Проект "Рождество" по английскому языку.
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Christmas Выполнила: ученица 6класса Мочалова АнастасияСлайд 2
Рождество в Англии зародилось еще в октябре, когда большинство людей село дома за стол и, высунув от старательности кончик языка, с самым серьезным видом написало Рождественские Списки Отцу Рождества. Хозяева магазинов в Англии подсуетились продавать разное тематическое барахло как раз с этого момента… А вообще все это — устоявшаяся вековая Традиция. В Соединенном Королевстве традиций, ритуалов, примет, заскоков, бзиков и прочего, связанного с зимними празднествами, наверное, больше, чем во всей остальной Европе. Причем есть традиции старинные, а есть относительно юные, но уже успевшие прочно зацементироваться в недрах британского менталитета. Christmas in England arose in October when the majority of people the house village at a table and, having put out from diligence a language tip, with the most serious look wrote Christmas Lists to the Father of Christmas. Owners of shops in England took advantage of the opportunity to sell a different thematic junk just from this point … And in general all this is the settled century Tradition. In the United Kingdom of traditions, rituals, signs, kinks, hang-ups and other, connected with winter festivals, probably, it is more, than in all other Europe. And there are traditions ancient, and is rather young, but already in time strongly to be cemented in a subsoil of the British mentality.
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Sacred Nikolay traditionally is considered in the West and in America the donator of gifts. In the 1804th year in New York under Sacred Nikolay's patronage historical society was based. In 1809 Washington Irving published satirical "History of the city of New York", where надсмехался over the Dutch past of New York (many traditions including Sacred Nikolay — the donator of gifts, came to New York from Holland). Annually in day sacred Nikolay on the street took out a wooden statue sacred (high, in a long cloak) and sang the song about sacred Nikolay — Zankta Claus (on Dutch Sinterklaas). Claus. The history Santa
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Christmas wreath Christmas wreath The Christmas wreath has the Lutheran origin. It is an evergreen wreath with four candles. The first candle light on Sunday in four weeks prior to Christmas as a symbol of light which will come to the world with the birth of the Christ. Each next Sunday light one more candle. Last Sunday before Christmas light all four candles to shine a place where there is a wreath (it there can be an altar of church or a dining table).
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The peal to the Christmas-tide came to us from winter pagan holidays. When Earth was cold, was considered that the sun died, and the evil ghost is very strong. To expel an evil ghost, it was necessary to rustle strongly. Up to now the Christmas tradition remained to ring hand bells, at the same time to sing and shout. On the Christmas-tide in churches of the whole world the peal is distributed. But not for exile of evil ghosts. Thus people welcome coming of the Christ. In Scandinavia the peal means the end of work and the holiday beginning, in England - a knell on a funeral of a devil and a greeting of the Christ Hand balls
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Flue In the Scandinavian countries and Germany on December 24th Santa Claus knocks at the door, in England and America his visit is confidential. Santa Claus allegedly gets to the house through a flue.
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Christmas cards In 1843 Englishman Horsley drew the first Christmas card. 1000 copies of a card were sold that year in London. Publisher Louis Prang spread Christmas cards in 1875. It held in America national competition on the best design of a Christmas card. Improvement of post system and reduction in cost of mailings allowed to dispatch Christmas cards to a great number of friends in all points of a planet.
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Christmas tree Assume that the first not decorated Christmas fir-trees appeared in Germany in the VIII century. The first mention of a fir-tree is connected with the monk sacred Bonifatsy. Bonifatsy read to druids the sermon on Christmas. To convince idolaters that the oak isn't a sacred and inviolable tree, it cut down one of oaks. When the cut-down oak fell, it tumbled down on the way all trees except a young fir-tree. Bonifatsy presented a fir-tree survival as a miracle and exclaimed: "Yes there will be this tree a tree of the Christ". Further Christmas in Germany was celebrated by landing of young fir-trees.
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