Surrealism - art movement that was formed in early 1920 in France. Characterized by the paradoxical combination of allusions and forms.
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Комитет по образованию г.Подольск МОМуниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение“Средняя общеобразовательная школа”№17ул.Высотная,17.
English presentation
Работу выполнил ученик 9 "Б" классаДерюгин МаксРуководитель:Печкурова Елена Анатольевна, учитель английского языка
Подольск 2013
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1 Introduction-----------------------------------------3-5----------------------
2 Main Body---------------------------------------------6-8--------------------
Foundation of Surrealism----------------------7------------------
3 Conclusion--------------------------------------------9----------------------
4 Literature---------------------------------------------10---------------------
5 Applications----------------------------------------11-12------------------
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• Surrealism - art movement that was formed in early 1920 in France. Characterized by the paradoxical combination of allusions and forms.The founder and ideologist of surrealism-writer and poet Andre Breton (his most famous work - "Crazy Love", "Lamp Hours", "Soluble Fish")
‘Crazy Love’
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Find information such as original art, Surrealism.
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Learn about surrealism itself.
Introduce this concept in other very brief form, and so they wanted to learn more about surrealism.
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2 Main bodyRepresentatives
Paintings: Salvador Dali (the most famous representative of this art form), Max Ernst and Renй Magritte.
Cinematography: Luis Bunuel, Jean Cocteau, Jan Svankmajer and David Lynch.
Photo: Philippe Halsman.
«Metamorphosis of Narcissus »
"The Persistence of Memory"
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Foundation of Surrealism
Surrealism is a strange mixture of objective reality with the subjective perception of the world the author of the surrealist works.
It's phantasmagoria, shocking, surprising the audience images.
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In spring 1917 Guillaume Apollinaire invented and first used the term "surrealism" in his manifesto "The New Spirit", written by scandalously sensational ballet "Parade".Although Paris was the center of surrealism, from 1920 to the 60 years it has spread throughout Europe.First Manifesto of Surrealism was founded in 1924 by Andrй Breton.
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Conclusion Modern Surrealism in Russia.
Vladimir Kush Lyamkin Alexander - artists, representatives of the "optimistic surrealism."
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http://ru.wikipedia.org2) “Encyclopedia of Art” 3) “Modern Surrealism”
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Application 1
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Application 2
Salvador Dali ( full name Salvador Dali Domenech Felip Jacint and Domenech , Marquis de Pubol ) - Spanish painter, sculptor, filmmaker and writer. One of the most famous artists of surrealism .Salvador Dali was born in Spain May 11, 1904 in the town of Figueres , Province of Girona, in the family of a prosperous notary. As a child, Dali was clever , but arrogant and unmanageable.He achieved his whims, sought to stand out and attract attention,numerous complexes and phobias prevented him communicate. In 1922 he moved . At the same time he meets his future wife ( Elena Dmitrievna Diakonoff ) .Dali is not without reason said : "Surrealism - is me."His work is dominated correct human proportions , but his paintings are filled with surreal fantasies. Lives in Catalonia. In 1965 he moved to Paris and conquers his own exhibitions and provocative actions. Making movies , making surreal photos . Dali died on January 23, 1989 .Dali walled body on the floor in one of the rooms of his museum.Artist to be buried so that the grave could walk on people .
"Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate, one second before awakening" - one of the most famous works.
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