The English proverb says: "My home is my fortress " that proves more than once aspiration of British to live separately. It has caused emergence of the real culture of the house, their designation, the relation to the house, etc. For example, some houses in England are under construction so that each apartment had the entrance. Old houses often represent long two-storeyed brick construction with a set of the doors painted in different color as they belong to different owners. Therefore Great Britain sometimes call "two-storeyed". In houses also the traditional fireplace, but now and gas or electric remains.
Studying it is aware of the textbook of the 6th class of the author Verbitskaya M. names of houses in England were of the greatest interest to me.
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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «средняя общеобразовательная школа №4 г.Новоузенска Саратовской области»
Исследовательская работа
Тема : «Houses in Russia and England»
Выполнила : учащаяся 6 класса
Альхова Татьяна
Руководитель :учитель английского языка Токарева О.Ю.
Introduction … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …. … … … … …. ….3
I. The house in the Englishman's life … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …. ….4
II.Names of the English houses … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …. …. ….4
III Tradition of naming of houses in Russia … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….... 6
IV. Poll of pupils about knowledge of names of houses in England and Russia … … … … … … … … 8
Conclusion … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 9
The list of the used literature … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….10
The English proverb says: "My home is my fortress " that proves more than once aspiration of British to live separately. It has caused emergence of the real culture of the house, their designation, the relation to the house, etc. For example, some houses in England are under construction so that each apartment had the entrance. Old houses often represent long two-storeyed brick construction with a set of the doors painted in different color as they belong to different owners. Therefore Great Britain sometimes call "two-storeyed". In houses also the traditional fireplace, but now and gas or electric remains.
Studying it is aware of the textbook of the 6th class of the author Verbitskaya M. names of houses in England were of the greatest interest to me.
Therefore the purpose of this work is research of names of the English houses.
Object of research – the reasons and motives of emergence of names of houses.
Object of research – names of houses.
According to a research objective I have set the following tasks:
1. To reveal names of the English houses and to classify the revealed names;
2. To find out existence of names of houses in Russian;
3. To compare the English and Russian names of houses.
4. To make a calendar with names of the English houses.
Relevance of this research consists that by means of knowledge of a foreign language, through language space we learn culture of the country of the learned language, her history, traditions and customs, national structure and many other things, in particular features of names of houses.
Novelty of this research is that the revealed names of houses help to compare the English and Russian cultures at English lessons.
In the course of research we have used the following methods: analysis of special literature, poll, classification, comparative and comparative method.
I.The house in the Englishman's life
The house of everyone is to him as
His castle and fortress, as well as for
His defense against injury and violence as for his repose.
Sir Edward Coke (1552 -1634)
It is known that in London, as well as in other large cities, for example in Paris, houses on some streets still have no numbers, and are called as private possession of a certain person. The house with the name, with own name – the phenomenon, is widespread in England. Statistically, in 1981 in Great Britain there were about 20 million households.
England considers that it is prestigious to have the house. The Englishman, getting own house having the right to believe that he has considerably promoted on a social ladder. Wishing to show this fact, he gives the house the name. It is necessary to recognize that there are house owners giving names only to attach the plate which, in their opinion, considerably decorates a general view of the house to a facade.
In the English-speaking countries it is accepted to give names to houses, both in the cities, and in rural areas though it is more characteristic of rural areas and suburbs.
So, in England besides number system there are also names of houses. Ask the Englishman why he anyway called the house, and he, perhaps, will answer that he has made it to allocate the house from a great number of others to him similar. Apparently, British believe that the house which has received the name "is as if animated". The name of houses can be considered as one of forms of manifestation of identity of British. The one who creates something new has the right and for creation of a new name. It is no wonder that many owners of houses in Britain consider a duty to give the name to the house built by them.
II. Names of the English houses
As a rule, the nomination of houses most often gives them to visitors, potential buyers, in general surrounding people wider information on him, increases his popularity, creates in relation to him a certain emotional spirit. It can be explained with the fact that the household in England has private character, and it means that houses are a subject of a purchase and sale and as the descriptive name contains more information, than other types of names, at sale it can play a role, a peculiar advertizing.
We will consider the most popular views of houses in England as in the ancient time and in the modern world.
