индивидуальный итоговый проект
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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Ярцевская средняя школа № 1»Ярцевского района Смоленской области
Индивидуальный итоговый
практико-ориентированный проект
«Easy methods of studying English words »
Автор проекта: Тарасова Валерия
Руководитель: Собянина Екатерина Викторовна,
учитель иностранного языка
Паспорт проекта
Наименование ОУ | Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Ярцевская средняя школа № 1» Ярцевского района Смоленской области |
Тема | «Эффективные способы изучения английского языка» |
Учебный предмет | Английский язык |
Автор | Тарасова Валерия |
Руководитель | Собянина Екатерина Викторовна |
Тип | Индивидуальный практико-ориентированный |
Аудитория | Обучающиеся 8-11 классов |
Актуализация (проблема) | Изучение английского языка очень важно в связи с глобализацией и развитием научно-технического прогресса. |
Гипотеза | Если использовать не только традиционный способ запоминания слов и выражений, то иностранный язык можно выучить намного быстрее. |
Цель | Создание ознакомительного буклета, содержащего эффективные способы изучения английских слов в помощь студентам нашей школы |
Задачи |
Методы | Теоретические: опрос старшеклассников; построение диаграмм и анализ опроса; изучение литературы и материалов Интернет-ресурсов по данной теме. Эмпирические: создание буклета, оформление презентации |
Оборудование | ПК, шаблон буклета |
Продукт | Ознакомительный буклет, презентация |
Паспорт программы | ……………………... | стр. | 2 |
Содержание | ……………………... | стр. | 3 |
Введение | ……………………... | стр. | 4-5 |
1.Мотивационный этап | ……………………... | стр. | 5 |
2.Подготовительный этап | .…………………….. | стр. | 5 |
3. Информационно-операционный этап | .…………………….. | стр. | 5 |
4. Практический этап | …………………….. | стр. | 5-6 |
5. Заключительный этап | ……………………... | стр. | 6-7 |
5.1. Оформление проекта | ……………………... | стр. | 6 |
5.2. Самооценка | ……………………... | стр. | 7 |
Заключение | ……………………... | стр. | 7 |
Литература и интернет-источники | …………………….. | стр. | 8 |
Приложение | ……………………... | стр. | 9-10 |
English language plays an important role nowadays. People all over the world speak English as their first or second official language. Besides, many people learn it for different reasons: travelling, international cooperation, business, or just for pleasure. We can hear English words from the screens of our TV sets and on radio. We can see them on the pages of modern magazines and on the Internet. It is very fashionable and prestigious to know English. But is it easy?
The problem: Leaning English language is very important nowadays because of globalization and the development of science and technologies.
The hypothesis: I suppose that there are some easy methods of learning English not only traditional one.
The aim of my project is creation of informative booklet with the easy methods of learning English to help students.
Accordingly to the aim I have put the following tasks:
Research methods:
Object of the research: senior students of our school at the age of 14-16.
Subject of the research: methods of learning English.
Project produce: Informative booklet for senior students containing easy methods of learning English
Steps of the project:
1. Motivation step
To begin with, I substantiate the opened problem and its necessity. I would like to tell the senior students about the importance of learning English words and its easy methods. I noticed that not all students are good at English at school and they spend a lot of time to do their homework. That’s why I decided to find the information which helps them to manage with difficulties.
2. Preparatory step
On this step I defined the project theme: “Easy methods of studying English words”.
The aim of my project is creation of informative booklet with the easy methods of learning English to help students.
Accordingly to the aim I have put the following tasks:
The hypothesis: I suppose that there are some easy methods of learning English not only traditional one.
I spoke to my teacher. We work out the plan and ways of my actions.
3. Information and operations step
I began my work with the survey and I ask 50 senior students 3 questions. (Supplement 1)
1. Do have you any difficulties with learning English words?
2. Do you spend much time for doing your English homework?
3. Would you like to learn different methods of learning English and take part in the experiment?
All of them answered “yes”.
For finding the information on my topic searched the Internet. Then I analyzed the data and began to do the next step.
4. Practical step
I learned the methods which are often recommended. (Supplement 2)
The results of my research has revealed the following: (Supplement 3)
I suggested senior students of our school to try learning English words with help of each method and I test them. To summarize the results of experiment I have drawn the conclusion that the most effective methods are Listening and Cards because they are the easiest in usage.
Memorizing before sleeping is like Traditional. It has the same results but help to save time
Knaesthetic method has a great disadvantage: you can`t do your actions with all words, e.g. you can`t touch verbs or adjectives. You can use this method only learning nouns.
Associations and dividing and combining are available to people with good imagination. They are perfect trainers for the development of creative mind.
5. Concluding step
5.1. Designing of the project.
At this stage, I have entered into the system all the data on the project and formed a project plan. And then I created an information booklet for senior students.
The booklet is a sheet advertising the products that are to obtain the final form of the bend in various ways. The part is printed in expanded form, and then the sheet is bent along one or more lines.
The aim of the booklet is to give the necessary information laconically and attract readers` attention. That`s why my booklet is bright and attractive. (Supplement 4)
Creating the booklet I tried to observe all necessary rules:
5.2. Self-rating.
Choosing the theme of my project I thought about the actuality and importance of the problem. I defined the aim of my project and put the tasks which help me to solve the problem.
Working on the project, I used new working methods such as analysis, survey for which I asked the necessary questions.
I analyzed the results of the study to build diagrams, drew conclusions and created an informative booklet with useful advice for senior students.
The booklet is made carefully, have aesthetic qualities (beauty, harmony).
While working on the project, I improved my skills in searching information in the Internet and learned to build and analyze diagrams.
I believe my project is easy to understand. It is interesting, logical and contains some new information
Creating the booklet I:
-determined the color scheme that will match, picked up the right font and drawings;
-learned the program to create a booklet in Microsoft Publisher
-cultivated a perseverance, neatness, aesthetic taste.
But to tell the truth, I had some difficulties with translation unknown words related to the design procedure of the project steps
As a result of the work done, the following conclusion can be drawn: the aim of the work has been achieved, the main tasks have been fulfilled. I conducted a survey among senior students, made diagrams, and analyzed them, created a booklet and drew conclusions. I showed the student how to work more effectively
English language- is language of international communications and I hope that my research will help them to study English words easier and will help to overcome the fear to speak with foreigners.
I want you to study English!
Informative resources
Supplement 1
Questions of the survey.
№ пп | Question | yes | no |
Do you have breakfast in the morning? | |||
Do you often have fast food and fizzy drinks? | |||
Do you eat vegetables and fruit every day? |
Supplement 2 Расшифровка каждого способа.
Go to bed!!!
Фоновый способ
Моторно-мышечный способ
1.Соотнести английское слово с реальным предметом.
Образный способ
Разбивочно-сочетательный способ
Тематические карточки
Supplement 3 The results of my research
Сила слова
Рисуем тыкву
Нора Аргунова. Щенята
Весёлые польки для детей