Международный конкурс сочинений на иностранных языках учащихся образовательных учреждений городов Улан-Удэ и Улан-Батор на тему: «Много языков-один мир»
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Международный конкурс сочинений на иностранных языках учащихся образовательных учреждений городов Улан-Удэ и Улан-Батор на тему:
«Много языков-один мир»
ФИ: Дашажамсуева Диана
ОУ, класс: ГБОУ «Лицей-интернат №61», 10 «Б» класс
Руководитель: Мещерикова Ольга Александровна
г. Улан-Удэ
Language is the road map of culture.
It tells where its people come from
And where they are going.
Rita Mae Brown
What is the language? It is the greatest invention of the humanity. It’s an essential and forming part of every culture. Language is a mean of communication between people, cultures and ages. In my opinion, language has a big meaning in world’s culture and I’d like to share my thoughts about it in this composition.
Language is not just a set of sounds and letters; it is a complicated system which carries out some very important tasks. First of all, let’s look back on the times of the pre-historic world. People had already learnt how to get fire and hunt mammoths. And primitive people had had a need to store and imprint their gained experience since then. That’s why there appeared a rock painting. But our ancestors understood that this kind of information storage was short-lived and a picture couldn’t express everything they wanted to tell about. This problem motivated an ancient man to create more perfect means of storage and the accumulated knowledge transference. They made up a language. Of course, for the first time it was just a set of unclear sounds, but then they had an opportunity to communicate with each other. It became a great discovery for people of that time. As well as for us, because if our ancestors hadn’t made up the language, we wouldn’t learn anything about our world.
Another function which language carries out is culture forming. There are more than three thousand languages in the world and there is the tendency of their extinction. For example, in Buryatia, my motherland, there are two official languages: Russian and Buryat and the alarming problem is the Buryat language is becoming less popular. The young don’t want to learn it because Buryat is not wide-spread nowadays. Only the old still keep the language and their national traditions but who will adopt this valuable baggage after them? More and more people say that if the Buryat language becomes extinct, the Buryat culture will die out. As well such a situation touches upon lots of languages. When people stop speaking their native language, they start to forget their customs and it all leads to the death of the whole culture. That’s why it’s important to keep a language to save a culture.
Federico Fellini said: “A different language is a different vision of life”. I absolutely agree with his saying and I think that by means of language we can learn about other people, their culture, lifestyles, because language contains a part of speaker’s nationality mentality, traditions and customs. For instance, if we have a look at the greetings of some nationalities, we can see that they express people’s essence and attitude to others: when Chinese greet people, they say “你好”, that means “you are good”. They say it because they want to show their politeness and hospitality; when the Russians greet someone, they usually say the word “здравствуй”, which means “bless you”. It is not casual because being healthy for the Russians is closely related to climatic conditions in our country, so it is the best wish. Just in greeting we can see a part of man’s mentality.
And the most important role of the language is that it’s a mean of international communication. If there were no languages, we wouldn’t survive, because communication is everything for a human being. Speaking languages gives lots of opportunities and opens all the doors.
To sum up, I’d like to say that our language is a basis of relationship between people, moreover, it is a basis of progress. It’s a bridge which connects us to the past and future.
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