-detached house- отдельный дом
-semi-detached house- парный дом, т.е. дом с двумя квартирами и отдельными входами
-terrace- несколько домов соединенных вместе
-bungalow- одноэтажный дом
Block flats- квартиры в многоэтажном доме
Depending on a sign, in the name of the house, the name of the English houses it is possible to break into several subgroups.
Depending on the location of the house, a kind of activity of the owner, houses in England were often given such names:
- on appearance: for example Little House – маленький дом, Nurse’s Cottage – дом фельдшера. Sometimes house owners give the houses the names which aren't corresponding to their valid advantages, obviously belittling them pejorative. These are playful names of type The Hovel (лачуга), the Hut (хижина), the Haunt (притон), the Hole (дыра), the Den ( логово), the Shack (лачуга).
- in the location of this house: for example House-on-the-Bend (дом на повороте дороги). Люди, живущие в угловом доме, вероятно, прокомментируют его расположение в названиях типа High Corner (верхний угол), Pretty Corner (милый уголок), House-on-the-Bend (дом на повороте дороги), Cosy Corner (уютный уголок), Quiet Corner (тихий уголок).
Owners of the house located on the hill won't fail to note it in the name of the house. From here a big variety of names with a component of hill – холм,for example, Hilltop (вершина холма) или Hillcrest (гребень холма) meet very often. Some more examples from this subgroup: Sunhill (солнечный холм), Upon the Hill (на холме) и т.д.
- on existence of special details of this house: for example Blue Windows (голубые окна), Six Corners (шесть углов), Five Steps (пять ступенек), Four Walls ( четыре стены), Red Shutters (красные ставни). As a rule, many owners of houses in Britain consider a duty to give the name to the house built by them therefore this tradition exist still, and it is easy to find houses in England according to the name, than than according to number.
The main source of descriptive names of houses at the Englishman always near at hand. It is the garden having huge value for any house owner. Therefore the trees and flowers growing in him or nearby cause the richest variety of beautiful romantic names. But if the house carries the name Buttercup Cottage (коттедж лютиков), we can't be completely sure that buttercups grow in a garden of this house or that forget-me-nots grow in him if he is called Forget-Me-Not. It is possible that this name remained in inheritance from the former house owner.
It images, the direct connection between the name and object is traced not always. Names practically of all flowers can be met in names of this subgroup. There are several examples: The Lilacs (сирень), Iris (ирис), The Violets (фиалки) and others. Rose as especially popular flower most often. For example, Rose Cottage (коттедж роз), Red Roses (красные розы), Rose Dale (долина роз), Rose Villa (вилла роз).
Names of trees are used also often, as well as names of flowers. There are several examples: : Apple Trees (яблоневые деревья), Cedars (Кедры), The Firs (ели), The Chestnuts (каштаны). The oak is traditionally esteemed by British as a royal symbol and therefore the names of houses including a component oak (дуб), meet often even where any oak nearby doesn't grow: Big Oak (большой дуб), Owl’s Oak (дуб совы).
III.Tradition of naming of houses in Russia.
It has turned out that houses had names in pre-revolutionary Russia. Moreover, only in the seventies the 19th century numbers of structures began to be published in telephone books. Up to this point any house bore a name of its owner. Ryabushinsky's house, Filatova's house, Veselovskaya's house on the Arbat.
In Soviet period the official name of houses didn't practice. But some of them got in the nickname people, remained to this day: "The Trifonovsky house" on the Embankment, "the big house" on Lubyanka, etc.
According to classification Leonovich and Artyomova, occurs among the names of the Moscow houses revealed by us classification:
Names of houses were given depending on:
- accommodation in him the celebrated personality for example "Filatova's House"
- locations of the house - "The house on the embankment"
- associations - "The noble house".
In relation to our region it is possible to note that practice of a name of houses has the same story, as well as in the majority of places of our country: until recently number system had no alternative. But some national nicknames of houses nevertheless managed to be revealed. As it has appeared, in our city of Troitsk is at home with own names too: Yaushev' house, House of brothers Gladkikh, Passage of brothers Yaushevykh. Only with the advent of new buildings also official names which can be met on pages of all periodicals of the country began to appear now. As has shown the analysis, in most cases houses have descriptive names which we have divided into the following groups:
1. External similarity to a subject (Aquarium)
2. Social status and position of residents of the house (Noble nest, House of actors, Nursing home)
3. Residents – celebrities (Hots Namsarayev's House, Larisa Sakhyanova's House)
4. Figurative names from abstraction shares (A solar tower, Altan Gazar – the Gold earth)
So, the tradition of naming of houses is characteristic of culture of the English people. Calling the house, the Englishman emphasizes the social status. Descriptive names, names transfers, names – unions, loans occur among names. As has shown the analysis, the majority is made by descriptive names. In Russia there was also a tradition of a name of houses, but it is widely adopted only recently. The names existing earlier aren't official, and a subject of folk art.
