Данный проект выполнен как итоговая работа ко всему разделу.
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In Harmony with Myself Timerbaeva ElizaСлайд 2
Five important things about me
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1) I lead a healthy lifestyle . After all, bad habits are ruining our health, and it is very important to me. The worst addictions are Smoking, alcohol and drugs. As we all know, Smoking causes lung disease. Alcohol seriously affects the nervous system and cause addiction. And drugs have an effect on the mental state of the person. All these bad habits lead to early death.
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2) I have a proper nutrition. Proper nutrition helps maintain and improve overall health. You need to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy products and also refuse junk food.
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3) I love to draw . Drawing develops imagination and fine motor skills of the person. But I am doing this activity only because I like it.
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4) I love to read books. Because reading broadens the mind, makes us better, smarter and improves memory. Reading books, you become an interesting person.
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5) For me is very important, as I'm learning, and at what grades. Because I want to finish school with excellent grades and enter a prestigious University.
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you cannot quarrel and offense to friends, because you could lose it forever. we need to help friends if they are in a difficult situation. need to be honest with friends, to always tell the truth even if that truth is unpleasant. we need to support friends . you need to be kind, caring, helpful towards friends What I do to be my own best mate
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Император Акбар и Бирбал
Чайковский П.И. "Детский альбом"