное приспособление / устройство, перила
Exercise I. Translate the extract from the Contract paying attention to the translation of Modal Verbs.
1. Sailors must keep their places clean and neat. 2. Sailors should not bring aboard any weapons, prohibited drugs or alcohol with the exception of those that are provided by the Shipowner as part of the vessel’s provisions. 3. Sailors should not go ashore in any foreign port except by permission of the Master. 4. Any seaman may request his immediate discharge because of illness or injury. 5. The shipowner and Master may issue such rules and regulation as may be necessary for the safe operation of the vessel.
Exercise II. Read the sentences. Replace Modal Verbs with its equivalents. Translate the sentences.
1. Engineers must quickly learn the location of all manuals, drawings, technical books, tools, spare parts etc. All manuals and technical books must be used very carefully. Damage to these books often happens when they are taken into the engine room. So the Chief Engineer must control that they are only taken into the engine room when it is absolutely necessary and only for a short period. 2. All watch keeping Officers must report directly to the Chief Engineer and execute his orders.
3. All Engineering Officers must know the layout and parameters of the vessel.
4. All Engineers must read and learn the Quality System. 5. Pollution is very important. All national and international regulations must be followed. Each ship must have Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan. 6. The Company provides personal protective equipment which must be used.
Exercise III. Connect the sentences. Choose the best connecting word. (Because, and, but, or, so).
1. He fell off the ladder. The ladder wasn’t secure. 2. The load was too heavy for the crane. The cargo fell. 3. There is a danger of toxic gases in enclosed (закрытый) spaces. You must always check the air before you enter. 4. The lightering hose (лихтерный рукав) was not secured at the manifold. The crewman was not injured when he disconnected the hose. 5. Many seafarers slip on deck. They don’t wear safety shoes. 6. There was a storm at sea. A pallet truck (автопогрузчик) broke free (сорвался) in high winds. 7. Accidents at sea happen because of negligence (небрежность). They happen because equipment is not maintained. 8. The fire started in the pump room. It spread to the engine room. 9. A seafarer broke his arm. A steel pipe fell on him. 10. Fires can start if electrical equipment is faulty (неисправный, повреждённый). They can start if cigarettes are not extinguished (затушены) properly.
Exercise IV. Look at the verbs. Complete the sentences. Choose a verb for each command: get call lower smoke enter close proceed stop
1. Fire in the galley! __ a fire extinguisher! 2. They are loading the fuel. Don’t __ on deck! 3. Man overboard! __ the lifeboat! 4. Emergency! __ to your muster stations (место сбора по тревоге) immediately! 5. Flooding (потоп) in the engine room! __ the Master! 6. The oil is leaking! __ the pumps! 7. Fire in the cabins! __ all fire doors! (противопожарные двери) 8. The air is toxic! Don’t __ that area!
Exercise V. Complete the sentences with must / must not.
1. All personnel __ wear safety goggles while operating this machinery. 2. There is a leak! You __ switch off the pump immediately! 3. There is gas in the space! You __ enter! 4. You __ use safety equipment.
5. We __ smoke in the holds. 6. There is a smell of gas in the hold. You __ wear your breathing apparatus (дыхательные аппараты). 7. There is an electrical fire. You __ get water fire extinguisher. 8. There is a man overboard. You __ lower lifeboat.
Exercise VI. Look at the graph. It shows the number and types of incidents that occurred at sea last year. Use a dictionary to check that you know each type of incident. Read the report. Complete the report with numbers from the graph.
Summary of Incidents at Sea
Last year there were 63 incidents at sea. This included __ spills, 2 of which resulted in pollution. Fourteen vessels grounded and ___ vessels collided in bad weather conditions.
There were ___ reports of personal injury. These injuries usually occurred because seamen did not take care with machinery or because they did not wear the correct type of protective clothing.
____ ships reported fires on board during the year: in 2 incidents, the fires started in the galley; in another 2 incidents, fires started when chemical containers exploded; and in 3 incidents, the fires occurred because of electrical faults.
On ____ occasions vessels lost power because the crew did not follow correct procedures during manoeuvring. There were __ accounts of cargo contamination: 1 cargo of grain suffered from heat damage, and in the other case, water leaked into the hold and damaged a fruit cargo.
to ground – сесть на мель procedures – зд. действия
injury – повреждение contamination – загрязнение
electrical faults – повреждение в электрической цепи
heat damage – повреждение высокими температурами
Exercise VII. Look at the next graph. It shows the incidents that occurred at sea last month. Read the report. Complete the sentences in the report with the verb. Change each verb to the Past Simple.
suffer lose report be (2) explode collide ground start damage include leak
Summary of Incidents at Sea
Last month there ____ 18 incidents at sea. There ____ 4 spills. There were no reports of personal injury. Two vessels ____ because of low water in port and another 2 ships ____ in foggy conditions. Six ships ___ fires on board: in 5 incidents the fires ___ in the engine room and in 1 incident the fire started when chemical containers ____. There ___ 1 incident of a vessel which ___ power during ship manoeuvring. Three vessels ___ cargo contamination when water ___ into the hold and ___ the cargo.
Low water – отлив
Foggy conditions – условия тумана
Exercise VII. Retell the text in 5-7 sentences.
significant transmission infected vector rat to act means relating to correspondent spread purpose interference to fulfill to be detained compulsory forced treatment to call at the port roadstead pumping out permission requirements disinfection deratisation remote region isolated community crucial to conduct general cargo vessel both … and … International Health Regulations (IHR) | значительный и … и …, и к тому же, как …, так и … Международные медико-санитарные правила |
Historically ships have played a significant role in the global transmission of infectious diseases. For example, ships can transport infected humans and other vectors, such as mosquitoes and rats, between ports and, therefore (следовательно), act as a means of international disease transfer.
The International Sanitary Regulations were developed in 1951 to prevent the spread of six infectious diseases – cholera, plague (чума), yellow fever (жёлтая (тропическая) лихорадка), smallpox (оспа), typhus (тиф) and relapsing fever (вшиный тиф). These regulations were revised (пересмотрены) and renamed the International Health Regulations (IHR) in 1969 and they are in force up till now.
