Страшное время .... Великая Отечественная Война.
Многие люди отдали жизни за свою Родину. Сражался весь народ, но были и особенно отличившиеся. Таким ребёнком была Зина Портнова родившаяся в Ленинграде.
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Hero girl.
The Great Patriotic War is a terrible time. Many people gave their lives for their homeland. All the people fought, but there were also especially distinguished ones. Such a child was Zina Portnova, who was born in Leningrad.
The children were very good scouts. In the summer of 1941, she came on vacation to her grandmother, where she was caught by the War. In Oboli, the underground organization "Young Avengers" was created, and Zina was elected a member of its committee. A girl who worked as a dishwasher in the dining room of German officers poisoned the food prepared for lunch. As a result of the sabotage, about a hundred Hitlerites were killed. In addition, wanting to prove her innocence, the girl tried the poisoned soup and only miraculously survived.
In conclusion, I am proud of the feat of this brave girl, who did not give up to the last, even under torture. Most of the children had such fates, but their exploits were and will be remembered at all times.
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