Презентация - Фольклер
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Folklore . The work was performed by third-year students of choral folk singing The work was checked by Filimonova T. M.Слайд 2
Content The rites of how the game is woven into life 3-6 ""Ah, how the women sing in Dorokhovo ... » 7 " Makosha ", "Peas" and everything-everything- everything 8-11 Calendar songs and rituals of the Bryansk region 12-15 Source of information 16
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The rites of how the game is woven into life Many ancient rituals formed the basis of Russian folk festivals. They say that these holidays are left over from the ancient way of life, like a game woven into everyday life. In the Bryansk Region, ancient traditions are carefully preserved. Every corner of it has its own rites and its own patronal feasts. Even the well-known Holy Trinity is celebrated everywhere in different ways-with songs, sayings and actions peculiar to a particular area. In Trubchevsky district, a unique holiday "Dream" is held annually. The ritual of driving a Dream in the village of Sagutevo is so ancient that no one knows when it was born.
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The rites of how the game is woven into life In the Surazh district, the holiday " Berven " is traditionally held. It is held on the day of the Ascension of the Lord. The ritual action is performed on a rye field and symbolizes requests for a rich harvest and full bins in the coming year. In Caracasa the area is popular for the ceremony of "Agrippina the globe". This is a celebration of the union of two opposite elements-fire and water. It is accompanied by swimming in the lake, lighting fires and searching for the cherished fern flower, which, according to legend, brings happiness. Daredevils jump over the fire, girls dance around and put lighted candles on the loaf to find out their fate.
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The rites of how the game is woven into life The traditional holiday of the Kamarichesky district , which is attended by creative teams from the districts of the Bryansk region , guests from other regions of Russia and Ukraine, is "Trinity Round Dances". This is the main regional Trinity holiday. On this day, they decorate a birch tree with ribbons, let wreaths on the water, and perform the rite of gostevaniya . In rural farmsteads, right in front of guests, they cook fish soup, bake pancakes, and fry fried eggs. Folklore groups from all over the region take part in the festival. In the villages the Rawhide and Ovelia Krasnogorsk district of the Ascension ( the fortieth day after Easter) is traditionally held the ceremony of " Usest arrow". It is believed that this way the residents divert thunderstorms, fires from their village, and from themselves-troubles and misfortunes.
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Trinity Round dances long-eared arrow
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"Ah, how the women sing in Dorokhovo ..." The archive of the intangible cultural heritage of the Bryansk Regional Methodological Center "Folk Art" contains more than two hundred ancient folk songs and rituals. One of the protected places of the Bryansk region, which has preserved its song tradition since ancient times, is the village of Dorozhovo . Due to the historical features that developed in this territory (serfs fled here from the landlord's arbitrariness, the songs of this village had a special personality, freedom - loving, and had a clearly ironic color. Passed down from generation to generation "with the mother's milk", they have preserved dialectical features, game and ritual nature. The representatives of this tradition were the members of the folklore choir, created in 1936 in the village of Dorozhovo . The choir has given hundreds of concerts in the cities of Russia, the USA, and France. Films were created about him, and the collection "Songs of the village of Dorozhovo " was published, which opens a unique "Anthology of the folklore of the Bryansk Region". In 1997, the Dorozhovo Village Choir and the Makosha Folk Ensemble conducted a three-week concert tour of the United States. It was organized jointly with the Ministry of Culture of Russia by the Brooklyn Academy of Music. The program was called "Russian Village". Our songgirls charmed the Americans. The New York Times wrote about the Russian Village, and they spoke at the Constitution Hall in Washington. Attending one of the concerts poet Eugene Evtushenko, inspired by banism our teams, wrote the poem "Oh, the women sing in Dorogova ..." After the excavations of the ancient VSIA determined by the age of famous Doro - rovskoe games "Kostroma", which, as it turned out, more than a thousand years, and cubicle, which still play in Bryansk villages, is the Russian name of the panpipes, dogovornogo musical instrument, one of the most primitive and archaic in the world.
