С работой "Олимпийские игры. Такие захватывающие и такие опасные" Сашенька успешно выступила на школьной научно-практической конференции. Тема выступления особенно актуальна в преддверии Олимпиады 2014. В своей работе ученица рассказала об истории игр, их красоте и масштабности, а также обратила внимание на обратную сторону олимпийской медали, на которой огромный труд спортсменов, их травмы, а иногда и курьезные ситуации.
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Olympic Games. So exciting but so dangerous . The presentation was made by Aleksandra Shvyrkova 7 B 571 school with advanced learning of EnglishСлайд 2
From year to year Olympic Games attract more sportsmen and fans to such enthralling event. Olympic Games is the greatest international sports competition which is held every four years. The tradition, existed in Ancient Greece, was revived at the end of the XIX century by Baron Pierre de Coubertin.
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Competitors’ life All competitors spend their whole lives training to enter these Games and most of them don ’ t even get a medal. That ’ s a great stress for the body and for mind, but they still like it. Sportsmen are doing their best to win medals, improve their own records and when they compete they entertain the crowd.
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Olympics in Sochi 2014 Every person in Russia is looking forward to the Olympic Games in Sochi which will take place next year. It ’ s a great event for the country. Many people from all over the world will come here in February, 2014. We are getting prepared for this. Before the Games native people create the symbols of them. Everyone can take part in preparing for Olympics. It ’ s interesting. The mascots of the Winter Olympics in Sochi are Polar Bear, Hare , Leopard , Snowflake and Ray of Light. The host city wants everything to be perfect because the quality of the preparations tells a lot about the country.
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The International Olympic Committee in Greece asks a city, not a country to be the host. The chosen city is expected to have grandiose and colo u rful opening and closing ceremonies of the Games. The creation of the ceremonies is a very hard process. The best script writers, the organizers of the mass shows, experts in special effects and many others work on that project. Many celebrities want to take part in it. The scenarios of the ceremonies are kept in secrecy.
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Everybody wants to know what will happen at the stadium so the biggest one is chosen for the show. The show should tell people about the culture, the history of the country. The triumphant walk of competitors from each country waving a flag is a very important part.
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The lighting of the Olympic fire gives the beginning to the Games. In each country sportsman or someone else runs the part of the marathon and passes on the baton to another person and so on. In the end fire is brought to the stadium during the ceremony. The honour to light the fire is given to a very respectful native sportsman. The fire is lit in a special cup with elaborate design. The cup is placed high above the stadium. The fire should blaze during the Olympic Games. The Olympics ends when the fire is put out.
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The competitions are started. People gather at the stadiums to watch the games. The Games are very thrilling. Every Olympics the previous records are beaten. At the end of each competition the winners are rewarded with medals on the pedestal. Usually the flags are raised and the national hymn of the winner ’ s country is sung.
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Accidents The Games are saddened by many accidents from bruises to lethal outcome. The Winter Olympic events are the most dangerous.
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On the 14 th of February, 2010 the best Russian ski jumper, Dmitry Vasilev broke cross-knee ligaments during training and couldn’t compete at Olympiad in Vancouver.
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Another accident happened during the first attempt of the С rew -fours Bobsleigh tournament with Zubkov in Vancouver. The steering wheel had broken and the crew overturned.
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On 23 rd of November, 2009 Irina Skvortzova and her partner bumped into another bobsleigh crew during the training. She had more than 50 operations and now works on television.
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Nothing can kill the interest to the Games In spite of all sorrowful events people continue to enjoy Olympic Games. Olympic Games is a special event. The motto of the Games is “ Citius , Altius , Fortius ” which means- “ Faster, Higher, Stronger ” . S portsmen adhere to this motto . Sometimes they want to become the world’s champions so much that they don’t care what problems they could face.
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Adventurous sportsmen After he had run about 40 kilometers out of 42, Pietri was in the lead but he began to lose his force. He was exhausted. When Dorando appeared at the entrance to the track, the crowd cheered him vigorously. Dazed, he headed in the wrong direction. Officials directed him in the right direction, but he collapsed. The judges helped him to stand up but he collapsed again and again and again. The officials lifted up Dorando and helped him across the finish line. Dorando Pietri (1885 — 1942) was an Italian runner. He won many races and marathons. On the Summer Olympic Marathon in1908 he was expected to be the winner.
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He was disqualified for receiving outside aid, but his plucky effort made him famous. The Queen of England presented him with a special gold cup and his exploit made people interested about marathons all over the world. It also greatly increased interest in the Olympics.
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Another courageous person was Carlo Iroldi . He wanted to compete at Olympic Games in Athens in 1896 so much that he dared to make a 2000 km journey (Carlo had no money at that time). In 28 days he reached Athens but wasn ’ t allowed to take part (Pierre de Coubertin didn ’ t want professional players who got money for playing sport to take part in the Olympic Games, so the first games included only sport-fans ). Some time ago Carlo won a marathon and was presented some money. So he headed back home.
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Conclusion The strength of spirit, ambitions, will-power, being eager to win – these are the features which unite all sportsmen and especially those sportsmen who reach the top- the Olympic Games, those who just take part or win . Such strong characters make people watch them; wake interest to them; make us support them; make us feel their victories and defeats like our own. We watch their performances and admire their efforts. In my opinion, if you go in for sports you can’t escape the injuries. Of course the experience and the skills of the sportsmen can help them to avoid accidents. But sometimes it depends on the carefulness of the organizers and the quality of equipment.
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