Творческая работа выполнена по книге для чтения В. Шекспира "Гамлет"
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Всероссийский конкурс «Я с книгой открываю мир!» издательство «Просвещение» и “ Express Publishing ” ««Pleasure to read «Hamlet» of W. Shakespeare» Vasilyeva Yevgeniya 10 « А » form Lyceum № 5 Mtsensk , Oryol region Teacher – Zimina T.A. 2015Слайд 2
«Hamlet» I’ve read a fantastic book of William Shakespeare. This is «Hamlet» . Of course, I heard about this famous book much time ago, but I decided to read it only now at the English lesson.
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I enjoyed the book so much. My favorite moment is the duel , because the truth has triumphed, though the duel took away many lives. «Hamlet»
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«Hamlet» My favorite character is Horatio , because he always helped and supported his friend.
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«Hamlet» I can use the knowledge which I’ve got from this book at the literature lessons. I would recommend the awesome book to my friend, because this book is about friendship, family, betrayal and regret.
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The next book which I’m going to read will be «The Maze Runner» by James Dashner .
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Resources : http://www.scottcountylibrary.org/maze-runner-book-review/ http://pixshark.com/horatio-hamlet.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/hamlet/plot/act5.shtml http://www.stagemilk.com/what-is-a-great-play-to-read/ http://vilingstore.net/Knigi-zhurnaly-gazety-plakaty-i-poligrafiya-c3/Pervoe-Folio-Shekspirasobraniya-pes-Uilyama-Shekspira-i63467
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