Исследовательская работа по английскому языку на тему: "Стресс во время сдачи экзаменов"
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МБОУ «Средняя школа №5»
Исследовательская работа
на тему:
«Стресс во время сдачи экзаменов»
Направление: Английский язык
Автор исследования: Колотило Виктория Вячеславовна, 9 «В» класс
Учитель: Смирнова Светлана Петровна, учитель английского языка, 2 кв. категория
Когалым, 2013
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………..p.3-4 |
1.1 What is stress?.............................................................................................................p. 5-6 1.2.Examinations in Russia…………………………………………………………….p.7-8 1.3. Psychological advice……………………………………………………………….. p. 9-10 2. Practical part…………………………………………………………………………p.11-12 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………... p.13 The list of literature……………………………………………………………………. p.14 Appendix ………………………………………………………………....................... p.15-20 |
The education system has radically rebuilt in recent years. Pupils have a lot of problems during passing exams. Conversing with gradates of previous years, interviewing my classmates, asking the views of teachers and parents, we came to the opinion that one of the factors influences on the results of the exams is stress that the majority of pupils have during passing exams.
We decide to know why stress plays the important role in our life, how it influences on our health and behavior. In our work we found what is stress, reasons of stress, stress during passing of school exams and how pupils can fight with stressful situation.
The theme of our work is “Stress during passing exams”.
It is interesting for me because I am a student of ninth form and this year we have to pass our school exams. There are a lot of difficulties, connected with exams. When students prepare for exams and pass them they feel stress. That’s why we must know how reduce stress during examination.
Our research work consists of the theoretical and practical parts. In our theoretical part we gave information about stress and school exams.
Doing our practical part we prepared provisional and approximate statistics. We wanted to know the opinion of people, who have already done exams and who are preparing for examination now; their advice, their thoughts and feelings, which they experienced. We gave some physiologists’ advice which may improve one’s performance at the exams.
The aim of this work is to identify the ways of fight with stress on exam.
Tasks of our work:
Our hypothesis: everybody who passes exams feels stress and can’t avoid it but it is possible to meet exams well-prepared both physically and emotionally using specialists’ advice.
The object of our work is pupils of the 9th form and the 10th form.
The subject of our research work is the behavior of graduates in the period of preparation for the exam and examinations
Methods: analysis of literature, oral questioning of students of previous years, graduates, teachers and surveys.
Value of the obtained results is to implementation of the recommendations dealing with stress will help the students to psychologically prepare for the exam and achieve better results.
Sources of our work is psychological and pedagogical literature on stress, newspaper articles about the exam, personal impressions of the graduates of previous years, pupils of the 9th form and teachers.
1.1 What is stress?
There is a famous expression in English: "Stop the world, I want to get off!" This expression says that somebody feels panic, or stress, person wants to stop whatever he/she is doing, try to relax, and become calm again.
Almost everyone in society has a job to do. Having work is important as it gives certain social status, pays salary and maintains self-esteem. Job can be rather rewarding. Students and pupils have a lot of tests, homework, lessons, extra work and so on. People work too much and have little breaks. Of course it leads to stress.
We often hear the word “stress” in everyday life. In our work we try to answer what is stress.
“Stress” means pressure and tension. It is a common problem in modern life.
Stress is a reaction to a source of stress. The way how we react will depend on many reasons: the result of our genetic makeup, childhood experiences and environment.
Most people consider the word stress in negative ways. They see it as a destructive force.
Stress can affect the heart. It can increase the pulse rate, make the heart miss beats, and can cause high blood pressure. Stress can lead to asthma. It can cause a person to breathe too fast, resulting in a loss of important carbon dioxide. Stress can affect the stomach. These are only a few examples of the wide range of illnesses and symptoms resulting from stress.
We are different. Some people try to avoid stress, others like climbing mountains, do extreme sports (for example base jumping), dive and etc. To them it is their part of life and they like to be a little nervous. Other people like their comfortable and calm life. Too much stimulation can lead to anxiety, panic and illness. Such people try to avoid stress. But it is impossible to avoid stressors. Stressors will always be in our life because we live in an imperfect and unpredictable world which is going to cause us to frequently get stressed. We must learn how to cope with stress.
So what is stress? In common language “stress” is associated with pressure. The stress usually means any conditions that give rise to worry. Unfortunately, too much stress results into physical, emotional and mental health problems.
There are three levels of stress.
You feel well, is relaxed and physical recreation brings pleasure. You don’t feel quality at taking time to relax or take exercise. A lot of work, don’t have sleep out and pressures can be cause loss of happiness and healthy.
You may feel reasonable fatigue but don’t deny it and take steps to recover as soon as possible.
You may insist that you are healthy but other people see differently. You think that you needn’t to relax. People around you see the signs of strain: bad temper, grumbling, longer hours worked but less achieved. You sleep very badly. Unfortunately you need to take medical.
Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious mental illnesses. Depression, an extreme feeling of sadness and hopelessness, can be the result of continued and increasing stress. Alcoholism and other addictions often develop as a result of overuse of alcohol or drugs to try to relieve stress. Eating disorders, such as anorexia, are sometimes caused by stress and are often made worse by stress. If stress is allowed to continue, then one's mental health is put at risk. That’s way we must try to avoid stress.
