Introduction ……………………………………………………………
Section I. Theoretical part……………………………………………..
Section 1.1. What is your favorite colour?.............................................
Section 1.2. What is your favorite season?.............................................
Section 1.3. What is your horoscope sign, zodiac sign?........................
Section 1.4. What is your favorite school subject?.................................
Section 1.5.What clubs do you attend in your free time?.....................
Section 1.6.What are you interested in? - Science, Sport or Art.
Section 1.7. What do you like doing in your free time ? ……………
Section 1.8. What is a hobby? ……………………………………………
Research work ……………………………………………………………
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………..
Applications ……………………………………………………………….
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Администрация Волжского района
муниципального образования «Город Саратов»
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №11»
Волжского района города Саратова
Секция: Иностранные языки
Тема : What is a cool team of classmates?
Research work.
Работу выполнила:
учащаяся 5-А класса
МОУ « СОШ № 82 »
Маркова Полина
Верещагина Светлана Юрьевна
учитель иностранного языка
г. Саратов
2024 год
Introduction ……………………………………………………………
Section I. Theoretical part……………………………………………..
Section 1.1. What is your favorite colour?.............................................
Section 1.2. What is your favorite season?.............................................
Section 1.3. What is your horoscope sign, zodiac sign?........................
Section 1.4. What is your favorite school subject?.................................
Section 1.5.What clubs do you attend in your free time?.....................
Section 1.6.What are you interested in? - Science, Sport or Art.
Section 1.7. What do you like doing in your free time ? ……………
Section 1.8. What is a hobby? ……………………………………………
Research work ……………………………………………………………
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………..
Applications ……………………………………………………………….
My classmates.
We are 5th grade students this school year. Who are our classmates ?
He or she sits at one or the next desk. He goes to school and studies too. Your classmate is your friend. He can help. He is happy about your success. He does not never give you nicknames, he is already polite and friendly.
What is a cool team of classmates?
The classmates are always together - in class, at school breaks, while doing homework and after school. And our class team are our classmates.
What should we do so that our class turned into a team, and we all together became real classmates and friends?
Section I. Theoretical part.
We present this work « What is a cool team of classmates».
We have chosen this theme because we all together are a part of our class.
In our work, we want to show the life of our class, classmates, what are our friends, what do they like or dislike, what they do in their free time, what are their interests and hobbies?
We want to study and use a lot of adjectives to describe our class and classmates.
This will help to increase our vocabulary for describing people and objects.
The Aim of our work is to make a portait of our classmates.
The subject of research – life of our classmates.
Tasks: make questions, interview classmates and make a report.
We made up 9 questions and asked our classmates.
Then we did some calculations.
Now we look at the pictures (charts, photos).
We can present the results in the form of tables and diagrams.
Choose - I can ……
watch TV – 17%
play sports - 6%
play music- 2 %
read books -14%
play computer games- 17%
listen to music – 16 %
chat with friends – 17%
do handicraft- 16%
Dance- 4%.
8. What is a hobby? Express your opinion.
9. What is your hobby ?
Section 1.1.What is your favorite color?
Еveryone knows the phrase:
«Каждый охотник желает знать, где сидит фазан».
«Richard of York gave battle in vain». «Ричард Йоркский вступил в бой напрасно».
красный — red (Каждый, Richard)
оранжевый — orange (Охотник, Of)
желтый — yellow (Желает, York)
зеленый — green (Знать, Gave)
голубой — blue (Где, Battle)
синий — indigo (Сидит, In)
фиолетовый — violet (Фазан, Vain)
Сolour | Meaning. | Значение. Meaning. | |
Red | active, emotional, cheerful, energetic and "beautiful" | активный, эмоциональный, бодрый, энергичный «красивый» | Red is a favourite colour for - 5 classmates |
Orange | Have a lot of friends, emotional, happy, energetic, cheerful | Имеет много друзей, эмоциональный, радостный , энергичный, весёлый | Orange is a favourite colour for - 5 classmates |
Yellow | active, funny, happy, warm, optimistic and clever. | активный, веселый , точный, оптимистичный и умный. | Yellow is a favourite colour for - 5 classmates |
Green | calm, peaceful, life-loving, developing. | спокойный, мирный, жизнелюбивый, развивающийся. | Green is a favourite colour for - 3 classmates |
Blue | sad, dreary, light , gentle, airy. | печальный, тоскливый легкий , нежный, воздушный | Blue is a favourite colour for - 3 classmates |
Indigo | honest, sensitive, wise and intelligent | честный, чувствительный, мудрый и умный | Indigo is a favourite colour for - 2 classmates |
Violet | Have the dual character, in it the struggle of opposites | двойственность, борьба противоположностей | Violet is a favourite colour for - 2 classmates |
Section 1.2.What is your favourite season?
Season | Значение. Meaning. | |
Winter | People with a strong character love winter, they are active and very stable. Such a person doesn't have many friends. | They are 5 students. |
Spring | They are very gentle, funny people. The people of spring are very friendly, soft, sensitive. They love creativity in many formes. | They are 8 students. |
Summer | They are smiling, optimistic, generous and sociable, want to consult with others and give advice themselves. | They are 9 students. |
Autumn | They are very kind, sincere, romantic and creative. Who loves autumn writes poetry, paints pictures, and is a romantic at heart. | They are 3 students. |
Section 1.3. What is your horoscope sign, zodiac sign?
