Моя счастливая семья
план-конспект урока на тему
Методическая разработка внеаудиторного мероприятия на тему по теме «моя семья – моя крепость» рассчитана на обучающихся первого года обучения.
Данная методическая разработка составлена в соответствии с рабочей программой по дисциплине и рассчитана на 45 минут. На мероприятие осуществляется систематизация и обобщение знаний по теме «семья, семейная жизнь», развитие умений и навыков монологической и диалогической речи посредством драматизации, формирование умений анализировать и сравнивать сведения и факты родной и иноязычной культуры.
Во время проведения мероприятия на вышеуказанную тему рекомендуется применить технические средства: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, магнитолу с записью песен, компьютерную презентацию, дополнительную литературу: Журнал «учитель Башкортостана»№4,2008.
Тема «Семья» изучается в начале второго полугодия, она способствует выравниванию языковой подготовки студентов. Основной методической целью данного учебного занятия является продемонстрировать коллегам использование элементов драматизации. Данное занятие способствует формированию толерантного отношения студентов к своим близким и родным.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Внеаудиторное мероприятие
We Are A Happy Family
1) систематизация и обобщение знаний по теме «семья, семейная жизнь»;
2) развитие умений и навыков монологической и диалогической речи посредством драматизации;
3) развитие умений и навыков аудирования.
1) воспитание уважительного отношения к членам своей семьи;
2) воспитание любви к своей Родине, чувства патриотизма и гордости за свой народ;
3) приобщение к культуре посредством стихов и танцев;
4) новое осмысление окружения: социальной обстановки, статус семьи.
- развитие памяти, речемыслительной активности.
Межпредметные связи: обществознание, психология.
Внутрипредметные связи: числительные, множественное число
существительных, притяжательный падеж существительных, глагол to have, глагол to be.
Обеспечение занятия: стенд с семейными фотографиями, ноутбук, магнитола, мультимедийный проектор, импровизированная студия.
Основная литература:
Г.В.Рогова, Ф.М.Рожкова Английский язык за два года
Дополнительная литература:
Журнал «учитель Башкортостана»№4,2008.
Продолжителность: 45 минут
Студенты должны знать: лексический материал по теме «семья», «описание семьи»; особенности образа жизни, быта англоязычных стран.
Студенты должны уметь: понимать речь преподавателя, собеседника на слух; участвовать в элементарном диалоге; рассказывать о своей семьи.
Ход мероприятия
- Организационный момент.
Т: Good-morning, boys and girls!
Т: am glad to see you! Sit down, please!
Т: I want to start our lesson with the song. Listen to the tape and try to guess the theme of our lesson (прослушивание песни).
Р: вероятный ответ :the family.
T: (слайд 1) Yes, today we will speak about the family. We know that the family is very important part of our life. We can not imagine our life without our mother and father. Even two years ago the government proclaimed “The year of the family”.
II. Основная часть.
Т: Before talking about the family, let’s remember the words (member of the family). Let’s play the game “Snow ball” (игра «снежный ком»).
Р1: mother;
P2: mother, father;
P3: mother, father, sister…
T: I see that you have learned the words and try to guess the family members. Your task is to match the definition and its explanation (слайд 2).
- mother a) sister of your mother or father
- father b) brother of your mother or father
- aunt c) your female parent
- uncle d) the mother or father of your mother father
- grandparent e) your male parent
Обучающиеся находят соответствия.
T: Now another game is “Magic Square” («магический квадрат») Find the word in this square (плакат «магический квадрат»весит на доске).
a r a e b i
u e l l r o
n h n c r t
t t u t e h
f a y h m e
d a u g f r
T: We have some letters, make the main word from these letters.
P: Обучающиеся составляют слово « family».
T: You know that the International Children’s Winter Games were started in our republic on the 27th of February. Different organizations need volunteers I hope you will be able to speak with foreign young sportsmen. Now you may ask them about their family, because this theme is easy and talkative. Now imagine that we have invited the English family and Bashkir family to take part on TV programme. Students, listen, look and compare two families and be ready to answer the questions (Инсценировка. Фрагмент. Слайд 3).
Фрагмент телевизионного ток-шоу.
Reporter. Good morning, friends! We are invite you to watch a TV programme “we are happy family”. Today our guests is the Karimov’s family. This is the head of the family – Marat Anvarovich, his wife Lilia Airatovna, their sons- Aibulat and Ainur and their daughter Azaliya. Let’s begin our talk with Marat Karimov.
Dad. Hello, everybody! I am Marat Anvarovich and I am 45. I am a doctor and I work at hospital.
