Проектная работа по английскому языку "Замкнутые экосистемы" учащихся 6-в класса Данкова Дмитрия и Новика Савелия
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The purpose of the project is creating a sustainable ecosystem.
The tasks are:
Have you ever studied a pond? It’s full of plants and animal life. A pond is a small ecosystem. An ecosystem is a community of living things that sustain itself.
All the living things in a pond are kept alive by the sunlight, water, air and minerals in their surroundings. The plants absorb sunlight, water and carbon dioxide in their leaves, and take in minerals through their roots.
The animals eat the plants or other animals. They breathe oxygen that plants give out from their leaves. When something dies, its body decays and the materials are recycled through the system. The plants and animals in an ecosystem do not need feeding from outside.
In the 21st century, will a man in the development of civilization manage to achieve a fully sustainable ecological system based on the concept of green prin before the global climate catastrophe?
Earth at the end of the 21st century is threatened by global climate disaster related to global warming and rising frequency and scale of emerging weather anomalies and climatic cataclysms.
In the 21st century, will a man in the development of civilization manage to achieve a fully sustainable ecological system based on the concept of green principles before the global climate catastrophe?
Around the world ecosystems are being harmed by human actions. Many species face extinction. But now governments and international organizations are working to conserve the national world for future generations. To conserve means to care for something so that it will survive into the future.
Draughts can lead to serious ecological problems since they can change the dynamics of an ecological system. For example, draughts can lead to the death of many animals and plants which in turn affects several other organisms. This can lead to a point where the ecological balance is lost and new equilibrium states can occur.
Earthquakes can also wipe out animals and plant species on a large scale and therefore change the affected ecological systems in an adverse manner.
Moreover, earthquakes can also lead to the spread of diseases due to unhygienic conditions and therefore may further alter the ecological systems.
Tornadoes can lead to a temporary change in the structure of an ecological system. Tornadoes may destroy buildings and also may lead to the destruction of forests.
This forest destruction in turn hurts many animals which now have to relocate to new habitats. In turn, this could lead to an imbalance in the ecosystem and may hurt biodiversity.
Rainfalls and floods can also hurt ecosystems since many animals and plants are likely to drown. Moreover, a mass of dead animals can also lead to a spread of diseases or even to a spread of epidemics or pandemics.
Due to our increasing world population and our rising consumption levels, we have to extract an increasing amount of resources out of the ground.
However, the extraction process through mining can hurt ecological systems since mining often involves soil pollution and also destroys natural habitats of animals which then have to find new habitats to relocate in order to survive.
Human interventions lead to the destruction of many habitats worldwide. This is especially true when it comes to deforestation.
Large areas of forest are cut down on a daily basis. In the Amazon Rainforest, it is quite common to intentionally burn down forests in order to get more space for farming purposes.
However, this behavior is quite harmful to local ecosystems since it destroys the habitat of a huge variety of species.
Illegal dumping is a big problem for ecosystems, especially in poor developing countries. Industries often dump their trash into nearby rivers and lakes, which leads to several kinds of pollution and therefore hurts many animals and plants which are living in those ecosystems.
Littering can also be a serious problem for our ecosystems. A prominent example of littering is the disposal of used cigarettes into nature. Many wildfires are started each year due to incorrect disposal of cigarettes in forests. In these cases, the effects of littering on the respective ecosystems are dramatic.
The emission of greenhouse gases can have severe adverse effects on ecological systems since greenhouse gases contribute to global warming.
Global warming in turn leads to several kinds of ecological problems and many animals and plants will lose their natural habitats due to the effects of climate change.
Our consumption levels skyrocketed during the last decades since our average income increased and the prices for goods dropped compared to our wealth levels. Therefore, people consume large amounts of material things.
However, this consumption behavior has severe adverse effects on our ecosystems, since it implies issues like resource depletion and all kinds of pollution.
The production of excessive waste is another serious ecological problem. Since our consumption levels are quite high, this also implies large amounts of waste produced each day. We have to get rid of this waste somehow.
This is often done through the combustion of waste. However, in the combustion process, harmful substances are emitted into the air, which in the long run can hurt many ecosystems and related animals and plants on a global scale.
Some of our ecological problems can lead to the endangerment or even extinction of species. Some species only occur in a few parts of our environmental system. If these areas are destroyed due to natural disasters or due to human interventions, these species will be lost forever.