The purpose of the International Health Regulations is to provide security against the international spread of disease while avoiding unnecessary interference with international traffic. International Sanitary Rules are introduced in every country by the correspondent act of the Health Department.
If any foreign vessel doesn’t fulfill Sanitary Rules regime then she cannot be detained in the port with the exception of time necessary for compulsory or forced sanitary treatment in case of yellow fever. The vessel can leave the port but during the whole period of voyage she cannot call at any other port of the same State Sanitary Rules of which had been broken by her.
Sanitary inspection of the vessels is conducted round the clock at the berth and only in the special cases in the roadstead when there are ill men on board, lack of water, food, fuel, etc.
Pumping out of the ballast waters in the port water area is conducted only with the permission of the Sanitary Service. After washing the holds, water can be pumped out only with the permission of Sanitary Quarantine Service. All Sanitary operations are registered in the special book and Sanitary Certificate is given in case when all requirements are observed.
Isolation of ill persons, prohibition on import or export of certain cargoes, disinfection, and deratisation are maintained in the interests of all countries and nations. It is estimated that 1. 2 million seafarers are employed on general cargo vessels. Many spend months at sea, sometimes in remote regions of the world. On long voyages the ships are isolated communities. Good sanitation conditions on vessels are crucial both to the health of seafarers and to the shipping industry’s ability to attract and retain competent employees.
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. Why have the ships played significant role in the global transmission of infectious diseases? 2. What regulations were developed in 1951? 3. List six infectious diseases the International Sanitary Regulations should prevent. 4. Can the ship be detained to the port, if she doesn’t fulfill sanitary rules regime?
5. Where are all sanitary operations registered? 6. When is sanitary inspection conducted? 7. Does the ship need permission for pumping out ballast water? 8. How many seafarers are employed on general cargo vessels? 9. What actions should be done in order to maintain the interest of all countries and nations? 10. Why is good sanitation important to people and shipping industry?
Exercise I. a) Find English equivalents in the text: зараженные люди; инфекционное заболевание; отдел здравоохранения; за исключением; обязательное лечение; лихорадка; запрет на ввод/вывод; дезинфекция; круглосуточный режим; соблюдать требования; получать сертификат; распространять болезнь; покинуть порт.
b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: to be registered; sanitary rules; to get permission; pumped out water; compulsory treatment; to call at the port; to meet requirements; to fulfill orders; foreign vessel; global transmission; means of transfer; spread of disease; unnecessary interference; ill man on board; remote regions.
Exercise II. Translate into English.
- Международные санитарные правила были разработаны в 1951 году. 2. Департамент здравоохранения осуществляет наблюдения за выполнением санитарных требований. 3. В любой стране существуют запреты на ввоз и вывоз определённых товаров и грузов. 4. В случае лихорадки лечение является обязательным. 5. Санитарный осмотр судов ведется круглосуточно. 6. Все операции регистрируются в специальном журнале. 7. В случае соблюдения всех требований судну выдаётся сертификат.
Exercise I. Read historic note paying attention to the verbs in italics. Define the Tense and Voice (Active/Passive) used.
Historically ships have played an important role in transmitting infectious diseases around the world. The spread of cholera in the nineteenth century was thought to be linked to trade routes and facilitated by merchant shipping. Efforts to control human disease on ships, can be traced back to the Middle Ages when in 1377, Venice and Rhodes denied access to ships carrying passengers infected with the plague and the term “quarantine” was coined. On arrival travellers were detained in isolation for 40 days before they were allowed to proceed to their final destination. Overcrowding on ships, filth and lack of personal hygiene were often associated with epidemics of typhus fever. Preventive measures, such as quarantine, delousing, and maintaining personal cleanliness by use of soap, were gradually adopted, and the incidence of typhus decreased.
filth – отходы preventive measure – профилактические мероприятия
hygiene – гигиена overcrowding – переполнение, перегруженность
delousing – дезинсекция efforts – попытки
Exercise II. Translate the sentences paying attention to the function of the infinitives.
1. Water to be used for potable (питьевой) water purposes aboard ships must be provided with sanitary safeguards (средства защиты) from the shore source, through the shore water distribution system, including connections to the ship system, and through the ship system at each outlet in order to prevent contamination or pollution of the water during ship operation. 2. Water boats and water barges are vessels especially constructed and equipped to receive and provide water for both potable and nonpotable water systems aboard ships under conditions where direct shore delivery is not practicable. 3. The overall objectives for investigating disease outbreaks (вспышки) are: to control ongoing outbreaks; to detect and separate the source from passengers and crew; to identify specific risk factors related to the host, the agent and the ship; to determine factors that contributed to contamination, growth and survival of the suspected agent; to prevent future outbreaks.
Exercise III. Make the sentences using a Complex Object:
Model: “Dockers shall stow the cargo into the holds,” the captain said.
The captain wanted the dockers to stow the cargo into the holds.
1. “The cargo must be delivered in a month,” the chief mate said. The chief mate expected _____. 2. “The captain ordered: “Radio-officer! Transmit the telegram” The captain wanted _____. 3. “The goods should be unloaded in 5 hours,” the motor-man said. The motor-man expected _____. 4. “Render him first aid,” the captain said to the ship doctor. The captain wanted _____. 5. “We should reduce the danger of a hurricane. ” The First Mate said. The First Mate said _____. 6. “The ship must be not delayed,” our captain said. Our captain _____. 7. The teacher asked me: “Tell me the ship’s type and tonnage. ” The teacher _____. 8. The master ordered: “Batten down watertight hatches and portholes!” The master _____. 9. The captain asked: “Are life-saving appliances ready for use?” The captain _____. 10. “Check the cargo in the holds,” the chief mate said to me. The chief mate _____.
Exercise IV. Make the sentences using Complex Subject.
Model: The ship has just left for Riga (to seem). – The ship seems to have left for Riga.
