Food chain
We all need energy to grow, run, jump and play. We get our energy from the food we eat.
That's why we often feel week and tired when we are hungry.
Animals also get their energy from food. Different animals eat very different things. Some animals eat plants to get energy. Some animals eat other animals to get energy.
A series of living things each depend on the next as a source of food is called a food chain.
All food chains always start with the sun and plants.
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Food chain
We all need energy to grow, run, jump and play. We get our energy from the food we eat.
That's why we often feel week and tired when we are hungry.
Animals also get their energy from food. Different animals eat very different things. Some animals eat plants to get energy. Some animals eat other animals to get energy.
A series of living things each depend on the next as a source of food is called a food chain.
All food chains always start with the sun and plants.
We would like to present you our example of a Food web in the water and on land.
In this example, the food chain starts with a plant called algae (водоросли). These plants are eaten by MIDGES (мошка, комар), MUDWORMS (земляной червь) FROGS and SNAILS (улитки).
MUSKRAT (ондатра), RED - WING BLACK BIRD (дрозд) and MARSH WREN (крапивник) and GREAT BLUE HERON (цапля) eat them to get energy.
At the same time KILLIFISH (вид карповых рыб) eat algae to get energy too.
SNAPPING TURTLE (каймановая черепаха)
MICE eat GRASS, CATTAIL (рогоз) and REED (камыш) but they are a source of food for HERONS and TURTLES
Do you know what a habitat is?
It’s a type of place where an organism normally lives. So one example is woodland another may be desert.
Habitat must supply everything what the organism needs to survive; it must be oxygen food and shelter.
All organisms need oxygen food and shelter. All energy for life comes from the sun. Green plants such as grass, lettuce and dandelions use sunlight to make food by photosynthesis. Animals cannot make their own food; they must feed on plants or other animals. Green plants build their own food are called producers but the animals eating plants or other animals are called consumers.
Animals that eat green plants directly are called primary consumers or herbivorous. Animals that eat herbivorous are called secondary consumers or carnivores.
The arrows in a food chain show the transfer of food energy from organism to organism.
A food web is a more completely chat of what eats what. Most animals in the community eat more than one thing. If one kind of food runs out they often have to survive by eating something else. So food webs are made of food chains linked together.
Thanks for your attention
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