There are a lot of reasons of stress. It’s not only overworking or having no time for rest. Stress factors also include dangerous situations, difficulties at home and school, divorce, loss of close friends, etc. Changes for the better can also cause stress. For example, getting married, having a baby, moving houses, entering a university. Experts advise not to worry too much and stay calm in any situation. It is very important to try to avoid stress or at least to minimize it. Many people say that one of the best ways to fight stress is to keep a sense of humor in difficult situations. I think so. I try to keep a sense of humor in different situations. Other ways to cope with stress include being active and having interesting hobbies.
There are different forms and types of exams. Exams can be passed in orally and in writing form. Exams are divided into school and government. There are several types of school exams: admission, transfer, and graduation. The aim of each exam is to check the knowledge of the subject.
In the era of Peter the Great the school system of exams had changed and had not once been reformed. System of school exams, which had the greatest development in the XIX century, has dealed with sharp protests of teachers in the beginning of XX century. Teachers said that such way of passing exams teaches pupils to cramming. Teachers must teach to the understanding of the subject and activity of the student. They said students learn not for knowledge they learn for exam. There were several attempts to change the system of examination tests, however, but there was difficult situation in our country.
After the October revolution of 1917 exams were cancelled. However, the lack of systematic knowledge of graduates made to restore the system of checking of knowledge of students in the USSR.
Till 1956-57 examination system was based on a combination of the transition exams, where tested the knowledge of students for this academic year, with final exams, where tested knowledge for a number of years or the whole course. In 1956 - 57 transition exams were cancelled and the students were attended to study in the following classes of their school marks.
The collapse of the USSR and reforms has made changes to the education system in the Russian Federation.
In 2007 our government adopted a Federal Law on the use of EGE on Russian territory.
The aim of this exam is to provide equal conditions during the final examinations at school and entering Universities. When students pass such exam they have tasks similar difficulty.
After all exams students are issued the certificate about the average (full) General education and certificate of exam results. In the certificate entered points in each General educational subject which has been passed in the form of EGE.
Exams are trained in each student the sense of responsibility and it is very important in modern life. They require a large expense of energy and strength, give pupils a lot of excitement and anxiety, and we can see a wonderful preparation for life. However a lot of people disagree with such point of view, especially parents and doctors. Doctors insist that the exams are harmful to the health of students, for example during exams pupils losing weight. Parents and some teachers believe that during the examination a student is in a very special state and he/she has got a little time. That’s why it does not allow considering his or her answer reliable indicator of his or her knowledge.
The state final attestation (GIA) is the main type of exam for graduates of the 9th grades in secondary school of Russia. Passing GIA is necessary to enter in the 10th grade or enter in the secondary professional education institutions (colleges and technical colleges). Graduates of the 9th grades of General education institutions take at least 4 final exams:
• 2 compulsory (Russian and Mathematics);
• 2 selectable(from the list of items).
In 2014 examinations at the choice will be possible to pass in one form: a new form GUIA-9.
Obligatory courses – the Russian language and Mathematics have to be taken in a new form GUIA-9.
New GUIA students can take General subjects:
• the Russian language
• Mathematics
• Social studies
• History
• Physics
• Biology
• Chemistry
• Literature
• Geography
• the English language
• the French language
• the German language
• Spanish
Who participates in GIA?
To pass the GIA allowed:
• graduates of the 9th grades of General education institutions of the Russian Federation with the annual marks in all subjects not less than«3»;
• graduates with a«2» but student have to pass this exam ;
• foreign citizens, refugees and internally displaced persons, studying in educational institution;
• graduates of previous years, were not given a certificate.
If the graduate has received the GIA “2” of one-two subjects he will be permitted to retake the exam in the additional terms.
If the graduate fails the exam in the second time he won’t be given a certificate. He /she can pass the exam in future year.
We ask our school psychologist to give us some advice how prepare for school exams. We suggest these advice students of the 9th form in English lessons.
For preparation for examination it is the best way to be in comfortable conditions for you. If it is more convenient to you study in a library or at home - work there.
It is necessary during preparation for examinations don’t distract on extraneous subjects, refuse for the period of a passing examinations entertainments:
You must have a break every day. Fresh air is useful to the brains. Take a walk before going to bed, not for long and nearby, and when you come home, go to bed. If you don’t sleep enough, you will be tired, that only negatively will have an effect on your mental faculties, and deep sleep will return to you vivacity and fresh perception.
At night before examination there are no reasons to be awake. For the person not sleeping night usually tired he/she thinks and reacts slower.
Our school psychologist says that Moscow psychologist A. Pronin has offered a new technology of preparation for exams “3-4-5”. Time before the examination (year, month, week) is divided into 3 equal parts. First of all you learn information for a bad mark (2, 3). During second period of time learn all necessary things for 4. During last period you learn all tasks for an excellent mark (5) and rewrite all your mistakes.
