Проект по английскому языку "Путешествие по России
Формирование социокультурной компетенции предполагает увеличение объема знаний о социокультурной специфике англоговорящих стран, формирование умений выделять общее и специфическое в культуре родной страны и страны изучаемого языка.
Огромное значение для формирования социокультурной компетенции имеет изучение культуры не только англоговорящих стран, но и родной страны. Обучение иностранному языку дает большие возможности для воспитания патриотов своей страны. То, что ребенок может представить культуру и традиции своего народа или региона, где он живет, часто является одним из мотивов изучения иностранного языка. Знакомство с дополнительными материалами по истории, культуре родной страны расширяет кругозор школьников, стимулирует образное мышление, формирует национальное самосознание.
Современность требует от выпускников умения презентовать свои работы, творческие разработки, пользоваться ресурсами Интернет. Я считаю, что уроки с применением метода проекта и использованием компьютерных презентаций способствуют формированию и развитию этих навыков и умений. Работая над проектом, учащиеся продолжают совершенствовать навыки работы с текстом, грамматикой и новой лексикой.
Задача учащихся использовать материалы дополнительных источников для подготовки виртуальной экскурсии по российским городам.
· учебный аспект – развитие речевых умений, умения систематизировать учебный материал, уметь применять его в учебной ситуации;
· социокультурный аспект – знакомство учащихся с историей и достопримечательностями городов России;
· развивающий аспект – развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия;
· воспитательный аспект – привитие учащимся любви к родной стране, воспитание уважения к истории и памятникам культуры.
Участники - учащиеся 10 класса
Предметная область- английский язык
Основополагающий вопрос:
How can you win the Tourist Agencies Competition?
Как выиграть конкурс туристических агентств?
Проблемные вопросы:
1. What Russian cities are most popular among tourists?
Какие города России самые популярные среди туристов?
2. What are the most popular sights in those cities?
Каковы самые популярные достопримечательности в этих городах?
3. Can you lead a tour without leaving the classroom?
Можно ли провести экскурсию, не выходя из класса?
Деятельность учащихся:
Сбор информации о самых популярных достопримечательностях выбранного города.
Составление презентации по выбранному городу.
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Velikiy UstyugСлайд 2
Location Velikiy Ustyug is located 450 km northeast of Vologda, on the left bank of the river Sukhona. One of the oldest cities in the Russian North has preserved a rich cultural heritage. Since 1999, declared the birthplace of the All-Russian Santa Claus.
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Church of the Ascension
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Uspenskiy Cathedral The central temple complex is a catholic Courtyard. here is the Cathedral of the Uspenskiy , built in 1619-1659, respectively. The interior of the temple is decorated with carved stucco and frescoes.
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In Velikiy Ustyug a lot of beautiful buildings.
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Mail Santa Claus. In the center of town is the post office of Santa Claus. Here you can see the letters sent to Santa Claus from around the country, and ordered to send New Year greetings to their relatives and friends.
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To the house of Santa Claus leads trail of fairy tales. Here you can see the Goblin, a wise owl, and other characters.
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Come to Velikiy Ustyug .
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KalugaСлайд 2
Kaluga – it is a typical town of Central Russia. Getting here, you begin to realize the beauty of the province, the beauty of her lovely, cozy courtyards, quiet gardens and ancient churches. Life here goes by their special regulations, unhurried and measured
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Attractions of Kaluga is very hard to describe, because the whole city is one big souvenir vast country. It is located on the banks of the river Oka, in whose honor was named the first Russian sports car / coupe
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It's a small town appeared on the map of Russia in 1317. While there is evidence of settlements which is situated on the site of the modern subject for 7 thousand years BC.Officially , the city's history dates back to the XIV century. Very tiny then, even today it has an area of only 530 km. Despite this the city is the center of the field. Attractions of Kaluga is primarily the monuments of ancient architecture, of which there are many
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Kaluga region is situated in the heart of the East European plain, in the South-West from the capital of Russia. It shares borders with Moscow, Orel, Smolensk, Tula and Bryansk regions. Muscovites gladly come here to take a break from the frantic pace.
