Практикум по домашнему чтению
методическая разработка по теме
Практикум по домашнему чтению предназначен для студентов 1-2 курсов средних специальных учебных заведений, для тех, кто уже владеет базовыми знаниями английского языка, т. е. умеет свободно читать, используя словарь, обладает знаниями основ грамматического строя английского языка, правильно артикулирует и произносит звуки, способен к общению в диалоге и монологической речи.
С помощью книги для чтения под редакцией Ю.Б. Голинцынского и данного пособия учащиеся ознакомятся с литературой английских писателей-классиков, таких как Даниель Дефо, Джонатан Свифт, Оскар Уайльд и других, научатся вести беседу, высказывать и обсуждать свое мнение о прочитанном, а также смогут обогатить свой словарный запас.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Департамент образования Кировской области
Омутнинский колледж педагогики, экономики и права
по домашнему чтению
Автор: Путятина Н.В.
2011 год
В связи с повышением статуса иностранных языков в жизни современного общества их внедрение в систему образования стало необходимостью сегодняшнего дня. В содержании ГОССПО отмечено, что выпускник должен владеть лексическим минимумом, необходимым для чтения и перевода иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности, а также обладать элементарными умениями общения на иностранном языке. Для достижения поставленных целей учащихся следует приучать к обильному чтению в течение всего учебного года. Этому способствуют книги для чтения. Чтение расширяет кругозор учащихся, увеличивает объем лексического запаса, помогает осуществить коммуникацию на иностранном языке.
Практикум по домашнему чтению предназначен для студентов 1-2 курсов средних специальных учебных заведений, для тех, кто уже владеет базовыми знаниями английского языка, т. е. умеет свободно читать, используя словарь, обладает знаниями основ грамматического строя английского языка, правильно артикулирует и произносит звуки, способен к общению в диалоге и монологической речи.
С помощью книги для чтения под редакцией Ю.Б. Голинцынского и данного пособия учащиеся ознакомятся с литературой английских писателей-классиков, таких как Даниель Дефо, Джонатан Свифт, Оскар Уайльд и других, научатся вести беседу, высказывать и обсуждать свое мнение о прочитанном, а также смогут обогатить свой словарный запас.
Данное пособие состоит из предисловия, рекомендаций по использованию пособия, а также 21 урока основного курса. Каждый урок рассчитан на 2 академических часа и включает в себя фонетические упражнения, дотекстовые и послетекстовые упражнения, упражнения на развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи.
Обучение чтению, письму и говорению на базе данного пособия осуществляется взаимосвязано, то есть так, как это происходит в реальной жизни: мы читаем и обсуждаем что-либо, делаем в процессе чтения какие-то заметки, говорим. Поэтому после прочтения текста учащиеся могут высказаться по его содержанию, как в устной, так и в письменной форме, причем подготовка устных высказываний может сопровождаться письменной фиксацией отдельных мыслей.
Методические рекомендации
Упражнения и задания, предложенные пособием следует выполнять в том порядке, в котором они располагаются в каждом уроке (от простого к сложному). В начале урока даны упражнения на узнавание лексических явлений, каждое последующее является еще одним шагом к основной цели обучения языку - к коммуникации, то есть свободному общению на языке с правильным использованием в речи всех языковых элементов.
Новая лексика дается на русском языке. Слова следует перевести на английский язык, причем использовать английские эквиваленты тех слов, которые встречаются в тексте. Это не составит особого труда, так как текст предварительно прочитан студентами, то есть выполнение этого задания происходит на послетекстовом этапе.
Целесообразно применять дифференцированный подход при ответах учащихся на вопросы и выполнении заданий после текста. Студенты с более низким уровнем подготовленности могут использовать текст в качестве опоры. Им могут быть предложены задания следующих формулировок: "Найдите в тексте описание …", "Используя текст, докажите …" Студенты с более высоким уровнем могут выполнять задания без опоры на текст.
Фонетическую разминку рекомендуется проводить в начале урока, а также несколько раз в течение урока. Кроме фонетических упражнений, предложенных пособием, можно использовать следующий вид работы: повторить за учителем все имена собственные, которые встречаются в данном тексте. Эти имена бывают наиболее трудными для произношения.
Упражнения, отмеченные знаком * рекомендуется выполнять в письменной форме.
Lesson 1
Text: Beowulf
- Say after the teacher.
[æ] | [ei] | [au] | [ou] | [ai] |
sang | wait | found | lonely | like |
drank | remain | about | told | side |
man | against | down | arrow | night |
thank | came | now | whole | kind |
glad | brave | out | know | fight |
magic | name | only | smile | |
angry | great | |||
began | sail |
- Tell your group-mates all you know about the bards.
- *Find in the text antonyms to the words.
ugly alive slowly
kind weak poor
disappear cry to begin
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
смелый справедливый
добрый воин
одинокий кровь
ужасный среди
плыть покидать
оставаться потолок
беда, проблема безобразный
ведьма появляться
дно пещера
- Match the words and their definitions
lonely The red fluid that flows through the body, bringing food and oxygen to all parts of the body
blood A fighting man
appear Alone and unhappy, wanting companionship
witch A women who practices witchcraft
warrior To show up so as to be seen
- Agree or disagree.
- A long time ago the king of England was Hrothgar.
- Not far from the palace there was a long river.
- Grendel killed men and drank their blood.
- Beowulf helped Grendel.
- On the other side of the sea was the country of the Geats.
- Grendel appeared early in the morning.
- An ugly witch came out of the lake and ran to the palace.
