Творческое задание: В нашем календаре много праздников, а какой бы вы добавили день, который все бы праздновали.
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Фамилия, имя: Клюкина Алена
Класс: 5Б
Творческое задание: В нашем календаре много праздников, а какой бы вы добавили день, который все бы праздновали.
All Toys’ Day.
There are many holidays in our calendar. They are very different. Our holidays are interesting and important. Most of them are connected with history.
I would like to add one more holiday to our calendar. It will be called All Toys’ Day. It will be not for children only, but for grown-ups, too. This holiday will be on the 2nd of June after celebrating Children’s Protection Day.
Since childhood we have been playing games with toys. They make us happy. Some toys help us to develop our mental and physical skills or abilities. A toy is a symbol of friendship, happiness and kindness. This day will be devoted to toys.
There is one question: “Where do they come from to our life?”
Toys may be very different: for definite age, for concrete aims, at last from different material.
On this holiday special centers or schools will arrange exhibitions of toys. One more interesting thing is that people coming here will be able to make a toy with their own hands. Also, they will learn about toys from different countries, listen to the history of a toy, its origin.
I think it is worth visiting such exhibitions. They give a lot of information about toys not only for children, but for grown-ups, too.
Every holiday has its own tradition. All Toys’ Day will have some traditions, too. During this day all grown-ups will turn into children. They will be able to find themselves in the wonderful world of toys, play with their favorite toys, and make them with their own hands. Those who have children will do it together.
I just want grown-ups not to forget their childhood and their toys.
It will be another tradition: to give each other presents. These presents will be toys. You can give your present to somebody whom you love very much. Receiving a toy as a present, it always makes you think that all people in the world are children in their hearts.
I would like people remember about orphans and disabled people. We should show sympathy to them. We must give a helping hand to them. They can be invited to the exhibitions or giving toys as presents. I want toys make people smile and be happy.
All Toys’ Day makes the world a better place.
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