Данная работа напрвлена на знакомство со свадебными церемониями народов Европы и азиатских стран.
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Weddings in different countries Gusleva Anna, 10 B form Teacher: Dmitruk L.E.Слайд 2
We've learned that on the wedding the bride dressed in white and the groom - in black, they exchange rings during the wedding ceremony ... well, everyone knows how to run a wedding. But it is - we have in Russia. In different parts of the world there are their own customs, and the wedding is held in different countries according to old traditions, matchmaking bride, redemption and so on. So, I would like to show you some wedding ceremonies in different countries.
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Newlyweds released two white doves as a sign of their love and harmony. Wedding in Russia In Russia wedding - it's more than just a wedding, it is also a remarkable cycle rituals (wedding train, bridal, bride, etc.). Today in Russian wedding absorbed customs of many nations, but also for her remained characteristic and distinctive rituals. Over time, new traditions have appeared. For example, there was a tradition the newlyweds first dance.
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Wedding in Great Britain According to ancient custom, the bride's attire wedding day should include several essential components: a new thing, the old thing, the thing borrowed for one day, and something blue, and the hem of the dress is sewn on happiness mascot (most often - a small horseshoe of silver).
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Wedding in France Traditionally, the bride and groom are showered with rice, butterflies and rose petals .
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Wedding in Greece On Greek wedding bride hides in the glove piece of sugar – for sweet love for ever. Friends and girlfriends young embroider or just stick to your clothing image of the eye: to protect young couples from the evil eye.
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Uyghur wedding Uighur bride preparing for a wedding dress two: white wedding dress in Western style for the gala dinner, which takes place on the first day of the wedding, and the traditional Uyghur outfit for the second day of the wedding, during which she greets guests as a married woman.
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Wedding in Afghanistan Afghan men dance to the rhythms of the Armenian dhal drum on the street in the center of Jalalabad. And Afghan women are often celebrating the wedding separately, without leaving home.
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Wedding in Malaysia Bride and groom during the wedding tea ceremony tradition tray tea older family members. The picture was taken in the Malaysian capital - Kuala Lumpur.
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Wedding in morocco Moroccan bride usually wear ornate coats and a lot of jewelers. In Morocco, the bride and all the women invited to the wedding, decorate the hands of henna patterns.
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Wedding in Japan Japanese married during a traditional ceremony, during which they have to drink 9 cups of sake.
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Nowadays thematic weddings are becoming more and more popular.
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