Презентация "Мой любимый учитель" была подготовлена для участия во всероссийском конкурсе "My teacher is..."
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My Tea4er Made by Pildanov Igor Form : 7 Teacher of English : Baldanova Zhargalma Z hamyanovnaСлайд 2
My favourite teacher is Erchituev Aleksandr Erdynievich . He is a teacher of physical education. He is also our class leader. I like sport very much and attend lessons of physical education with great pleasure. This sportsman has an active life position and no bad habits. It`s great! He is an example for us.
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A.E. Erchituev prepares his pupils for different competitions in different kinds of sports, for example, football, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, skiing, running. I must say, we try to do our best and, as a result, our teams often become winners.
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I like when Aleksandr Erdynievich organizes school competitions, marathons, « funny starts ». Every year we take part in the school of safety « Zarnitsa » and marathon devoted to the Victory day on the 9 th of May.
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Ready,steady,go!!! Please, be attentive, ladies and gentlemen! Teachers on the start! They are participants of marathon! Let`s start!
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Sport gym is my favourite place in our school. Lessons of Physical Education are always very interesting and good for health and physical development.
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Thank you for attention!
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