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English is your friendСлайд 2
Nowadays a lot of people are afraid of learning English, I’d like to understand why.
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The goal Goal: Find out why English is necessary to learn and write a book for new people who learn English.
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Tasks Tasks: Learn how English is around us. The position of English in the modern world. Make questions in English and ask them in class. Learn the most popular reasons "Why don't I like learning English/Why is English not important ". Summaries everything up .
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For understanding how English surrounds us I went for a walk in my native City. Everywhere I was looking I saw English banners starting with small things like a lot of prints on clothes and ending with big things like names of different places English is everywhere!
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But that's only the beginning. English language surrounds us even more in the World Wide Web! We listen to songs, read news, visit educational sites, enter the social media etc. English and the WWW
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English and the modern world The next thing I decided to do is to check the Internet to find out what role English plays in the modern world.
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According to Wikipedia: By the late 18th century, the British Empire had spread English through its colonies and geopolitical dominance. Commerce, science and technology, diplomacy, art, and formal education all contributed to English becoming the first truly global language. English also facilitated worldwide international communication.
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All around the world! According to 2016, 400 million people spoke English as their first language, and 1.1 billion spoke it as the secondary language. English is probably the third largest language by a number of native speakers, after Mandarin and Spanish. However, when combining native and non-native speakers it may depend on the estimate used, be the most commonly spoken language in the world. English is spoken by communities on every continent and on islands in all the major oceans. English plays a big role in the modern world
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General Questions : 1
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General Questions : 2
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Questions about speaking
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Questions about grammar
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What are people afraid of? I couldn't find any useful information about this question on the internet, so everything here is based on my experience and two quizzes I made for my class.
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1) Englishman don't learn our language and I'm not going to learn theirs! That's not true, a lot of people are interested in learning the Russian language even behind English-speaking countries. 2) I'm afraid a foreign language seems to be rather difficult for me... You only need to start , don't be afraid ; being afraid of the unknown is the most common fear. 3) English won't help me in the future!!! English is everywhere! And almost every job requires it to proceed with your career. 4) English will ruin my exams, why do we need to learn it? As said before "English is everywhere! And almost every job requires it to proceed with your career.". And for it not to ruin anything start learning it, just start! 5) I'm afraid I'm not smart enough... Anyone can learn English : just start slowly and don't go to the hard parts from the very beginning.
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6) Lack of motivation. It's a serious problem when you start learning something. If you try to search for it, you will always find it. Examples: I want to understand my favourite artist/singer ; I want to travel to another country, I want to find out what people are talking about , etc.
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Summing Up To sum up, English language plays a very important role in our lives and has a big impact in the modern world! Learning English is necessary. So I made a booklet with all the gathered information to help people start learning. It's available for free on LitRes and I plan to try to move a book to the publisher. I’d like more people to be attracted to learn English!
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Link to the book: https://tinyurl.com/y4crbxcf
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Additional sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language http://my-en.ru/helper/Russian-names-in-English.php https://busyteacher.org/12875-how-to-bring-everyday-english-esl-class.html
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