1. The weather has affected the work of the apparatus (to find). 2. The volume of cargo will increase (to know). 3. The passenger ship arrives in St. Petersburg at 5 a.m. tomorrow (to expect). 4. This tramp will leave for Odessa in the afternoon
(to know). 5. Goods of every kind passes through the docks in the port of London
(to announce). 6. The boatswain is a more experienced seafarer that most of the men under him (to consider). 7. The direction of the wind may be changed tomorrow
(to report). 8. Sea transport has required a high standard of cooperation (to know).
Exercise V. Translate info English.
1. Известно, что это очень старое судно. 2. Между этими двумя видами судов существует большая разница. 3. Судно, вероятно, прибудет сегодня вечером.
4. Капитан, вероятно, принял их предложение. 5. Говорили, что судно прибыло в Лондон. 6. Говорят, что он уехал в Севастополь. 7. Ожидается, что судно прибудет вовремя. 8. Говорят, что здесь будет построена новая верфь.
9. Говорят, что он очень хороший штурман. 10. Считается, что это самое глубокое озеро в нашей стране. 11. По-видимому, судно прибывает завтра.
12. Сообщается, что судно находится в опасной зоне (hazard area).
13. Ожидается, что движение контейнеровозов увеличится в ближайшем будущем. 14. Сообщается, что грузооборот (cargo turnover) порта значительно возрос за последнее время.
Exercise VI. Change the sentences using Complex object and Participle I.
Model: She was singing. I heard her. – I heard her singing.
1. The sailors were defining the ship’s position. I saw them. 2. I noticed the Chief Mate. He was checking measuring devices and other equipment. 3. The officer of watch was navigating the liner. I watched him. 4. I saw some sailors. They were plotting their route on charts. 5. The Captain saw the Radio officer. He was receiving a radiogram. 6. Our engineer was repairing the main engine. We watched him. 7. We saw the ship. She was sinking. 8. Our engineer was overhauling the radio-communication. I saw him. 9. He was regulating the air-conditioning system. I watched him. 10. We heard our Captain. He was giving commands. 11. They saw their engineer. He was regulating a radio direction finder. 12. The captain watched us. We were overhauling the satellite communication device. 13. The dockers were loading the cargo. We watched him. 14. They were lubricating the equipment. We saw them. 15. The storm was coming. We felt it. 16. He was tuning the emergency transmitter. The Captain noticed him.
Exercise VII. Paraphrase the sentences using Complex Object and Infinitive.
Model: He entered the room. I noticed him. – I noticed him enter the room.
1. The vessel anchored at Kronstadt. We saw her __. 2. The ship proceeded to the port of destination. My friend saw her __. 3. Our ship avoided the danger. We felt her___. 4. The vessel arrived at the port on time. We noticed her___. 5. The sailors scrubbed the ship’s deck. The boatswain watched them ___. 6. Our Chief Mate checked all auxiliary equipment. We saw him ___. 7. The stevedores fastened the cargo. We watched them ___. 8. He repaired the pump. We heard him ___.
Exercise VIII. Retell the text.
short circuit bearing ignition spark welding shortcomings validity expiration date fire extinguishing system fire extinguisher light type fuel heavy fuel oil inscription thermal conductivity in a word delivery hose lever discharge hose spare parts in a word hatch downward pressure control lever | короткое замыкание подшипник недостатки системы огнетушения легковоспламеняющееся топливо трудновоспламеняющееся топливо низкая теплопроводимость халатность цель легковоспламеняющийся уменьшать, снижать герметичность крышки надпись теплопроводность одним словом; короче говоря нагнетательный (напорный) рукав рычаг выкидной шланг запасные части (детали) одним словом; короче говоря люк давление на нижние слои рукоятка, ручка управления |
Fire prevention measures of ships are provided by its constructive, organizational and technical aspects and also by adequate actions of the crew in their fight against fire. It is noted that considerable per cent of fire accidents are connected with the explosion and ignition of light type fuel. Explosions of hydraulic systems, short circuits, defects in electrical equipment have also high frequency. Usually fire in the engine room is the result of lubricants ignition in the bearings of the main and auxiliary mechanisms.
The other type of “thermal” accidents takes place because of the open fire that is because of sparks during welding process. But we mustn’t forget about negligence of the crew or ship builder’s shortcomings. It is necessary to observe requirements on storage of dangerous materials. Hold should be dry and clean with appropriate ventilation. Paints must have low thermal conductivity with the aim to lessen the spreading speed of fire.
Inflammable materials must have inscription and marking, be checked periodically on validity and expiration date, leakage, tightness of cover and so on. It is compulsory for every ship to have highly efficient fire extinguishing system and also individual oxygen apparatus, means for hands protection, in a word everything that is necessary to safe life of every man at sea.
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. What is the main reason of fire on board a ship? 2. What measures can we take to lessen the spreading speed of fire? 3. Why is it necessary to have markings and inscriptions on inflammable goods? 4. What is compulsory to have on board every ship? 5. How do builder’s shortcomings influence on origin of fire?
Exercise I. a) Find English equivalents in the text: короткое замыкание; оборудование; вспомогательный механизм; сварка; система огнетушения; возгорание; частота; проводимость; истечение срока годности; подшипник; распространение огня; меры предотвращения огня; взрыв гидравлических систем.
b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: hydraulic system, short circuit, frequency, engine room, lubricant, ignition, bearing, auxiliary mechanism, spark, welding, negligence, shortcoming, conductivity, inscription, validity, expiration date, extinguishing system, oxygen apparatus.
Exercise II. Translate Into English.
В процессе сварки искры являются причиной пожара. 2. Каждое судно должно быть оборудовано системой огнетушения. 3. Все недостатки устраняются до выхода судна в море. 4. Каюты должны содержаться в чистоте и своевременно вентилироваться. 5. Низкая теплопроводность красок снижает возможность быстрого распространения огня.
Exercise III. Match the beginning of the sentence with its ending. Read statements about Fire Spread.
