Помните Царя Кощея,чахнущего над златом? Для одних людей смысл жизни видится в накоплении богатства, для других в поиске удовольствий. Третьи стимулом жизни считают любовь к друзьям и близким. А вы нашли ответ на этот вопрос?
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Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution
Siberian Lyceum
Written by Maslovskaya Elizabeth
Form 9 “b”
The leader:
Spirina Svetlana Borisovna
The teacher of English language
Tomsk 2015
About life:
All men are fallible.[ˈfæləb(ə)l] Life consists of UPS and downs. This cannot be avoided. Many people learn from their mistakes, remember them never “to walk twice into the same water”. To tell the truth, It doesn`t concern me. I don`t belong to the genus Homo. I've always been a slave of my feelings and attachment. I was guided by the emotions, but not brains. Oh, you can call me weak or “milk-and-water girl” now and probably you will be right. I preferred following the way how my heart directed me but not the cold calculating mind. You know, I do not regret about it at all. Unlike most others, I can confidently declare that I really live but not just trample the ground with my feet while I am not buried in it.
During my life, I just made an uncountable number of mistakes. I hurt myself and people who were dear to me. I am apparently to have such a fate. Not all decisions we make are absolutely right, but nevertheless these solutions are ours, it is our life. It remains for me to shrug my shoulders and accept things as they are. In the soul of every man there is an ocean of passion and it is only your choice to allow the elements to overwhelm you with your head or leave yourself the ability to think clearly and logically. The rules are extremely simple. You can love till craziness, breathe with freedom, see the sunrise each day as if tomorrow there will be the Apocalypse or live having the common sense. Probably it's because I never made a choice in favor of the latter I subsequently found myself in a situation with no exit.
About the meaning of life:
There is a very ancient riddle. "Can you hear the sound of the falling tree, if no one is around?" The philosophers of the world during several centuries can't come to a consensus according to this question. But for me the answer is more than obvious. If there was nobody around to hear this fall therefore naturally there was no a sound. In fact, it's the same with people. If you never had a person who heard your heartbeat and felt the warmth of your hands did it mean you had ever lived? Perhaps you are just a meaningless colorful decoration, the memories of which will be erased at the same moment as it will be removed behind the scene of this crazy theatre called life.
Human life is essentially worthless and meaningless. It is just a small amount of time, which is given us to dispose it as we wish. Some people spend their lives for the sake of fame and making money, others try to partake of the spiritual values of this wonderful world. But sooner or later every citizen of the Earth planet asked a very important question that mankind would never find the only correct answer.
So what is the gist of existence? My mother said many times that the meaning of the life is to leave the life after you. Her life of children was inherited to me.
About love:
The colored eyes and bright lips
I'm a doll in your helpless hands
You are sometimes too rough to me,
But the doll should not feel qualm [kwɑːm]
You hurt me, but I'm used to
I forgive you everything my puppeteer [ˌpʌpɪˈtɪə]
Just do not think that I have already drooped [druːpt]
Pull the thread, make your move...
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