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The Newspaper is for Pupils, Parents and Teachers in English Kargal School TOGETHER № 6 May, 2015 We choose this sign for newspaper Today is in the newspaper Victory Day p.2 School Life p.3 Our Achievements We are Proud of You! The Best Pupil p.4 Good bye, Masha! Good bye, Olesya! Good bye, Pavel! Good bye, Sasha! We will remember You! School Leavers 2015Слайд 2
Kargal, Mordovia, May, 9. Dear Tom! Thank you for your letter of February, 14. You have St Valentine’s Day' on that day. We also celebrated it. We have similar holiday, but we celebrated it on July, 8. We honour the Saint Pair Pyotr and Ustinya. This holiday is called “The Day of Family”. Today is very important day for my country. It is Victory Day. We celebrated the 70 th Anniversary of Victory over the Fascism. It is very special for me and my family, because my great grandfather Konyashkin A. I. fought for the country. After the war he worked in a Collective Farm as a tractor driver. He awarded of “The Order of Red Star” and “The Order of Lenin” for self-sacrificing work. I know Great Britain and America were our allies in that awful war. Do you know anything about the Great Patriotic War? Were you ancestors at that war? Sorry, but I have to finish the letter. The Military Parade is on TV. Write me soon With best wishes Lev 1945 - 2015
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School Life ! V. Solouhin “A Piece of a Bread” Grade 6 An Excursion to a Library in Zarubkino. Grade 7 You can see the Photos from Lessons, Excursions, Projects B. Pasternack “The Candle is Burning” Grade 7 Do you want to be healthy? Grade 7 Nothing is Forever, Grade 7
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They studied in our school and got a good knowledge in English. We are proud of them. The Best Pupils Olga Chrestina (Svicheva) , the Former Pupil of our S chool. We are proud of her. She graduated from secondary school in 1997, then she learned at a College in Zubova Polyana and now she is a teacher at Saltykovo School, Ryazanskay Region. Olga was not only a good student, she also writes poems. She has two children. Olga is a very kind and careful daughter. Here you can read one of her poems about her mum in Russian Nastya Arshinova, Grade 7 took the 3 rd Place in a Competition «Живое слово» . She read Nargiz’s Poem «То было в страшном 41-ом» The Results of Different Competitions Моей маме Хрестиной З. П. посвящается Здравствуй, мама! Напишу две строчки Для тебя, родная, о себе. О твоей давно уж взрослой дочке, О моей сложившейся судьбе. Помню ты мне в детстве говорила: «Будь собой и человеком будь». Жить всегда по совести учила, Чтоб с пути не сбиться, не свернуть. И частичку сердца отдавая, В моем сердце огонек зажгла, Чтоб дорогу детям освещая, Зажигать сердца и я могла. Милая, хорошая, родная, Сколько раз в минуты мрачных туч, Слово «мама» тихо повторяла И надежды пробивался луч. К цели я своей иду упрямо. Образ твой святой в душе храня, Я сама теперь уж дважды мама, Ты примером стала для меня. Только ты так бескорыстно любишь, Напрочь забываешь о себе. Все, что есть в моей судьбе и будет, Всем, родная, я обязана тебе. Nastya Kazeeva, Grade 4. The 3 rd Place in a Competition «Пасхальный Благовест» . She drew a picture to this competition. Our Congratulations to You, Dear Girls ! Hello, Summer! See you in September!
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