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" Makosha ", "Peas" and everything-everything-everything Today, the songs of the Dorozhovsky folk Choir are included in the program of the folk folk ensemble " Makosha ", which was formed in 1989 (director Larisa Sergushina is a laureate of the Russian Government Award "Soul of Russia"-2013). The folk folklore ensemble " Makosha " has been working on the basis of the Bryan regional methodological Center "Folk Art" for more than twenty-five years. The basis of the creative work of the collective was the original folk music of the Bryansk Region. The ensemble has the most accurate copies of local versions of the ethnographic costume of the Bryansk region. Artists participate in numerous competitive tours, from which they return with constant victories. The preservation of traditional folk song culture today is the work of many amateur folk groups, of which there are about 250 in the region. The composition of collectives, in the repertoire of which there is a certain local-regional tradition, is formed in a rural environment. Such ethnographic ensembles have been preserved in the Zhukovsky , Kletnyansky , Unechsky , Surazhsky and Suzemsky districts. Folk aneembles " Zarya-Zaryanitsa " of the Suzemsky district, " Nerussa " of the Brasovsky district; " Dubrova " from Navlinsky district, " Dubravushka " from Starodub , " Drema "from Trubchevsk , and" Okolitsa " from Bryansk have achieved little success in studying and preserving various forms of traditional folk culture. Most of the folklore groups of the region are so-called stylized ensembles. The repertoire of the groups includes hour-carcasses, sufferings, calendar-ritual songs, plot compositionsof folk festivals with the use of noise instruments, processingof folk songs. The participants of the ensembles actively use samplesof the folklore of their territory.Folk folk ensemble " Debryanochka " is an indispensableparticipant of city, district, regional holidays, variousfestivals.For 20 years of creative life of the folk ensemble of the Russian song " Drema»dozens of concert programs have been created from the city of Trubchevsk , thecollective's repertoire includes more than a hundred songs, it is a participant and winner of many regionaland international festivals and competitions .
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" Makosha ", "Peas" and everything-everything-everything The folk Dance Ensemble " Kalinka " ( Novozybkov ) has replaced more thanone generation of participants. Choreography has become the life's work of many students. Today, the ensemble, which has become a laureate of regional,all -Russian, and international competitions and festivals, is engaged in more thana hundred people.The folk ensemble of the Russian song " Dubravushka " works on the basis ofStarodubsky district House of Culture. The collective, the winner of regional,All -Russian festivals and competitions, conducts a large charityconcert activity. The participants of the folk ensemble " Dubrova " of the Navlinsky District House of Culture have been on the stage for more than twenty years, they are also laureates of All-Russian festivals and competitions. In 2000, the ensemble participated in the final of the very popular TV show"Eh , Semyonovna !". The folk Ensemble of the Russian song " Okolitsa " is also an active participant in all significant mass events in the city of Bryansk and the Bryansk region, a laureate of All-Russian and international competitions. Among other things, the artists carry out great charitable activities, One of the oldest groups in the region - the folk folk ensemble " Lenok " of the city of Fokino - celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2013. " Fokinsky grandmothers" are active in concert activities, have authentic old costumes. In 2012, in Moscow, they showed a program of authentic folklore.
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Folk family ensemble " Peas" Folklore ensemble " Dobranocka "
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Folk ensemble " Makosha " folk ensemble "the Sandman"
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Calendar songs and rituals of the Bryansk region Research of calendar songs and rituals of the Bryansk region. Calendar dog and the rites of the annual cycle determined by the solar calendar, and this explains why their code name — kalen darnay . The cyclical nature of the songs is caused by the cyclical nature of calendar holidays and rituals.Calendar rites and songs are primarily agricultural, with an agrarian-magical function. To understand, for example, a calendar song, you need to have a comprehensive understanding of the holidays and rituals of this cycle.When we talk about calendar rites and songs, we mean traditional rites and songs, mostly peasant ones.The national calendar, like any other, is a historically established system of division, counting, and regulation of annual time.The structure of the national calendar organically intertwines a number of relatively independent, but closely interrelated calendars: solar and lunar; vegetative and agricultural; cattle breeding, weaving, beekeeping; marriage and funeral, etc. Each of them forms a special cycle within the calendar and corresponds to a special circle of beliefs about nature and human life . Key calendar and ritual complexes include : 1 ) meeting and seeing off mythological characters 2 ) the prohibitions and requirements concerning the behavior of people , 3 ) memorial motifs that embody the cult of the ancestors , 4 ) predictive (divination ), 5 ) producing and 6 ) apotropaic (protective, protective) practices.
