Цель исследования выяснить: возможно ли изготовление в домашних условиях Smart Watch, не уступающих по функциональности существующим аналогам. И если возможно, то изготовить инновационное по характеру устройство, удовлетворяющее, либо превосходящее выдвинутым требованиям.
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Actuality of theme: the object of the work is relevant to anyone who needs quick access to phone notifications when there is no opportunity to use the gadget itself (at the meeting, in public transport, outside and other situations.).
Research problem: after a market research and technical characteristics of devices on the market, came to the conclusion that the devices meet the requirements put forward, it was not found.
The object and purpose of the project - Smart Watch.
Hypothesis: is it possible to manufacture at home Smart Watch conditions not inferior to the functionality of existing analogues.
Project purposes and tasks:
1. Produce innovative in character device satisfying or exceeding the requirements put forward.
2. Implement a medium-term fiscal micro-project scientific and technical focus.
Methods of the research:
• Comparative analysis of the submitted devices on the market.
• A comprehensive comparison of price /characteristics.
1. Theoretical part.
1.1 High technology in our life.
The rapid development of science and technology, especially in the last decade has changed the thinking of modern man: the transition to digital technology and the spread of information technology has made our lives more comfortable.
The advent of mobile phones have made a real revolution. They have changed our approach to work, study, entertainment and other aspects of our lives. High technology has penetrated into all spheres of human life. Our body tomography scans our bodies in hospitals. There are modern computers and devices that provide access to the Internet at schools, and there are various devices for computations and experiments in academia. PC, mobile communications, the Internet, automated production lines - this is not a complete list of computer technologies. Not so long ago to have a personal computer can`t everyone. Now we can`t imagine our life without mobile phone, and computers are in almost every home.
Moreover, in fact that is not the whole list of gadgets that help us in modern life. You can endlessly talk about the opportunities and the role of high technology in the organization and order of our society. But the obvious fact that the development of medicine and business, science and education, transport and other spheres of human activity is impossible without the development of high technologies.
Modern phones are not only allows you to stay connected 24 hours a day, but also to know everything about everything. Thus, it is enough to be connected to the point WI-FI, or the mobile Internet. As our phones have become our personal secretary, which will awaken at the right time, to remind you of birthdays of the friends, important meeting, even work with documents can do on a modern smartphone without leaving your home. Any first heard the word, we can look in the encyclopedia at your fingertips, and it takes less than a minute. Moreover, thanks to modern technology, we can let their children walk as his mobile reveals its location without the excitement and experiences. Even the getting into an unknown location you can easily find the right way, at the same time we must not be an astrologer or a pathfinder. Just enough to have on hand the phone.
Probably, many of us faced with a situation when someone calls your phone, and it is hidden in a bag or in your pocket.
You start frantically looking for it to get. It`s very well if it does not fall out of the hand. If this situation happens outside in a bad weather or in the subway, at a bus stop and if you listen to music and want to change track or the volume, then get modern smartphone is not as convenient as they now compete thinner / more. Faced with such inconveniences, it was an attempt to find a solution to get rid of these inconveniences.
1.2 Specifications of the device:
• Bluetooth Low Energy Communication standard (BLE)
• Work on one battery charge time is about 5 days
• Ability to use with one hand
• Display notifications (calls / SMS)
Smart Watch can display the following types of notifications hours:
• Calls. The clock starts to vibrate and allow to reject the call without touching the phone at all;
• E-mail, you can`t receive notification for all mailboxes, but only for selected;
• WhatsApp (if necessary).
1.3 Looking for a solution:
After a market study of such devices, we faced with the fact that the unique, satisfying all requirements at once, but they weren`t found. There were devices satisfy most of the requirements, but they are on the heavy side by extraneous features that have let to a rapid consumption of energy and the need to charge the device every night. That made us to develop independently similar device for personal use.
We decided to get a device that not only satisfies the set requirements, but also require little financial investment and using common components. The following components were selected for a prototype:
• Controller ARM Cortex-M3 STM32F103C8T6
• BLE module on the chip CC2541
• Battery Controller MCP73831T-2ACI / OT
• 3 axis accelerometer LIS3DH
• The display with the controller ST7735
Most of the components were purchased through the company AliExpress.
1.4. Structural scheme of the device:
Bresenham's line algorithm was taken as the basis for our device.