- There was no water in the cave.
- The witch was Grendel's aunt.
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given after the text.
- *Ask general questions. Begin with "did", "was", "were". Let your group-mates answer them.
- Guess the riddles.
He was brave, just and kind and his people loved him. He built a large and beautiful palace for himself and his warriors.
He lived in a large lake near the palace. He was lonely in his lake, he always was very angry.
He lived in the country of the Geats. He was very brave and strong. He was the strongest man in the whole country. He was stronger than thirty men.
- Make up the plan of the text and retell the text.
Lesson 2
Text: Geoffrey Chaucer. Tree Young Men, Death and a Bag of Gold
- Say after the teacher.
[o] | [⋀] | [e] | [i] | [i:] |
long | some | met | him | these |
was | such | tell | inn | meet |
on | but | friend | it | He |
of | suddenly | death | fill | each |
coffin | much | left | still | believe |
- Answer the questions.
- When was Geoffrey Chaucer’s famous book written?
- What was the name of the book?
- *Find in the text antonyms to the words.
false | give | Attack |
empty | easy | ask questions |
buy | close | Old |
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
трактир вдруг
верить смерть
осторожный отвечать
лес дуб
нести делить
простой отравить
нож спешить, торопиться
- Put the sentences in a logical order.
- This is how the three young men found Death.
- "When he comes back, we can easily kill him".
- "I shall poison them".
- Three young men were sitting in an inn.
- "We cannot carry all this gold money now, in the daytime".
- With these words they left the inn and went along the road.
- So the youngest of them went to town, and the other two remained under the oak with the gold money.
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given after the text.
- *Translate into English
Мы будем братьями и будем защищать друг друга.
С этими словами они покинули трактир и пошли вдоль дороги.
Вскоре они увидели очень большой дуб.
Три молодых друга увидели под дубом мешок, полный золота.
Он знал человека в городе, который продавал яд, чтобы травить крыс.
- *Choose the proverb which is true to the text.
- Never spend your money before you have it.
- The early bird catches the worm.
- Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
- Shake the tree when the fruit is ripe.
- False friends are worse than open enemies.
- One today is worth two tomorrow.
- Actions speak louder than words.
- Retell the story on the part of
- the innkeeper
- one of the friends
Lesson 3
Text: Geoffrey Chaucer. The Wonderful Adventures of Princess Constance
- Brush up your vocabulary.
(n) warrior, blood, ceiling, witch, trouble, cave, bottom, inn, death, wood, oak, knife.
(v) believe, divide, reply, poison, hurry, join, carry, appear, remain, sail, leave.
(adj) brave, just, kind, lonely, terrible, ugly, magic, careful, simple.
(adv) suddenly.
(prep) among
- Learn how to read these words and sentences; first read them to yourself, then read aloud as quickly as you can.
[æ] happen, marry, happened, married. It so happened that they married. How did it happen? He asked her to marry him.
[ei] take, save, to take, to take pity on …, to take care of …, to make merry. He took pity on her. They took care of him. They made merry till late at night. The sailors saved them.
[ai] invite, recognize. Did he invite me? He recognized her. The king recognized the face.
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
случиться жениться
среди тайно
побережье, берег пожалеть
заботиться злой, плохой
приглашать карман
в отчаянии один, одинокий
спасти принадлежать
радость узнавать, признавать
поздравить пир
веселиться император
- *Give synonyms to the words and the Grammar constructions.
- A very long time ago there was an emperor of Rome who had a daughter Constance by name.
- She was very beautiful.
- Her life in the king's palace was good.
- She was very glad because she was very tired and ill.
- When Constance became king Alla's wife, all the people were glad, because they loved them both.
- Only this time she was not alone, but with her baby son.
- Read the questions in "A", choose and read aloud the right answers in "B".
- She was very good, kind and clever, wasn't she?
- Why was Donegild very angry?
- Did King Alla ask Constance to stay in his palace?
- What was the name of King Alla's mother?
- Who was very beautiful and clever?
- Whose son was a nice-looking boy?
- How did Constance live in king's palace?
- Yes, he did.
- Constance.
- Donegild.
- Her life was very good.
- Alla's.
- Yes, she was.
- Her son wanted to marry a girl from Rome, not from Syria.
- *Give antonyms to the words.
life to give
dead the first
to live to love
to keep silence kind
ugly remember
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given after the text.
- Tell your group-mates about
- Constance;
- Sultan;
- Donegild.
- Puzzle time. Find a "rhyming twin" in the box for each of these words.
Joy, wood, knife, shore, cave, inn, marry, take, kind, inside, song, bottom, join.
Lesson 4
Text: William Shakespeare. King Lear
- Say after the teacher:
- Stratford-on-Avon
- William Shakespeare
- Lear
- Goneril
- Regan
- Cordelia
- In which case the sound given by the letter "O" differs from others?
- phone, 2) know, 3) sorry, 4) zero, 5) no, 6) bone, 7) rope
- What do you know about William Shakespeare? Test yourself.
- The birthplace of William Shakespeare is
- Manchester;
- Stratford-on-Avon;
- London.
- When William Shakespeare was a young man, there were no theatres in
- our country;
- England;
- the world.
- He wanted to become
- a pilot;
- a writer;
- an actor.
- In London William Shakespeare began
- to play himself;
- to play chess with the group of actors;
- to study English Literature.
- It was a very long time ago, but … remembers William Shakespeare's name.
- nobody;
- somebody;
- everybody.