Dates of birth | English | Translation | |
21 March – 20 April | The Ram [ræm] – Овен Энергичный любящий приключения уверенный в себе импульсивный | Aries [ˈe(ə)riz] – Овен Energetic, adventurous confident, impulsive. | 2 |
21 April – 20 May | The Bull [bʊl] - Телец Patient. persistent Good tasted, determined | Taurus [ˈtɔːrəs] –Телец Терпеливый, Упорный С хорошим вкусом решительный | 3 |
22 May – 21 June | The Twins [twɪnz] – Близнецы Witty, communicative Likes games. | Gemini [ˈdʒemɪnaɪ] –Близнецы Остроумный. Общительный Любит игры | 1 |
22 June – 22 July | The Crab [kræb] – Рак Emotional, loving Imaginative. | Cancer [ˈkænsə] – Рак Эмоциональный, любящий С хорошим воображением | 3 |
23 July – 21 August | The Lion [ˈlaɪən] - Лев Creative, popular, faithful, proud | Leo [ˈliːəʊ] – Лев Творческий, популярный верный, гордый | 2 |
22 August – 23 September | The Maiden [meɪdn] - Дева Creative, clever, succesfull, shy | Virgo [ˈvɜːgəʊ] — Дева Творческий, умный, успешный, скромный | 1 |
24 September – 23 October | The Scales [skeɪlz] - Весы Sociable, charming, attractive , honest | Libra [ˈliːbrə] – Весы Общительный, Очаровательный, честный, привлекательный | 0 |
24 October - 22 November | The Scorpion [ˈskɔːpɪən] - Скорпион wise , determined, passionate, | The Scorpion [ˈskɔːpɪən] - Скорпион Мудрый, решительный, страстный | 1 |
23 November – 22 December | Sagittarius [sæʤɪˈte(ə)rɪəs] – Стрелец friendly , adventurous, intelligent | The Archer [ˈɑːʧə] (Centaur [ˈsentɔː]) - Стрелец Приветливый, Смелый, умный | 2 |
23 December – 20 January | The Sea-Goat [siː gəʊt] – Козерог Reliable, hard-working , practical, careful | Capricorn [ˈkæprɪkɔːn] – Козерог Надёжный, трудолюбивый, практичный, заботливый | 6 |
21 January – 19 February | Aquarius Friendly, loyal, sociable, Creative | The Water-Bearer [ˈwɔːtə ˈbe(ə)rə] - Водолей Дружелюбный, преданный, общительный, творческий | 3 |
20 February – 20 March | The Fishes [ˈfɪʃəz] – Рыбы Shy, artistic, dreamy unselfish | Pisces [ˈpaɪsiːz] – Рыбы Робкий, творческий, мечтательный, бескорыстный | 1 |
Section 1.4. What is your favorite school subject?
Biology | Geography | History | Literature | Math | Music | Physical education | Technology | English | Russian | Art | IT |
5 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2 |
5 students like Maths, PE is favorite school subject for 8 classmates, 4 students like Technology and Russian language, and 2 students like Art and English
Section 1.5. What are you interested in? - Science, Sport or Art.
What are you interested in? | Science | Sport | Art |
25 students | 5 | 10 | 10 |
10 students are interested in sports, 10 are fond of handicrafts and 5 are interested in science.
Section 1.6. What do you like doing in your free time ?
Our classmates choosed - I can watch TV – 17% ( per cent)
play sports - 6%
play music- 2 %
read books -14%
play computer games- 17%
listen to music – 16 %
chat with friends – 17%
do handicraft- 16%
Dance- 4% in my free time.
Section 1.7. What is a hobby? Express your opinion.
90 % of classmates answered that hobby is a favourite pastime in their free time. And only 10 % could not exactly answer the question. All of my classmates have favourite activities in their free time.
Hobby is an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time.
Hobby helps people to relax after work or school.
For young children and teenagers, it is a way to develop their skills and talents.
If you are good at your hobby, you feel proud of yourself.
Learning things - Изучаем, учимся
Collecting things - Собираем, коллекционирование
Doing things - Делаем, занимаемся, активная деятельность
Making things - Создаём , творческая деятельность
5 students like learning computers programmes , read books, write poems, history, geography and traditions of different people and countries.
Learning things is very exciting aspect of a hobby.
8 students collect cars, dolls, coins, balls, stamps, matchboxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. This hobby is interesting and useful and helps people to make new friends and to learn some new things about countries and lands, animals and birds, famous people and historical events.
7 classmates play sport, volleyball, football, swimming, play music, dancing. This hobby is popular with the people of all ages. People like to go to the stadium or to the sports ground. They are strong and healthy. This hobby helps to develop their mind and body and teaches them to plan their time.
5 classmates like making things . Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing costumes, handicrafts.
In conclusion, I want to say that all my classmates have something to their liking. And it is great because hobbies make our life brighter.
We learned a lot more about our classmates, what they like and what they don't. We found out what they are, their qualities, inclinations and interests.
If we know more about our classmates, we will be able to communicate closer, have lots of friends , understand each other better, treat friends with more attention and respect. Our communication turns into a strong friendship. And this is very important.
Our aim is to be real friends. We want be a cool class group of classmates. We should love our classmates and friends! We spend a lot of time at school and must be more patient and kinder to each other!
And then life in our class will be brighter and more interesting and we will become a single friendly family. We will be together the cool team of classmates.
There are the laws of collective life.
The law of respect. Respect others, and then they will respect you.
The law of friendship. There are difficulties and obstacles in it. Then a friend comes to the rescue.
The law of courage. Do not give up before difficulties, do not give up before obstacles.
The law of love. Love your family, friends, school, Homeland.
The law of kindness. Kindness is a great power. Don't be afraid to be strong - give good to people.
Most of our classmates can say, that they are happy with their families, friends, сlassmates...
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