IV.Poll of pupils on knowledge of names of houses in England and Russia.
At the end of the research work I have conducted survey among pupils of the 6th class. It was interesting to me to learn whether my schoolmates know names of houses in the world and the English names of houses.
In this research 13 pupils of the 6th class have been interrogated by the Pupil two tasks were offered:
1) to correlate the name of the house to the picture (an example of a task in the appendix 1)
2) To correlate the name of the English house to the picture (an example of a task in the appendix 2)
By results of the conducted research it has turned out that 7 pupils, i.e. 60% of pupils of the 6th form know many national names of houses in the world, they with ease have answered questions, have correlated words to pictures.
3 pupils, i.e. 20% - aren't sure that is known by many names of houses in the world, they have answered all questions, but not all answers were correct.
2 pupils, i.e. 10% of respondents don't know the name of houses in the world, they were difficult to answer questions and they have incorrectly correlated pictures to names of houses.
The chart of results of poll of pupils is offered in the Appendix 3.
The second task included the following: what names of the English houses you know?
As a result of the conducted survey, from 13 respondents only 1 pupil knows many names of the English houses that makes 10% of the number of respondents. As it has appeared, many names of the English houses to him met in Olympiad tasks on English.
From 13 respondents, 1 pupil knows names of the English houses on an assessment "3", i.e. heard and knows some names of houses, such as detached house, terraced house from viewing of video of movies and telecasts.
3 pupils found it difficult to answer questions and to correlate names of houses to pictures, but nevertheless have answered an assessment "3" (20%) that says that they don't know many names of the English houses.
8 pupils from 13 respondents don't know the name of the English houses (60%) since didn't meet this lexicon at English lessons.
Therefore I consider this work suitable for expansion of an outlook of pupils of the 5th class and increase in a lexicon of words.
In this work we have considered tradition of naming of houses in Britain, and also in Russia. We have found out that the name of houses in Britain has long and rich history. In our country this tradition also took place to be, but had no universal and official character as in Britain. Names of houses are widely used with construction development especially recently. In relation to our region it is possible to note that practice of a name of houses has the same story, as well as in the majority of places of our country: until recently number system had no alternative, and at the moment it is possible to find many nonconventional names of houses.
The list of the used literature
1. Artyomova A.F., Leonovich O. A. Names English домов.//ИЯШ.№8.2006-С.90-94.
2. Ogandzhanyan N. L. Acquaintance with traditions and culture of the people inhabiting the United Kingdom as a way interethnic контактов.//English. The first сентября.№16.2007 - Page 25
4. Linguistic dictionary. M.: Soviet entsiklopediya.1990 – Page 515
5. Dictionary of foreign words. M.: Russian of 1986 - 607 pages.
6. Verbitskaya M. Forward. The textbook of English for the 6th class. M:ventana-graf.2015
7. Black K.O of real estate. The Kommersant - the house. IRN.RU.2008
Appendix 1
Task 1
Match names of houses to pictures
Appendix 2
Task 2
Correlate names of houses to pictures.
Appendix 3
Chart "Knowledge of Lexicon — the Name of Houses in the World".
Appendix 4
Chart "Knowledge of Lexicon — the Name of the English Houses".