Son (Aibulat). I want to say a few words about my father. I am proud of him, because he is one of the skilled doctor of Ufa City. He is very clever and friendly.
Reporter. Thank you, Aibulat. It’s time to meet Lilia Airatovna. Well, Lilia Airatovna, what can you say about yourself?
Mam. I am 43 and I am a teacher. I was born in the family of a teacher. I like children and so I decided to dedicate all my life to my pupils.
Reporter. Ainur, will you say a few words about your mother.
Son (Ainur). With pleasure. My mother is a talented teacher. Her lessons are very interesting. I know that she is a favorite teacher of many pupils. By the way, today is the 8th of March. Mum, this poem for you.
Today’s the birthday party
Of our dear Mummy.
We wish your health,
And wish your wealth
Today’s the day of your birth,
You are always kind
To all of us
In your heart we find
Friendly and bright light
We wish you happy and long life.
Dad. Dear, these roses are for you.
Reporter. Thank you, now let me introduce the youngest member of the family – Azaliya. So, we are listening to you, Azaliya.
Daughter( Azaliya). Hello, I am 12 and I am a schoolgirl. My favorite subjects at school are English and Literature. My hobby is reading. I like reading books of Russian and Bashkir writers.
Reporter. Thank you, Azaliya. And Aibulat, we want you to tell us about yourself.
Son( Aibulat). I am a student of Ufa Automobile College. I want to be a …, because I like this profession. My hobby is sport. I like to play football. We have a football game at our college and I am a member of this team.
Reporter. Thank you, Aibulat. And now, Ainur, we want to know more about you.
Ainur. Well, I think that it would be better if my parents tell you about me.
Dad. Ainur is 16 and he is in the 10th form. He is very fanny boy.
Mum. Ainur has got a lot of friends. His hobby is singing. He likes Bashkir, Russian modern songs.
Guests. Thank you. We have known a lot of interesting things about this friendly and happy family.
Reporter. Now I invite our guests from America. The Brown family: Mary and John Brown and their son Mike.
Mary. I am 42 and I am a doctor too. I like my profession, because it is an interesting and useful one.
John. I am 43 and I am a driver. I like to work with car and people. And this is our only child Mike.
Mike. I am 16 and I am a student. My hobby is dancing.
Guests. I have questions. Have you got grandparents? Do you live with them?
Mum. Yes, we have. We live together and help each other.
Mary. No, we have not. They live alone and they do not help us.
Dad. I want to add some words. We like to spend our week-ends together. We go to the forest, go swimming and fishing.
Aibulat. I think that our family is very happy.
Our large family
Has a nice flat.
We live there happily
And work together hard.
My sisters and brothers
All go to school.
We help one another
It is a good rule.
We help our mother,
When she washes and cooks.
Together with Father
We like reading books.
Guests. Where do you live?
John. We live in New York. It is the largest city in the United States. It is also called the Big Apple.
Ainur. We live in Bashkortostan. We are happy because our republic is beautiful, rich. Bashkortostan, my land, my sky,
Your mountains are very high.
Bashkortostan, you are rich and dear,
We are free and happy here.
Reporter. We thank the Karimovs and Browns for their interesting talk. I think that we will meet them again.
Т: You have seen the TVtalk-show. Now answer my questions:
1. Who is the head of the family?
2. How old is daughter?
3. Where are the Browns family from?
4. What is the main difference between two families?
5. What can we do to make our grandparents’ life better?
Обучающиеся отвечают на вопросы по содержанию фрагмента.
Т: Now we want to get more information about you. Answer my questions:
- Have you got a mother?
- How old is she?
- Have you got a father?
- Have you got a brother?
Обучающиеся отвечают на вопросы.
T: Listen to the tape (Прослушивание песни)( запись не прилагается).
- Презентации обучающихся.
Т: Introduce us with your own family .
Обучающиеся представляют презентации своих семей
P1: (слайд 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
P2: (слайд 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
T: Listen to the tape (Прослушивание песни)( запись не прилагается).
- Подведение итогов.
Т: We are rich people, because we have a family. And we should take care of the family and help each other in family.
Приложение 1
Poems for Learning
1. Today’s the birthday party
Of our dear Mummy.
We wish your health,
And wish your wealth
Today’s the day of your birth,
You are always kind
To all of us
In your heart we find
Friendly and bright light
We wish you happy and long life.
2. Our large family
Has a nice flat.
We live there happily
And work together hard.
My sisters and brothers
All go to school.
We help one another
It is a good rule.
We help our mother,
When she washes and cooks.
Together with Father
We like reading books.
3. Bashkortostan, my land, my sky,
Your mountains are very high.
Bashkortostan, you are rich and dear,
We are free and happy here.
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