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
жадный любимый
повторять кричать
между решить
замок рыцарь
слуга сойти с ума
оставаться враг
- *Give synonyms to the words.
bad to want
glad unhappy
brave to struggle
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given after the text.
- Put the sentences in a logical order.
- He divided the country between Goneril and Regan and gave Cordelia nothing.
- Cordelia loved her father very much.
- One night there was a terrible storm.
- Once upon the time there lived an old king of Britain.
- Cordelia was hanged in prison.
- The old king did not know what to do.
- Now he understood who his best daughter was.
- He had three daughters: Goneril, Regan and Cordelia.
- *Correct the mistakes in the story. Finish the story.
Once upon a time there lived an old king of England. He had four daughters. All the daughters loved him dearly. He was very young. He decided to divide his country into four parts. Goneril was his favourite daughter that's why she got the best part…
- *Puzzle time.
Translate the words and put them into the crossword.
2 | ||||||||||||||
1 | 3 | 4 | ||||||||||||
5 | 6 | 7 | ||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||
8 |
1. замок | 2. кричать | 3. делить |
4. повторять | 5. любимый | 6. спасать |
7. среди | 8. враг | 9. один, одинокий |
Lesson 5
Text: Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe
- Say after the teacher:
[w] want, when, was, were, once, with, went, which, we, weather, without;
[v] very, save, invite, voyage, slave, wave, cover;
[b] become, be, boat, back, but, black, tobacco;
[d] dark, said, found, did, wanted, killed, had, yard.
- What do you know about Daniel Defoe?
- *Find in the text antonyms to the words.
die village disagree
remember badly with
late forbid thin
- Find the words and word combinations in the text and read aloud sentences with them. Learn the words.
согласиться дно
с удовольствием счастливый, удачный
невозможно путешествие по морю
хозяин лес
раб достигать
оставаться вдруг
накрыть, покрыть защищать
- Match the words and their definitions
agree A long journey by water from one place to another
voyage To protect from harm or attack
slave To be of the same opinion
defend Having good luck
lucky A person owned by another and forced to work for him
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given after the text.
- Agree or disagree.
- "My name is Robinson Crusoe and I was born in New York".
- "I always wanted to go to sea".
- "Our voyage to Australia was lucky".
- "My master liked to go hunting in the wood".
- At last one of the sailors shouted "Happy New Year".
- "I had dry clothes, some food and drink, a gun, but I was in despair"
- *Translate into English
В открытом море мы попали в ужасный шторм.
Утром мы достигли побережья.
Я все еще хотел быть моряком.
Я согласился с удовольствием.
Мой хозяин любил ходить на рыбалку в открытое море и всегда брал меня с собой.
Сначала море было спокойным но потом начался сильный шторм.
Я был в отчаянии, потому что я не мог защитить себя от диких животных, которые хотели убить и съесть меня.
- Imagine that Robinson Crusoe is your best friend. Tell your group-mates about him.
- *Puzzle time.
Translate the words into English and put them into the crossword.
1. ужасный | 6. берег | 11. ружьё |
2. шторм | 7. путешествие | 12. парус |
3. лодка | 8. ранчо, ферма | 13. юг |
4. моряк | 9. капитан | 14. хозяин |
5. ветер | 10. скала |
14 | ||||||||||||||
1 | ||||||||||||||
2 | 4 | 5 | 8 | |||||||||||
7 | 11 | 13 | ||||||||||||
R | O | 3 B | I | N | 6 S | O | N | 9 C | 10 R | U | 12 S | O | E | |
Lesson 6
Text: Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe. Part 2
- Say after the teacher:
[ð] there, the, clothes, then, these, this, that, other, gather
[] everything, nothing, thing, thirteenth
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
искать инструменты
плот весло
палатка полезный
лестница бинокль, подзорная труба
копать пещера
гнездо заботиться
забор глина
двигать, сдвинуть ловушка
приручить кормить, питаться.
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given after the text.
- Agree or disagree.
- First of all I saw the ship's dogs and a cat.
- I couldn't find any food.
- I went to the ship every day and each time brought useful things.
- Finally I made a table and some chairs.
- There was no winter or summer in that part of the world.
- Complete the sentences using the words given below (part 1, 2).
- Our … to Africa was lucky.
- In the open sea we were caught in a … storm.
- The captain … me to sail to Africa with him.
- Finally it went to the … and we were all thrown into the sea.
- It was a … ship and they attacked us.
- The weather was fine and the sea was … .
- I still wanted to be a … .
- My … liked to go fishing in the open sea and always took me with him.
- The captain took me to his house and made me his … .
- The ship was going to … .
- The sailors … our boat, the ship stopped and waited for used.
- I had a good boat, three … and a lot of food and fresh water.
- On our way we sometimes stopped to … or to get fresh water.
- My name is Robinson Crusoe and I was born in the city of … .
- I found myself again on … a ship in the open sea.
Brazil, noticed, pirate(s), hunt, York, board, master, bottom, sailor, guns, voyage, terrible, calm, invited, slave.
- Test 1. Choose an English equivalent.