Bresenham's line algorithm is an algorithm that determines the points of an n-dimensional raster that should be selected in order to form a close approximation to a straight line between two points. It is commonly used to draw line primitives in a bitmap image (e.g. on a computer screen), as it uses only integer addition, subtraction and bit shifting, all of which are very cheap operations in standard computer architectures. It is an incremental error algorithm. It is one of the earliest algorithms developed in the field of computer graphics. An extension to the original algorithm may be used for drawing circles.
While algorithms such as Wu's algorithm are also frequently used in modern computer graphics because they can support antialiasing, the speed and simplicity of Bresenham's line algorithm means that it is still important. The algorithm is used in hardware such as plotters and in the graphics chips of modern graphics cards. It can also be found in many software graphics libraries. Because the algorithm is very simple, it is often implemented in either the firmware or the graphics hardware of modern graphics cards.
The label "Bresenham" is used today for a family of algorithms extending or modifying Bresenham's original algorithm.
2. Practical part.
2.1 Making process:
As one of the requirements is to minimize costs, it was decided to produce a printed circuit board for the device yourself.
Chemical etching method in ferric chloride solution was selected for the manufacture of a printed circuit board. For this process, it is necessary to form a copper surface protective coating for the conductors. Fotorizistor method just for this, so it has high accuracy, high repeatability of results. The fotorizist Ordyl Alpha 350 was selected for our device, which provides accuracy of 35 microns.
I. Materials:
• Film for inkjet photo printers Lamond
• Fotorizist Ordyl Alpha 350
• Soda kaltsenirovannaya Na2CO3
• Caustic soda NaOH
• Foil glass fiber
• Abrasive detergents Pemolyuks
II. Instruments:
• Epson Artisan 730 Photo Printer
• Scissors for paper
• Tray of domestic container products
• Solid carbide drills VK6M (tungsten carbide)
• Mikrodrill Dremel 3000
• Laminator
• UV lamp with a wavelength of 390-405 nm
• Fotoroller or the shaft of the laminator
III. Procedure for the manufacture of printed circuit boards:
• Clean the circuit board under running water with a temperature of 30-40S
• Place the circuit board in a container with a solution of ferric chloride
• Remove the circuit board after the complete dissolution of the copper not protected by the FF
• Rinse it under running water fee
• Place the circuit board in the solution of NaOH
• Remove the circuit board after complete removal of residues FR
• Clean the circuit board under running water and dry.
IV. Installation the circuit board:
To install the card, we will need the following tools:
• Soldering Station ESD (Ersa I-Con Nano)
• Thin tweezers
• Installation of pliers (pliers)
• Device "the third hand"
You need the following materials:
• Flux for mounting BGA chips (NC-559)
• Solder containing lead (Asahi 60/40)
• Isopropyl alcohol
2.2 Programming of the device.
Слайд 1
Высокие технологии в нашей жизни или умные часы своими руками .Слайд 2
ГБОУ Школа № 1056
Слайд 4
Актуальность темы – объект работы актуален для каждого, кому необходим быстрый доступ к уведомлениям телефона, когда нет возможности воспользоваться гаджетом непосредственно.
Слайд 5
Проблема исследования – после проведения исследования рынка и технических характеристик устройств, представленных на рынке, пришли к выводу, что устройств, удовлетворяющих выдвинутым требованиям, не было найдено.
Слайд 6
Объект и предмет проекта – SmartWatch . Гипотеза - возможно ли изготовление в домашних условиях SmartWatch , не уступающих по функциональности существующим аналогам.
Слайд 7
• Цели и задачи проекта: Изготовить инновационное по характеру устройство, удовлетворяющее, либо превосходящее выдвинутым требованиям. Осуществить среднесрочный бюджетный микро-проект научно-технической направленности. Методы исследования: Проведение сравнительного анализа представленных устройств на рынке. Комплексное сравнение цена/характеристики.
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Pebble Watch •
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Pebble Watch •
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Pebble Watch •
Слайд 11
Мое устройство Bluetooth модуль JDY-08 3 х осевой акселерометр LIS3DH MCP73831 Процессор ARM на ядре Cortex-M3 Экран на базе контроллера ST7735
Слайд 12
Мое устройство
Слайд 13
Печатная плата
Слайд 19
Характеристики часов: Время работы от одного заряда 25 часов Подключение BlueTooth Low Energy ARM Cortex m-3 36MHz Отображение времени Отклонение / прием входящих звонков
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План дальнейшей работы: Снизить энергопотребление Реализовать управление жестами Управление медиа плейером Отображение уведомлений на экране Добавить обновление ПО через BlueTooth Подключить часы к роботу для управления им движением руки
Слайд 21
Стоимость проекта
Слайд 22
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