Heat and fire may spread in one or more of the following four different ways:
1. Direct heat transfer 2. The spread of heat via gases, liquids, or hot air circulating 3. Radiation. Materials may ignite 4. Direct Burning | a. when they are kept near electric heaters or other heating appliances. b. when heat travels along or through unprotected steelwork. c. through stairwells, lift shaft, ventilation, etc. d. when combustible materials come into contact with a naked flame. For example, a mattress is ignited by a lighted cigarette. |
Exercise IV. Read and translate the dialogue.
John Brown: How do you do! I am a port fire control officer John Brown.
Mr. Klimov: How do you do Mr. Brown. I am 3rd officer. My name is Klimov. What can I do for you?
John Brown: Well, I am to inspect your ship. First of all I want to see the hatches where cargo operations are going on. Under the rules of our port you should place fire extinguishers at each hatch and lay fire hoses connected with shore pumps.
Mr. Klimov: Certainly, sir. We don’t violate the rules. We’ve posted a deck-hand on fire watch. He makes regular rounds around the ship and reports to me every half an hour.
John Brown: Very good. And now I’ll see the certificate for the ship’s fire equipment… I see everything is ship-shape. All certificates are valid and I have no claims.
Exercise V. Make up your own dialogue concerning fire prevention measures on board a ship.
Exercise VI. Read the information provided about types of fire and fill in the table.
Be advised that Multiple classification systems exist, with different designations for the various classes of fire. The United States uses the NFPA (National Fire Protection Assosiation) system. Europe uses the European Standard “Classification of fires”.
(European Standard)
It is important to find out the type of fire because if you fight with a fire in incorrect way, it can only increase the danger.
Fire of solid materials usually of an organic nature such as wood, paper, furniture, plastics, rope, etc. | Fire of liquids such as petrol, oils, paraffin, paint, cooking fats, etc. | Fire of gases such a propane, butane, acetylene, etc. | Fire of burning metals such as aluminum, magnesium, etc. |
ELECTRICAL FIRE: Electricity does not burn. An electrical fire is a Class A, B, C or D fire. After the electrical circuits are isolated, the fire is extinguished as normal according to its normal class.
What is burning? | Fire Type | |||
A | B | C | D | |
Wood | ||||
Petrol | ||||
Wax | ||||
A Television | ||||
Manganese | ||||
Paint Stripper | ||||
Olive Oil | ||||
Cupboard |
Exercise VII. Read about Fire Extinguishers and be ready to answer the questions.
A fire extinguisher is designed to attack a fire onboard in the early stage.
Water, Foam and Dry Powder
Extinguishers with water, foam or dry powder operate in the same principal. In each case water, foam or dry powder are stored in a welded container. When the valve is opened, CO2 gas has a downward pressure on the water, foam, or dry powder and forces it as a siphon tube and out through the delivery hose. The discharge is controlled by squeezing and releasing the operating head valve or by a control lever at the end of the discharge hose.
WATER – USE on wood paper, plastics
DO NOT USE on fires involving liquid (oils, paints, fats, etc. )
DO NOT USE on fires where there is live electricity.
FOAM – USE on liquid spills and liquid fires of oils, paints (Class B fires)
DO NOT USE on fires where there is live electricity.
Powder can be used for liquids (Class B fires). Powder may also, with the correct technique, be used to extinguish a high pressure gas flame (Class C fires). Dry Powder gives as fast flame knock-down, and may be used on fires on live electrical equipment.
True or False?
1. Extinguishers with water, foam or dry powder operate in the completely different principal.
2. Extinguishers with water can be used on fires involving liquid.
3. Powder can be used for liquids.
4. Extinguishers with foam can be used on fires where there is live electricity.
5. Dry powder extinguisher is used on wood and plastics.
6. Class C fires are extinguished with Dry powder extinguishers.
Exercise I. Translate the sentences paying attention of the functions of infinitives.
1. They wanted to repair the equipment. 2. Everybody knows the bulkers to be applied for carrying of bulk cargo. 3. I’d like to see the list of spare parts to be ordered. 4. The problems with an engine are to be avoided. 5. The main goal of a hull is to protect a ship from the damage. 6. Cargo is known to be taken only under the contract terms. 7. We suppose the fuel pumps to be replaced completely. 8. The ro/ro passenger liners are designed to carry a great number of passengers that is why the safety level on board should be sufficiently high. 9. To carry the liquid cargo the vessels have special tanks. 10. In case of emergency one way out is to call at any ports for repairs.
Exercise II. Retell the text “Fire prevention measures”.
Exercise III. Speak on the following topics:
1. Adequate action of the crew in their fight with fire.
2. Smoking is one of the most common causes of fire outbreaks.
3. Hazardous materials on the vessel. What rules should the crew observe?
negligence list to list low visibility combustible / flammable adjacent to break out (broke, broken) foam extinguisher powder extinguisher fire axe fire hose with nozzle fire bucket fire main shovel crowbar to restrict to contain | небрежность, невнимательность, халатность крен, список крениться, составлять список плохая видимость легковоспламеняющийся, огнеопасный поперечная переборка примыкающий начинаться, возникать (огонь), разразится (шторм) пенный огнетушитель порошковый огнетушитель пожарный топор пожарный рукав с насадкой пожарное ведро пожарный трубопровод лопата лом сплинкерная система, противопожарный разбрызгиватель ограничивать ограничивать, сдерживать, подавлять |
Accidents can be caused by negligence of a crewmember or by external factor. The crewmember can choose wrong personal protective equipment or incorrect usage of life-saving appliances or fire-fighting equipment.
A fire doesn’t break out if you perform all the precautions. When a fire breaks out, you’ll try to restrict to its area. The larger fire is, the more difficult it is extinguished. The cargo holds often contain large amount of combustible substances. It is not always possible to restrict fire there. Special transverse bulkheads of the cargo holds prevent spread of the fire to adjacent compartment.
There is the following fire-fighting equipment on board a ship: ship’s fire alarm system, fire extinguishers, fire hoses with the nozzles, boxes with sand, buckets, fire shovels, axes and crowbars. For accommodation area there is automatic sprinkler system. The CO2 system is used in the engine room.