- cогласиться
a) bottom, b) to agree, c) emperor
- дно
a) voyage, b) gun, c) bottom
- ужасный
a) terrible, b) divide, c) to notice
- пират
a) pirate, b) stay, c) sad
- хозяин
a) master, b) muster, c) enemy
- охотиться
a) to hunt, b) to repeat, c) to sail
- приглашать
a) with pleasure, b) gun, c) invite
- с удовольствием
a) with pleasure, b) greedy, c) pirate
- путешествие по морю
a) shouted, b) sailor, c) voyage
- ружьё
a) a gun, b) mast, c) branches
- раб
a) shout, b) slave, c) sail
- заметить
a) note, b) notice, c) to hunt
- на борту
a) on board, b) in the castle, c) agree
- парус
a) terrible, b) sail, c) sailor
- печальный
a) sad, b) merry, c) sail
- мачта
a) must, b) branch, c) mast
- скала
a) rock, b) sharp, c) slave
- ветка
a) between, b) branch, c) joy
- Test 2.
- How much time did Robinson spend in the pirate captain's house?
a) 3 months, b) 2 years, c) 17 years
- Was the voyage to Africa lucky?
a) Yes. b) No. c) I do not know.
- What did Robinson bring from the ship?
a) money, b) mirror, c) many useful things
- Whom did Robinson see on the ship?
a) a man from "Green peace", b) dog and two cats, c) a lot of wild animals
- What animals did Robinson tame?
a) a goat, b)a rabbit, c)a cat
- What was Robinson's food?
a) a sandwiches, b)chips, sausages and beans, c) meat of wild animals and birds
- What did Robinson make first of all?
a) a bed, b) a table and a chair, c) a fence
- Did Robinson make a boat?
a) Maybe b) No, he didn't c) Yes, he did.
- *Translate into English
Я положил на плот много полезных вещей.
Там был хлеб, сыр и мясо.
Я ничего не знал о том месте, где находился.
Я использовал лестницу, чтобы подниматься в свой дом.
Каждый день я брал ружье и отправлялся на поиски пищи.
Я решил сделать ловушку, поймать несколько коз и приручить их.
- - Tell your group-mates about:
- the climate and the weather on island;
- the ship. What things could Robinson find there?
- Robinson's house.
Lesson 7
Text: Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe. Part 3
- Say after the teacher:
[ʤ] savage, page, cage
[r] reader, remember, around,
brought, ran, river
[ŋ] morning, long, nothing,
running, following.
- Choose in "B" antonyms to "A".
A: fire, poor, clever, alive, slave, sad, agree, enemy, save;
B: kill, merry, rich, master, water, stupid, friend, disagree, dead.
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
дикарь берег, побережье
кость огонь
тело по направлению
глубокий возможно, может быть
бедный объяснять
умный ружье
живой трогать, прикасаться
- Match the words and their definitions
savage Going far down from the surface
bone An uncivilized person
deep One of the solid parts of the body which make up the skeleton
clever The sense by which a material object is known to be not, cold, hart, wet …
touch Mentally bright, quick to learn
- Agree or disagree.
- When I was sailing around my island, I saw some land from the northern shore.
- On the shore they killed the prisoners and drank their blood.
- I could attack thirty men by myself.
- Only two savages followed him.
- The man said that his name was Friday, because he was born on Friday.
- I taught him to do all the work that I did.
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given after the text.
- *Ask 10 questions to the text.
- *Translate into English
Иногда дикари приезжали на мой остров в своих лодках.
Они привозили с собой своих пленных.
Долгое время я не знал ничего о дикарях и их пиршествах.
Он был очень умным и скоро научился понимать меня хорошо.
Я показал Пятнице мое ружье и объяснил, как оно работает.
Он очень боялся ружья и никогда не трогал его.
- Retell the text on the part of:
- Robinson Crusoe
- Friday
- a savage
Lesson 8
Text: Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe. Part 4
- Read the numbers.
on the 19th of December 1686
28 years 19 days
on the 11th of June 1687
35 years
- *Find in the text antonyms to these words.
rest wild prevent
find leave nothing
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
умелый ручной
осторожный просить пощады
негодяй помощник
пассажир команда (корабля)
спрятаться необитаемый, пустынный
захватить товарищ
заблудиться сдаваться
советовать ошибка
быть уверенным быть готовым
удобный быть ленивым
- Match the words and their definitions
tame Not wild
skilful The officer ranking below the captain
crew Opinion given on how to behave on act
mate Having great skill
advice A group of people working together
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given after the text.
- Complete the sentences using the words given below.
1. Robinson Crusoe was a … man, and he and Friday worked every day. 2. One day Friday came and said: "I can see a …". 3. Were they friends or … ? 4. "Don't be …", I said, "I am your friend". 5. The … of the ship rose against me. 6. They were all …, but when we came up near to them, some of them opened their eyes. 7. Then Friday and the captain's … came back to us. 8. "If you … … at once, you shall have your lives". 9. Then I said " … " to them and went a board the ship. 10. After a long … I reached England of the 11th of June, 1687.
Voyage, good bye, skilful, enemies, boat, afraid, give in, mate, crew, asleep.
- *Translate into English
Робинзон Крузо был умелым человеком и много работал каждый день.
Он выращивал зерно и делал хлеб.
Пятница был хорошим компаньоном и помогал ему во всем.
Они старались сделать их жизнь на острове лучше.
Робинзон хотел покинуть остров и вернуться в Англию.
- Find mistakes in the text and finish the story.
Some more days passed, Robinson was alone and he worked hard. One day he saw a boat. It was a pirate boat again. The pirates were Englishmen. Among them was Friday. They were very surprised when they saw Robinson. The crew of the ship rose against the captain. And he decided to stay on this island. He knew that Robinson lived there.
- Role play any passage of the story you like.
Lesson 9
Text: Jonathan Swift. A Voyage to Lilliput.