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Nature has created some of the best attractions of Kaluga. The city stands at the intersection of four rivers: Yachenka , Cherepets , Kievka and an Eye. This creates favorable conditions for the growth of trees, it is not surprising that the city is immersed in greenery
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The sights of the city is living its pages, which serve as reminders of past glory. Here lived and worked the eminent mathematician, inventor, theorist of cosmonautics Konstantin Tsiolkovsky . The city never forgets this, and as a confirmation on the flag is the first Soviet satellite. That is why the space Museum opens attractions of Kaluga
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Since the city is so famous honor of space explorers, he could not do without a planetarium. In the Kaluga planetarium held a very interesting lecture that will interest anyone. Above his head revealed the full horizon, soft music, and slowly the lecturer tells you the legends associated with Aeronautics, constellations, and exploring other planets
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Kaluga-a real city parks. The whole city is completely covered in green canopy and cut this splendor blue lines of the rivers. Perhaps the most beautiful and scenic should be considered as Central city Park. Where today are noisy tree-lined avenues, once stood a fortress with battle towers. Because wanting to capture Moscow was a lot, these walls are not just played out the battle.
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The Church is the main treasure of the city of Kaluga.Want to celebrate St. John the Baptist Church. It was first erected in 1685, after this time underwent changes and reconstruction, but through the art of the masters still looks like an ancient castle. The building is made of red bricks with white ornaments. Looks very nice, the dome is sky blue, like the sky. Inside the Church is amazing: stunning paintings, colorful stained glass Windows
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The city has many beautiful obelisks and sculptures.The young Gagarin monument is placed near a space Museum. In addition, there are a huge number of ancient buildings, which are landmarks of Kaluga and Kaluga region
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Kaluga drama theatre has existed for over two centuries. Almost all known Russian talent started their studies and career here. In Kaluga served as young Savina, here toured P. Mochalov, M. Schepkin, G. Fedotov and many others. Nearby is a monument to theatrical audiences.
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thanks for watching!
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KazanСлайд 2
Kazan is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities the Russian Federation. Kazan is located in a very picturesque place. Two rivers — the Volga river and the Kazanka river, which played an important role in the history of the peoples of the country — meet here.
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It is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan .
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The population of Kazan is 1,205,651 people. Kazan - a multinational city. Main nationalities living in Kazan - it Tatar and Russian
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Climate Kazan is located in the zone of moderate continental climate. However, in the winter there are very severe frosts and in the summer months from June to August, temperatures can reach up to + 33 ° C. The warmest month of the year - July (+18 ... +20 ° C), the coldest - January (-13 ... -14 ° C).
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Tower Syuyumbike Tower Syuyumbike Kazan Tatar sounds like Sөembikә manarasy or Sөyembikə manarası, which means watchtower and the watchtower. This building is located in the city of Kazan Kremlin. The peculiarity of the tower - it relegated to the category of "falling" towers
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Annunciation Cathedral Annunciation Cathedral of the Kazan Kremlin is one of the most beautiful monuments of Russian architecture, created in the 16th century. Annunciation Cathedral Kazan seemingly repeats the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. At the base of the temple there are many burial Kazan hierarchs. Pskov style temple can be seen in the strip ornament. The Cathedral is the cultural heritage of Russia and federal architectural monument.
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Kazan Kremlin Kazan Kremlin - a fortress located in the heart of the city of Kazan. It is a cultural monument and gathered the Orthodox and Muslim face, Russian and Tatar temples. He also is a World Heritage Site since 2000, and has the status of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation and is the status of the museum reserve. The Kremlin has the governor's palace, it is also used as the residence of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan . It occupies a total area of 1.5 square kilometers and a circumference of 1.8 square kilometers. It is also worth to say that the Kremlin has quite a rich illumination at night.
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Kul Sharif mosque Kul Sharif mosque in Kazan status are the main mosque of the five-pointed throughout the Republic of Tatarstan The mosque is located inside the walls of the Kazan Kremlin. Construction of the Muslim temple began in 1996, and it was conceived as a re-creation of the legendary mosque mnogominaretnoy again. At the time it was the center of Muslim religious education, as well as for the development of the sciences of the Middle Volga region in the 16th century. This mosque destroyed army of the king of Russia Ivan the Terrible during the assault on the city in the middle of the 16th century. The name was in honor of Imam Seid Kul -Sharif, he was the last, and was directly involved in the defense of Kazan.
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Entertainment complex with a water park Riviera is the most popular place in Kazan
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KizhiСлайд 2
Kizhi- Island on Lake Onega in Karelia, which is world-famous architectural ensemble of Kizhi, consisting of two churches and bell towers XVIII-XIX centuries .
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According to one legend, the Preobrazhensk a y a church was built by one ax, which is then the master threw into the lake.
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In 199 0, the Kizhi churchyard became a UN E SCO World Heritage List in 1993 by Presidential Decree architectural collection of open-air museum is included in the State Register of especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of Russia.