All the fire-fighting systems and equipment should be in good operating condition ready for immediate use. The deck department is responsible for all portable fire-fighting equipment, while the engine department takes care of all fixed fire-fighting systems.
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. What are the reasons of the accidents? 2. What
can any crewmember do to prevent the fire breakout? 3. Why is it impossible to restrict the fire in the cargo hold? 4. What fire-fighting equipment do you know?
5. What system is used on galley?
Exercise I. a) Find English equivalents in the text: пенный огнетушитель, потушить огонь, пожарный топор, легковоспламеняющиеся вещества, пожарный рукав, жилые помещения, пожарная тревога, порошок, пожарный шланг, поперечные переборки, распространение огня, отсек, лопаты.
b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: fire hoses, to fight against, sand box, cargo hold, breathing apparatus, combustible substances, to neglect, crowbar, broken out fire, fire-extinguishing equipment, spot, precautions, fire bucket.
Exercise II. According to the Unites States classification of Fires there are only three types of Fire.
Class Fire | Type Material | Examples Suitable |
A | ordinary combustibles | paper, wood, cloth, cardboard, plastic rubber |
B | flammable liquids and gases | gasoline, grease, kerosene, oil, spirits, solvents, some paints |
C | electrical equipment | appliances, computers, wiring, fuse, boxes, power tools |
Exercise III. Translate into Russian.
1. There are three classes of fire. Each class has its own type of the fire extinguishers. 2. We use foam fire extinguisher to extinguish combustible liquids on fire. 3. Which types of fire extinguishing systems is used in machinery space?
4. On board of his last ship there were ship’s fire alarm system, several fire extinguishers and some other fire-fighting equipment. 5. Special teams fight against the fire on board of a ship.
Exercise IV. Translate into English.
1. Я знаю три типа огнетушителей: пенный, порошковый и углекислотный (carbon-dioxide). 2. Пожарные рукава с насадками, ящики с песком, ведра, лопаты и топоры – это противопожарное оборудование. 3. Какого цвета порошковый огнетушитель? 4. На камбузе, в кают-кампании и в каютах при тушении пожара используется сплинкерная система. 5. В трюмах и машинном отделении используется углекислотная система пожаротушения.
6. Огнетушители могут быть автоматическими или ручными, а также углекислотными, пенными, порошковыми и водными. 7. Пожары класса А вызываются горением таких веществ как дерево, бумага, ткани, пластмасса, резина. 8. Пожары класса А наиболее эффективно тушатся водой, но можно применить пенные и порошковые огнетушители. 9. Когда горит электрическое оборудование или бытовые приборы (home appliances), экипаж должен применить углекислотные огнетушители. 10. На борту этого судна должно было использоваться следующее противопожарное оборудование: судовая пожарная сигнализация, огнетушители, ящик с песком, ведра, пожарные топоры и пожарные шланги (гидранты).
Exercise V. Find right variant for each statement.
Fire prevention measures
1. Foam can be used on this type of fire. 2. You can’t use this extinguisher on an electrical fire. 3. This fire extinguisher has a blue flash. 4. These help stop fires from spreading. 5. You should use this on a Chip Pan Fire. 6. You must only use this on an electrical fire. | a. powder b. foam c. fire blanket d. carbon dioxide e. fire doors f. petrol |
Exercise VI. Read and translate the dialogue.
Seafarer 1: There’s been an explosion in the engine room! Quick! There’s a fire!
Seafarer 2: Call the Captain!
Seafarer 1: Engine room to bridge! Emergency! Emergency! Explosion in the engine room!
Captain: Captain speaking. What’s the damage?
Seafarer 1: It’s bad, Sir – there’s fire and a lot of smoke!
Captain: Can you contain the fire?
Seafarer 1: I don’t think so, Sir – it’s out of control!
Captain: Get everyone out now! Do not attempt to extinguish the fire! Repeat. Do not attempt to extinguish the fire!!! Sound the alarms immediately!
Seafarer 1: Yes, Sir!
Loudspeaker: Attention! Attention! This is your Captain speaking. Fire in the engine room! This is an emergency! Proceed to your muster stations immediately!
Loudspeaker: Attention! Attention! Fire is spreading! Prepare to abandon ship! Prepare to abandon ship!
Question: What is the emergency?
Answer: There is a fire in the engine room.
Exercise VII. Tell about fire-fighting on board a ship.
juridical body implementation to supervise to issue survey Load Line Certificate Certificate for seaworthiness Certificate for Minimum Freeboard
reliability solidity [sә´lidәti] to lower load line freight-carrying capacity bankruptcy hurricane force | юридический документ, орган осмотр, инспекция признание, подтверждение зд. документ, признающий что-л. пошлины и налоги нетто регистрированный тоннаж надежность морской транспорт плотность, прочность уменьшать, снижать годность, соответствие грузовая линия, линия нагрузки грузоподъемность банкротство; несостоятельность ураганная сила |
Register of shipping is the juridical body. Its main objective is to increase safety of navigation. There is Register of Shipping not only in our country but in Great Britain – British Lloyd’s, in France-French Veritas, in Sweden-Swedish Lloyd’s, in Norway-Norwegian Lloyd’s and American Bureau in the USA. Register of Shipping supervises for the implementation of international conventions, takes part in the work of international organization.
Register works out and issues classification rules, for sea-going vessels, construction rules and also rules for ship’s measurement and definition of their load line. Register defines the degree of wear, conducts survey and produces the following documents: Load Line Certificate, Certificate for Seaworthiness, Passenger Certificate, Certificate for Minimum Freeboard and Certificate for the use of Shipboard radio station.
Vessels, which are built according to these rules, are given adequate certificate of class in the Register. This certificate is acknowledgment of vessel’s reliability and fitness for the navigation.
Class of the merchant vessel defines solidity thus gives the right to define Load Line and region of navigation. Insurance societies establish the amount of the insurance sum on the technical class basis and take correspondent dues from Ship-owners and Shippers for the cargo carried on board. We know that dues and charges for the services rendered to the ship are always calculated from gross Register Tonnage. It is the work of shipping register to ascertain BRT, GRT and NRT of any vessel. Vessel's class is lowered in case of the loss of original solidity after accidents, even partially.