- Read the words as quickly as you can.
enough again agree
voyage across terrible
daylight climb inch
string struggle hungry
ladder month capital
emperor count
- What can you tell your group-mates about Jonathan Swift?
- Play a memory game. Look at the words for a minute, close them and then name all the words you remember.
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
достаточно утонуть
поднимать шум стук
потом, позже телега
колесо двор
храм прикреплять
башня клумба
- Complete the sentences.
When I was seventeen years old, … .
But life in London was not easy,… .
I agreed to go with Captain William Prichard, … .
I got into a boat with five sailors, … .
I lay down on the grass, …
When I woke up, … .
I heard a noise around me, … .
When the people san that I was quiet, …
- Answer the questions and do the tasks on p. 40.
- Agree or disagree.
- Gulliver was the last of five sons.
- Mr. James Bates was a well known doctor in London.
- Gulliver's mother's name was Miss Mary Burton.
- When they were sailing across the Pacific Ocean a terrible storm began.
- When he woke up, it was night.
- His arms, legs and hair were tied to the ground.
- They brought him something like milk in two barrels.
- The country round him was like a large wood.
- Then a table was made for him.
- *Translate into English.
Император вышел встречать нас к городским воротам.
С другой стороны от дороги была башня.
Я все еще был привязан к тележке.
Страна вокруг меня была похожа на небольшой сад.
Император приказал своим слугам принести мне еду.
Много людей пришло посмотреть на меня.
- Tell your group-mates about:
- Gulliver
- Lilliput
- Retell the story on the part of the emperor of Lilliput.
Puzzle Time.
Find 10 words.
N | C | E | K | L | N | W | C | W | R | C |
O | L | N | T | T | D | D | A | S | P | O |
I | E | O | T | O | W | E | R | T | L | U |
S | V | U | P | U | S | E | T | W | K | R |
E | E | G | A | C | A | P | T | M | C | T |
M | R | H | O | H | D | H | I | D | E | N |
Lesson 10
Text: Jonathan Swift. A Voyage to Lilliput. Part 2
- Say after the teacher:
[ʌ] | [a:] | [au] | [ɛǝ] |
Some | party | About | Their |
Must | pass | House | Hair |
sometimes | large | Council | Square |
Us | are | Without | There |
Enough | father | Found | Fair |
Trouble | after | Surrounded | Chair |
Country | afterwards | Round | Repair |
Above | article | Out | Spare |
Other | Ground |
- *Give synonyms.
to allow scholar
to reply uprising
country kid
to be eager to learn
- *Give antonyms.
slowly long
to keep silence weak
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
портной ученый
совет пугать
прятки свобода
условие выполнять
ужас разрешение
шагать разрушать
позволять табурет
квадрат поздравлять
издать закон восстание
принадлежать защищать
- Guess the riddles.
- He fell from the moon or one of the stars.
- It is surrounded by a thick wall with towers. It is a square.
- The Big Endians and the Small Endians are … in the country.
- It has a larger end and a smaller end.
- Answer the questions and do the tasks on p.44.
- *Translate into English.
Иногда император сам учил меня.
Я изучал язык быстро и скоро знал все необходимые слова.
Я попросил свободу на определенных условиях, которые мне пришлось выполнить.
Меня звали «Человек-Гора» в Лилипутии.
Я не буду покидать их страну без их разрешения.
Город был окружен толстой стеной с башнями.
- *Put the sentences in a logical order and use them as a plane to retell the text.
- I asked the emperor to allow me to see the capital of the country.
- One morning I was visited by emperor's secretary.
- There are two parties in our country.
- Every day many people came to look at me.
- Now we are at war with Blefuscu.
- They were kind enough to smile at me.
Lesson 11
Text: Jonathan Swift. A Voyage to Lilliput. Part 3
- Say after the teacher.
[ai] [i] [e]
island hill felt
my thick went
mile swim step
wide middle send
I bring rest
by into egg
invite ship end
- *Give antonyms to these words
thick take off
loud small
never peace
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
наказание нитка
иголка узел
тащить якорь
посол опасный
отказаться обвинять в измене
решение парус
- Answer the questions and do the tasks on p. 48.
- *Translate into English
Я обрезал веревки, к которым были прикреплены якоря.
Император Лилипутии и весь его двор стоял на побережье и ждал моего возвращения.
Было опасно не выполнять желания императора.
У тебя есть враги при дворе, которые ненавидят тебя.
У меня было большое желание бороться
- Test yourself.
1) The island of Blefuscu lies to
- the south of Lilliput.
- the north-east of Britain.
- the north-east of Lilliput.
2) "Long live
- the king of Britain".
- the queen Elisabeth II".
- the great emperor of Lilliput".
3) Gulliver had
- a friend at the emperor's court.
- a friend among the poor people.
- an enemy.
4) Gulliver took off his clothes and put them
- on a small box.
- into the bag.
- on a big ship.
5) The boat was ready
- yesterday.
- in a month.
- in two weeks
6) Gulliver left the island
- on the 24th of September, 1701, at eight o'clock in the evening.
- on the 24th of December, 1702, at seven o'clock in the morning.
- on the 24th of September, 1701, at six o'clock in the morning.
7) Our voyage was good, and we reached … on the 13th of April, 1702
- England
- Scotland
- Russia
- Tell your group -mates about Lilliput using this scheme.
Parties Like a garden
Emperor little people
War with Blefuscu
Lesson 12
Text: Jonathan Swift. A Voyage to Brobdingnag. Part 1
- Say after the teacher.
