Эссе "Очаг мой, Дагестан" на английском языке
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Муниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение
« Меусишинская средняя общеобразовательная школа»
Дахадаевского района Республики Дагестан
на тему:
«My hearth is Dagestan»
Магдиева Луиза Рамазановна
ученица 11 кл. МКОУ «Меусишинская СОШ»
учитель высшей категории
английского языка
Абдуллаева Заира Рабадангаджиевна
My hearth is Dagestan
Daghestan, you are my love and my vow, my supplication and my prayer.
Rasul Gamzatov
There are a lot of wonderful places in our country, but for me there is nothing more beautiful than our native land-Dagestan. Dagestan is our Motherland. Here is our hearth. Nowadays our region is not considered to be the most prosperous place, but, actually, it is the birthplace of noble traditions, unique crafts, proud horsemen and lovely mountain girls. So many magnificent lines Dagestan poets have devoted to their homeland. The poems of R. Gamzatov, S. Stalsky, Ph.Alieva, R.Rashidov are full of sincere love, sensitivity, kindness to their native Dagestan.
Most of all I appreciate our traditions and customs. They have helped to preserve peace and harmony in the multiethnic Dagestan. First of all, I’d like to highlight the tradition of hospitality and kinship. «Guest is a sacred thing» said our great-grandparents. More than that, respect for the elderly is an important value for our region. Tips of the elderly are an essential law for the youth. Dagestan people love the homeland so much that put all their senses in art. Gorgeous Kubachi jewelry, daggers and swords of the Dagestan masters, carpets of local artisans are well known all over the world. Finally, one of the most significant traditions is mutual assistance. You can verify it both in everyday life and in a period of great trials.
In conclusion, I’d like to add our republic is an incredibly picturesque area with ancient culture and responsive people. For me Dagestan starts with my tiny mountain village. It is my ancestors’ home, my parents live and work here and every rood is very important for me.
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