Презентация составлена по прочитанной книге А. Сьюэлл "Черный красавчик", учащимися 7-8классов. Прзентация можт быть исользована как демонстрационный материал в разделе "Домашнее чтение" в 5 кл с углубленным изучением английского языка, а также в 7-8 общеобразовательных классах.
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ГБОУ СОШ №323 г. Москвы Project-presentation black beauty by Anna Sewell Gayk Ovsepyan 8 « A » Maxim Kostin 8 « B » Cherkasova Yana 7 « A » Telpiz Alena 7 « A » Руководитель: учитель английского языка Бадмаева Любовь БорисовнаСлайд 2
Anna Sewell Black Beauty
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My name is… Hello, my name is Gayk Ovsepyan. I’m14.I’m a student of the 8 th grade of the secondary school #323. I love my family, my school and classmates. I think I’m independent and a sociable person. My favorite subjects at school are Math and English. I want to be an architecture. So I guess, Math helps me to be a good specialist and English will be useful for this job. I prefer reading historical books. I like when I get much information about historical events. I started reading books in English to develop my language. The « Black Beauty » is great. It gives me a food for thought.
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Hi, my name is Max. I am a student of school #323, 8 « B » . I love reading science fiction books. I think, that music is the best thing in the world. I like both pop and rock. I learn English to understand songs of my lovely groups and singers.
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Hi, m y name’s Yana. I’m 13.I’m a student of the7 th form of the secondary school #323. I love my school, my teachers, classmates because I feel comfortable there I love Russian Literature very much but Geography, English and History are no less important subjects for me. I dream of travelling around the world and practicing my English. I like reading fiction books about our past which give me lots of facts a bout historical events & lifestyles. As to the “Black Beauty”, it’s really exciting & dynamic. It’s worth reading for people who like stories about animals.
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First of all let me introduce myself. My n ame is Telpiz Alyona. I’m fourteen. I’m at 7-th grade , school #323. My favorite subjects are English , History , Geography and Literature. I’m fond of reading books. I read different types of books and youth magazines. I have recently read book which impressed me greatly . It’s « Black Beauty » by Anna Sewell. The book is interesting and exciting story for people of all ages. Books… I think I can’t live without them.
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About the author Anna Sewell was born on March 1820 in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. Her father was a bank manager and her mother was a popular writer of books for young people. When she was fourteen, Anna suffered a fall in which she injured her knee. This never healed and left her unable to walk without the help of a crutch. Over the fallowing years, she became increasingly disabled. However, she learnt to drive a horse-drawn carriage and took great pleasure in taking her father to and from the station on his way to work. She was a very skilled driver and was known for her ability to control the horses by the sound of her voice alone. She often drove with a very loose rein and never used a whip.
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Sewell’s introduction to writing began in her youth when she helped to edit her mother’s books. During the last seven or eight years of her life , Sewell was confined to her house due to her failing health. She spent this time writing Black Beauty , a fictional autobiography of a gentle horse , which drew on all her memories of the abusive treatment she had seen. Unfortunately , Sewell never saw the eventual success of her book. She died on 25 April 1878 , only a year after Black Beauty was published. Her only book “Black Beauty” written between1871-1877 in their house at Old Catton, broke new literary ground.
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Black Beauty's A COLT. Black Beauty spent his young life with his mother on Farmer Grey’s farm. Farmer Grey was a good, kind man and the horses had a good life. His mother told him that not all people were good and she gave him some advice : ’Always be good and so people will love you. Always work hard and do your best’. Beauty tried to follow this advice all his life.
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The book « Black beauty » by Anna Sewell was banned in South Africa in 1955 because of the word in the title of Black . Interesting facts « Black beauty » was filmed from August to October 1993 in Bukengemshir (South America) as well as in the studio « Pinewood » in London . The book broke records for sales &is the “sixth best seller in the English language ”
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Black Beauty’s life in Birtwick Park First, he went to live at Birtwick park with Mr. Gordon and his family, who treated their horse well. He became friends with two other horses, Merrylegs and Ginger. He was cared for by a groom called John Manly, who never used a whip. His wife gave him the name of Black Beauty. He learnt to carry a rider and pull a carriage.
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The Fire The stale boy, James, got a better job with a nearby farmer so he was trained by the head groom. One day , on a trip to Oxford they stopped for the night. That night the horses couldn’t sleep: they felt unhappy and frightened by the smell of smoke in the air. A careless man smoked in the stables and caused a big fire. James put the cloth round Black Beauty’s head so the horse couldn’t see the fire.
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Black Beauty saves Mrs. Gordon Black Beauty saved Mrs. Gordon's life when he ran very fast to bring the doctor to her. He then became ill himself because a new groom didn’t look after him properly when he got back.
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Black Beauty’s life in Earls Hall The Gordon's moved abroad and Black Beauty and Ginger were sold to Lord Westland at Earl’s Hall. They had a good groom, but Lady Westland was unkind and made the horses wear bearing reins so that they held their heads up high, which was fashionable in London.
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Black Beauty falls One day, a groom called Reuben Smith was left in charge of house. He got drunk and rode Black Beauty very hard and used a whip. Black Beauty lost a shoe and evenrually fell. Smith was killed in the accident and Black Beauty’s legs were scarred and Lord Westland decided to sell him.
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Black Beauty’s life in London Black Beauty’s next home was with a London cab driver, Jerry Baker. Jerry and his family treated Black Beauty very well, but the work was hard and hours were long. Jerry became ill and had to sell Black Beauty to a farmer, who promised to look after him and find him a good home.
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Black Beauty goes to Rose Hall At Rose Hall Black Beauty was reunited with Joe, the young groom, who u sed to look after him at Mr. Gordon’s home. The women wanted to keep Black Beauty, so once again he had a kind and happy home.
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Today some critics think that Black Beauty is too sentimental, but in our opinion it’s a sad story. Because the author touched upon the serious problem of treatment of horses. We believe that Sewell wrote the novel not for children but grown-ups. Her purpose in writing the novel was “to induce kindness, sympathy, and an understanding treatment of horses”. … here is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it doesn’t teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham… (Black Beauty, chapter 13, last paragraph) Our discoveries
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I recommend… Yana Cherkasova : It’s worth reading for people who loves animals and stories about animals. Gayk Ovsepyan : The book gives a good advice for people who don’t know how to treat the horses. I recommend them to choose it for reading. Kostin Maxim : No doubt ,the book is a favourite with animal lovers ,however it’s worth reading for the whole family. Telpiz Alena : The book is interesting and exciting story for people of all ages.
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