The Cape of Good Hope
The Indian Ocean
The Pacific Ocean
- *Give synonyms to these words.
to stay to be over scream
great to be child
- Translate the words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud sentences with them.
великан тропинка
флот кричать
насекомое на четвереньки
носовой платок не обращать внимание
няня воротник
со временем
- Answer the questions and do the tasks after the text on p.52.
- Find in "B" answers to questions from "A".
- Whom did Gulliver see on that island?
- The girl was very kind to Gulliver, wasn't she.
- How many children were there in the family?
- How large was the cat?
- How old was Glumdalclitch?
- What did the farmer advice Gulliver's master?
- Three times larger than a cow.
- A giant.
- Three.
- The daughter was nine.
- Yes, she was.
- To show Gulliver to the public for money on market-days in the nearest town.
- *Translate into English
После обеда моя хозяйка заметила, что устал.
Эти ужасные животные атаковали меня с обеих сторон.
Она заботилась обо мне.
Моя хозяйка обучала меня их языку.
Со временем все больше и больше людей узнавало обо мне.
Этот фермер посоветовал моему хозяину показывать меня публике за деньги.
- Retell the story as Glumdalclitch.
Lesson 13
Text: Jonathan Swift. A Voyage to Brobdingnag. Part 2
- Enjoy the poem.
There was a young lady of Niger
Who smiled when she rode on a tiger.
They returned from the ride
With the lady inside
And the smile on the face of the tiger.
- *Find in the text the antonyms to these words.
Narrow high impossible
A brave man stand up bitter
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
талия совсем, совершенно
размер ворона
трус причина
муха воробей
оса жало
бывало, обычно
(повторяющееся действие в прошлом)
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given after the text.
- Agree or disagree.
- He decided to carry me to the largest cities of the country and show me there.
- We passed over five or six rivers, much wider and deeper than the Thames.
- The queen liked me very much and answered all my questions.
- The queen took me in her hand and carried me to her husband.
- The queen did not like me so much, that she always had dinner without me.
- The queen sometimes laughed at the king and called him a coward.
- Suddenly about twenty wasps came flying into my room.
- *Ask 5 questions to the text/
- Put the sentences in a right order.
- The queen sometimes laughed at me and called me a coward.
- I took out their stings.
- She carried me in a box which was tied round her waist.
- At first the king thought that I was some little animal.
- She asked me if I would like to live at court.
- The queen liked me so much, that she never had dinner without me.
- Make up the dialogue between Gulliver and the queen and role play it.
Lesson 14
Text: Jonathan Swift. A Voyage to Brobdingnag. Part 3
- Say after the teacher:
[ʌ] [w] []
enough one ocean
but was shore
sometimes walk she
funny while fish
luckily well sharp
country once ship
other when shout
some with shake
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
приближаться сила
полуостров тот же самый, такой же
взад и вперед сбежать
орел слабый
странный каюта
взять обещание с кого-либо
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given after the text.
- *Ask 5 questions to the text.
- *Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1. Даже моя одежда была не порвана. 2. Я думаю, географы в Европе совершают большую ошибку, когда думают, что нет ничего, кроме моря между Японией и Калифорнией. 3. Прошло два года. 4. Через мои окна я не мог увидеть ничего, кроме неба. 5. Он взял меня в свою каюту и посоветовал поспать. 6. Я отправился домой и был счастлив застать мою семью в добром здравии.
- Retell the story:
- as Gulliver's wife;
- as Glumdalclitch;
- as the queen.
- Role play any part of the text you like.
Lesson 15
Text: Charles Dickens. Nicolas Nickleby. Part I
- Read proverbs. Find Russian equivalents. What do you think which of them is true. Express your opinion.
Poverty is no sin.
When poverty comes in at the door love flies out of window.
- What do you know about the author of the story?
Answer the questions.
1. What was Charles Dickens? 2. When and where was he born? 3. Tell about his family. 4. Why did he begin to work so early? 5. When did he begin to write? 6. Why did he attack the bourgeois Society of his time? 7. What books by Charles Dickens do you know? 8. What books did you read? 9. Did you enjoy reading them?
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
объявление жестокий
чихать официант
притворяться по делу
гладить отчим
племянник образование
возможность внешность
- *Give synonyms to the words.
angry hard
beautiful vacation
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given below the text.
- Match the words and their definitions
cruel A system of training for children and young people
education Causing pain of suffering to others
waiter That which can be seen
stepfather A person who serves food and drinks to customers in a restaurant
appearance The husband of one’s remarried mother
- Guess the riddles:
- He was a young man who lived with his mother and sister.
- He was a rich man, but he was wicked and greedy. He did not want to give any money to his dead brother's family.
- His appearance was not pleasant. He had only one eye, his face was wrinkled and cruel.
- He sat quite still with his hands on his knees and from time to time looked at Mr. Squeers with fear in his eyes.
- Whom did some wicked men want to speak to?
- He had decided to put two boys into some far-away school where were no holidays.
- What rules were there in the school of Mr. Squeers?
- Agree or disagree.
- Mr. Squeers was standing in the canteen near the window.
- “I am only their stepmother”.
- “They only write once a year to say that they never were so happy”.
- “Everything could be better”, said the stepfather.
- At this moment the door opened and Mr. Ralph Nickleby and Nicholas entered the room.
- “He looks very handsome, I like his appearance”.
- Tell your group-mates about:
- Nicholas Nickleby;
- Ralph Nickleby;
- Mr. Squeers;
- Snawley;
- schools for poor children in England in 19th century.
