Данная работа представляет собой информационно-творческий проект о праздниках и традиционных блюдах, которые готовили в старину на эти праздники, собственный перевод Марины Шаталовой на русский язык.
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Traditional English food eaten on different holidays and celebrations
Цель данной работы – создание учебного проекта о праздниках и традиционных блюдах, которые готовили в старину на эти праздники.
Recently at our English lessons we’ve learnt about British holidays. It was interesting to know how the British celebrate their holidays and what they traditionally eat. A lot of holidays celebrated in Great Britain are connected with religion.
For example, Christmas. It is celebrated on 25, December. It is one of the main holidays of the year. It’s a happy day when families get together to share their happiness and exchange gifts. Christmas cards are sent to friends and relatives. Before going to bed children hang up stockings to receive presents from Santa Claus. The traditional Christmas meal is roast turkey, Christmas pudding and Christmas pies. Christmas pudding is a special rich pudding, made with lots of dried fruit (raisins, currants) eggs, suit and very little flour. While making this pudding every member of the family stir the mixture – for luck! They add a few silver coins – for luck and extra splash of brandy – for extra luck!
New Year’s Day celebrates the start of the New Year. People often think about their past and make New Year’s resolutions, which they try to follow. There is a lot of dancing and eating. In Scotland this holiday has the name of Hogmanay.
Hogmanay is the Scots word for the last day of the year. However, it is normally only the start of a celebration that lasts through the night until the morning of New Year’s Day (1 January). Shortbread is traditionally eaten on Hogmanay.
Shortbread is a classic Scottish dessert that consists of the three basic ingredients: flour, sugar, and butter. This dessert resulted from medieval biscuit bread, which was a twice-baked, enriched bread-roll dusted with sugar and spices. Shortbread was prepared during much of the 12th century. The name of one of the most famous and most traditional forms of shortbread, petticoat tails, may have been named by Queen Mary. This type of shortbread was baked, cut into triangular wedges, and flavored with caraway seeds. Shortbread was expensive and reserved as a luxury for special occasions such as Christmas,Hogmanay (Scottish New Year’s Eve), and weddings. In Shetland, it is traditional to break a decorated shortbread cake over the head of a new bride on the entrance of her new house.
Shortbread is not bread
and shortbread is not short.
It is medium in length
and a biscuit, of sorts.
It was brought in the long boats;
the boats,which were long,
that belonged to the Vikings;
kings of Vi, who were strong.
And it commonly comes
in a tartan type tin
that is just long enough
to keep shortbread in.
Robert Burns Night is also widely celebrated on 25, January. People recite Burns’s poems and there is an old tradition to eat haggis for dinner. Haggis is a dish consisting of heart, lungs and liver of a sheep, minced with suet and oatmeal, seasoned with salt, pepper, onions and boiled like a large sausage in the maw of an animal. Traditionally people recite poems for haggis. Burns wrote some of them. Before the meal can be enjoyed, the Selkirk Grace – also known as Burns’s Grace at Kirkcudbright – must be read.
Selkirk Grace
Some hae meat and canna eat,
And some wad eat that want it,
But we hae meat and we can eat
And sae the Lord be thankit.
У оных - полон стол еды,
да съесть они не могут свой обед,
Иные же готовы есть за шестерых,
да маковой росинки в доме нет.
За то, что можем в этот день
едою вместе насладиться до конца,
Благодарить сегодня мы должны
и небо, и небесного творца.
Easter is the most important holiday in the Christian calendar. The main Easter celebrations take place during Holy Week, which begins on Palm Sunday. At Easter people eat colored and chocolate eggs, especially children like them, so parents hide eggs in the house or in the garden. Children take baskets and look for them. The game is called “Easter Egg Hunt”. What’s more, mothers prepare traditional Hot Cross Buns. While cooking they recite such a rhyme, perhaps with magic meaning:
Hot-cross buns,
Hot-cross buns,
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot cross buns!
If you haven’t got a daughter,
Give them to your sons.
If you haven’t got any of these little elves,
You cannot do better
Than eat them yourselves.
I tried to translate this poem:
А вот горячие калачи –
Только что из печи.
На счастье в них запечены монетки,
Как обрадуются ваши детки!
Если нет у вас красавицы–дочки,
Путь полакомятся озорники-сыночки.
А если нет этих маленьких эльфов у вас,
Лучше съешьте калач прямо здесь и сейчас!
And famous English apple pies! They are prepared with apples, sugar and eaten with custard. There are a lot of rhymes about custard, declaimed during the process of cooking, and here is one of them:
Splishy, splashy custard,
Dead dogs’ eyes,
All mixed up with giblet pies.
Spread it on the toast nice and thick
Swallow it down with a bucket of sick.
Here is my translation:
Варись моё варево, густое, тягучее,
Бурли, бурли да не брызгайся лучше.
Добавлю потрошки куриные, лапки лягушачьи,
Коготки куриные да глазки собачьи.
Долго крем этот мешать буду,
Заклинанье прошептать не позабуду.
Намажу крем красиво на тост тонкий,
Проглочу его, запив ковшом воды ледяной, звонкой.
И пройдут беды, все болезни отступят,
Счастью и праздникам в жизни моей место уступят.
You know, the most popular holiday among youngsters is Halloween. It is celebrated on 31,October. In old times it was a pagan holiday, the last night when witches and ghosts went out. Nowadays celebrations include wearing masks and costumes, going from door to door in the neighborhood, gathering money and sweets, “trick or treat”. This day children make lanterns out of pumpkins, which are called jack-o’-lanterns. And what do you think they traditionally eat? Boxty! It’s a kind of bread made of grated raw potatoes and flour. There is an old poem about boxty:
Boxty on the griddle,
Boxty in the pan,
If you can’t make boxty,
You’ll never get a man.
I translated it this way:
Пеку оладьи нежные я на сковороде,
А может быть попробовать в глубоком казане?
Пеку, учусь, стараюсь я не потерять терпения,
Ведь мужа не найдешь себе без этого умения.
A tradition to celebrate Guy Fawks Night or Bonfire Night on 5, November is very popular among British children. This day people prepare and eat gingerbread. It is a variety of an oatcake made with treacle and ginger. It is especially popular in the North of England, where the main cereal is oat. Lots of poems were written about gingerbread. This one is really well known:
Stir a bowl of gingerbread,
Smooth and spicy brown.
Roll it with a rolling pin,
Up and up and down.
With a cookie cutter
Make some little man.
Put them in the oven
Till half past ten.
And this is my translation:
Замести имбирного теста в плошке,
Добавив ванили и специй немножко.
Катайте тесто скалкой долго:
Вверх, вниз, вверх, вниз – иначе не будет толка.
Выдавите формой человечков маленьких, смешных,
Разложив на противне, отправьте в печку их.
Ровно в пол-одиннадцатого чаю заварите,
И друзей попробовать печенье позовите.
Traditional English food eaten on different holidays and celebrations is really interesting, various and tasty.
Городецкая роспись
Муравьиная кухня
Извержение вулкана
Волшебная фортепианная музыка
Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин