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Mogeko Mogeko, or 海底囚人 (Deep-sea prisoner ; kanji pronounced as "Kaitei Syuujin"), is a Japanese ( American ) artist and game-maker. Their game work can be found on vgperson's website, and their comics have also been translated into various languages by translators. Mogeko has an extensive list of worlds and characters that all interconnect.Слайд 2
The Gray Garden Release Date December 27, 2012 The Gray Garden: a world where angels and demons live in harmony. Yosafire, a demon who likes flowers, enjoys a carefree life with her friends. Then one day, a mysterious bat appears in the garden...
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T he game starts out with Yosafire, a young demon girl, playing with the flowers in the Gray Garden, an anormaly world where demons and angels live together in peace. The game first follows her everyday life, introducing the player to her various friends: Froze, Rawberry, a demon who loves to eat; Macarona, an shy angel ; Dialo, a demon who is known for her apple pies; and Chelan, a mute angel who lives with Dialo. Things seem to be going as normal, until one day Yosafire is attacked by a flaming bat in the flower garden. From there, the story reveals that another world is attacking the Gray Garden, and the "adults" of the world --Etihw, the god of the Gray Garden; Kcalb, the devil of the Gray Garden; Wodahs, Kcalb's brother and the Head Angel; and Grora, an archangel-- move into action .
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Protagonists Yosafire Froze Rawberry Macarona Dialo Chelan Etihw Kcalb
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Yosafire Yosafire is the main protagonist of The Gray Garden. She is a female demon and Froze's best friend.Yosafire is a very energetic and positive demon, determined but often hot-headed. She is very irresponsible in school, normally sleeping in class or otherwise not paying attention, and generally doesn't do her homework. She is quick to stand up for what she believes in, and it is this attitude that allows her to defeat the flame demons along with Froze, Macarona, and Rawberry.
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Froze Froze is one of the main characters of The Gray Garden. She is a female angel and Yosafire's best friend Stoic and hard-working, Froze is a serious girl who takes her tasks with much caution and deliberation. While shown to be rather exasperated at Yosafire and Rawberry's antics, she cares for all of her friends and the state of the Gray World quite deeply. She exercises daily, and is very neat. Shown to be responsible and reliable, as Etihw and Kcalb sent her out to patrol the Gray World and report back to them. It's revealed later on that she doesn't like to smile because she finds it embarrassing..
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Rawberry Rawberry Preserves is one of the main characters of The Gray Garden. She is a female demon and Macarona's best friend. The most notable personality trait Rawberry has is the need to eat. A considerable amount of dialogue has her munching on something or talking about getting something to eat. She also seems to doze off often. Near the end of the game, she asks to eat someone's arm, being Kcalb's.
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Macarona “ I will get stronger! ” – Macarona, The Gray Garden Macarona is one of the main characters of The Gray Garden. She is a female angel and Rawberry's best friend.Macarona is extremely timid and gets scared easily. She may seem like a coward at first, but is actually a great asset in fights. Though she may seem innocent and scared on the outside, anger her or hurt her friends, she will do harm. Similar to her ancestor Rigatona, who appears to be way more brutal than her.
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Dialo Dialo is one of the main characters of The Gray Garden. She is a female demon and Chelan's best friend.Dialo is a great cook and is great at making apple pie, but her style of making apple pie is quite forceful. This is implied after Yosafire and Froze brought the collected apples to her.
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Chelan “ ..........♪ ” Chelan, The Gray Garden Chelan is one of the main characters of The Gray Garden. She is a female angel and Dialo's best friend.Chelan is a very quiet angel, but is said to have a nice voice. She doesn't talk at all, but Dialo is the only one that understands and knows what she's saying. She communicates by nodding or shaking her head.