- Act out the dialogue between Nicholas and Mr. Squeers.
Lesson 16
Text: Charles Dickens. Nicolas Nickleby. Part II
- Say after the teacher.
[ŋ] | [ɔ] | [au] |
morning | dot | downstairs |
eating | clock | found |
ordering | not | now |
having | want | pound |
hungry | softy | about |
standing | top |
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
будить кружка
достаточно глоток
экипаж багаж
племянница вульгарный
путешествие предположить, думать
не обращай внимание
(не волнуйся)
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given below the text.
- *Give synonyms to the words.
To have breakfast
To start (отправляться)
To start (начинать)
- Guess the riddles.
- He had before him some coffee, a plate of hot toast and a piece of cold meat.
- When he first went to business, he took a small loaf of bread and a little milk, and ate his breakfast as he walked to the city every morning.
- His mouth was full of meat and toast.
- Agree or disagree.
- The next morning Nicholas got up very lat.
- There were now four of them.
- With these words he bit on a large peace of cold fish.
- The five boys were very thirsty.
- Mr. Squeers put the mug before the children.
- If one of them falls off, then twenty pounds a year is lost.
- Kate touched her sisters arm.
- *Translate into English
Он заказывал завтрак своим ученикам.
Пять маленьких мальчиков выглядели очень голодными.
Директор поделил хлеб на пять частей.
Кто этот вульгарный человек?
Не обращая внимания.
Спасибо за все, что ты сделал.
- Retell the text as
- Nicholas
- Kate
- Squeers
Lesson 17
Text: Charles Dickens. Nicolas Nickleby. Part 3
- Say after the teacher.
[ʌ] | [θ] | [ð] | [æ] |
some | think | the | That |
come | thin | then | Map |
love | anything | clothes | Sad |
us | thick | mother | Had |
other | thank | with | Hand |
must |
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
фонарь хриплый
внимательно рваный
пожалеть кого-либо иметь в виду
упрямство спальня
подоконник колодец
бледный надежда
день стирки расплакаться
плечо боль
быть потрясенным чем-либо
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given after the text.
- Fill in the missing words (the words are given below).
- A tall thin boy with a … in his hand came out to meet them.
- Soon a very … woman came into the room.
- "How is my Squeery?" said this lady in a … voice and kissed Mr. Squeers.
- Out of his … Mr. Squeers took letters for some of the boys and other papers, and put them on the table.
- "You will sleep in the boys' … , Nickleby", he said to Nicholas.
- "The water in the … has frozen today", said Squeers, "so you cannot … ".
- He took Nicholas to the … .
Well, hoarse, dormitory, wash, lantern, unpleasant-looking, classroom, pockets.
- Test yourself.
- Достаточно
a) enough
b) much
c) a lot of
- Объявление
a) speech
b) advertisement
c) opportunity
- Внешность
a) opportunity
b) education
c) appearance
- Каюта
a) room
b) cabin
c) escape
- Причина
a) waist
b) crow
c) reason
- Хриплый
a) horse
b) hoarse
c) lantern
- Бледный
a) pain
b) pan
c) pale
- *Put 10 questions to the text. Let your group-mates answer them.
- *Translate into English
Высокий худой мальчик с фонарем в руке вышел встречать их.
Его одежда была старая, рваная и слишком маленькая для него.
Вечером все уроки закончились.
Ты не должен бояться меня.
Всегда нужно надеяться.
С тяжелым сердцем он пошел спать.
- Discuss this part of the story in a dialogue.
Lesson 18
Text: Charles Dickens. Nicolas Nickleby. Part 4
- Say after the teacher.
[ɔu] | [ai] | [ei] | [au] |
blow | Smike | place | now |
follow | kind | lazy | shout |
whole | smile | late | sound |
Don't | reply | say | out |
know | cry | take | loud |
- *Find in the text antonyms to these words
everything worse enemy
early stop come in
enemy in a loud voice
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
весь, целый следовать
быть готовым добрый
удар шепотом
в конце концов успокоить
ленивый значить, означать
искать, обыскивать, исследовать сарай
направление предупреждать
пустой горло
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given after the text.
- Remember who in the story said it.
“They are harder on me than ever.”
“The world is before me, after all.”
“You had better be down at once!”
“You take a horse and cart and go along the road in one direction, and I shall take another horse and cart and go in the other direction.”
- Add more details to these.
- Mr. and Mrs. Squeers were very cruel.
- Smike followed Nicholas everywhere.
- “I will be your servant”, said Smike.
- *Translate into English/
После той ночи он следовал за Николасом повсюду.
Он был добрым с мальчиками.
Ни разговаривали шепотом.
Николас хотел успокоить мальчика.
Вам лучше спуститься.
Смайк ничего не сказал.
Твой друг такой бедный, как и ты.
Мне ничего не нужно.
- Retell the story on the part of:
- Nicholas Nickleby;
- Smike;
- Squeers.
- Puzzle Time.
Change the underlined letter to make a new word.
dollar | boy | Take | went | Put |
fox | night | mind | sun | Took |
Lesson 19
Text: Rudyard Kipling. How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin
- Read as quickly as you can.
A big rhinoceros.
A very big rhinoceros.
The skin of a very big rhinoceros.
The skin of a very big strong rhinoceros had no folds.
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
совсем один кухонная плита
мука изюм
печь, выпекать носорог
складка страшный, ужасный
пуговица вниз, внизу
крошка щекотать
катить(ся) испортить характер
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given after the text.
- Complete the sentences.