Lowering of the class is unprofitable for the ship-owner because this may lead to increase of the insurance does and also to increase of the minimum Freeboard that is to reduction of freight-carrying capacity.
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Register of Shipping? 2. What is its main objective? 3. Does Register of Snipping exist only in the USA? 4. What does Register of Shipping supervises for? 5. What does Register of Shipping work out? What documents does it issue? 6. What does the ship built according to the rules receive? 7. What do insurance societies establish? 8. Why can the ship’s class be lowered? 9. Is it profitable for the ship owner? Why?
Exercise I. a) Find English equivalents in the text: юридический документ; регистр судоходства; выполнение; норвежский; шведский; вести контроль; свидетельство; соответствующий; груз; торговое судно; страховое общество; учреждать пошлины и налоги; страховая сумма.
b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: Register of Shipping, juridical body, objective, France, French, Sweden, Swedish, Norway, Norwegian, American Bureau, to supervise, implementation, certificate, adequate, acknowledgment, merchant, insurance, profitable, freight, seaworthiness, reliability, to ascertain, tonnage, correspondent.
Exercise II. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the following phrases to express your opinion:
Agreement: I completely agree with you; yes, you are quite right; I have no objections.
Disagreement: Sorry, but I can’t agree with you; I am afraid you are wrong/mistaken; it seems to me the idea is different.
1. Register of Shipping is a juridical body. 2. Its main objective is to help passengers to book tickets. 3. Register works out and issues classification and construction rules as well as rules for ship’s measurement and definition of their load line. 4. Built according to these rules vessels are given adequate certificates. 5. This certificate testifies to vessel’s reliability. 6. Class of a merchant vessel defines its buoyancy.
7. Insurance societies establish the amount of insurance sum on the technical class basis. 8. Dues and charges rendered to the ship are calculated from Minimum Free board. 9. Vessel’s class is lowered in case of the ship owner’s bankruptcy.
Exercise III. Translate into English.
1. Главная цель Регистра Судоходства это увеличение безопасности судоходства. 2. Регистр Судоходства следит за выполнением международной конвенции. 3. Регистр определяет степень изношенности судна и его мореходность. 4. Хорошие суда получают соответствующие свидетельства, которые являются признанием их надежности и качества. 5. Известно, что пошлины и налоги исчисляются из общего тоннажа. 6. Понижение класса судна ведет к понижению его грузоподъемности. 7. Регистр судоходства имеет своё название в каждой стране.
Exercise I. Use the verb in proper tense form. Pay attention to Conditional sentences.
1. If we ______ (not / to follow) the pilot’s instructions, the liner would have had an accident. 2. If the Queen’s power were not limited by Parliament, Great Britain _____ (not/ to be) a constitutional monarchy. 3. If the country were not rich and had to import from our country, our ships _____ (to bring) to this country food products and raw materials. 4. If you had come to the port, you _____ (to see) a lot of ships approaching the harbor. 5. If the Chief Mate ordered, we _____ (to inspect) the life boats. 6. If our port were all-purpose dry cargo port, we _____ (to construct) specialized loading / unloading terminals and elevators in it. 7. If the river hadn’t frozen in winter, this port _____ (to open) to navigation round the year. 8. If you felt down from the ladder, you _____ (to hurt) yourself. 9. If you were allergic to any drugs, you ______ (not / to give) this medicine. 10. If the gale hadn’t become stronger, there _____ (not / to be) high waves and twigs _____ (not / to break) off the trees.
Exercise II. Paraphrase the sentences using Conditional Sentences.
Model: He promises to come early. I want to speak to him.
If he comes early, I will speak to him.
1. Our propeller is often damaged. Our engineer will repair it. 2. I am free of watch. I will go shore. 3. They promise to arrive at this port. We can meet them. 4. We must consult the contract. We want to know when the vessel leaves. 5. Let him go to our captain. The captain wants to give him some instructions. 6. He promises to be here before 10 o’clock. I want to see him. 7. He can’t operate a liner. He never studies navigation. 8. The storm is beginning. But the wind won’t reach the hurricane force. 9. We should take a pilot. We don’t know this harbor. 10. The cadets didn’t see timber-carriers. They didn’t visit the exhibition. 12. The cargo wasn’t fastened properly and the ship had a list to starboard. 13. The tanker spilled oil near the coast. Animals, birds and fish were in trouble. 14. There was an accident at the port yesterday because the process of loading wasn’t controlled properly.
Exercise III. Translate into English.
1. Если бы нашего капитана не было на борту, старшему помощнику пришлось бы заменить его и выполнять его обязанности. 2. Когда их сменят на вахте, они смогут сойти на берег и осмотреть город. 3. Если бы я был ответственным за службу технической эксплуатации, я бы нес вахту в машинном отделении, обслуживал и ремонтировал её оборудование. 4. Если радист получит штормовое предупреждение, он сразу же сообщит об этом капитану. 5. Если бы матросы подготовили вчера судно к отправке, мы бы уже давно вышли из этого порта. 6. Если бы я умел, я бы настроил аварийный передатчик сам.
7. Если вам покажут оборудование радиорубки, обратите внимание на приборы спутниковой связи. 8. Если бы нас проинструктировали на прошлом занятии, мы бы быстрее научились пользоваться секстантом и другим навигационным инструментами. 9. Если нам будет нужно пополнить запас продовольствия, мы возьмём курс (to head for …; to make for …) на ближайший порт. 10. Если бы вы отрегулировали систему кондиционирования воздуха, этого бы не произошло.
Exercise IV. Make a report (not less than 500 words) about one of the topics given:
1. Lloyd’s Register. 2. Indian Register of Shipping. 3. Shipping Register of Ukraine. 4. Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 5. Bureau Veritas. 6. American Bureau of Shipping. 7. Registro Italiano Navale.