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Church Preobrazheniya Gospodnya Church PreobrazheniyaGospodnya (1714) - the most famous and outstanding construction of the ensemble. June 6, 1714 there waslaid the altar of the church. The church is crowned heads of 22. This is a monument of federal importance.
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VladimirСлайд 2
Vladimir - a city in Russia , administrative center of the city district of Vladimir region " Municipality city of Vladimir ." The ancient capital of North-Eastern Russia . One of the biggest tourist centers of the European part of Russia . Included in the Golden Ring of Russia . The city's area - 124.59 square kilometers . Population - 352 681chel . Located mainly on the left bank of the Klyazma River , 176 km east of Moscow. Transport hub on the road and rail routes .
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Vladimir Base Base Vladimir traditionally associated with the chronicles that Vladimir Monomakh laid the city in 1108. Accordingly, the 850th anniversary of his noted in 1958. In the 1990s, the Vladimir historians in favor of postponement of the date of foundation of the city for 990 years. In support of this date given the news late chronicle of a number of sources - Suprasl, Gustynsky, Ermolinskaya, Nikon, Kholmogorsk chronicles abbreviated chronicles in 1493 and 1495's, chronicles in 1497 and 1518 years, the extent of the book, Russian chronograph, Tver chronicles. All these texts indicate that Vladimir on the Klyazma Vladimir Svyatoslavich founded in the year 990.
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SCHOOLS IN VLADIMIR In the years 1783-1785 in Vladimir built building public places, in 1786 the city opened the first noble institution, transformed in 1804 to the school; in 1796 established the main and small public schools in November 1797 opened the first printing house in Vladimir, in January 1834 - the first provincial public library, 1847 - Drama Theatre, in 1862 - the provincial museum. January 8, 1838 published the first issue of the newspaper "Vladimir Provincial Gazette." In the years 1838-1840 in Vladimir in exile Alexander Herzen, who became the first editor of the unofficial part of the Provincial Gazette. It runs through the city notorious "Vladimirka" road-stage in Siberian exile.
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Geography, topography, river The city is located on the border of two natural areas: north of Vladimir Vladimir treeless stretches sublime Opole, sub - forest and swampy Meshchera Lowlands. The relief of the city complex. The oldest part of the center is on the high left bank of the river Klyazma, to cool down to the river hills separated by deep ravines. Klyazma flows through the city for 2.5 km and 5 more kilometers along the city borders, the width of the river in Vladimir is 130 m. In the city also runs about 60 rivers and streams, the most famous of which are Rpen, Lybed, Sodyshka (Reservoir an area of about 100 ha) and Sungir .
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Climate Climate Vladimir close to the climate of Moscow. The climate is continental . Winter is moderately cold , with a cyclical warming and severe frosts , sometimes reaching up to thaw . Spring arrives in April . Summer is warm , but relatively short , with occasional periods of extreme heat . Autumn comes at the end of August. Climate Vladimir Index January February March April May June July August September October November December medium average maximum , °C −6,6 −7,6 0,4 10,5 19,1 21,5 24,9 22,9 16,1 8,5 1,4 −2,9 9 average temperature , °C −7 −9,3 −2,8 6 13,8 16,8 19,8 18,1 12,2 5,8 0,2 −3,9 5,8 average minimum , °C −10,3 −11,5 −6,3 1,5 8,6 11,8 14,6 13,2 8 2,7 −1,5 −6,8 2
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Culture and art Work Vladimir Regional Drama Theatre . Lunacharsky , Puppet Theatre , the Philharmonic , several libraries , among them - the central city . Vladimir-Suzdal History , Architecture and Art Museum-Reserve - a comprehensive museum that combines the exposure and the interiors of the Assumption and Demetrius Cathedral, Museum " Old Vladimir " military- historical exposition in the Golden Gate , the house-museum of merchants Stoletovs , exhibition " Crystal, lacquer miniature embroidery "in the Old Believers Trinity Church , etc. Golden Gate
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1. Golden Gate An outstanding monument of ancient architecture, built in 1164 when Vladimir Prince Andrei Bogolubsky . In addition to defense purposes , and the gates were triumphant character. They made out the front door to the richest princes and boyars of the city. In 1992, it included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.
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2. Assumption Cathedral An outstanding monument of white-stone architecture of pre-Mongol Russia. The original temple was built by Andrei Bogolyubsky, completed and adopted the final form of the Grand Prince Vsevolod Big Nest at the end of the XII century. Historically, before the rise of Moscow, has been the main (cathedral) hramomVladimiro-Suzdal, got married there on the great reign of Vladimir and Moscow princes. Monument of Russian architecture of the XII century, which served as a model for a number of more recent councils, including Dormition Cathedral Aristotle Fioravanti. One of the few temples in which preserved the unique freskiAndreya Rublev. In 1992, it included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.
