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Международный конкурс иллюстрированных сочинений
"The Happiest Day in My Life",
проводимый на сайте: http://anglyaz.ru/
Валиева Есения
ученица 5 класса МБОУ «Старомихайловская СОШ»
Альметьевского муниципального района
Республики Татарстан
I was born in winter, on the 20th of December. Every year we arrange my birthday party and celebrate it very interesting and funny. I would like to write about my last birthday party when I was eleven years old. It was the happiest day in my life.
I decorated a room where the party was with balloons and the room looked more beautiful. The balloons had different colours: red, pink, white, green and blue. On the balloons there were nice pictures.
My grandma cooked a lot of tasty food. I helped her, too. We prepared different salads, soup, potato with chicken and pizza. My mum bought sweet things, juice, fruit and vegetables. She covered a new tablecloth on the table. After that I laid it. The table was so wonderful and full of food.
We invited our relatives and friends to my birthday party. They came in the evening. Everyone brought a small gift: a nice teddy bear, books, wonderful greeting cards and some other presents. My best girlfriend gave me a nice cake. My boyfriend presented me with beautiful red flowers. I was so happy.
We sat at the table and enjoyed the meal. Suddenly the light was turned off and my mum brought a big cake. There were eleven candles on the cake. All the guests began singing a song “Happy birthday to you”. I was so surprised. I made a wish and blew the candles. Then my mum cut the cake and we drank tea with it. It was the most delicious cake.
We had a great time on the party: listened to music, danced, played jokes and had interesting party games. We laughed all the time because it was so merrily.
Unfortunately, the party came to the end and we went outside and set off fireworks.
So, it was the happiest day in my life. I will remember my birthday party for a long time.
Валиева Есения участвует в конкурсе с разрешения родителей.
Использовала фотографию из семейного архива и свои рисунки.
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