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Calendar songs and rituals of the Bryansk region The folk song-making of the Bryansk region is divided into two layers: songs that originated in ancient times, and songs of later origin. The ancient calendar songs are the subject of our study.Russian russians are the main part of the population here, but we often hear from the residents themselves that "our dialect is not Russian", "we were not always Bryanskis and were also called Ukrainians". One ko immediately claims: "We are russkai , and with the last name is also Russian." Russian Russian is true that most of the artists we recorded songs from have Russian surnames and speak Russian, but the local dialect reflects the proximity of the neighboring repu blik.The most common genre of songs in the Bryansk region is calendar songs.Winter songs are very diverse. They include preserved ancient magic songs, game songs, and later lyrical songs. Basically, there are two types: lyrical songs, long-drawn-out songs that sound at gatherings; and game songs. The game sounds were more pronounced at the Yule games. It was customary to go around the yards on Christmas Eve and congratulate the owners, sing them carols and shchedrovki -songs in which the owner and his family were praised; they wished everyone longevity, family well-being. Carolers dressed up as a goat, a bull or a bear. In Yule songs, there was always a chorus-an exclamation: " kolyada " or "generous evening". These songs, celebrating satiety and contentment, were supposed to promote a good harvest, wealth, and a happy marriage.Often carolers came with a full basket of grain and, entering the house, "scattered" the life around the hut, singing: "I sow, I sow, I sow, I congratulate you on the New Year!" etc. The sowing of grain and songs were intended, according to the farmer, to bring prosperity to the house. As a sign of gratitude for the attention, the host had to give the carolers a gift or treat. Along with adults, the children also celebrated Christmas. She ran through the homes and sang wedrowki . At the gatherings in winter, they sang not only long and lyrical songs, but sometimes seasonal ones.
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Calendar songs and rituals of the Bryansk region Maslenitsa is a holiday characterized by unrestrained fun, sometimes reaching revelry. They rode horses around the village, sledged down from the mountains, and also carried a " Maslenitsa " - an effigy. Maslenitsa was considered a holiday of newlyweds. Mostly lyrical songs and teasing songs were sung.In the spring (meeting on March 9), vesnyanki sang (clicked) and led spring dances. Unlike the summer ones, they were characterized by more measured movements, a calm and smooth melodic line. The forms of these various dances (arrow, mutica ). There were game dances ( Makhonya , Kostroma). Lyrical songs dedicated to the spring were sung.Russian songs were also sung in the Bryansk region, wreaths were hung to these songs, fortune-telling was performed on them, mermaids were led, and a horse was also led. They sang songs for the burial of the cuckoo and for the burial of the arc. These rites were believed to have contributed to the growth of the loaves. They swung on the swing, sang folk ( kachel'nye ) songs.The holidays " Kupalo " (June 24, according to the art.style ) and " Perovki " (June 29, according to the Art. style) were coming. Appropriate songs were sung. " Kupalo " is distributed mainly in the west of the Bryansk region. In the east, and especially in the northern regions of the Bryansk region, such a holiday is not known. No matter who I asked about this holiday, none of them could understand the question. Although through the mass media, this rite is beginning to be promoted, amateur competitions are organized, the holiday " Kupalo ", which our residents practically do not know. This is how "traditional" holidays appear, which have nothing close to tradition. Here you need a specialist who thoroughly knows traditional folk art. And there is no need to engage in popularization here, it should go in a natural way. And traditional holidays should be supported carefully, "show-off" is not necessary here.
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Calendar songs and rituals of the Bryansk region In calendar songs in the Bryansk region, there are three types of intonation. Before performing a calendar song, they usually say: "Hex me wedrowka " (or song, or rosalsky ), "will scrifice Kupala " (or song is a perfect match), "sing the potato" (this is it). The term " speem " is applied by singers to both lyrical and lingering ones. Each method of intonation of calendar songs ("talk"," scream "and" sing in season") corresponded to a certain compositional and performance trait. In the first performing group, speech intonation prevails over musical intonation, in the second - music and speech are fundamentally equally valuable, and in the third their ratio fluctuates more in terms of musical intonation. Sometimes all types of intonation merge into each other. The song "I sow, I sow, I sow" is" intoned " in a chant, the pitch is difficult to determine. Shchedrovki are intoned in the same way as the sowing ones, but there are also men's, women's, and children's ones. Men's songs are performed with a rough timbre of a non-limited pitch, while children's songs are performed similarly. Women's songs are performed with a loud timbre, a throat sound; they seem to combine musical and speech intonations. All of these songs are from the type of "talk". The songs "Mummery of the goat" ("Go-go-go goat") were also "spoken", but there is already an element of transition to the "scream" type, since they are also sung by the "talk" type, and sometimes — " scream".Seasonal posielanie songs are mostly to ka lendary , because they appear " Lucania ". The nature of Shrovetide songs is determined by the content of the rite. Most of them are teasing songs, simple in melody and rhythm, lively in tempo (for example, "Pot on a Coke", "Yak let's go to Vasil "). All of them have a screaming intonation. The choruses of these songs (they are dominated by bourdon polyphony) usually include speech intonations.Spring songs and nicknames are both "spoken" and "shouted". In them there are quart calls and the coloring of the fret by the game of thirds.
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source of information http:// www.puteshestvie32.ru/content/obryady http://www.nartwor.ru/attachments/article/1800/2. Фольклор. pdf
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