He put this big cake on the cooking-stove and …
The Rhinoceros took the cake …
The Parsee took his hat off, …
He ribbed his hands …
He took the Rhinoceros skin, …
When at last the Rhinoceros came out of the water, …
The Rhinoceros went home very angry, …
- Agree or disagree.
- Once upon a time there lived a Parsee.
- He lived with his wife on a desert island on the shores of the Red Shore.
- In those days the Rhinoceros's skin had no folds at all.
- Five weeks later it was very cold on the shores of the Red Sea.
- Now he could thank that Rhinoceros.
- The Rhinoceros went home very happy, though he separated all the time on the way home.
- Explain why:
- The Parsee wanted to punish the Rhinoceros.
- The Rhinoceros was angry.
- Every rhinoceros has great folds in his skin and a very bad temper.
- *Translate into English.
Он жил на необитаемом остров.
У кекса был очень приятный запах.
Было так жарко, что все снимали свою одежду.
Сейчас он хотел наказать того носорога.
Это испортило его характер.
- Retell the tale on the part of:
- Rhinoceros;
- Parsee.
Lesson 20
Text: How the Whale Got His Throat.
- Read the words as quickly as you can.
a whale tickle
tail tasted
hungry started
stomach cough
native mouth
grating afraid
thought suspends
- Find in “a” synonyms to “b”
- small, hard, unhappy, leave, start, say
- tell, come, out, begin, little, sad, difficult
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
кит хвост
пробовать подтяжки
проглотить, глотать оказаться
желудок кашлять
решетка потому, вот почему
почему тина
- Match the words and their definitions
taste The large muscular bag in the body where food is received and is partly digressed
stomach To push air out from the lungs suddenly and noisily
cough To try to determining the flavour of food or drink by taking a small quantity in to the mouth
tail The movable long growth at the back of an animals body
whale A huge air – breathing mammal that lives in the ocean
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given after the text.
- Put the sentences in the right order.
- That's why Whales never eat men or boys and girls.
- “But I don't know where your native shore is.”
- Once upon a time there was a Whale.
- “But you must know that this Sailor is a very brave and clever man.”
- So the Whale had to swim to England.
- “Because I am far from my home.”
- And the Sailor walked out of his mouth on to the sand.
- He thought that the Whale would eat him.
- “Have you over tasted men?”
- *Ask 10 questions to the text and let your group-mates answer them.
- *Translate into English.
Жил-был кит.
Из-за тебя я кашляю.
Он плыл так быстро, как мог.
Вот почему киты никогда не едят людей.
Он женился и прожил счастливо много лет.
- Make up the plan of the story and use it to retell the story.
Lesson 21
Text: Oscar Wilde. The Devoted Friend.
- Say after the teacher.
[h] [w] [d]
whose were friend
Hans worked wood
heart was hard
house winter besides
had wife good
- Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
преданный благородный
сосед дружба
беда глупый
завидовать прекрасный
щедро, щедрый эгоистичный
поливать отказать(ся)
- Answer the questions and do the tasks given after the text.
- Put the sentences in a logical order.
- He worked and worked in his garden.
- Real friends must have everything in common.
- Little Hans was very glad to se his friend.
- And he ran and picked a lot of flowers and the Miller’s basket.
- He lived alone worked for the Miller, and the Miller said many beautiful things about friendship.
- *Translate into English.
У него очень доброе сердце.
Он был очень одинок.
Какой ты глупый!
Я боялся, что ты забыл обо мне.
Это был трудный день.
Сначала я должен полить мои цветы.
Это очень щедро с твоей стороны.
- Do you agree with the words of Miller that:
- Between friends all is common;
- When a friend asks there is no tomorrow;
- When people are in trouble, you must leave them alone?
- Role play any part of the tale you like.
Список использованной литературы
1 Голицынскнй Ю.Б. Wonderful Adventures. Пособие для школьников [Текст] / Ю.Б. Голицынский. М.: Лист Каро, 1996. – 94 с.
2- Маслыко, Е.А. , Бабинская, П.К. Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка: Справ. Пособие [Текст] /
Е.А. Маслыко, П.К. Бабинская.– Минск: Выш. Шк., 1999. – 522 с.
Введение 2
Методические рекомендации 4
Lesson 1 5
Lesson 2 7
Lesson 3 9
Lesson 4 12
Lesson 5 15
Lesson 6 18
Lesson 7 22
Lesson 8 24
Lesson 9 26
Lesson 10 29
Lesson 11 31
Lesson 12 34
Lesson 13 36
Lesson 14 38
Lesson 15 40
Lesson 16 43
Lesson 17 45
Lesson 18 48
Lesson 19 50
Lesson 20 52
Lesson 21 54
Список использованной 56
Good, save, make, mind, autumn, coin, life, thin, carry, four, divide, belong, boy
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Данное пособие состоит из
Данное пособие состоит из предисловия, рекомендаций по использованию пособия, а также 21 урока основного курса. Каждый урок рассчитан на 2 академических часа и включает в себя фонетические упражнения, дотекстовые и послетекстовые упражнения, упражнения на развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи.
Обучение чтению, письму и говорению на базе данного пособия осуществляется взаимосвязано, то есть так, как это происходит в реальной жизни: мы читаем и обсуждаем что-либо, делаем в процессе чтения какие-то заметки, говорим. Поэтому после прочтения текста учащиеся могут высказаться по его содержанию, как в устной, так и в письменной форме, причем подготовка устных высказываний может сопровождаться письменной фиксацией отдельных мыслей.