Appendix 5
Lexicon on the subject "Houses"
Традиционные названия домов в мире | Традиционные названия английских домов | Не традиционные названия английских домов | Не традиционные названия домов в России |
Igloo ['ɪgluː] – куполообразный дом, построенный из ледяный блоков. Традиционное жилище канадских эскимосов. | Detached house [dɪ'tæʧt] – отдельно стоящий жилой дом. | the Box - охотничий домик | Дом Рябушинского |
Houseboat ['hausbəut] – дом на воде, судно, приспособленное служить жилищем. Оборудовано необходимой мебелью. Некоторые такие лодки не имеют моторов, потому что все время стоят на одном месте. | Semi-detached house [ˌsemɪdɪ'tæʧt] – дом, имеющий две квартиры с отдельными входами. | the Vicarage - дом священника | дом Филатовой |
Log cabin [lɔg 'kæbɪn] – сруб, дом из бревен. Эти дома как правило строятся без использования гвоздей. | Terraced house ['terəst] – ряд одинаковых или очень похожих домов, примыкающих друг к другу, с отдельными входами в каждую квартиру. | The Rectory- дом приходского священника | дом Веселовской на Арбате |
Stilt house [stɪlt] – дом на сваях. Такие дома типичны для Африки, Азии и других стран и прибрежных районов, в которых возможны затопления. Wigwam ['wɪgwæm] – жилище конусообразной формы, используемое корренными американцами. | Skyscraper ['skaɪˌskreɪpə] – небоскреб. | the Surgery-приемная врача Police House – дом полицейского | Дом Саввы Морозова Трифоновский дом на Набережной |
Chalet ['ʃæleɪ] – небольшой деревянный домик с покатой крышей. Такие строения типичны для горных районов, особенно Швейцарских Альп. | Block of flats [blɔk əv flæts] – многоквартирный дом. | The Hovel -лачуга | Дворянский дом |
Tree house – домик на дереве. Используется чаще для детских игр, чем для жилья, но некоторые люди живут в таких домах. | A penthhouse ['penthaus] – очень дорогая квартира на верхнем этаже высотного здания или небоскреба. | the Hole -дыра | «Эльсинор» ( фантазия на тему модерна и неоготики ) |
Hut [hʌt] – хижина, бедное жилище, барак, временное укрытие, хата, будка. | Tower block ['tauə blɔk] – современное высотное здание, разделенное на квартиры или отдельные офисы. | the Den - логово | «Адмирал» |
Tent [tent] – палатка, навес. | High-rise building [haɪ raɪz 'bɪldɪŋ] – многоэтажное здание. | Crazy Chimneys- безумные трубы | Кубик-Рубик |
Shack [ʃæk] – лачуга, хибара. Синоним слова shanty. | Multi-storey building [,mʌltıˈstɔːrı 'bɪldɪŋ] – многоэтажное здание. | Single Stack -единственная труба | Дом братьев Яушевых |
Hovel ['hɔvəl ], ['hʌ vəl] – сарай, амбар, укрытие, навес, шалаш. Кроме того, может выступать синонимом слова shanty. | Bungalow ['bʌŋgələu] – жилой одноэтажный дом, дача. | New Tiles -новая черепица | Дом с интерьером братьев Гладких |
Shanty ['ʃæntɪ] – хижина, лачуга, хибара. | Castle ['kɑːsl] – замок. | Blue Windows -голубые окна | Пассаж братьев Яушевых |
Villa ['vɪlə] – вилла, отдельно стоящий большой загородный дом с садом. Виллы часто сдают в аренды отдыхающим. | Palace ['pælɪs] – дворец. | Five Steps -пять ступенек The Sparrows -воробьи Sunbeams -лучи солнца | Дом актёров |
Maisonette [ˌmeɪz(ə)'net] – маленький дом или двухуровневая квартира. | Mansion ['mæn(t)ʃ(ə)n] –особняк, роскошный отдельно стоящий дом, принадлежащий богатой семье. | High Corner -верхний угол Dovedole - долина голубей Hawk Bungalow - бунгало ястреба | Дом инвалидов |
Mobile home ['məubaɪl] – в отличии от предыдущего типа жилища, mobile home – это трейлер, который снят с колес, всегда стоит на одном месте и служит своим хозяевам только в качестве дома. | Manor house ['mænə] – особняк, барский дом. В Британии так называли главный дом поместья, в котором жила семья хозяина. | Hilltop -вершина холма Little Oak -маленький дуб Apple Trees -яблоневые деревья Sleepy Oaks -сонные дубы | Чернево |
Caravan ['kærəvæn] – трейлер на колесах, фургон на колесах. | Country house ['kʌntrɪ] – загородный дом. Почти то же самое, что и mansion. | Sunhill -солнечный холм The Violets -фиалки | Воробьевы горы |
Barrack — барак | Cottage ['kɔtɪʤ] – небольшой загородный дом. Имеет обычно один этаж и чердак. | Church View -вид на церковь | Триумф-палас |
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