Exercise V. Retell the text.
bow port side weather deck lower deck / underdeck fresh water beam frame, bend bilge keel hull plating chart house | нос левый борт открытая / верхняя палуба нижняя палуба пресная вода бимс шпангоут скуловый киль наружная обшивка корпуса штурманская рубка |
Main Parts of a Ship
The main body of a ship is called hull. This is the area between the main deck, the sides and the bottom. The front part is the bow, the rear part is stern. Decks and bulkheads divide the hull up into several watertight compartments. Some of them are used for the dry cargo (cargo holds) or the liquid cargo (tanks). The hull contains engine room, cargo spaces and a number of tanks. Some tanks are used for fresh water and water ballast. The space between the holds and the bottom of the hull contains double bottom tanks. These are used for ballast water and fuel.
Traditionally sailors use different words at sea. A bedroom is called a cabin. A bed is a bunk. The sailors call a kitchen as a galley. Right is starboard and left is named port. The group of people who work on board is called the crew. Sailors also refer to their vessels as she rather than it.
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. What is the main body of a ship? 2. How is the front part of a ship called? 3. What is the stern? 4. What do you know about the ship’s structure? 5. What is the difference between tanks and holds? 6. Where is fresh water stored? 7. How is kitchen called on a ship?
Exercise I. a) Find English equivalents in the text: нижняя палуба; переборка; танк; левый борт; трюм; корпус; передняя часть; трап; машинное отделение; пресная вода.
b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: accommodation; cargo spaces; hold; dry cargo; galley; bunk; weather deck; stern; main bulkhead; to store ballast water; double bottom tank; superstructure.
Exercise II. Read the dialogue and translate into Russian.
Chief Officer: Ah Mr. Hansen, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m the Chief Officer. I believe you want to see some places on the ship?
Mr. Hansen: Ah yes, hello there. That’s correct.
Chief Officer: Ok, let me show you the way. First, we can look at the bridge. Please turn right and go up these stairs one level... It’s in front of you there.
Mr. Hansen: Yes, I see. Very good. Everything seems to be in order. Which way to the radio room?
Chief Officer: The radio room is on the right and the chart house is behind us.
Mr. Hansen: I see. Is the Radio Officer in there?
Chief Officer: No, he isn’t. Let me show you the hospital.
Mr. Hansen: Certainly.
Chief Officer: Ok, go straight ahead to the end of the corridor. It’s on the starboard side.
Mr. Hansen: All right, then. And where are the cabins?
Chief Officer: The officers’ cabins are one level below us. The ratings’ cabins are two levels down.
Mr. Hansen: Ok.
Chief Officer: So here we have the hospital. Do you want to see inside?
Mr. Hansen: No, that’s not necessary. There is somebody in there.
Chief Officer: In that case Captain MacMillan is ready to see you. Please come this way. We can turn left here and his office is on the port side.
Mr. Hansen: Very good. Thank you for showing me around.
Exercise III. Translate into English or Russian where it is necessary.
- What are the structural parts of the ship’s hull? – Это бимсы, шпангоуты, скуловые кили, наружная обшивка, переборки, и палубы.
- How many life rafts are there on board? – Четыре. Они находятся в кормовой части шлюпочной палубы: два по левому борту, два – по правому.
- Как называется по-английски грузовое пространство, расположенное под открытой палубой над трюмами? – Its English name is “tweendeck”.
- Извините, Вы можете сказать мне, где находится помещение аварийного дизель генератора? – Sure. It’s in the fore deck house, between holds 1 and 2.
- How can I get there? – Поднимайтесь двумя палубами выше по трапу правого борта и идите в носовую часть судна. После первого трюма, на Вашем пути, есть рубка. Дизель генератор находится в той рубке.
damage to fail to call at to carry out representative installation to verify scope delivery trials damage survey etc. (et cetera) [it´set(ә)rә] screw high pressure fuel oil pump complete overhaul | вред, повреждение выполнять представитель установка проверять масштаб осмотр повреждений; освидетельствование после аварии и так далее винт, шуруп топливный насос высокого давления полный капитальный ремонт |
The cargo vessels operate in various parts of World Ocean far away from native shores. In case of emergency when some machinery fails the vessels call at foreign port for emergency repair. The planned repair is usually carried out at the same shipyard where the vessel has been built before. As soon as the hull works are completed the ship-owner sends their representatives to supervise installation machinery and equipment. The ship’s engineers also take part in the repair process. They discuss the list of repairs with the shipyard’s representatives, verify the scope of the work, supervise and check up the repair process. On completion the delivery trials are carried out, the protocol of delivery is made out and the ship is ready for service again.
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. What should the vessel do in case of emergency? 2. Where is the repair planned usually carried out? 3. What is the duty of ship-owner representatives? 4. Do ship’s engineers take part in the repair process?
5. What actions do they perform? 6. When is the ship ready for service again?
Exercise I. a) Find English equivalents in the text and translate them: мировой океан, иностранный порт, корпусные работы, установка оборудования, процесс ремонта, представитель судовладельца.
b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: various parts, far away from native shores, in case of emergency, planned repair, at the same shipyard, the list of repairs, scope of the work, the delivery trials, service.
Exercise II. Enrich your vocabulary with the following Repair Verbs. Match the Verb with its meaning.
1.. to repair 5. to disassemble | a. to replace something that is old or broken with something new b. to remove something, especially a piece of clothing c. to put all the parts of something together d. to join two or more things together e. to reduce something in amount, degree, strength etc., or to become less; to move something down from higher up. f. to repair or change all the parts that need it, in a machine, system etc, that is not working correctly g. to do something in order to find out whether something that you think is correct, true, or safe really is correct, true, or safe h. to examine something carefully in order to find out more about it or that it is not satisfactory i. shut something so that there is no longer a space or hole j. to examine something in order to find out something about it. k. to take something in your hands and raise it, move it, or carry it somewhere; also to lift or to move something upwards into the air l. to find the size, length, or amount of something using standard units m. to fix something that is damaged, broken, or not working properly n. to repair something that is broken or not working properly o. to close or fasten something firmly by turning it |
16. to lubricate
22. to test | p. to get something new to put in the place of something that has been broken, etc. q. to change your place or position, or to make something do this r. to put a lubricant on something in order to make it move more smoothly (плавно, равномерно) s. look at something carefully in order to make a decision, find something, check something t. to make the water or liquid flow away from something; to put the right amount of liquid, substance, or material into a container, or put in enough to make it full u. to take a machine or piece of equipment apart so that it is in separate pieces; to remove dirt from something by rubbing or washing |
Exercise III. Translate into Russian paying attention to the meaning of Repair verbs. Define the Tense.