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3. Demetrius Cathedral The court cathedral, built by Vsevolod Big Nest in the prince's court and consecrated in honor of the martyr Demetrius the end of XII century. Famous for its white-stone carvings . In 1992, it included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.
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4. Water Tower Monument engineering and industrial architecture of the beginning. XX century . The building of the tower is a museum " Old Vladimir " , dedicated to the history of the city of the XIX-XX centuries .
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5. City Duma The monument of civil architecture of the beginning. XX century , built in pseudo-Russian style at the Cathedral Square next to the Cathedral of the Assumption . In 1940-1980 gg. the building housed the Palace of Pioneers .
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6. Catholic church The current Catholic Church in the late XIX . Located next to the regional drama theater near the Golden Gate .
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7. Museum of Nature City Museum , tells about the flora and fauna of the Vladimir region. Included in the exhibits of the Vladimir- Suzdal Museum-Reserve .
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The coat of arms of Vladimir Vladimir - symbolism coat of arms coat of arms of Vladimir reinstated March 17, 1992 . " The red field shows a rampant lion , having iron crown on his head , holding the front right paw a long silver cross " , - stated in the description. Leo is considered to be a generic sign of Vladimir princes . Flag Flag Vladimir repeats the heraldic symbols of the coat of arms of the city.
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Travelling to YaroslavlСлайд 2
history of the city Yaroslavl - the first Russian city on the Volga. First mentioned in 1017 in the "Tale of Bygone Years". In the early 13th century, Constantine begins build up Yaroslavl stone temples. In the 17th century, the city became the largest center of the Moscow State after Moscow. During the industrialization of Yaroslavl to become a major industrial center. In July 1918, the city became the scene of one of the largest demonstrations against the Soviet regime - Yaroslavl uprising.
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location of Yaroslavl is the location of the East European Plain, its the central part. Yaroslavl - the administrative center of Yaroslavl region, located on the right bank. Volga River, a distance of 282 km north-east of Moscow. In this city there are multiple railway junctions and road junctions, including property in Yaroslavl. In addition, Yaroslavl has an airport and river port. The tourism industry is very developed in Yaroslavl, and growing.
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emblem of Yaroslavl
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history of Yaroslavl The city was founded in 1010 by Yaroslav the Wise as a fortress to protect the north-eastern border of Russia. It was the first Christian city on the Volga. In 1238, he sacked and burned the Mongol-Tatars. In 1463, Yaroslavl became a member of the Moscow State. Here in the case of danger to transport the state treasury.
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HISTORIC PLACES Holy Transfiguration Monastery One of the oldest monasteries in the North-West of Russia, according to the documents known since 1186. In 1213, the monastery was the first in the Russian school - called Grygoryivsky porch (later he was transferred to Rostov).
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Church of the Savior on the city The temple was situated on a smooth slope to the lower promenade Kotorosl , where one of the most massive towers of the fortress town called Earthen Zeleynaya-Podzeleynaya .
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Church of the Epiphany One of the most famous monuments of the city of Yaroslavl, creating his unique and unique appearance - is the church of the Epiphany. Its construction is to 1684-1693 years, owes its existence to it means wealthy Yaroslavl merchant Alexei Zubchaninov
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The ancient icon of Yaroslavl "Yaroslavl Orans", the beginning of the XIII century "Spas Golden Hair", the beginning of the XIII century "Nicholas, belt," the first half of the XIV century
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Church of Elijah the Prophet - the church in the center of Yaroslavl in the Soviet area, an outstanding architectural monument of the Yaroslavl school of architecture of XVII century. Is run by the Diocese of Yaroslavl and Rostov and Yaroslavl Museum.
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night landscape in Yaroslavl
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The monument to the founder of Prince Yaroslav the Wise of Yaroslavl is located on an area of the Epiphany in the center of Yaroslavl.
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Very close to the Holy Transfiguration Monastery monument bear, set in 2009 for the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl. Bronze Bear with paw raised stood on a huge rock, like the legend of the foundation of Yaroslavl, which bear left towards Yaroslav the Wise. There is a monument in this feature - each hour bear growls.
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The monument to Nikolai Nekrasov - Russian poet, writer, publicist, uchivshemusya in Yaroslavl.
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The End
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Камилл Фламмарион: "Астрономия - наука о живой Вселенной"