Frankly speaking, I don’t hesitate about whom I’d like to speak to. I’ve just have an idea that it is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
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Dorzhiev Aldar
The person I’d like to speak
Frankly speaking, I don’t hesitate about whom I’d like to speak to. I’ve just have an idea that it is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
It was his big book entitled “Arnold’s fitness for kinds”, that influenced me greatly. This is the first thing I’d like to tell him about. This book was not just a simple occasion. It has a long story .As my mum has told me, I was not healthy enough since my birth and all my family- mum, dad, elder sister and brother had to work enough to make me as I look now. Of course, I’m not so strong, but still…
All my family followed instructions of the book, worked with me. They made me do all possible physical exercises. It was a great fun, though at the same time it was very painful.
I was grown up with this book. It became like an instruction book. Then it disappeared.
But wherever we moved to every time my dad and brother ,according to that instructions ,built special sport equipments, and again and again made me train.
Recently I found the book in the big old box in the basement. It wasn’t lost during all our moving and all time it was traveling with us.
And now I could read Arnold’s book by myself. It was cool. It seemed to me as if I was talking with Arnold. I would really like to tell him all about myself. The first thing I’d like to tell him about that he was my first hero. I liked his wide smile; I watched all films he stared in .I have learned that he became California’s governor. My dad says that he is a successful politician.
I know that he was grown up in a little Australian village .His father was a policeman and his mother was a housekeeper. Arnold and his brother had to help their mother about the house. I would tell him that I do just the same every day, now alone, because my elder brother left home for university. My dad is strongly for cattle keeping, not letting me feel relaxed. I have to work on our little farm. It is really a little farm, because we’ve got two cows, two calves, a dozen of hens and a dog.
I’ve learned how Arnold had earned his first money. He and his brother made hey on neighbor’s farm. On his first seventy dollars he bought a bicycle and beautiful silk scarf for his mother. As for bicycles, there were always several of them in our family .And the people found it funny to see our our family going by bicycles along the streets.
Secondly, I’d like to tell Arnold about my school life, very serious final exams, which are spoken about every day. To work hard according to Arnold’s book is the main thing to achieve something. As for me I do work , try to do all my home assignments, try not to miss my classes, but still maths, physics and chemistry are not among my favorites. I’m really good at computers, and that’s why we constantly have fights with dad. As usual, he is crazy about my health, especially for my eyesight and fitness.
What else I’d like to tell Arnold is about football. My dad and brother are really great funs of football, but they prefer to watch it mostly than to play. As for me I like to play football with my friends. There is a good new football field not far from my house.
And the last thing I’d like to tell him about is our great lake Baikal (hope he knows about it), where I rest every summer; about snow, a lot of snow, which is impossible to find in California.
May be I would have a chance to meet with Arnold (things may happen).But the only thing I know is that his book helped me greatly.
Thank you, Arnold!
The composition is read and checked by four teachers of English:
Balzhanova S.N.
Dorzhieva T.D.
Dorzhieva L.L
Chiripova S.S.,member of BELTA( Baikal English language teachers’ association)
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