1. We have done the necessary repairs. 2. I will repair the damaged pump.
3. Second Engineer is fixing the high pressure fuel oil pump. 4. Motormen fixed the motor to the main deck. 5. We fixed the shelves to the wall using screws. 6. The Main Engine needs a complete overhaul. 7. We plan to overhaul the auxiliary engine. 8. We need to assemble the motor as soon as possible. 9. Please bring all the disassembled parts. 10. This place needs cleaning. 11. This surface is already clean. 12. Close the door tightly. 13. Connect this hose to that flange (фланец, кромка). 14. Have you filled this tank? 15. Have these cables been checked for faults? 16. Carefully examine the quality of the fuel oil. 17. He is going to inspect our work. 18. The new electronic equipment needs inspection. 19. He lubricated the cylinder. 20. Can you measure the cylinder pressure? 21. We need your help in moving of this machinery.
Exercise IV. Read and translate the dialogue.
Mr. Wilson: How do you do gentlemen! My name is Mr. Wilson. I am the manager of ship repairing department and I will be responsible for your ship’s repair. Can you introduce your colleagues, please?
Chief Engineer: How do you do Mr. Wilson! Our engine room staff is very glad to meet you. I am the Chief Engineer; here is our 2nd engineer and electrical engineer. Our 3rd engineer is out at the moment but he will be back soon.
Mr. Wilson: Do all of them understand English, because I am sorry to say I can’t speak Russian at all.
Chief Engineer: Don’t worry; I can speak English quite well. As to my colleagues they understand English enough to communicate without problems during their work but they are too shy to speak.
Mr. Wilson: So, we have the list of repair which consists of general parts concerning the repair of Main Engine, auxiliary engine, steam boilers, deck machinery and hull. We have some preliminary information about future repair but I’d like to correct the volume of repair.
Chief Engineer: The volume of repair has somewhat changed. Here you can see the additional list of repair. Besides the repair known to you it is necessary to put the ship in the dock and to replace aft bulwark.
Mr. Wilson: We can do this extra work. Floating dock # 2 will be available in 5 or 7 days and your ship will be docked. What else?
Chief Engineer: We need to replace the outboard fittings and the blade of CPP. We damaged it during fishing in Labrador area. There is too much floating ice there as you know. As to the bulwark we damaged it when mooring in the open sea. The repair isn’t too complicated but you must do a lot of welding.
Mr. Wilson: I’ve looked through the list of spare parts. Why is there so much zinc here in the list?
Chief Engineer: There are zinc protectors to replace the old ones all over the hull. Moreover ballast duct and boottop must be cleaned by sand blast and painted.
Mr. Wilson: I must see damages myself. Tomorrow the representative of our company will come on board and you’ll have an opportunity to discuss everything in details.
steam boiler – паровой котёл
additional – дополнительный
available – доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении
to put the ship into the dock – поставить судно в док
aft bulwark – кормовой фальшборт
outboard fittings – забортная арматура
blade – лопасть
welding – сварка
sandblast – пескоструй
CPP (controllable pitch propeller) – ВРШ (винт регулируемого шага)
boottop – пояс переменной ватерлинии
boot top – наружная обшивка
ballast duct – балластный канал
- Андреев Г.Я. «Сборник технических текстов на английском языке». М.,»Высшая школа»,2011г.
- Бобровский И.В. «Деловой английский язык для моряков». Изд-во «Транспорт», 2011г.
- Гогина Н. А. Практическая грамматика английского языка для моряков. Сборник упражнений. / Сост. Н. А. Гогина – М.: Транслит, 2007, – 222 с.
- Пенина И.П. «Пособие по английскому языку для мореходных училищ». М.,» Высшая школа»,2012г.
- Современный англо-русский технический словарь. – К.: OOO «ИП Логос», 2004. – 565 с.
Список используемых интернет- ресурсов
Приложение A. Глаголы с послелогами
to affect | оказывать отрицательное влияние |
to apply for | обращаться за чем-л. |
to agree to | согласиться на |
to be busy with | быть занятым |
to be equipped with | быть оборудованным |
to be in charge of | быть ответственным |
to be referred to as | именовать, называться |
to be responsible for | быть ответственным |
to break off | отламывать(ся), прекращать, обрывать |
to carry out | выполнять |
to check up on | выяснять (информацию), наводить (справки), проверять |
to consist of | состоять из |
to complain to | жаловаться кому-л. |
to be concerned with | быть связанным с чем-либо. |
to deal with | иметь дело с кем-л., обсуждать что-л. |
to depend on | зависить от |
to effect | оказывать положительное влияние |
to face with | сталкиваться с |
to find out | выяснять |
to follow | следовать за |
to head for | брать курс на |
to influence | влиять на |
to insist on | настаивать на |
to impact on | оказывать влияние на |
to keep smth. in order | содержать что-либо в порядке |
to look for | искать |
to look on | наблюдать |
to look through | просматривать |
to look out | быть настороже |
to make for | способствовать |
to make up | пополнять, составлять, возмещать, компенсировать |
to be provided with | быть обеспеченным чем-либо. |
to pump out | откачивать |
to refer to | ссылаться на, относиться к |
to rely on | полагаться на |
to replenish with smth. | заполнять что-либо |
to send for | посылать за |
to be supplied with | быть обеспеченным чем-либо. |
to take care of | следить за (заботиться, ухаживать) |
to take into account | принимать во внимание |
to take smb. to some place to | отвести кого-либо в какое-то место |
to work out | разрабатывать (план); составлять (документ) |
to work with gloves on | работать в перчатках |
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