Изучаете английский несколько лет? Достигли определенного успеха? Значит время сдать международный Кембриджский экзамен! Этот экзамен являются одним из самых престижных и признанных в мире систем тестирования студентов!
Надеюсь, что данная презентация поможет вам определиться с выбором экзамена PET, KET, FCE и успешно его сдать!
Good luck!
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Cambridge English examinations. Was created by Mityanina student of 9Б class.Слайд 2
The aim : to tell students about the existence of Cambridge English Language Assessment and about the opportunities which it gives. The tasks : - To acquaint students with the different types of exam. - To tell students how can they choose it and pass. - To tell about the importance.
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Contents What are the international exams? How and when does it appear in Russia? Types of exams PET and FCE Special books for preparing Demands for passing exams How to choose the exam? Why do student pass an international exams? My own experience Difficulties I have met Success Rules and advices for candidates Summery regulations for candidates The place of passing exams Conclusion
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The urgency of this theme I have chosen this theme because I am sure it is very actual and important for modern students. I want to tell you about CELA because having an information will help students to make a decision to pass it or not. This exam gives students an opportunity to control their knowledge.
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What is the international exam? Cambridge international exam is for not native speakers. It is for people who study English and want to check their knowledge and to get a certificate. There is a special European’s largest assessment agency in Russia. What is more 8 million people from 135 countries pass this exam every year. This exam has a world standard and all employers trust it.
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How did it all begin? It started in Language Link centrum in 1998. In 2011, Language Link became first in Russia, Platin partner of Cambridge University. Now all this exams are held in examination centrum Language Link in Moscow and other cities of Russia.
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Types of exams
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PET Exam PET intended for levels Intermediate and Upper-intermediate. This test contains 4 blocks: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The highest score is 170. The lowest is 120. If you achieve between 160-170 you pass with Distinction (B2). If you achieve 153-159 you pass with Merit (B1). If you achieve 140-152 you pass an exam (B1). And if you achieve 120-139 you pass with level A2. Mainly, if you achieve 102-119, you don’t receive a certificate. It’s a bad result.
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FCE Speaking about exam called FCE, I can say that this exam tests English proficiency at the academic level and its results can be used for admission to higher education institutions. It is B2 level, which is more than middle. Knowledge of English at the level corresponding to the FCE certificate implies the ability to use the language in everyday life, at work and in school. The Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam was specially designed for school-age children.
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For what we need to hand over these exams ? These exams can help people in their future, they can help them to have a good work or to enter a prestigious college not only in Russia but abroad. For example Garvard , Berkly , Cambridge, Sarbona . What is more you can get a good job in such companies as IBM, MICROSOFT, BMW, COCA-COLA COMPANY and others.
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How to choose the exam? Some tests cheek your knowledge of English language and define your level. Then you can prepare and pass a definite level. For example if you pass KET it means that you have an excellent knowledge of English as a pupil of 4 form. If you pass PET it means that you are successful in secondary school. And if you pass FCE it mins you have an excellent assessment in Russian State Exam.
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The tasks of PET exams As for writing it consists of 3 parts and takes 30 minutes: -To write missing words in the text -Write an email -Write a letter or essay not less than 100 words Speaking consists of 4 parts: - General conversation - Simulated situation - Responding to photos - Giving an opinion about something and explain what
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you prefer. Listening consists of 4 parts : -To choose the right picture -To choose the right answer to the question -Fill the missing information -To choose YES or NO answers Reading consists of 5 parts : - To explain what is on the table - To choose a suitable answer for definite situation - True or False task - Choose a right answer to the question - Choose the correct word for each space
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Rules and regulations. Must Must not Do not 1.Have an original document 1.Keep any electronic items 1.Cheet 2.Stop writing when they told it 2.To have any materials that can help you 2.Talk 3.Use dictionary 3.Use erasable pans 4.Smoke 5.Eat 6.Leave room without permission 7.Make any noise If you do it, you will be disqualified.
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Advice and information. Make sure you are on time Know the date, time and place of your exam If you miss any of the papers you may not be given a result During the examination Listen to the supervisor If you want to ask something rise your hand If you don’t feel well tell it immediately
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Summery regulations for candidates and the place of passing. Cambridge exams can be taken by people of any age. If you are not successful for the first time you can do it again. You can get your result during the month. And if you pass, you get a certificate. There are a lot of special schools where you can study and pass the exam. For example: «BKC- Academicheskay school»…
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Conclusion. To sum up I want to say that Cambridge English Language Assessment is a very useful exam, especially for students who want to continue study language in the university or get an education abrode . It helps to estimate your knowledge and give you confidence. I recommend you to try to pass this exams because it is not so difficult as it seems.
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Literature http://www.bkc.ru/ Cambridge English Preliminary Practice Tests Ready for first Special paper list for preparing- my certificate
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