This way of preparation has a lot of advantages. Especially if you follow this technology you won’t start preparation late, so you can not to learn but you will understand the subject.
If you follow this advice you will achieve the best results at the examination.
English psychologists F. Orr and E. Klajsr gave some advice:
Our school psychologist has suggested us some exercises to help to calm nervous system.
So, sit on a chair, straighten the back, hands are relaxed. Put them on knees palms upwards, the head hold directly. Before exercise make a full and deep sigh. Then a smooth slow breath through a nose (4-6s.). Detain breath on a sigh (2-3s.) and slowly exhale through a nose (4-6s.). Repeat every 2-3s. during 4-5minutes. Carrying out exercise is regular; you learn to control the emotions and a physical condition.
Exercises are simple; they will not take a lot of time.
If you feel panic you can follow the next exercise: sit on a place, cease to panic and make exercise on rhythmic breath (2minutes). You all have calmed down also have recollected you thoughts. You found out you’ve got the simple task: you were perfectly prepared for examinations and know everything.
We wouldn’t have managed to prove our hypothesis if we hadn’t done our practical part.
First of all we’ve made up questionnaires and then we have conducted a survey among pupils of the 9th and the 10th forms.
After that we have analyzed the results of the poll. First of all let’s talk about pupils of the 10th form.
We asked 75 pupils. We asked them felt they stress during passing exams. All pupils answered yes (Appendix 1).
We asked them estimate the level of stress (from 10 point till 1 point)
We’ve found out that 87% of pupils had high level of stress and 13% of pupils had medium level of stress (Appendix 2).
We asked pupils used them special exercises to reduce the level of stress. 30% of pupils answered yes and 70% - no.
We’ve found out 15% of pupils have prepared without any help, 80% - have used teachers’ advice, 5% - haven’t prepared, while all students have prepared by themselves (Appendix 3).
The majority of students have begun the preparation 7 months before the exams, although 30% of pupils have started doing it more than three months, 15% of them have decided to begin the preparation more than two months (Appendix 4).
Most of pupils of the 10th form have been working 5-7 hours a day (45%), 37% - 3-4 hours and 18% - 2 hours (Appendix 5).
70% of pupils thought that the main rule for preparation is knowledge of the subject and 30% of pupils believed in luck (Appendix 7).
Now let’s talk about the easiest form of passing the exams. 75% of pupils believe that the easiest form of passing the exams is a traditional form and 25% of pupils think that it is a new form (Appendix 8).
As well we were interested in answers of people who have never passed any exams and in their ideas of solving the problem of passing them. We have made a poll among pupils of the 9th form. They are 70 pupils.
We asked them they will feel stress during passing exams. All pupils gave positive answers (Appendix 1).
We asked them estimate the level of stress (from 10 point till 1 point)
We’ve found out that 50% of pupils think they will have high level of stress and 25% of pupils will have medium level of stress and 25% of pupils will have low level of stress (Appendix 2).
At the end of the survey among people who have never done any exams we found out that all pupils started to prepare for exams, 15% prepare by themselves and 85% follow teachers’ advice (Appendix 3).
The most of pupils (90%) have begun the preparation. 90% sit for 3-4 hours a day; only 10% of them work for 7 hours a day (Appendix 6).
70% of pupils of the 9th form believed that knowledge of the subject is the most important for passing exams and 30% of pupils supposed the luck is the best (Appendix 7).
60% of pupils believe that the easiest form of passing the exams is a tradition form and 40% of pupils think that it is a new form (Appendix 8).
We asked our teachers and pupils to give advice of preparation for exams. We made list of teachers’ and pupils’ advice (Appendix 9).
In our work we have proved our hypothesis and have demonstrated that it’s possible to meet exams well-prepared both physically and emotionally using specialists’ advice and psychological exercises.
We’ve learnt what stress is, reasons of stress and how to prevent it. Moreover we’ve heard the opinions of physiologists and obtained their advice useful for pupils.
We made up a questionnaire, conducted a survey among the 9th and the 10th forms. We have analyzed the results of the poll and in the end we have compared the results of answers pupils of the 9th and the 10th form. You can see in the appendix diagrams showing the results of the work. We have written down some pieces of advice from pupils and asked teachers to tell us a few words about passing the exams, which also you can find in the appendix.
We prove our hypothesis that everybody who passes exams feels stress and can’t avoid it but it is possible to meet exams well-prepared both physically and emotionally using specialists’ advice.
Everybody can see that the problems of education getting, particularly those connected with doing exams, are extremely important nowadays.
We strongly believe that our research paper will help us, our classmates and friends to pass all our exams successfully.
The list of literature.
Diagrams showing the results of our practical work
The survey among pupils.
Appendix 1
Do you feel stress during passing exams?
Appendix 2
Level of stress
Appendix 3
Have prepared:
Appendix 4
Began the preparation:
Appendix 5
Have worked for …hours a day (the 10th form)
Appendix 6
Appendix 7
The main rule for preparation:
Appendix 8
The easiest form of passing the exams
Appendix 9
Teachers’ advice of preparation for exams:
Pupils’ advice of preparation for exams:
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