Through ecological problems like greenhouse gas emissions and the resulting effects of global warming, many people will lose their livelihood. This may be due to the fact that global warming will exacerbate the problem of water scarcity.
Thus, many farmers will no longer be able to tilt their fields or to raise cattle since they will simply not have enough water for these purposes. Moreover, many islands will be flooded due to a rise in sea levels.
This will also destroy the livelihood of many people and will also lead to migration movements of the affected people.
Due to illegal dumping, significant levels of water pollution can occur. For example, in many developing countries, industrial waste is often just disposed of into nearby lakes or rivers, which leads to significant water pollution.
Significant amounts of air pollution can occur due to industrial manufacturing processes and also due to the daily use of motor vehicles.
Air pollution contributes to the global warming issue and may also hurt ecological systems since animals are usually quite sensitive to their natural living conditions.
If there is too much air pollution, animal populations may decline due to diseases related to air pollution.
Due to natural causes like earthquakes or also through human intervention, the soil in many ecosystems can become polluted which hurts the local flora and fauna and can lead to further ecological problems since ecosystems are quite complex and interactional.
Man-made ecological problems can also lead to the depletion of natural resources. Due to the growing world population, also the demand for material goods increases. These goods have to be constructed out of natural resources.
However, many of these natural resources like metal are non-renewable and may become depleted in the future if we do not reduce our consumption levels.
Ecological problems like the emission of harmful greenhouse gases contribute to the global warming issue. Global warming in turn will lead to a massive decline in biodiversity and will also hurt many people who will have to migrate in order to find a new home.
Biodiversity loss may be caused by many ecological problems, either by natural causes like earthquakes or also through human interventions in ecological systems.
In the last decades, we have already lost a significant amount of species. The problem of biodiversity loss is likely to increase in the future due to many ecological problems our planet currently faces.
One measure to protect our ecological systems is to install conservation areas where animals and plant populations can recover and live in peace with nature and are safe from harmful human interventions. Conservation areas may therefore help to reestablish the balance of ecosystems.
Many ecological systems had been suffering from human interventions in the past. These ecosystems should be restored in order to preserve endangered species and to give them a habitat where they can restore their populations.
There should be quite strict government regulations regarding the use of natural habitats for human purposes. It should be more difficult for profit-maximizing firms to use untouched nature for their purposes which often involves significant amounts of pollution.
Governments should set a framework in which the protection of ecological systems is regarded as more important than the goal of profit maximization of firms.
High fines for littering and illegal dumping
Illegal dumping and littering can impose severe damage to our ecosystems. Therefore, in order to reduce the incentive for those harmful actions, fines and control mechanisms regarding those actions should be increased significantly.
Our forests are crucial for human survival since they are storage spaces for many harmful gases and also provide plenty of oxygen. They are also a natural habitat for a variety of animals and other organisms. Thus, in order to mitigate a variety of ecological problems, we have to stop or at least reduce the level of deforestation.
Our consumption behavior is a big problem for our ecological systems. We have to be aware that all goods we consume are made out of natural resources.
Excessive consumption can therefore lead to resource depletion and will also lead to the destruction of many natural habitats.
Therefore, it is crucial to reduce our consumption behavior in order to protect our ecosystems.
Large amounts of waste are produced every day. In order to get rid of this waste, a significant fraction of it is burned which leads to all sorts of ecological problems.
Moreover, another part of the waste is dumped into landfills, where toxic chemicals may lead to massive soil pollution.
In order to mitigate the adverse effects on our ecological systems, we should try to reduce waste production whenever possible in our daily life.
Reusing and recycling material things is crucial in order to mitigate several ecological issues. When you have old things that you do no longer use but that are still working, ask your family or friends if they need those items. If not, at least make sure that you dispose of these items appropriately in order to enable effective recycling.
We have to educate our children about the adverse effects of human interventions on our ecological systems. By doing so, when these children turn into grownups, they are likely to behave in an ecologically-friendly manner.
Moreover, children are often able to convince their parents which may also behave more environmentally-friendly.
An ecosystem is an interdependent, functioning system of plants, animals and microorganisms. An ecosystem can be as large as the Mojave Desert, or as small as a local pond. Without the support of the other organisms within their own ecosystem, life forms would not survive, much less thrive. Such support requires that predators and prey, fire and water, food and shelter, clean air and open space remain in balance with each other and with the environment around them.
