Презентация посвящена прадеду, участнику ВОВ, который принимал участие в сражениях, был награжден медалями, после войны трудился и жил в небольшом поселке на своей родине.
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Слайд 1
The Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 was one of the cruelest wars of the world’s history. There is no one family in our country, which wouldn’t be touched by this war. I would like to tell you about this war in my family.
Слайд 3
My great-grandfather Yerokhin Alexey Romanovich was born in Gormilovskaya Cossack village in the Upper Don district of Rostov Region on March 18, 1921. He finished 10 classes in school and went to the army in May, 1939. He served in artillery intelligence as radio operator. He took part in fight against Finns at the beginning of 1940. He served in Smolensk before the war. On June 19, 1941 he was in the Brest fortification with his military formation.
Слайд 4
On June 21, 1941 in the evening he followed together with his signal company to the railway station on a troop train. On June 22, 1941 in the morning at 5 o'clock his signal company was fired by German landing troops and was surrounded, it broke out of the encirclement with big losses. So, the war had began for my great-grandfather ...
Слайд 5
He had received the Order (by radio station) to follow to Leningrad. At the end of July, 1941 they reached the town Leningrad . He came back to his military formation where he continued his military serving as a radio operator. He took part in fights near Leningrad at Pulkovsky heights, where he provided radio communication: it is near Nevsky Dubrovka , "The Road of Life" on Lake Ladoga.
Слайд 7
H e was behind the enemy’s lines, where he broadcasted coordinates of enemy’s targets many times . He was awarded by the medal "For Courage". After breaking the Siege of Leningrad he scoured Baltic areas. At the end of 1944, while his troop was landing on Mukhu island, he was wounded and sent for treatment in Moscow. After recovery, he served in Moscow in artillery units as a radio operator. He was demobilized in 1947 and returned to his homeland.
Слайд 8
For participation in the war against the Nazi invaders he was awarded by the Order of “Great Patriotic War of 1st Degree", the Order "Red Star",
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medals "For courage", " For the Defense of Leningrad", " For the victory over Nazi Germany," and other anniversary medals and diplomas from the Supreme Commander.
Слайд 10
After demobilization my great-grandfather came back home. He was elected as a chairman of collective farm and was married. In 1948 and 1949 his children were born. Then he was appointed as an instructor of the Party committee of the district , he worked at the enterprises of the region in different ranks. Before retirement and health problems, he returned to the collective farm, where he worked as the carpenter.
Слайд 11
Alexey Romanovich died on March 13, 2004 and was buried on his homeland in Gormilovskaya Cossack village. T hanks to my grandpa for the victory
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