Данная работа представляет собой доклад на международной конференции "Перспективы международного сотрудничества в образовании", прошедшей 26-28 октября 2012 года в г.Герцег-Нови,республика Черногория. Конференция проводилась Международной школой молодежной дипломатии.
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Education as the start of life: students’ plans for the future
Education is an important phase of formation of personality. For students, this is a significant step into the successful future. Modern education should be aimed not only at increasing knowledge and the development of the individual characteristics of each student, but it is intended to teach people to find their place, their niche in life, to form their subcultural space. But what should be the education when students are able to realize their potential and do what they like? Before answering this question, we turn to the wise thoughts of the great men about education:
«The most important function of education at any level is to develop the personality of the individual and the significance of his life to himself and to others. »(Grayson Kirk(president of Columbia University during the Columbia University protests of 1968)
«The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves through their lives.»(Robert Maynard Hutchins ( an educational philosopher)
Live and learn .( A Russian proverb)
«The need for education is in every person, and people like and look for the education like looking for breathing air.» (Lev Tolstoy (a Russian writer)
There are so different statements, but they all belong to the fact that education is an integral part of modern life. What can people see the true seventh heaven, joy of life, happiness in? In my opinion, if someone took to conduct a survey on this topic, most people would answer that the joy of life is a happiness in «love», in «money»and maybe in «just the possibility of living». And certainly, we would not hear about the education. But why? Is not the ability to think, the mind and the education our happiness?
Maybe, the greatest happiness of man is the recognition of his own goal and the clue to the meaning of life? School should exactly help solve the most important secret of human existence. A main purpose of life is simple, just learning and improvement.
Man is a part and a parcel of the world. According to the teachings of the famous French mathematician and philosopher Rene Descartes, a man is a usual mechanism. And like everything in this world, a person pursues a certain purpose by his existence. The creator embedded definite meaning in a person. But it all depends how it will be invested "seed" of knowledge, and whether they will "give off."
The main purpose of education is to grow a citizen of a country, a man of harmony. Of course, such a man is enlightened and moral.
In the Soviet and post-Soviet period in Russia the system of education was rather profound but not competitive. So now it is the formation of the new, progressive way, which is important not only to be able to acquire knowledge, but also to apply them in daily life, adapting to constantly changing life.
Accordingly, the role of teacher changed in the education system. Now a teacher is not only a source of knowledge but an organizer, manager and monitor. He directs, and the student himself improves. Often a wise rector encourages students to self-education, which sometimes gives them more knowledge than education at schools.
In addition, schools must provide an opportunity to disclose the child's abilities and talents, to broaden his outlook. The history of the country and its culture completely depend on how much a student will be well-educated and cultured. At many schools there are different clubs, such as computer, art, theater, and music clubs and so on. Definitely, people firstly choose a profession related to the increase of living standards. But the spiritual needs are significant for the enlightened modern man. And frequently their progress can give to raise professional person’s choice.
The example of this is Pushkin’s Museum, which is situated at my school. Due to a constant creative search of the organizers of Pushkin’s museum, our students are increasingly choosing a profession related to the Humanities and Philology.
Now I will touch on the issue of in-depth study of particular subjects. In my view, the division into the humanities, biological and chemical-physical and math classes at high school is leading us in the right direction, but this is a small step, and we need to develop further.
I mean that in-depth study of required subjects is necessary and has to be accompanied by practice. I do not mean that "unnecessary" subjects can be thrown. Just their study does not have to be as deep as the study of the important subjects for our life. Generally, we do not have to apply this knowledge in the future.
If I could choose a century in which I would like to live, I prefer 18 or 19 century. It was the time when an educated person knew several foreign languages.
Mikhail Lermontov studied English by Byron’s works, spoke French and German as his native languages. Vasiliy Zhukovsky introduced the works of Homer, Goethe, Schiller, Byron and Walter Scott into Russian literature. Alexander Griboyedov had outstanding linguistic abilities, he knew eight languages.
If something new got into the world of literature, the representatives of aristocratic intelligentsia hastened to learn the language of the original, and then read the novel.
They travelled, communicated with each other without interpreters. In my opinion, Latin helped them to learn several languages, which they knew from their childhood. This is the basis for many world languages.
Human values are perceived (comprehended) in the process of the study. The knowledge of many languages enrich us the German punctuality, British restraint, French elegance, Italian temperament, Spanish courage, Eastern wisdom, Russian kindness, Ukrainian cheerfulness and love of life which is common to all mankind.
Language is not an aim but a means to achieve it. Great Russian writer Anton Chekhov once said: «How many languages you know, so many times you're a man."
Nowadays the role of a foreign language in the world is substantial and undeniable. The knowledge of foreign languages opens up a whole different world, makes it possible to communicate with people from different countries, helps understand their way of life, traditions and culture. Not one person has any doubt that learning foreign languages is considerable and essential. But this realization has recently come to Russia. During the Soviet era, Russia was a closed country. Foreign languages were studied only for the sake of learning. It was not possible to apply it in practice, respectively, motivation was at low levels. But the situation has changed after the fall of «Iron Curtain». Russia is becoming an open country, and our time is marked by economic globalization, the integration of the political, cultural and economic life, which leads to the strengthening of relationships between countries in various fields.
It is practically impossible today without knowledge of a foreign language (especially English) to claim a higher job status, and even more to get a prestigious, high-paid job, so students have the great desire to master speech activity in a foreign language. The practical lessons at schools can help them with a foreign language. The main tendency of the further development of education should be the study of foreign languages.
I believe that if you want to be a progressive and educated person, besides studying foreign languages, you must also culturally and spiritually enrich yourself, e.g. visit theaters, cinemas, museums, and exhibitions. You also need to know the basics of etiquette. The school must also contribute to this development in children. Education is the quintessential of the best ancient traditions of mankind. These traditions are the universal culture of communication.
The president of the US John Kennedy once said:
«Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education.»
It is impossible to disagree with him. Education is necessary to preserve the prestige of the country among the leading countries of the world. Developing education, we are developing as a great country.
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