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Edward Lеаг' s l imericks Автор презентации: ученик 9 «Б» класса МБОУ «СОШ №18 им. А.С. Сергеева» Хлебунов Дмитрий Руководитель : учитель англ. языка МБОУ «СОШ №18 им. А.С. Сергеева» Харитонова Елена АнатольевнаСлайд 2
The interest to this genre of literary is great. I think it is one of the genres which helps to understand the English culture. Folk art of English-speaking countries are represented in limericks – funny and witty five-line poems that were very popular in the18th century.
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To my mind the strongest and the most convincing point of view is that Irishmen began writing verses in rather peculiar way. It was about 800 AD. They did not have jokes in them in those days but they all had five lines. I would like to draw your attention that nobody knows for sure why a limerick is called limerick, but it is also the name of one of the most famous town in Ireland. From the history Limericks are certainly not a modern invention. In fact, they are so old; nobody is quite sure how they started.
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The origin of the English limericks The first version the word «Limerick» comes from the Irish words « Laoi meidbreach » or «A merry lay», meaning «happy song». The second version the word of «Limerick» comes from the name of the famous writer, English artist and poet, Edward Lear who was considered to be the father of limericks.
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Edward Lear (1812 – 1888) Edward Lear was an English artist, an illustrator and a writer known for his literary nonsense, in poetry and prose, and especially for his limericks.
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He was born in Highgate, in a suburb of London. He was the 20th child of his parents and raised by his eldest sister, Ann, who was twenty-one years old. He started work as a serious illustrator at the age of 19, in 1830. He did not keep good health. From the age of seven until the time of his death he suffered from epileptics, bronchitis, asthma, and partial blindness . The first edition of his Book of Nonsense was published in 1846.
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“ A book of Nonsense”
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Edward Lear's Book of Nonsense included the poetry form of Limericks. His first edition of Edward Lear's Book of Nonsense was published by Thomas McLean on 10th February 1846. There were altogether seventy-two limericks in two volumes. These limericks have been to be extremely popular with children.
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Limericks by Edward Lear from “ A book of Nonsense ” There was an Old Man of Peru, Who dreamt he was eating his shoe. He awoke in the night In a terrible fright And found it was perfectly true !
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There was a Young Lady whose nose , Was so long that it reached to her toes ; So she hired an Old Lady , Whose conduct was steady , To carry that wonderful nose . Была леди младая, чей нос Доставал до земли, так подрос. И пришлось ей нанять леди старую, Поведенье чье твердо и здравое, Чтоб несла удивительный нос.
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There was an Old Person whose habits , Induced him to feed upon rabbits ; When he'd eaten eighteen , He turned perfectly green , Upon which he relinquished those habits . Жил один старичок, чья привычка Была кроликов кушать обычно. Восемнадцать сожрав, Понял, был он не прав, И оставил такую привычку .
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What is a limerick? A limerick is a five-line poem with a set form. The rhyme scheme is AABBA . The third and fourth lines (the 'B' lines) are shorter than the rest of the lines . Limericks are often start ed with the line " There was a ...“ The first line describes the person and where he lived. The second line tells what he did. The third and the fourth –what interesting happened to this person. The fifth – the longest and the funniest- sometimes it is like as the first.
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There was a Young Lady of Nig er , Улыбалась нигерийская девица Who smiled as she rode on a tig er ; На спине у бенгальской тигрицы. They returned from the ri de Каталась она до зари – With the Lady insi de , Вдруг оказалась у тигрицы внутри, And the smile on the face of the tig er . И улыбка светилась на морде тигрицы.
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There was an Old Man of the Isl es , Жил -был парень у речки Урал Whose face was pervaded with smil es ; Целый день он шутил и плясал, He sang high Dum didd le , Пел , играя на скрипке, And played on the fidd le , Расплывался в улыбке That amiable Man of the Isl es . Обаяшка , что с речки Урал
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Conclusion Nobody knows for sure why a limerick is called limerick, but in my opinion it is the way to learn about traditions of English culture, especially Irish customs.
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