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Etihw "Yeesh, are you that scared? Can't sleep without a nightlight? ...Or without me, maybe?" Etihw, The Gray Garden Etihw is one of the major characters in The Gray Garden. They are the god of the world and can be considered the most powerful being there.Etihw normally has a very flirty, "que sera sera" attitude. They are lazy and prefer lounging around to acting formally. Their main hobby is teasing Kcalb in order to get a rise out of him. Etihw is able to behave more maturely when the situation calls for it, as is evident when Ivlis and his underlings invade the Gray Garden and threaten the peace. Despite their normal demeanor, they are shown to be very wise. In the past, Etihw was much colder, but has changed since then; the only time they showed their cold side was when Ivlis threatened Kcalb's life.
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Kcalb ".... I can only destroy." Kcalb, The Gray Garden Kcalb is one of the major characters in The Gray Garden. He is the devil of their world, and has lived for many years.Kcalb is known to be rather temperamental and easily flustered, often becoming enraged over trivial matters. However, he is described by Etihw as "outrageously shy" and is depicted as being very introverted and quiet in most situations. His shyness can be curbed by a big enough threat, as seen when he is able to overpower Ivlis after Yosafire and her friends defeated him. Kcalb was apparently "much scarier" in the past before the creation of the Gray Garden, and had a deep resentment towards Etihw and angels. He spends a lot of time thinking about the past, and broods a lot over his past sins and mistakes. He doesn't value himself all that much and feels very much guilty for what he's done, as shown in the scene where Yosafire is trying to catch him while he's falling, and he says that she doesn't need to save him.
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Antagonists Ivlis Rieta Poemi Emalf
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Lord Ivlis “ Power. I'm killing him for his power. ...That's all. ” Ivlis, The Gray Garden Ivlis is a Devil from the Flame World in The Gray Garden. He is the main antagonist of the game and attempts to steal Kcalb's power. Quick to anger, his wrath is often portrayed by his hair shifting from black to red with yellow-orange tips. He is very serious, but his stupidity and clumsiness make him an airhead and thus an easy target for Devils
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Rieta Rieta is one of the demons from the Flame World in The Gray Garden. She is a loyal underling of Ivlis. Competent and powerful.
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Poemi "Poemi wanna start slaughtering soon..." Poemi, The Gray Garden. Poemi is a demon from the Flame World in The Gray Garden. She is one of Ivlis' children and one of the minor antagonists of the game. Poemi's childishness clashes disturbingly with her psychopathic tendencies. She likes “playing” with “toys” (brutally torturing, killing, and eating people). She loves her daddy and big brother and hates the sea.
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Emalf "Underestimated you girls...This time I'll be sure to beat ya senseless." Emalf, The Gray Garden Emalf is a demon from the Flame World in The Gray Garden. He is one of Ivlis' underlings, and one of the antagonists of the game.Emalf is very cocky (he's seen ranting about his 'ultimate familiar' and how it's going to kill Yosafire and her friends, only to find it killed by Ater and Arbus), very violent (attempting to stab Yosafire in the back, stabbing Froze in the gut and pushing her off a cliff), and cowardly (seen running away more than once). He is a bit misogynistic in-game as well.
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Other charachers Wodahs Grora Lowrie Greif Reficul Siralos
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Wodahs Head angel and Kcalb's younger brother.
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Alela Grora "Where's my eye? Where?" Grora, The Gray Garden. Colleague of Wodahs
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Lowrie Humanoid bird demon. Kind school teacher.Lowrie is a kind man who cares dearly for his students. He likes to talk and tell stories. His hobbies include reading and singing. He is a strong fighter, as seen in The Gray Garden. He hates cows. Although as seen in the bonus video in The Gray Garden, Lowrie's personality and eyes were fabricated due to his belief that his true personality will scare his students. Even though his true self is more crass than his fabricated one, he still genuinely cares for his students.
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Greif School teacher. Greif takes her work very seriously and frequently chastises students who she catches slacking off. She speaks using somewhat formal grammar, unlike Lowrie who speaks rather casually. Not much is known about her.
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Reficul Passing demon. She's helped the protagonists.
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Siralos God of the sun, and Ivlis's father. YES, he is male o_O
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The end! Рesourses: http://funamusea.com/ https://translate.google.ru/?hl=ru http://okegom.wikia.com/wiki/The_Gray_Garden And brains, fantasy, and some one time
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