Данное эссе было прзнано лучшим в городском конкурсе эссе на тему "Проблемы современной молодежи" в 2010 году.
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What Are the Main Problems the Teens Are Facing Today?
Misevich O.-11a
Speaking about challenges in a teen’s life I’d say first that nowadays young people are facing a lot of problems, which primarily were associated with adult life.
How do you feel about a teen sitting on a bench in the park drinking beer and smoking? Unfortunately, this caricature image has got into our life and the question in fact is why.
I think all that smoking, drugs use and violence among youth are the ways that teens take in trying to escape from their problems. It may sound absurdly, but I believe that the most important thing, which leads young people to stress and depression, is relationships. Naturally I mean all kinds of relationships not only those between boys and girls. We live in the society, not in a desert! Everyone wants people to listen to him/her and to do what he/she wants, and sometimes it’s very hard to contact with the people around.
It’s clear that relations may be of various types: between kids and parents or teachers, between mates or beloveds… And they all bring troubles!
I regret to say that there is no understanding in many families. Parents are not interested in their kids’ lives and let them do anything they want. On the one hand, it’s ok as teenagers are mature enough to make their own decisions. But on the other hand, I think there should be some control in the family, because what kids do can sometimes be not just foolish but totally wrong. They start drinking or taking drugs in trying to express their protest, instead ruining their own lives.
In my opinion, the most important thing for teenagers is school. In fact, school is a model of the real life, the place, where kids learn not only how to square numbers or write correctly, but how to communicate with absolutely different people. At school children have to contact with their mates and teachers and this experience is what they have when entering the grown-up world.
Today such things as discrimination or intolerance at schools are not unusual. Some students find no common themes to discuss with their classmates; not everybody is interested, for example, in fashion news or modern gadgets. So they escape to their own world and often become outsiders. An incapability to contact with people around can lead to a lot of problems such as depression or neurosis and even they end up with suicide, which nowadays becomes, so to say, a normal way to die. Suicides among teenagers often happen as a result of their failures in private affairs. Although there are a lot of books, magazines and films dwelling on the subject, parting with a girl- or boyfriend can be a serious trouble in the young age. Besides, most teens are maximalists and see things in black and white… but – who says we must be wise?! To be a teen means to learn how to live, and it’s impossible to make no mistakes on the way.
Last year I wrote a poem about teens’ problems. It characterizes our life clearly.
Life is the way that we all have to go,
Life is the mixture of sadness and happiness.
You say, all teens are depressed and alone,
But isn’t youth also the time to be careless?
Tears all the nights, feeling lonely and bad,
Problems with teachers, with friends and with relatives.
Our teen’s life is not only for that!
Don’t paint the World into black, don’t be negative!
Try to be open to parents and friends,
Life will be better and life will be easier.
Youth is the time to have fun, to have rest..
All of your problems are not very serious.
Жизнь – это путь, что все люди проходят
Жизнь – это смесь из улыбок и горя.
Скажешь ты: «В юности все одиноки!»
Но это ль не время побыть беззаботным?
Слезы всю ночь, одиночество, слабость.
Всюду проблемы, родители – в тягость.
Юность годится не только на это,
Хватит раскрашивать мир черным цветом!
Страхами лучше делиться с друзьями,
Жизнь сразу проще, налаженней станет.
Юность – для радости, а не для злости,
Эти проблемы не слишком серьезны.
Lyceum of Innovative Technologies
What Are the Main Problems that Teens are Facing Today?
Written by Olga Misevich, 11 A
Teacher: Lysova Iraida Ivanovna
Нечаянная победа. Айзек Азимов
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