Рекламный плакат к книге А. К. Дойля "Собака Баскервилей" (издательство Pearson). С этим плакатом моя ученица Юлия Пароль участвовала в конкурсе "Моя любимая книга: создай свой рекламный плакат", который проводило издательство PEARSON совместно с Всероссийской библиотекой иностранной литературы им.М.И.Рудомино (ВГБИЛ), Центром педагогического мастерства (ЦПМ) и Ассоциацией учителей иностранных языков г.Москвы. Юлия вышла в финал и также создала презентацию для защиты проекта на очном туре.
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Презентация | 652.53 КБ |
Текст презентации | 15.3 КБ |
Сертификат | 0 байтов |
My name is Parole Julia.
I would like to present my poster for the book “The Hound of Baskervilles” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
This book tells about a great detective named Sherlock Holmes and his friend doctor Watson. They investigate the mysterious death of Sir Charles Baskerville. Many people think that a terrible beast living in the moor – the Hound of Baskervilles, killed him.
I like Arthur Conan Doyle`s writing style. His conveyance of the mysterious and gloomy atmosphere is remarkable, and his perfect description of characters` emotions makes the story even more exciting.
I think “The Hound of Baskervilles” is the best of Sherlock Holmes stories and everyone should read it. This book is a classic Victorian gothic novel. It is very significant. A lot of detective films and serials, old as well as modern, are modeled on Sherlock Holmes.
My poster includes a reference to one of them – BBC TV serial “Sherlock”.
There is a puddle in the shape of Sherlock Holmes`s head and the Hound with burning eyes reflected in it. I tried to convey the dark and mysterious atmosphere of this book.
It is a collage I made by using a picture I drew. I scanned it and finalized in Photoshop by using graphic tablet. I used fonts “Neucha” and “Baskerville”.
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