Climate is an integral part of ecosystems and organisms have adapted to their regional climate over time. Climate change is a factor that has the potential to alter ecosystems and the many resources and services they provide to each other and to society.
In various regions across the world, some high-altitude and high-latitude ecosystems have already been affected by changes in climate. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reviewed relevant published studies of biological systems and concluded that 20 percent to 30 percent of species assessed may be at risk of extinction from climate change impacts within this century if global mean temperatures exceed 2-3 °C (3.6-5.4 °F) relative to pre-industrial levels.
These changes can cause adverse or beneficial effects on species. For example, climate change could benefit certain plant or insect species by increasing their ranges. The risk of extinction could increase for many species, especially those that are already endangered or at risk due to isolation by geography or human development, low population numbers, or a narrow temperature tolerance range.
During the course of this century the resilience of many ecosystems (their ability to adapt naturally) is likely to be exceeded by an unprecedented combination of change in climate and in other global change drivers (especially land use change and overexploitation), if greenhouse gas emissions and other changes continue at or above current rates. By 2100 ecosystems will be exposed to atmospheric CO2 levels substantially higher than in the past 650,000 years, and global temperatures at least among the highest as those experienced in the past 740,000 years. This will alter the structure, reduce biodiversity and perturb functioning of most ecosystems, and compromise the services they currently provide.
Making an ecosystem in a bottle is a fun way to learn about how plants and animals interact with their surrounding environment. You can monitor your ecosystem and record any changes that you notice on a daily basis. To create your own bottle ecosystem, you can try making a simple plant-based ecosystem, a more complex plant and water ecosystem, or an aquatic bottle ecosystem.
If you would like to make your own self-sustainable ecosystem, consisting of either plants or fish, here are some of the main principles, steps to take, and ideas to try!
As we said, a small container often prevents the ecosystem from growing properly and the elements within from interacting correctly with each other. You can start by using a medium/large container to create the ecosystem.
Larger containers allow for the inclusion of multiple diverse species and give everything room to evolve naturally. Here are some things you need to know about containers:
No matter what type of self-sustainable ecosystem you want to build, you need to pick a clear container to let the light in. Usually, terrariums and aquariums use glass containers. If you want to step up your eco-game, you can look for a recycled glass container as well.
You can go for a small container if you want to experiment and see what works best for you. However, medium and large containers are the ones you should opt for. Keep in mind that the size can lead to significant expenses and some discomfort regarding the placement of the future ecosystem in your home.
No matter what type of self-sustainable ecosystem you want to build, make sure the container is free of any residue before using it as a terrarium or aquarium. Do not clean them with bleach or chemicals.
If you want to build a terrarium for plants, make sure you get a bowl or a container that is sealable. The container should also feature a wide mouth/opening so you can work inside better.
Both plant terrariums and fish aquariums need substrates to begin. Each of these two self-sustaining ecosystems features different substrates: soil or water. Let us see how to begin:
The time has come to bring in the residents of the ecosystems we want to create.
You can place an ecosystem in direct sunlight or another suitable light source (which must include the entire visible light spectrum).
Our ecological systems are quite important since they are the basis for the development of all life on earth. Our planet currently faces many ecological problems, many of them made by human behavior.
Therefore, in order to mitigate these problems, everyone of us can contribute his or her part through easy measures in our daily life.
By doing so, we can make our contribution to mitigating ecological problems and therefore to ensure a livable future for the next generations.
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Ecosystems Project by Dmitry Dankov and Savely Novik, 6 th grade Tutor Elvira KonikСлайд 2
The purpose of the project is: Creating a sustainable ecosystem
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The tasks are: Explain what is meant by an ecosystem Identify the roles of different organisms in an ecosystem Describe a range of local, national and global environmental problems Explain the effects of these problems on wildlife and people Make an ecosystem in a bottle
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Pond Ecosystem An ecosystem is a community of living things that sustains itself
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Threats to the environment Around the world ecosystems are being harmed by human actions.
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An ecosystem in a bottleСлайд 2
In conclusion, I’d like to say that We managed to make a fully sustainable ecosystem based on the concept of green principles before the global climate catastrophe
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Thank you
Аэродинамика и воздушный шарик
Астрономический календарь. Март, 2019
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