Студенты подобрали и систематизировали данные по экологическим проблемам и подготовили презентацию, освещающие результаты исследовательской работы.
Актуальность представленной темы очевидна, так как нашей стране нарастает проблема экологической опасности. К несчастью, развитие цивилизации нарушило экологический баланс в природе и стало причиной огромных проблем в окружающей среде.
Заслугой студенческих групп является самостоятельность в работе, глубина исследования и раскрытия темы, практическая направленность работы, умелое использование ИКТ.
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E cology of Baikal Completed : Zhalsaraeva,Moskvitina,Severgina,Munkuev,Leshchenko,Yuzheninova,DagbaevaСлайд 3
content 1. Introduction 2. T he equipment part 2.1. The uniqueness of Lake Baikal 2.2. Pollution of Lake Baikal. 3. Conclusion:
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1 . Introduction R elevance:Baikal is the cleanest lake in the world, but it is also at risk of pollution. Based on this problem, we decided to build a research paper. The subject of the study is the ecology of Lake Baikal. Based on this, the aim of the study was to identify the main environmental problems associated with the pollution of Lake Baikal and propose ways to solve this problem. Taking into account the relevance, purpose, object and subject of the study, the following tasks were set and solved: 1To identify the main environmental problems associated with the pollution of Lake Baikal. 2Creating a leaflet on this topic "Do not pollute Lake Baikal!". Practical significance: the materials can be used in the lessons of the outside world, at extracurricular activities.
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T he equipment part 2.1. The uniqueness of Lake Baikal Lake Baikal is located almost in the center of the vast continent of Eurasia in the form of a narrow blue crescent. Among the lakes of the globe, Lake Baikal occupies the 1st place in depth.By area, Lake Baikal occupies the 8th place in the world among lakes and is approximately equal to the area of a country like Belgium. Baikal water is unique and amazing, just like Lake Baikal itself. It is extremely transparent, clean and saturated with oxygen. In the past, it was considered curative, and diseases were treated with its help. In spring, the transparency of the Baikal water is as much as 40 meters! If we drop a silver coin into this depth, we can see it. This is due to the fact that Baikal water, due to the activity of living organisms living in it, is very poorly mineralized and close to distilled. Baikal water is ideal for the human body.
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T he equipment part 2.2Pollution of Lake Baikal. Man has always used the natural resources of Lake Baikal and the Baikal taiga – he fished, hunted fur-bearing animals, cut down forests, harvested pine nuts, berries, medicinal herbs. Therefore, over time, nature began to suffer. Then people began to understand that even the generous Baikal nature does not have time to recover if it is mercilessly exploited: there are fewer adult animals and fish every year due to overfishing, which means that fewer and fewer juveniles are born every year. It is known that the more people live, the stronger the impact on the surrounding nature it has. A law has been issued prohibiting the catch of omul, the most valuable fish of Lake Baikal. Baikal is a great natural monument. He has no equal on the globe. Unfortunately, not everything is well on the great lake. The Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill poisoned the water, air and earth around it. Production was stopped on November 10, 2008, as the plant was one of the main pollutants of Lake Baikal water.
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2.2Pollution of Lake Baikal. Nevertheless, in addition to the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill, there are several enterprises on the Selenga River, which flows into Lake Baikal, that discharge wastewater, eventually polluting the lake. Forests in national parks are burning and being cut down. Poaching has reached unprecedented proportions, the flowering of macroalgae, hordes of vandals dot the shores of Lake Baikal with garbage.Settlements on the lake shore pose a more serious problem for Baikal waters and their inhabitants – they do not have sewage treatment plants for domestic wastewater. Tourists and vacationers, coming to Lake Baikal, trample vegetation, chop down trees, leave food waste, glass, plastic, throw detergents, garbage and food residues into Lake Baikal – all this leads to the development of pathogens in coastal water. Tires, food waste, glass and plastic containers left by fishermen, as well as petroleum products, enter the water with the arrival of spring. It is clear that the ecological problem of Lake Baikal is much more extensive than the garbage from tourists. What absolutely anyone can do: just clean up after themselves.
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3 Conclusion : Now we can still drink Baikal water, enjoy its crystal purity and taste. However, pollution increases from year to year. The most important thing that visitors to Lake Baikal need to know is that the purity of the Baikal water and the beauty of nature depend primarily on people. T herefore, take care of Lake Baikal and do not pollute the environmen .
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. Thanks for your attention
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