Все эти годы весь мир не переходил на возобновляемые источники энергии, потому что это невыгодно никому. Нефтяные магнаты? Думаю, нет. В конце концов, они сделали на этом многомиллиардное состояние, не заботясь об окружающей среде. Сейчас пора думать... Сегодня я хочу рассказать вам о Мировой энергетической системе: что это такое, какие последствия влечет за собой потребление ископаемых источников энергии. Диаграммы и таблицы помогут нам в этом.
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ученик 10 «А» класса
Шарапов Денис
г.о. КРАСНОГОРСК – 2020
World Energy Supply________________________________________________4
World Energy Consumption___________________________________________5
Список использованной литературы___________________________________7
All these years, the whole world has not switched to renewable energy sources, because it is unprofitable for anyone. Oil tycoons? I think no. After all, they have made a multi-billion-dollar fortune on this, not caring for the environment. Now it is time to think... Today, I want to tell you about the World Energy System: what it is, what consequences entail the consumption of fossil energy sources. Charts and tables will help us with this.
World Energy Supply
The World Energy System is increasing energy consumption through fossil energy sources. Humanity is one step away from an environmental disaster,
we have been standing still since 1995.
Chart 1. World power supply according to BP data for 2017-2019.
According to BP for 2017-2019 the extraction of fossil fuels is not reduced, but rather increased. (Chart 1)
Chart 2. The global share of energy production.
Because of this, (Chart 2) stagnation and a slowdown in the growth of renewable energy sources occur. Thanks to carbon dioxide emissions from biofuels and waste, millions of people suffer and die every year.
There has never been a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels and these emissions are only increasing day by day.
World Energy Consumption
Chart 3. The global share of energy consumption according to BP data for 2017-2019.
So far, oil consumption exceeds electricity consumption by 1.5 times (Chart 3) approximately, given that 2/3 of the electricity was produced from oil.
China is a leader in the extraction of coal, from which they receive electricity.
The graph below (Chart 4) shows the increase in electricity production over the past 30 years:
Chart 4. Electricity production over the past 30 years
Oil still dominates all renewable energy sources in terms of electricity production. True, the advance of oil is significantly reduced, which is a little pleasing.
Fossil fuels still dominate all renewable energy sources in terms of electricity production. True, advancing fossil fuels is slightly reduced every year, which so far is not encouraging. Due to the increase in fossil fuel production every year, renewable energy sources are developing with a delay and fall on them...
1. Mankind is on the verge of an environmental disaster, since 1995, nothing has changed in terms of the intensity of world energy supply so far.
2. Due to the increase in the production of biofuel and its waste every year, the emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere have increased, due to which millions of people began to suffer and die annually.
3. From 2017 to 2019, the consumption of electricity from fossil fuels exceeded 1.5 times the consumption of electricity from renewable energy sources, which is very detrimental to the environmental situation of the whole world.
Список использованной литературы
1. https://www.worldenergydata.org/world/#footnote_7_2840
2. https://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/energy-economics/statistical-review-of-world-energy.html
3. https://www.iea.org/data-and-statistics/data-tables?country=WORLD
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